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Too much Beaujolais not so jollais

1st December 1984
Page 24
Page 24, 1st December 1984 — Too much Beaujolais not so jollais
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TWO French lorry drivers delivering Beaujolais Nouveau to Britain looked on the wine when it was red and arrived in Dover completely plastered. Their wine-tasting cost them each a £150 fine and £20 costs, with 18 months' prohibition from driving in Britain. The alternative was 30 days' sobering up in prison.

Wise Black Countrymen look upon the Midland when it is Red. Late-night buses for drinkers are to be run just before Christmas from Birmingham to Walsall, Wolverhampton and Oldbury.

A survey by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory of a sample of men drivers in Birmingham showed that, although they consumed on average 3.2 pints of beer at a session, 63 per cent drove after drinking. Few travelled by bus or taxi. They may live to regret it.