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wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rwas."—John Beattie Crosier. "The
Motor Vehicle Speeds.
A suggestion is now being considered, by those interested iu the commercialvehicle industry, which covers a new scale of peeds for all types of Icommercial,goods vehicies, tractors, and hackney vehicles.
One of the difficulties that have to be 'faced arises, from the fact that a constable, when Stopping a vemele because its speed may seem to hig-,11, is not always sure, from the appearance of the
' vehicle of the category intowhich it falls, hut each goods vehicle must, under existing regulations; have its unladen weight marked upon it, and in the case of public service vehicles : the seating capacity must also be indicated. Th's course of action-, should be ' adapted throughout the whole range of goods and passenger vehicles, and also might he made 'universal practice to indicate the speed at whirl the vehicle is permitted to travel where such speed is restricted. The Suggested scale of speeds is as follows:—
For light goods vehicles coming within the same tonnage limit (unladen) as that allowed for private cars--'-in all probability to be increased from 2 to 4 tons —the permitted speed should be the same as. that allowed for -such private
cars, . .
For v;ehicies up to, but not exceeding, 4. tons unladen weight. the permitted speed should be 20 m.p.h.
For vehicles of from 31 tons unladen weight, but not expeeding & tons unladen weight, the permitted speed should be 16 m.p.h. -For vehicles over 51 tons unladen weight the permitted speed should be 10 m.p.h.. The speed limit for vehicles equipped with steel tyres should be lower, say; 5 or 6 m.p.h.
With the exception of the last-named class of vehicle, whieh invariably tows a trailer, whenever a trailer is hauled the speed in that case should be restricted to one half of that allowed when a trailer is not being hauled. It is suggested that trailersshould not be allowed to be hauled behind light. vehicles.
Sir H. Austin on the Crisis.
Sir Herbert Austin is a great believer in laying all the important cards on. the table, and he last week met on one day the whole of his agents and, on the next, a select party of members of the Press, in order to make quite clear to everybody the exact situation in which the Austin Motor Co. finds itself.
SirIferbert claims that his company is weathering the crisis admirably, that, despite tremendous difficulties, a large output of cars and tractors WaS secured last year, that the-output to-day is substantial, and the sale at pre-war prices (so far, of course, as private cars are concerned) is ten times what it was before the war. He claims that the company has made substantial profits, even at low prices, but his difficulty has all along been that the concern is under-capitalized, and we believe that steps are being taken now to remedy this defect.
Ho thinks that we have come to the bottam of the depression, and that if n22, everybody now pulls together the position can be improved. The main difficulty concerns the export, trade, becausq WES are an exporting nation, and for various reasons, our`markets overseas are very largely closed to us. This will take time to rectify, but, there is no qttestkin that competition from America is not going to be so keen as it has been.
The Rule of the Footpath.
Out ofs35 county councils which have responded to a request. for their views as to the rule of the footpath; 23 express favour of the proposed left-hand rule, six Pro against, and six are not prepared to express an opinion:
Trackless Trolley Cars.
. Municipal tramway authorities are to make an endeavour to persuada•.the Ministry of Transport to allow them to establish trackless, trolley 'cars in connection with their tramway systems without beiag put to the expense of obtaining special Parliamentary powers.
United Automobile Services Profits.
The accounts of the United Automobile Services,1Ltd., for the year ended • September 30th show a net profit. of 214,200 a4compared with 211,300 for the pre. vitals 12 months. A dividend of 15 per cent, is to be paid, the same as for the previous year, and a sum of 2700 is to be carried forward, which is 21,800 less than the amount brought in.
During the early part of last year the capital of the company was substantially increased, but this has hardly yet 'become effective.
Cresswells', Ltd., Wellington Mills, Bradford, announce a reduction from February let in the price of their Chekko semi-metallic, warranted 100 per cent. pure asbestos: brake and clutch linings, of 10 per cent. There will he no reduction in quality.
The I.A.E. Dinner.
The dinner promoted by the Institution of Automobile Engineers, and held_ at the Royal Automobile Club on Wednesday last, was notable in that it was the first event of the kind.
