News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
Some detailed references to the use of motor transport in the manoeuvres which are now concluding will be found on pages 44 to 47.
A further contribution in regard to the 2 s. d. side of commercial motoring, from an occasional correspondent of this journal, will be found on pages 52-53.
Masonic Votes.
Would any of our masonic readers with no closer call on their votes (either boys or girls) kindly remember that we are interested in the case of the boy O'Hea. Any votes sent to the Editor of this paper will be gratefully 'acknowledged.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) "Parcelcars with trailers" : (2) "The Overseas Annual for 1912-13 " ; (3) "The taxation of paraffin when used for motorvehicle propulsion" ; (4) "At the Manceuvres' ; and (5) " L.C.C. returns of expenditure."
The Commercial Vehicle 007/1mittee of the S.M.M.T. has now finally selected July of next year for the holding of the next commercialmotor show at Olympia. This decision, we are officially informed, was taken after full consideration of the dates upon which the building was available for the purpose. It is understood that the likely date of opening is the third Saturday in the
month—certainly quite late enough in the season, and, in the judgment of some who are interested, too. near to the holidays.
Barcelona Exhibition, We are asked to announce that next year's International Exhibition at Barcelona will be opened by the King of Spain in January, and that it will remain open until April. Details can be obtained from the offices of the Anglo-International Permanent Exhibitions, Ltd., 76, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.
A South African Prize for Agrimotors.
One of our subscribers in Cape Town writes to draw attention to the decision of the Port Elizabeth Agricultural Society to offer a prize of 2150, for the best motor tractor shown at work with disc or other ploughs, in a series of field trials which will be held at Port Elizabeth early in April next. Communications should be addressed to the secretary of the Port Elizabeth Agricultural Society. Walsall Town Council has accepted the tender of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a 34 h.p. motor tower wagon.
We understand that the Sirdar Rubber Co., Ltd., of 34, Baker Street, W., wants a. first-class representative for the North of 'England, and also one for the Midlands and East Coast.
Mr. Charles Sinton is now the outside representative for WoodMilne, Ltd., in the home counties. Mr. Sinton enjoys the advantage of considerable training at this company's headquarters in Preston.
The latest move of the Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., whose head depot is at Thurloe Place, S.W., is to open commodious premises at 95a, Albion Street, Leeds. A large stock of all kinds of tires will be held, and a tire press will be installed. Mr. J. Hays Chown will be specially identified with the solid-tire branch.
Thornycroft Developments.
Purchasers of chassis to carry gross loads of 3f tons, including the weight of the body, will do well to make a note that the new type Thornycroft vehicle is one that is likely to suit their requirements. It is fitted with a, 30 h.p. four-cylinder engine, and succeeds the company's earlier " H " type. One of these new machines has just been delivered to James Wrigley and Son, Ltd., of Bridge Hall Mills. Bury, upon instructions obtained through Thornycroft's North of England agent, NIT.. C. P. Wooler.
We have been favoured with some particulars of the new Thornycroft types, which are respectively called "J" and "K." The latter type complies with the requirements of the War Office subsidy scheme, carries a net load of 3f tons in any type of body, or a net load of four tons on an open lorry body, and is well suited both for home and Colonial requirements. The prices for the two types vary between 2660 for the bare chassis, with Thornycroft solid-rubber tires, to 2808 for the heavier vehicle complete with box-van body. It carries a load of 4i tons gross.
Inquiries about these new types should be addressed to Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., in the first instance. R. I. A.
Recent subscriptions to the Roads improvement Association include 2106 from the A.A. and M.U., £100 from the R.A.C., and £100 from the S.M.M.T.
Thomas Smith's Stampings.
The annual report and balancesheet of Thomas Smith's Stamping Works, Ltd., of Coventry, for the year ended the 3rd August last, show a net profit of £10,207, compared with £739'3 for the previous 12 months. The directors of this concern are Messrs. John Nettlefold, John Chamberlain, and N. W. Godfrey.
Municipal Aid.
Nottingham City Council, on the motion of Mr. A. R. Atkey has voted the necessary money (1272 2s. 6d.) to complete he purchase of the motor ambulance which was installed two years ago, at the Nottingham Guildhall, by the local Railway Ambulance Corps. There is undoubtedly a growing feeling in Nottingham that the service of this ambulance should be a free one.
Maudslay's Catalogue.
