In your workshop
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Tim Biakemore reviews transport equipment and tools
ety guidance klet "T E HEALTH AND SAFETY EX CUTIVE has issued a guidan e note on safety precautions to be taken with pneumatic na ling and stapling tools. Ac idents are mainly caused, sa s the note, by the operator pl cing his hand too close to the linof fire or by fasteners bounci g off tlie workpiece. Misuse anØ inadequate maintenance ar two other common causes of mi hap.
Safety precautions that s1-1 uld be observed in the design, maintenance and operatioti of pneumatic nailing and st piing tools include the fitting of a work contact element; g arding triggers against ac idental operation; enclosing the mechanical linkage between th work contacting element and the trigger; and providing q ick-release couplings in the ai line to the tool.
The guidance note is entitled P eurnatic Nailing and Stapling T ols and copies are available fr m HM Stationery Office, pr Ice 30p (plus postage).
tectors for se cables
On the subject of safety in the w rkshop and office, a useful remedy to the hazard of trailing electrical cables is provided by Vulcascot Ltd, 43 Wales Farm Road, London W3 6XH.
The cable protector is a rubber sheath with a gently sloping. profile and a non-slip fluted base. It is available in a range of standard shapes, sizes and colours and is supplied in coils varying in length from 3m (9.8ft) to 9m (29.5ft). For cable which cannot be threaded through the protector, a version is available with a slit along its base which allows the cable to be slotted into place. Once the cable is laid flush with the floor, the slit closes.
Clean and simple
Saunders Transport Ltd, part of Ocean Transport and Trading Ltd, Windsor House, 1270 Lor don Road, London SW16 4X1has improved its lorry-whe( cleaner by fitting one release locking lever for the rollers i place of the four used prE viously.
The cleaner consists of a stei frame, a grid and four lockabl rollers and the complete assert bly weighs 41/2 tons. Saundei will deliver and install th equipment.
German toolboxes from Cornwall
A range of general-purpoE heavy duty toolboxes is no' available from Bott of Kings H Industrial Estate, Bude, Con wall. The boxes have been sal in Germany for some time an now are being manufactured i this country.
There are six toolboxes in if range, all of which are provide with padlock hasps and are fii ished in green stove enam, paint.
Hardboard is used to line tl
;ides on the inside, and the arger models have pockets in he lids which may be used for iocuments and/or holding ools with locking clips. Small )arts insert trays are available as 'optional extras', some with gackets for holding such fragile ools as spirit levels.
It's pocket tune time
Claimed to be the world's irst radio-triggered power iming light, "Pocketime'', from .ucas, allows ignition timing on
petrol engine to be checked vithout disconnecting a sparkng, plug lead: it senses the 3dio waves emitted by the ignion pulse.
It has two leads which are onnected to the battery ter-line's in the usual way, but the nit is small and light enough to t into the pocket.
"Pocketune" is Lucas' qually small six-function elec-onic engine-tuning meter with ichometer (high and low rpm), oltmeter, ohm meter, pointsondition meter, and dwell ngle meter. Weight of the ster is 61/2oz.
The two instruments are omplemented by the Lucas ata manual which gives tuning etails for over 1000 petrol-igined vehicles. More details om Lucas Service UK Limited, lume Street, Aston, irmingham.
'olisher from Japan E. P. Barrus Ltd of Launton oad, Bicpster, Oxfordshire, is )8 UKconcessionaire for itachi power tools and has anjunced-the introduction. of the AT 180 two-speed polisher/ inder.
With a retail price (excluding t) of £99 the machine comes )mplete with side handle, pin ?y, spanner, five types of inding disc and wool bonnet. It is designed primarily for e garage and metal finishing Ides and has a lhp motor and eighs 2.9kg (61/41b).
ipanese power
Wadkin Ltd, has introduced to this country the Ryobi range electric portable power tools )m Japan.
The initial range of fourteen ols includes four angle Inders, two-speed impact drill, Jr orbital and belt sanders/ dishers, two circular saws, . . am n saw, hand planer and inge router.
Retail price of the G-1800 gle grinder is £99 (excluding t). More details from Wadkin 1, Portable Power Tools Divi
sion, Trent Lane, Castle Donington, Derby.
Air tools catalogued
Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co Ltd, Tool Division, Greenwell Road, Aberdeen, has a new 36page catalogue illustrating and describing the company's range of air tools including grinders, polishers, air drills, Zip Guns, ratchets and wrenches.
A technical specification is given for each tool and there is a list of accessories available for each category.
The last section of the catalogue has some useful tips on fault tracing, maintenance and safety of air tools.
Need your clips winged?
The latest variation on the design of -Jubileehose clips is the wing-spade version on which the drive screw has a plastic-covered winged extension that allows the clip to be tightened without tools.
It is intended for use where frequent removal or adjustment of the clip is needed, such as on test beds or mobile equipment. At present the winged version is available only in the most popular sizes, from OX to 2, for hoses with diameters ranging from 18mm (1.7in) to 55mm (5.2in).
Full details are available from the manufacturers, L. Robinson and Co of London Chambers,