The gathering itself was notable because it included so many men who are prominent in the world of design and production, and, many distinguislied guests supported the president, Sir Henry Fowler, K.B.E., who occupied the chair. On either side of him was Mr. A. S. Mays-Smith, president of the S. M.M. and T., who proposed the toast of tho Institution_ of Automobile Engineers, and Lieut.-Gen. Sir Travers Clarke, Quartermaster-General; the Ron. Sir Arthur Stanley, C.B.E., C.B., M.V.O., chairman R.A.C.; Sir J. A. F. Aspinall, Ministry of'Transport; MajorGen. Sir. Evan Carter, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O.' Director of Supplies and Transport, War Office; Sir Julian Orde, secretary Royal Automobile Club; Captain Eden Sankey„ president Inst. of Mechanical Engineers; , Sir Frederick Black, president Inst. of Petroleum Technologists, and Sir G. E. P. Manny, seoretary General Post Office.
Mr. Mays-Smith, in his speech, dwelt upon the importance of close association between the technical and commercial sides, and said that the Society of Motor Manufacturers. and Traders were now recognizing the importance of the work being done by the Institution of Automobile Engineers by malting a grant of 22000 per annum for a period of years. Sir Henry Fowler's reply was particularly breezy and enthusiastic.
Brig.-Gen. R. K. Bagnall-Wild, C.-M.G., propoied the toast -of the guests, to which the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley, G.B.E., felicitously replied in his irninitable vein of humour.
United States Production.
The interesting figures below, compiled by the National Automobile Chamber of Conimerce, Show that 1920 was a record year in motorcar production in America, the total number of lorriesand passenger cars manufactured exceeding by 265,001) -the. number turned out in 1919 In our kat week's iesue we reproduced an illustration of a Humber motor ambulance supplied by the Central Motor Co., of Liverpool. We understand that the body was built by Messrs. Wilson and StoeltalI, of Bury, TAMS.
A Paraffin Driving Light.
Although the nights. are gradually shortening, many usere' vehicles are still in use during the.dark house, and, therefore, the important subject of lighting still demands attention. The "Dependence" Model 441 De Luxe, which is manufactured by 3. and R. Oldfield, Ltd., .Refnlgent Lamp: Works., Warwick Street, Birmingham, is a paraffin lamp, and, although one may be accustomed to think of a paraffin lamp as -showing no more than a gliarinee, it will ieterest many commercial. users to leamn, that this particular lamp can efficiently perform the function of ay driving -light on darkand misty nights. By a careful application of the laws of reflection and refraction, the makers of this lamp have succeeded in evolving an accessory which will throw a beam over a distance 25 to 40 yards when using ordinary paraffin, and it certainly rivals the acetylene lamp for efficiency, whilst for misty weather the yellow I,Ight given by paraffin is, perhaps, preferable to the brilliant whiteness of the acetylene light.
How to Lessen Traffic Fatalities.
On the-occesion of two inquests which Dr. Waldo, the City Coroner, held a few days ago concerning the deaths of two men as a result of traffic accidents, he said that 1920 would be a record year as regards traffic fatalitiee, which were on the inerease. Many deaths were given as caused by motorbuses and other vehicles, in which the primary cause was often a tramcar. Much congestion was caused by a single tram getting off the line, and he personally did not think that tramcars on fixed lines were suitable for crowded Central London, and he hoped that no more would make their 'appearance, at least, in the City. In Southwark, traaneare were the means of preventing the use of refuges along Southwark highways, such as the Old Kent, Road, Westminster Bridge Road, and the Walworth Road. The L.C.C. and the Ministry of Ttensport, objected to Dr. Waldo's suggestion that the tramlines should he splayed and refuges placed between the lines; it was dangerous rt,nd unwise to place refiages between the tramlines and the kerb. This had been done in the Old Kent Road with a resulting death. The safest thing about a tramcar was possibly that you were comparatively safe inside, it if a collision took place, and it could not easily overturn on level ground. Vehicles like motorbuses, mobile and not fixed on rails, were hest adapted for London, and, in Dr. Walde's opinion, would ultimately supplant the tramcars. He is a wort* exponent of the suggestion that lifeguards should be fitted to all moter vehicle, as is compulsorily adopted on all motorbuses. in London.
• A -Pioneer Available.