A well-arranged, 48-page catalogue of its industrial and publicservice vehicles has been issued by the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd. The contents open with references to the company's awards in public competition and proceed to describe the details of typical chassis. Later in the book we find prices and specifications, accompanied by clearly-defined line drawings of plans and elevations. Next comes a succinct collection of instructions for the dismantling of Maudslay vehicles, and then illustrations of various types. together with dimensions and prices. Finally, we have running costs, testimonials, a spare-part list, and an index.
Institute oi Metals.
We are indebted to Mr. G. Shaw Scott, M.Sc., the Secretary of the Institute of Metals, the office of which body is at Caxton House, Westminster, S.W., for the programme of papers and arrangements for the forthcoming session. An excellent list of papers is expected to be submitted, as follow :---(1) Professor F. Carnevali, Ph.D.. on " Autogenous Welding by means of Oxygen and Acetylene of Copper and its principal Alloys, and of Aluminium :" (2) Professor H. C. H. Carpenter. M.A.. Ph.D., on "The Effect of Other Metals on the Structure of the Beta Constituent in Copper-Zinc Alloys ; " (3) Professor H. C. H. Carpenter, M.A., Ph.D., on"The' Structural Resolution of the Pure Copper-Zinc Beta Constituent into Alpha Plus Gamma ; " (4) Professor A. K. Huntington, Assoc: R.S.M.. on "The Effect of Temperatures Higher than Atmospheric on Tensile Tests of Copper and its Alloys ; " (6) F. Johnson, M.Sc., on" The Influence of Impurities in "rough-Pitch ' Copper, with Chief Reference to Antimony ; " (6) E. F. Law, Assoc: on "The Influence of Oxygen on the Properties of Metals and Alloys ;" (7) T. Kirke Rose, D.Sc., on"The Annealing of Coinage Alloys ; " (8) W. Rosenhain, D.Sc., B.A., and D. Ewen, M.Sc., on " Intercrystalline Cohesion in Metals— with an Appendix on the Formation of Twinned Crystals in Silver ; " (9) Alexander E. Tucker, F.I.C., on " The Joining of Metals ; " and (10) Professor T. Turner, M.Sc., on "Oxygen in Brass."
The Institute's autumn meeting will take place in London on the 2611 and 26th of this month.
C. M. U. A.
The monthly meeting of the General Committee was held at 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on the 4th inst.
Present.—Colonel R. E. Crompton (Chairman), Major W. E. Donohue, Colonel C. T. Blyth, Messrs. II. Lyon Thomson, J. C. Mitchell, Iltid Witherington, T. B. Browne, J. C. Moth, Barnard Humphrey, T. H. Jones, E. Shrapnell-Smith, and F. G. Bristow (Secretary).
Award of Merit Badge.—The Secretary reported a case in which one of the drivers of Mitchells and Butlers, Ltd., had performed a plucky action when in charge of a steam motor lorry laden with beer barrels, which skidded while ascending a hill at the Bull Ring, Birmingham, and ran backwards.
Resolved that the C.M.U.A. "Award of Merit Badge" be awarded to him.
General Committee.—Resolved that the Gas Light and Coke Co. be invited to nominate a representative to serve on the General Committee.
B.A.C. General Committee.—The following were appointed to repre
sent the C.M.U.A. on the R.A.C. General Committee :—Colonel E. Crompton, Colonel T. J. liearns, Major W. E. Donohue, Major H. C.
Wilder, Messrs. W. G. Lonjoit, H. Lyon Thomson, T. B. Erowne, T. E. Harrison, T. H. Jones, J. C. Mitchell, J. C. Moth, Chas. Wheeler and H. W. Wigan.
Legal.--Further correspondence was reported with Lalonde Bros.
and Parham, Ltd., re an action in which that company was concerned, in which the Factory Inspector sought to establish that certain pre mises, which were used for repairing steam wagons, as an adjunct to a steam carpet-beating factory, constituted a factory. In view of the importance of the case, a contribution was voted towards the member's costs.
1913 Parade.—The interim report of the Parade Committee was re
ceived. Mr. T. B. Browne had been elected Chairman of the Committee and Major W. E. Donohue and Mr.
Percy Beavan had been co-opted members. Various matters were discussed at length, and the Parade Committee was instructed to consider the arrangements further, and to report.
Night Shelters.—The interim report. of the Night Shelter Commit
tee was received. The Committee was receiving the co-operation of Chief Constables and Town Clerks in all parts of the country, and a.
large amount of useful data had been collected. In developing the scheme, it was resolved to com mence by planning it, along selected routes. beginning with the most important ones. A booklet would be issued, giving particulars of the various night shelters, together with watering stations and coaling stations.
New Members.—Fifty-four new members were elected.
Finance—The financial statement for the months of July and August was received, and considered satisfactory.