Out and Home.—By "The Extractor."
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Suitable Advertisements. Seeking Notoriety. The Melen.-Express.
The editor of a prominent journal was told by one of his minions of the suicide of a leading citizen, and the information was accompanied by a suggestion from the minion in question that a suitable notice should be written concerning the departed. Whether the editor was a wit of the first order, or merely absent-minded, I know not, but his reply was: " It is astonishing to what lengths some men will go to make sure of a paragraph in a popular paper."
On the staff of the largest motor companies there is usually an official who is technically the head of the publicity department, and his duties are as multifarious as his work must be interesting. His duty it is to see that every advantage is taken of any points his concern may score, whether in the form of successful trials, exceptional testimonials, or any photographic representations likely to pass editors, and prove of interest to the readers of the motor Press. In this connection, some publicity departments are extremely adroit, as a glance through the papers will readily show.
I had, during last week, a long talk with a gentleman occupying such a position. He is attached to one of the largest motor companies in this country, and it was interesting to compare notes with him on the drawing up of advertising matter suitable for this country and also for Canada and Australia. Canada, of course, is practically American in method and thought, and my friend has found it best to allow American style to be infused into Canadian advertisements, a style which he believes is useless in this country. If an expensive vehicle is to be sold here, then a certain amount of dignity must prevail in the business announcement, and not too much reading matter, but the name and a reproduction of the article should appear boldly. He has proved on the other hand that Canadians once attracted will devour all the reading matter, because their postal inquiries give evidence of iL His opmion of the average expert advertising agent was interesting, "As long as he stamps his individuality on the advertisement he does not seem to concern himself as to its suitability," The deduction from all this is that too much thought and care cannot be given to framing your advertisements. If it be shaving soap you are pushing, or boot polish, then a, comic figure will not be incongruous, but if it be a motorlorry, a solid tire, or an agrimotor, then, whilst the display must be striking, it must bear a certain dignity or the effect will be spoiled.
A very easy answer is to hand for one of the questioning paragraphs in a recent " One Hears." it has already been shown that char-abanes bodies are interchangeable with lorry bodies at no very great cost, and motor haulage can be readily obtained for the winter months. I have indeed come across cases where lorry bodies have been substituted at odd times through this dreary summer,because outings have been discarded in consequence of the wet. Let char-a-banes proprietors inquire as to the cost of bodies suitable for haulage, and they will soon see that it is a practicable scheme. We shall be glad to give body-builders' names and any other information in our possession.
A handy pa.reelcar, illustrated on this page, was shown to me the other day at Birmingham, and I had the satisfaction of being driven some miles on a similar chassis.
I was astonished at the ease of steering, because I was sceptical of these tiller-steered vehicles, particularly with the single wheel in front. The ease of starting and the control in traffic pleased me, and, although there is no reverse gear, its absence is hardly felt, because the machine will turn in its own length, as was clearly demonstrated to me.
I was not surprised to hear that Messrs. Boots, the renowned retail chemists, have taken up this handy machine for use in the London district,. It strikes me as being excellent for loads of from 3 cwt. to 5 cwt. It is constructed b3 A. W. Wall, Ltd., Roc Motor Works, Birmingham.