We know of an administrative engineer (a 141.I.A.E.), one of the pioneers of the movement, with a continuous record ever since in connection with mechanical transport, who is open to an offer of an appointment. Full knowledge of traffic operation, mechanical repairs and botl work, labour, buying, and of the industry in general. Was engineer and manager of one of the largest cab companies prior to the wer, and during the war held a high administrative position on the inland transport section of the M. of M., with an extensive organization under his control. He seeks a post, where his organizing and administrative
abilities can be utilized. We shall be pleased to forward any letters addressed " A.B.C., clip The Editor, The COM.1718rcial Motor.
Bus Services Without • Permission.
Having considered a report by the clerk on the question of the running of motor omnibus services on main roads by unauthorized persons, the Highways Committee of the Durham Comity Council
recommends that he be given authority to take 'Proceedings against such persons if the circumstances in each case are such that, in his opinion, prosecution is desirable.
The head office of the Gas Lighting Improvement Co:, .Ltd., has been removed from Salisbury licrose, London Wall, B.C., to Alexandra House, Queen Square, London, W.C. 1, to which address all communications should in future be sent.
In the advertisement of G. E. Mierden, Olympia Motor Works; Burnley, in our last week's issue, the tyres fitted on the twin artillery roar wheels of the Fiat cliaxs,a-bance to seat 14 persona advertised were 880 mm. by 120 mm., and not 800 mm. by 120 ram., as stated.
Mr. • R. L. Acland, M.I.E.E.' hae joined the staff of Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., Central House, Eing,sway, London, W.C. He will be in charge of the company's electrical in. t•ereste in the North of England, including die Garrett industrial electrical vehicle.
J. C. Alexander and J. C. Garner have removed from 321, Dea.negate, to 263, Deansgate, Manchester, where they now have a feu commodious showroom with offices on the first floor. This firm are not. agents for any particular make of -commercial vehicle, but they are in the position to procure any make desired, and are prepared to sell far cash or on the deferred payment system., a speciality of theirs being the latter method.
Buses for Dundee.
The Tramways Committee of Dundee Town Council is considering the type of motorbus which will beet suit the needs of the corporation, and in order to acquire knowledge in this direCtion, a demonstration of the Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric bus was recently given to members of th,e• council.
Several members of the council, accompanied by the tramways =navel', made a thorough inspection of the ''bus, and an interesting part of the test to 'which the bus was subjected was the climbing
of each severe gradients as Hill Town and Constitution Road. Anyone acquainted with the nature of these gradients will appreciate the severity of the tests; from which the bus emerged in excellent style. A tour was also made over. what is likely to prove a popular summer run when the corporation establishes its motorbus service, the route embracing Balgay Park anti the Esplanade.
' Motor Vehicles in Norway.
The number of automobiles in. use in Norway rose during the wax from 1,000 to nearly 14,000, out of which 2,400 were motor lorries. The taxes for 1920 amounted to Kr. 650,000, but it is proposed (so says .e. communication from Copenhagen) to raise these taxes to such air extent that the State will receive yearly Kr. 2,000,000, -which will be applied to the improvement of the roads of the country. .
.Annual Ploughing Matches.
Mr. H. Scott-Nall, tractor trials organizer to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., ii desirous of acquiring information concerning the annual ploughing matches which are he'd in this country. He would, therefore, be grateful if local secretaries who are responsible for the conduct of such events would communicate with him at 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.. 1, informing him of the usual times and localities, when and where such ploughing matches are held.
Renewing Tramway Tracks.
The state of affairs that has arisen in connection with the London -United Tramway's track in the Uxbridge Road is somewhat instructive. It seems that the tramway company would , have to spend over £150,000 in order to reconstruct this track sufficiently thoroughly to make it possible for the road authority to begin work upon the remainder of the road with any prospect of the complete job proving really satisfactory.
-It is, of course, well known that many tramway undertakings were compelled to neglect their permanent ways and other plant to such an extent during the war that the costs of now putting these into proper condition are prohibitive. In the case of the :Uxbridge Road, the suggested solution is the one which would naturally present. itself, namely, the adoption of an rennibue service and the total removal of the tram rails. This case should give food for thought in many quarters, and should add yet. another item of evidence for the use of those who are now properly urging that tramway systems should not be extended on account of the immense permanent commitments that they involve, and that, in many instances existing tramway syztems should be scrapped and motor omnibuses should be substituted.
