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Call for food tanker law

19th October 1989
Page 8
Page 8, 19th October 1989 — Call for food tanker law
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Britain's leading tanker operators are calling on the Government to follow the lead of Germany, Spain and the United States, where legislation exists, or is being prepared, to prevent the carriage of food in chemical tankers.

Mike McClelland, managing director of Samas Overseas Northern, says Germany will now allow edible products to be loaded only into dedicated edible products tankers, and Spain is likely to follow suit.

Samas is mainly involved in Continental work and must produce a special cleaning certificate to be allowed to carry edible loads in France, Spain and Italy. United Transport Tankers' operations manager John Seddon says the practice of carrying foods in chemical tankers is "ludicrous". "My company does not use its chemical tankers for carrying foods but some hauliers do, and an accident could do the industry a lot of damage," he warns.

Alistair Elder, director of transport services with Wincanton, agrees: "We operate distinct food and chemical fleets and believe in total segregation," he says. "But many spot hire hauliers operating multi-customer activities do not. Legislation would help the industry all the way through by heightening quality."