The Wheels Of Industry.
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of The roads over which it runs.----John Beattie Crozier,
Permits for Removals.
We deal editorially (page 478) with the important matter or likely control of both private and trade removals. We urderstancl that the proposal is also under consideration at the hands of Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Department of National Service.
Proceedings of Local Authorities.
• The Health 'Committee of the Accrington T.C. is about to purchase another motor wagon.
Progress is being made by the Uttoxeter Urban and Rural District Councils for a joint firebrigade scheme.
Leyland U.D.O. recently approved plans for considerable extensions lor the works of Leyland Motors (1914), Ltd.
The Luton T.C. recently approved plans, lodged by Vauxhall' Motors, Ltd., for additions to that company's factory.
Willesden U.D.C. is applying to the Ministry of Munitions for a contribution towards the extra cost of road repairs, in connection with the establishment, at the request of the Ministry, of a new motorbus service by-the L.G.O.C.
The Battersea Borough Council has granted an extension, for twelve months, as from the 25th ult., to the New Park Motor Cab Co., Ltd., of the option to purchase premiss at the rear of Nos. 281 to 285, Battersea Park Road
Residents at Skewen, near Neath, have decided to acquire a motor ambulance, the car to remain the property of the Skewen
and District Trade Unions and other contributors. Mr. 'Si. H. Walbridge, of Neath, is one of the principal workers, in the matter.
Ilford U.D.C. a few months ago hoped to get delivery of a Hanford chassis, on its failure to get delivery of one of the Thornycroft make. It has now been notified by the Ministry of Munitions that the entire outputs of both the Hallford and the Thernyeroft works are taken by the War Office.
The PwIlheli and District Motors, Ltd., is to be wound up voluntarily by Mr. John Lloyd-Roberts, ineorporated• accountant, of the Public Audit Offices, Carnarvon.
The shareholders of the London Premier Omnibus Co., Ltd., at an extraordinary-general meeting on the 15th ult., unanimously passed a resolution that the company be wound up compulsorily.
New Petrol Restrictions.
The Petrol Control Committee, on 'Tuesday of last week, gave notice' that, in view of the urgent necessity which has now arisen for further limitation of the consumption of motor spirit, it will not be propared to issue licences on any applications received after the 24th January, unless such applications are for renewal of licences which have expired in the ordinary course. The Committee cannot undertake, however, that it will be able to issue renewals on all applications received from holders of motor-spirit licences, and in any case it may be necessary to reduce
the quantity of motor spirit at present allowed. Every effort will be made to avoid disturbance of the existing arrangement under which the Committee receives applications, supported by Government Departments, on the ground that the motor spirit is required for work being performed in the national interests.
Petrol Prices for 1917.
More than three months ago (issue of 12th October), we wrote, as part of a leading article :—" We strongly recommend the making of contracts for petrol. . . The buyer will thereupon be safeguarded against any increase, and the term of his contract will not be sufficiently long to prejudice him in any event." We have reasons for believing that those of our sup-. porters who took our advice will very shortly have further occasion to be glad that they did so.
Russian Trade.
The Russo-British Chamber of Commerce (4, Gorochovaia,, Petro;ra.d) is desirous to receive not fewer than ten copies of each ...British commercial-motor manufacturer's catalogue. These catalogues will be placed in the special library of the Chamber, in connection with a programme for the furtherance of trade between the Allied countries. We have satisfied ourselves by independent inquiry that this Chamber of Commerce, which has branches and agencies in Odessa, Warsaw and Kiev, and which has been in existence about nine years, is a very influential body, and thoroughly sound.
Wheels of Industry—con. A Recent Registration.
Birkett and Harrison, Ltd. (28000), with its registered office at 17, Old Market Place, Great Grimsby, to take over the motoreab and allied businesses of Messrs. 0. J. and W. Best, at Grimsby, trading as Messrs. Birkett and Harrison.
The Institution of Automobile Engineers.
The fifth meeting of -the session of the Institution. of Automobile Engineers will be held in the Hall of the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, W.-C., on. Wednesday, the 14th February, at 8 p.m., when Mr. F. L. Martineau, MI/Lech:F., will read a paper entitled "Hydraulic, Transmission." Cards of invitation to the meeting may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
The " Strafer."
Amongst active service magazines, the " Strafer " deserves a , high place, as it is edited with great zest, and its contents are always
amusing. Motorists—and others— will be more than interested in the following gem (illustrated, with apologies to Lawson Wood) : "Run over another baby this morning," said Private Jacket, "That was verra unfortunate,?' remarks the sergeant. ." Yes," continues' the gallant TornmY. " rotten ; their d— bottles do cut one's tires up so 1"
The Christmas Double Number is before us, thanks to the courtesy, of the Officers of the 3 G.H.Q. Aram. Park, and particu
larly the Editor, Captain H. White Gilhespie, who has succeeded Captain Herbert Filmer in that capacity. The illustrations are chiefly the work of Lance-Corporal W. Chance, whilst much credit for production is also due to Private 1). Cônncll (" Dixie Lidd ").