We see in these cases the folly of ever adopting a. system which cannot be superseded or enlarged gradually by the adoption of more up-to-date means, without at the same time either giving a disjointed service or else scrapping material which stands on the operating company's book as an asset of considerable value.
Redundant Transport Organiza
Objections to the present overlapping system of trade union organizations for the motor transport industry, entailing a great multiplicity of offices, finds nowhere keener condemnation than among the permanent officials themselves, who have had wearisome experiences of present conditions.
Mr. Ben. Smith, secretary of the commercial section of the United Vehicle
Workers, put the matter very pertinently at a recent meeting at Nottingham, when he declared that the existing plan represented a perfect modern Tower of Babel, there being 31 unions in the Transport FederaVon, 31 different sets of rules, 31 different executive councils, and 31 general secretaries, 'and, speaking from wide acquaintance with the work, he added caustically : "It is noise in every direction, and inefficiency. You elect a man because lie is an orator, expect him to he a financier, and treat him as an office boy."
The admonition could not have been more suitably uttered than in the hall which was the .scone of the last national conclave of Vehicle workers, when some of the delegates appeared to pay but scant respect to their chosen leader.
'Ford Tractors in China.
The Ford Co. proposes to cultivate the land of some rich Chinese owners with motor tractors; that is, to till the soil, plant the seed, care for, and harvest the crop by tractor on lands which adjoin otheV tracts that axe being cultivated in the Chinese way by human labour. During this time a complete and detailed statement will be kept,. showing the comparative cost and yields from the two pieces of ground, Do that the Chinese can he shown by actual demonstration the advantage of modern methods.
Ton-mileage Payment for Extraordinary Traffic.
The Stockton Rural District Council has complained that the haulage of road metal is causing extraordinary road damage, and inquires whether the Durham County Council is prepared to pay the extraordinary expense which will be entailed in repairs. In this connection the county surveyor reports that, owing to the difficulty in obtaining railway wagons, he made arrangements for supplies of metal to be hauled by road, and in the circumstances he suggests that the County Council should agree to pay the Urban Council a sum of 3d. per ton-mile on all material hauled over rural roads for the County Council in full settlement of any damage that may have been caused by this traffic.
Roads in the Wirral.
No decision has yet been come to as to who should hear the cost of repairing. the road in the Wirral peninsula-between Moreton and Upton—over which the Crosville Motor Bus Co. are seeking permission to run a motorbus servioe.
Representatives of the Birkenhead Corporation, the Crosville Co., and Messrs. Pye, of lleswalli met and discussed the matter, and although Birkenhead, which also has a bus service, had no proposals to make as to whether they could contribute towards the cost of between £3,000 and £4,009, and the Ileswall firm withdrew their Ip-plication, no decision was reached. It was thought that the Birkenhead Corporation and the Crosvife Co. (which is willing to bear the whole of the cost under certain conditions} should try to came to some arrangement as to the use of the road and the division of cost. The Wirral Council has had the matter under consideratiem, but has deferred it for another month in the hope that sonic agreement -will be reached.
The Wallasey Corporation intends to widen the Leasowe Road for the purpose of making it negotiable for motorbuses.
Traffic on the Great North Road.
The Durham County Council reports that traffic statistics on the Great North Road show a, great. increase in selfpropelled traffic between 1912 and 1920. All traffic other than self-propelled has decreased from 55 per cent. in 1912 to 7.7 per Cent. in 1920. The percentage of motor traffic last year was :—Motor omnibuses 21.1; heavy motors and tractors, 51.5'; and motorcars and motorcycles, 19.7.
Slippery Roads.
Reporting the receipt of many ccmplaints as to slippery roads, and suggestions that only the centres of the roads should be treated with tar macadam, tat:, Durham county engineer says he is afraid that, in view of the great increase, in mechanically.propelled vehic'es, that the adoption of this course would entail an enormous expense in maintenance, as well as very seriously reducing the efficiency of the roads .
Lincolnshire Roads.
The scheme under which the County Councils propose to under take the maintenance of all classified roads in the county continues to meet with strung opposition from the various district authorities, the matter being one of obvious importance to drivers of commercial and other motor vehicles.
