The Motor Omnibus World.
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The Torquay Corporation has greed to license eleetrobuses within its rea, but has declined to license motor txicabs.
The Standish (near Wigan) District 'ouneil has under consideratioinan aplication for licenses in respect of a conmmlated service of motorbuses bevren that place and Chorley, via Copan.
Edinburgh's Motorbuses.
The Scottish Motor Traction Co., lia,s added a 25h.p. Thornyeroft hassis with Civersedge body to its eel, and this omnibus is running on ic Edinburg,h-Penicuik route, making 3 journeys of 14 miles per day. A laudslay ,esh.p. chassis is also on rder, being the 14th of that make.
London Electrobus Company.
Permission has been ancorded the ,ondon Llectrohus Company, Limited, ) stand its omnibuses within the foreaurt of Victoria Station. The same ampany has recently offered for subniption 5o,000 six per cent. mortgage ebentures, redeemable, at the end of 919, at Ina. It appears that the cornany's receipts have, during the past -tree months, been practically sufficient
cover running and depreciation targes.
The Traffic Department.
ERVICE. 3. This section of the. amalgamated companies' system, which was until recently worked by Vanguard machines between " the Swan and Sugar Loaf '' • at South Croydon :Lod Oxford Circus, was, as recorded in our issue of the 5th instant, altered, on the 3ist ultimo, to run between Brixton Station and Purley. The original route—between South Croydon and Oxford Circus-has now again been adopted for this service. Comment is made elsewhere in the present issue upon these frequent changes of itinerary.
iREAT EASTERN.—The Epping Forest to Marble Arch Service on Sundays was, on the isth instant, altered to rim between Ceylon and Marble Arch via Lea Bridge Road, Hackney and Holborn.
Claim Against a Corporation.
We reported, in our issue of the 3oth aty last, an accident to a motorbus -hich belonged to the Rawtenstall 'orporation, in the course of a tour of lspection to the water-works. This lislum appears to have given rise to a eculiar legal difficulty, for, at the RawLaistall County Court, on the loth intaut, one of the injured passengers, htrough his solicitor, Mr. C. H. Picktone, of Bury, applied for a day to be et aside for the hearing of the case. ;ounsel on behalf of the Rawtenstall ;orposattion applied for an adjournment isle die, on the ground that the Cororation had issued writs for an action
the f figh Court against the plaintiff, nd against all the other passengers in he vehicle, for taking the onmibus Iona; a dangerous road and damaging n It was agreed to adjourn the case Noisy Buses at Slough.
The SlouA.;ti l:rban District Council, at its last IiieLhIg, adopted the follow ing resolut ikes : That this council requests the Great Western Railway Companv to tak-z: the necessary steps to lessen the noise produced lw their motor omnibuses." The convenience of the services was admitted by the councillors who dioaissad the motion, but the speakers aopewred to agree that some of the vehicles were exceptionallytmisy.
To Count Motorbus "Takings."
Alfred I torment, Limited, of Coventry, is repeatedly showing signs of Fresh enterprise; its latest acquisition is the patents and the selling and manufaci ming rights. in the British Empire or a coin-counting and packet in g nit which should prove a useful instrument in the hands of bus and cab companies, tramway and railway undertakings and others concerned with the handling of a large and assorted collection of coins. This ingenious machine is electrically driven and it can be run off any ordinary lighting circuit. In addition to its fariiiiv for parcellingmoney into neat cartridge forni, this machine rejects any had or hem coins and will pack pennies into live-shilling packets ;it the rate of 400 wins per minute. Large numbers of the machines have already been sold on tho Continent and we congratulate Alfred Ilerhert. Limited, on its having obtained con ;r0l for this country.
Sussex Motor Road Car Company.
meetingof the creditors of the Sussex Motor Road Car Co,, ltd., was held, in London, on the ith instant, when the Official Receiver for Brighton (Mr. E. W. J. Savill) stated that the windiunr-up order was made on the
6111 October. The gross liabilities amounted to 44,980 85. 9d., of which 3,109 145. is expected to rank. The sums due to unsecured creditors amount to j2442 35. 7d,, loans on dehenture honds J-TI,o8o 6s. 8d., and to three preferential creditors the sum due
4:57 18s. 6d. The Iota] assets are estimated to produce „4„;],37° 14s. od., and the de:':ciencv as regards creditors is estimated at L3,to9 145. The total deficiency (i,Icluding that of the shareholders) :unounts to .4;12,301 14s., though tine total amount to be ac
counted £' 8,626 is, 6d. The assets include : freehold land and Ivy Arch garage (Worthing); to MilnesDaimler buses; 14 motor-coach bodies; book debts; machinery, etc. The company was incorporated on the 28th October, 1904, with a capital of,000 in L' shares. No existing businesses were acquired upon its formation, the company being promoted by five residents in Pulborough and district. No prospectus was issued, and the Shan'S were not offered generally for public subscription, the total ordinary shares issued being 8,20i. The company actually commenced business as motorcar carriers in January, 19oza and from the first balance-sheet, made up to the 3oth September, mos, it .ap,. pcared that cars to the value of Ready ;4;3 moo had been acquired; the receipts amounted to L.2,153, showing a net profit of -f.:3o9 75. 8d., out of which a dividend of 5 per cent, was paid on the shares, leaving a balance of .4;104 5s. 7d. to be carried forward.