Steam wagon Mishap and Subsequent Collision.,
The Crossville Motor Co., Ltd., of Chester, unsuccessfully resisted a claim, at the Chester County Court recently, when enaction was brought against it by Mr. Frederick Jones, of the RavenHoteL Farndon. The evidenee showed that a steam wagon, belonging to the defendant company, while loaded upon its own platforui and that of the trailer behind it with eight tons of grain, broke its back axle near the White house while travelling from Chester. The driver made every effort to keep the lamps upon the lorry and trailer burning, but the tail lamp, although it was retrimmed and refilled at 11.30 p.m., went out during the night, owing to the small capacity of the oil reservoir in it. The plaintiff, while riding a motorbicycle, in the early morning, going to his work, ran into the partly
hted obstruction.
Hi s Honour Judge Moss, in awarding plaintiff £20. ls. and costs, stated that it was the duty of the
defendant company to have kept a ma±l on guard by the standing vehicles. He was unable to take the view that there had been contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff.'
. . • R.A.C. Premises.
There are, as we go to press with this issue but faint hopes that the
R.A.C. issue, will be able to
retain the building in Pall Mall for its present purposes, which purposes, we may recall, include the very general use of the club premises by members of H.M. Forces.
A Manchester Supper.
The Cotton Industry Motor Transport Co., Ltd., of Charlton Road, Manchester, gave a " potato-pie " supper to its staff on Saturday evening last. About 70 men did justice to the wholesome Lancashire fare, provided by the Metropole Restaurant, Market Street. _ The chair was taken by Mr. A. Thompson, general manager, supported by Mr. S. A. Houldsworth, secretary, and Mr. G. W. Bolton, traffic manager.
Mechanical Aids to Agriculture in Ireland.
The Ulster Agricultural Advisory Committee recently made arrange-, ments in conjunction with H. Ferguson, Ltd., of Bafast, for Simms Motor Units, Ltd.
The directors of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., report that, for the financial year ended the 30th June last, the company has paid a dividend of 25 per cent. The carryforward was 220,680, after full provision for depreciation, and the transfer of £4000 to reserve account.
The DBS Carburizer.
A new carburizer for use in the case-hardening of low carbon steels has recently been placed upon the market by David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Park Works, Lockwood, Huddersfield. This company, as is generally known, has for many years been engaged in the manufacture of gears and automobile parts of all kinds, during which period, after endeavouring to select from the carburizers on the market a suitable one, it was forced to decide to experiment with the ohject of being able to manufacture its own. In this project the company was successful, and after having used the DBS carburizer for some time, now offers it for sale for the benefit of users generally. A Fire-extinguisher Test.
An excellent series of tests was carried out last week by the Pyrene Co., Ltd., 19-21, Great Queen Street, W.C., in order to demontrate the use of the Pyrene fire extinguisher. The test of moAt interest to our readers was that wherein the engine of an actual car was doused with petrol and a. match applied. The flames were extinguished in about 15 seconds, although they had crept under the engine. Another highly-interesting test was that wherein a tar barrel was lit from without, petrol being poured over the exterior surface ; the fire was soon extinguished. Flaming tallow, naphthaline, celluloid, paints, varnish, rubber, naphtha and film were also extinguished in a few seconds. The fumes have no ill effect, and the -liquid doe S not harm stuffs or wearing materials.
Very many motor vehicles at the Front are provided with these extinguishers. In one case, a fire in the interior of the bonnet was immediately extinguished by pumping the liquid clean through the radiator.
The Pyrene container is of unique and patented construction. Repair Difficulties.
Mr. C. W. Brett, managing director and general manager of Barimar, Ltd., of 10, Poland Street, Oxford Street, W., sends a letter to us in which he points out that probably 75 per cent, of total motorcar repairs fall below the conditions which are specified by the Ministry of Munitions for obtaining facilities. This percentage, of course, does not hold good in respect of commercialmotor vehicles, where the claims to priority service so frequently rest on good grounds.
In the case of Barimar, Ltd., which company specializes, as is well known to our readers, in welding repairs, many of the urgent jobs which it undertakes, although of such vital moment to the users who require them. done, fall under the 210 limit, below which figure the restrictions are, as was eiplained in our issue of the 4th ult., less onerous than when the amount involved is above 210 for any one repair. The qualification, for immediate repairs, below £10 at any one time or for any one vehicle, is the unchallenged application to the job of Priority Classification B.