The subject was debated at a recent representative meeting of the Farmers' Union at Lincoln, when a committee was appointed to consider it, after a resolution condemning the change had been proposed. The main objection is that the scheme will entail increased working expenses, as 'there would be in each district council's area two sets of roadmen and two sets of appliances; but, whatever the eventual solution may be, it is manifest that, in the interest of rapidly-growing traffie, many of the roads in the county can no longer with safety be allowed to remain in a condition which has long been the cause Of complaint by drivers.
Meanwhile, there is hope that belated problems regarding maintenance of important bridges crossing the Trent may he satisfactorily dealt with by co-operation between Notts. and Lincolnshire authorities, who are jointly interested.
16,000 Miles on Big Pneumatics.
Commercial vehicle owners and charA-bance proprietors are vitally interested just now in facts dealing with the performances of big pneumatic tyres, and obviously the only logical means upon which to form an accurate opinion of the efficiency, durability, and all-round Merits of these t,yree for commercial vehicle service is from the actual ex-perience of users.
In this connection the 'experience of Mr. Herbert Brooks, of Heywood, Lancashire, is of particular interest. Mr. Brooks is very enthusiastic over the merit of the Goodyear large pneumatics fitted to his vehicle. He rune a 30 cwt. Cearford lorry fitted with 36 in. by 6 in. tyres. This vehicle is provided with interchangeable bodies, one being an 18sealer coach body, and the other of the ordinary float type. In a. recent interview, he stated that the pneumatics fitted to hie vehicle have now done 16,000 miles, and "look like doing another 16000." During the. whole of the period that these tyres have been fitted to the vehicle, it has reot been off the road for repairs for a single day, and Mr. Brooks attributes this trouble-free mileage to the use of the large-sized pneumatics. The vehicle has made frequent trips as far as Llangollen, Buxton, Harrogate, Blackpool, Chester, Matlock, end Barrow-in-Furness. One route which the vehicle frequently traverses, via B-amhorough Bridge, near Preston, is in such a bad state that the proprietors of solid-tyred coaches avoid it in their journeys. The vehicle has given equally satisfactory service when used as an ordinary goads lorry. The consumption of petrol since the vehicle has been running on large pneumatics is at the rate of 14 m.p.g., and, although no record has been kept of the oil consumption, it is stated to be equally satisfactory.
London Bus Fares Revision.
In the four months which have elapsed since the fares of the motorbus routes in London were revised, the L.G.O. Co. state that, although more than 12,000 fares were involved in the alteration, only 40 cases of complaint have been received. The case of every single fare which has been made the subject of. complaint has been investigated; and five alterations in fares or fare points affecting 37 different fares in all have been carried out, to meet reasonable representations on the part of the public.
New Liverpool Tyre Depot.
David Moseley and Sons, Ltd., are opening a new branch at Liverpool, the address of which is 9, Commutation Row. This new depot will cover the following territory e—Isle of Man, South-west Lancashire west, of a line from and including Lancashire, Chorley, Wigan to Warrington, West CheAire, west of a line from Warrington to Sandbach, and North Wales, covering the Counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Merioneth, Denbigh, and Flint./ The steady increase in the sale of Moseley tyres and the growth of the business generally has necessitated this rearrangement of territory.
C. A. Tan.dervell, Ltd., of Acton, London, W.3, have recently issued a folder dealing with C.A.V. types of electric horns. Three types are made, Model 10 being specially designed for use with the C.A.V. standard electrical equipment.
Bulgarian Tractor Trials.
A competition for motor tractors is to be held in. April next) in Sophia under the auspices of the Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture. The conditions are such in the country that a small strong tractor capable of pulling over rough ground, and able to operate within confined spaces, is likely to meet with success. No formal conditions relating to the trials appear to be procurable, bet it is suggested that firms desirone of cornpet ing should communicate with Banque Agrieole de Bulgarte, Sophia, Bulgaria, the correspondence being in either French, German, or Russia-n.
More Chassis Prices Down.
The International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., 80, Finsbury Pavement, London D.C., inform us that they have been able to reduce the price of International motor lorries as follows:— Model H. 15 cwt., equipped with solid tyres, £495; with pneumatic tyres, £530.
Model F, one ton, with solid tyres, £595 with pneumatic tyres, £630. Model K, 30 cwt., with solid tyies, £695.
