Financial News of the Industry
Page 24

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Martin Field (Haulage). Ltd.-Private company. deg. November 13. Cap. 4E6,000 in 41 shares. To carry on the business of a haulage contractor, transport agent etc. .Direetors:-Martin Field,•15,_ SoutheyPlaee, Bradterd; Ralph Holmes, Laurel Bank. Staimbeck Lane. Leeds 7. Solicitors:-F. W. Bell Mid Son, Leeds. Reg. office:-Oak House, Meanwood Road, Leeds, 7. T. J. E. Price (Cardiff), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. November 13. Cap. .44,000 in 41 shares. To carry on the business of a haulage contractor. carrier ot passengers arid goods, etc. Subscribers:-Thos. J. E. Price and Mn. lsmaa. Price, both of 719, Newport Road, Romney, Cardiff. Solisitors:-Phoania and Walters, Cardiff. Reg. office:-Mardy Yard, Denton Road, Rumney, Cardiff.
Thomas Prioe (Newport) Ltd.-Private company. Reg. November 15, Cap. 4500 in 41 shares. To earry on the business of a haulage eon.
tractor, carrier of passengers and goods, ete. Sabaeribers i-Thos. Pries!, 719, Newport Read, Ramsey, Cardiff; Thos. Price, 2, L/y.sach Terrace, Hollybush, Blackwotxl, monmeattishire. Solicitors:-Phosnix and Walters, Cardiff. Reg. offiee:-Mardy Yard, Denton Road, Rummer. Cardiff. H. Thomas (Motors), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. November 20 Cap. 43.500 in 41 shares. To carry on the blialnass of a Mlle PM' prietor, carrier of passengers and goods. eta. Directors:-Herbert Thomas and Florence Thotrias. both of 4 Chorlten. Green, Manchester 21. Bee,:J. C. Scott. Reg. office;-4, Ohorlton Green, Manchester, 21. Joyce Taxis, Ltd-Private company. Reg. November 16. Cap. 43,000 in ses shares,To carry on the business of a _proprietor of nabs and hoses, etc. Subscribers-B. M. Joyce, 59, Wil/ans Avenue, •Rothwell, Leeds; IL Lander. 3, BrImity Perk Crescent, Moortown, Leeds. Bolick tor.-Saffman Fielding and Co., Leeds, 1. Reg, offiee:-Ritz Buildings, 134, Vicar Lane, Leeds. Thomas Guy Ltd.-Private company. Reg. November 11. Cap. 42,000 is es shares. To carry on the business of a carrier of passengers and rands etclarectors,-nsunss Guy and Mn. A. M Guy. both of The trollies, Burscough Road, OrmskIrk, Reg. office:-Ceolral Chambers, 15, Moor Siroet, Orraskirk. Macelesfieid and District Transport and Trading Co.. Ltd.-Priest company. Reg. November 18. Cap. 41,000 in 41 shares. To act as a central organization for obtaining and allocating, distributing and regulating mechanical haulage or transport business. as between and for the benefit of, metnbera of the company and others, etc. Directors:Chas, R. Lovett, 1/4, Windmill Street. Macclesfield; Frank Faster, High Street, 21,1seeteseeld: Lewis W. Tuts, Phillip 0.. Norton, Joseph R. Dowse, '.Dennis Johnson, John Wilmot, Frank Wardle and Frank C Jackson, .addreases not stated. Solicitor;-8. D. Potts, Mactlesfietd. Reg, Office:-High Street Garages, Macclesfield.
P. Gristle!) and Son, Ltd.. Guildford, teach. and bus opetittor.-Mortgage dated October 28, 1944, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to Westminster Bank, Ltd., • charged on house, land and garages at Guiltlford.
OarlIght Trailers, Ltd., Church Lane, Sleaford, Lincoinshire.-Assign. meat of proceeds of contracts dated Novemlaer 1, 1944, to secure all moneys due or ho become doe from the company to Lleyds Bank, Ltd.
L. B. D. Transport (1944), Ltd.; G,unness, Linoelnaldre.-Mortgage end charge on warehouses, garage, offices, etc.. at Gunness, and the company's undertaking and other property pregent and future, including uncalled capital, dated November .4, 1.944, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to National Provincial Bank Ltd. J. Baxter (Transport), Ltd., Newcastie-on-Tvue.-Particulars filed et 430,000 debentures, authorised October 29, 1944, charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, including uncalled capital, the whole amount loins now issued.
D. C. Bushell and Co., Ltd. 'formerly D. U. Buihell, Ltd.], miller, cartage contraetor, etc. Willow Cottage, Frimley, Camberley,-The nominal capita/ has been increased by the addition ot 47,000 beyond the reglatered capital of 45,000. The additional capital Is divided Into 7,000 7 per cent, redeemable cumulative preference ;Juana, Of Xi each, ranking pith paean with the original preference shares, '