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Of few greasers on the Guy.
• That even hacking won't cut it out.
That credit is "frozen out," but a thaw is imminent.
Of Helen-Lmore alluring in looks and more lurid in language.
Of new 06ach routes from Liverpool—not without ItSnier reason.
That the promised reduction in tobacco prices Will simply end in smoke.
Of 1921 "chars." bodies for Blackpool being in their " prime " already. .
That, in the case of motor driving efficiency, cleanliness is better than godliness.
That the earnest man who, apparently, does not "fit in" may only require a "locating peg."
Reports of too severe bends in exhaust manifolds— a form -of "sharp practice" to be condemned.
Of certain items of American Army equipment to be seen in one of the offices of a Midland works.
Much of the "push" free-wheel parcel carrier, but of too little push for the three-wheel parcel car.
Of a driver, being stranded without lubricant, replenishing with linseed oil from the village store.
That he now knows precisely the meaning of "gummed up and far from home."
Of rival steam exponents blowing off a lot of their own propulsive vapour.
That, while overtypeGreek meets undertype Greek, the stormy petrol lorry lies low and just says " nuffin." But don't run away with the idea that the others " lie low "as well.
The query whether manufacturers, as a whole, have really studied the higher science of Service and repairs.
V,ia the Works 'phone :—"Are you repairs dept. ? " "Department be blowe-d, we're the whole blooming factory I " That, if any lorry salesman feels down-hearted, he should go and have a chat with a Birmingham jewellery merchant, and learn what a real slump feels like.
Often enough of business -positions built solely on repartee and a clever appreciation of the right moment for it.
That if you make your service department too good, the user will become lazy and never learn how to do anything far himself.
That "quips and cranks" are all very well for popularizing the only" one termer, but that competition should be of sterner stuff.
That the respective merits a " pancake " and " cheesehead " forms of combustion chambers are giving nevi-engine designers food for thought. Pleas for a definition of "production" engineer. That it is now a case of the survival of the fittest.
That you want air in giant pneurilatics, and not oil.
Of polished chassis for the Glasgow Show—that is the brightest side.
Of a slap-up case-hardening shop that is the pride of Wolverhampton.
• 0 That two rather unpopular words just new are " mass " and "production."
That the ex-soldier makes a good bus driver: a lot of bus drivers made good soldiers, too.
That Guildford is almost as go-ahead in matters of housing as it is in motor vehicle production.
That, in the country districts, the economic gospel of return loads is not yet fully understood.
That local overheating in an I.C.E. is primarily due to a " retarded cycle" of heat-transference.
That some bus companies are starting waiting rooms—and other things. Why not refreshment rooms as well .?
That a -certain Wolverhampton firm has achieved the signal triumph of selling two -lorries to the Coventry Corporation.
That this savours of bearding the lions in their own den.
Of a hill-climbing competition between two rival but friendly firms the other day. We wish they had sent us an invitation.
That the Ford one-tonner is very popular for rural transportation. That it serves even a greater variety of purposes than Henry, its elder -brother.
That Giant tire satisfaction depends largely on mechanical pump efficiency. And that-there is room for improvement in many of these inflators.
That just at present gome works managers are having a slack time, and that one or two of them almost feel as if they were back in the army.
That it is not -such an offence, in the latter institution, to be slack as to -wear slacks on an unsuitable occasion. That is one of the "breeches" of convention which .cannot -be condoned.
That Georges Carpentier was very interested when he visited Guys last week, and that Guys were quite pleased to see him, as they are accustomed to heavy weights. , That though the bus services in " Soldierland " are good, the roads most certainly -are not. That is not the fault of the buses,-however—there was a considerable war some little time ago.
That the failing—if any—of the bps drivers on couptry services is generally that Of over-punctuality. But the early bird in this ease does not catch the worm—more often theearly worm gets the bird.
.. That some route inspectors get quite a lot of captures.