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Controversy at AVRO show

19th May 1988, Page 28
19th May 1988
Page 28
Page 28, 19th May 1988 — Controversy at AVRO show
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Despite the absence of Wreckers international, most of the exhibitors at the Association of Vehicle Recovery Operator's show in Warwick felt happy to support the organisation. Some of them, however, felt that the opportunity to exhibit at a hands-on show, of the type put on by Wreckers (CM 12-18 May), would not go amiss and, although there are problems with insurance, the organisers will be looking at the possibility of such a show next year.

Controversy was raised by the leaking of an internal RAC document that looks at the future for vehicle recovery clubs. The document raises the issues of leasing vans to operators in RAC colours, solus operation for recovery firms and designated special areas for chosen operators.

The reaction of AVRO's members was one of fear, as the number of call-outs for operators has recently dropped to an all-time low. AVRO itself feels that "this is a terrible time to introduce this element to the industry". A crisis meeting between the RAC's Terry Unsworth and AVRO resulted in an agreement to have a further formal meeting between the two parties to discuss the issues raised by the document.

Although the show was well received by exhibitors and visitors alike, there were several proposals for next year, including a higher profile organiser's reception and the possibility of a different venue.

"We are going through a learning curve," says AVRO's Kevin Kelly, "although we have learnt a great deal this year. There will definitely be another show next year."