In November, 1905, the Worthing Motor Omnibus Co.'s undertaking was :Acquired, the consideration for the purchase being -1.5,445, to be satisfied by the allotment of £2,723 in fully-paid shares, and the payment of ,_,2,722 cash. Subsequently, Some of the latter amount was solisfied by share, leaving
380 to be paid. Part of the money necessary to pay this amount was raised by the issue of a 6 per cent, debenture for L'r,2o0, in November, 1905.
The second year's working, according to the balance, showed that whilst the gross takings amounled to £7,531 2S. dd., the expenses were L.7,121, jis. 7d., and, after allowing for depreciation of ..1,662 195. md., there was a loss of jt,236 _res. iid. The third year's trading was worse, as, although the expenses were reduced to L:6,617 6s. toll, the receipts were only 45,679 14s. 9d., and, after allowing 17s. 94.1. for depreciation, the loss was .4.1 ,820 9s. lotl. The trading expenditure, from the let October, 14,07, to the date of the winding-up order amounted to ,L;9,126 IS. 6(1.
The borrowing powers of the company were limited to the amount of the share capita] of the company issued or agreed to be issued. On the iith March, 19°6, a further debenture ww: issued for ..r;1 ,6o0, out of which the former debenture of -1:1 ,200 WaS paid off. It appeared from the statement of affairs thdt the debentures included a sum of 4.7320 9s. ltd., apparently secured an a secant! mortgage of the garage, but it slid mit appear that any debenture for this amount had been au thorised. On the 1st September the debenture holders were informed by the directors that the company could not meet its engagement. Insolvency is attributed to the working of unremunerntive routes, the refusal of local authorities to grant licences, and insufficiency of capital. The unsecured liabilities were all practically incurred in the present Year's working, and a liability of L.-5Oo is a personal claim against the eorepany for damages in an accident, which is disputed. There arc apparently mortgages on the garage at Worthing for 75o. The Official Receiver was appointed liquidator, and the committee of inspection has yet to be appointed. laltrolley-wire Electrobuses at Dalkeith.
A syndicate has put before the 'fown Councils of Edinburgh and Dalkeith a scheme for the connecting of Edinburgh (Nether Liberton) and Dalkeith by a system of electric omnibuses on the overhead-trolley system. Last year, a Provisional Order was obtained by the Dalkeith Electric Tramways Company for the laying of a tramway line. Owing to financial difficulties in London, the scheme will not be carried through this year, and probably a fresh order will have to be obtained. Meantime, a service of motorbuses is being maintained by the Scottish Motor Traction Company, which would itself take up any new scheme of electric buses. " The Dalkeith RaiHess Electric Car Company, Limited," as the new concern will be named, proposes to run fullsized double-deck 34-seated vehicles—a compromise between omnibus and tramcar. Subject to preliminary arrangements, Parliamentary sanction will be obtained.
The capital of the company is stated to be L30,000, which is stated to be sufficient to provide the overhead equipment, and six ears, which will admit of a to-minute service.
Developments of the Trolley-wire Electrobus in Austria.
With reference to the article which was published in our issue of 5th November, we extract the following paragraph from a communication by our Berlin correspondent :
Apropos the interesting article on the trolley-wire electrobus, I notice that Neustift am Walde and Salmannsdorf, which lie on the outskirts of Vienna, have just been connected up by a system of this kind—the Stoll. The financial results of two similar lines in the neighbourhood of Vienna have, it appears, induced interested parties to adopt the trolley-wire system in preference to the petrol omnibus. Two vehicles of an entirely new pattern, supplied by the Austrian Daimler Gesellschaft (Vienna-Neustadt), are at present working the traffic. The electromotors are of zo horse-power each and, unlike those used on the other lines, built into the rear hubs. There are loop wires at the termini. I also learn that Pressburg and Eisenbrunnel will be linked up soon.