Model 0, 40 -cwt., with solid tyres, £850.
"Councils that Claytonize."
Clayton Wagons, Ltd., of Titanic Works, Lincoln, have sent us a copy of a very interesting little book which they have just, produced, headed !` Councils that Glaytonize." This company ha-re paid,Much attention in the past to the transport problems of menicipalities, and ' they are, therefore, in a position to speak with authority on the classes of vehicle which are best suited to the varying requirements of local authorities: A representatiVe list of councils that have Claytonizecl " is included in the book, under the heads of county councils, corporations and boroughs, urban district councils, and rural district councils.
Four different, types of vehicles are dealt with, these being a rail-carrying wagon, a side-tipper, an end-tipper, and a dual-purpose end-tipper and I tankcarrying wagon, and the textual information is supplemented by the inclusion of several well-executed line drawings, in which the vehicle in the foreground., representative of the type dealt with, le brought out by cross-hatching the background.
Spring Covers.
It is not difficult to understand the growing popularity of spring covers when it is considered how much these add to the general efficiency of the sitspension system. Given a properly fitted cover, a, spring may be packed with grease and left almost indefinitely withoutany fear of lubricant exuding or of wet and grit finding their way between the leaves.
One of the neatest of these devices is the "Wefco," manufactured by the Wiloot (Pasent) Co., Ltd., 667, Fishponds Road, Bristol. It is produced in three qualities, each being made in a wide variety of sizes to suit, all types of springs, both front and rear, and a special set is marketed for Fords. The feature of the " Wefco" is the ingenious method of invisible lacing. The cover is stoutly made of solid leather, and an inner protective tongue and flanges are provided to retain the lubriCant.
1,000 Tons by Road.
The Liverpool branch of the AngloGlobe Express Co. recently fulfilled a contract for the conveyance of nearly 1,000 tons of pitch in bulk from MidWales to Liverpool by road vehicle. The whole of the consignment was in Liverpool within three weeks, and on the arrival of the steamer by which it was to be shipped, was reloaded on to the motors and taken to the docks. Tho goods took 27 hours to load into the ship.
A Simple Valve-grinding Tool.
We reproduce on this page a drawing of a new valve-grinding tool, which has been 'patented by Mr. T. C. Ewart, of 117, Wainwright Stseet, Aston, Birmingham. The idea of the device is that the screwed plugfits into the.sparking plug hole in the Cylinder next to the valve which is about to be ground in, and so brings the screwdriver end rod over the centre of the wave. An elongated hole is provided in the body of the device to allow adjustment in either direction to take up the difference
• in the distance between the valves of different engines. The inventor claims that instead of valve grinding being a tiring job, as it undoubtedly is with the use of many existing tools, it becomes, by the use of this tool, a simple and easy job, only requiring one head to operate, whilst, at the same time, it offers this advantage —that the pressure always comes on the centre of the valve, which ensures a true seating, and thus avoids the common trouble of slipping of the valve.•
Users of Ford vehicles will be pro.vided for in the way of a special fitting to place on the lower end of the rotating shaft.
We are informed that the provisional price of the tool is 6s.
Last year, owing to continued advances in the cost of raw material and the increases in wages, Brame°, Ltd., of St. Nicholas Street, Coventry, were compelled to make the price of the Olson one ton. solid-tyred model unit £60, and that of the Olson prieumatie-tyred 15 cwt. unit £60, plus 15 per cent. The company now inform us that their are able to revert to the original list prices by abolishing the 15 per cent. increases.
Local Proceedings.
St. Annes-on-Sea (Lanes.) Urban District Council is to borrow £960 for the purchase of motor vehicles.
Anglesey County Council has obtained permission to borrow £1,313 for the pm.: chase of a motor tipping wagon.
The question of purchasing a motor refuse wagon is being considered by a committee of the Newquay U.D.C.
Bognor Urban District Council .is arranging to purchase a motor tractor for fire brigade purposes at a cost of 2400. '
Hackney Council Works Committee . recommends the purchase Of five petrol ' vehicles, of, a type to be. selected subsequently, at an estimated coat, of £7,825.
Marylebone Council's Works Departg ment has decided sfor the moment not to proceed further with the proposal to install self-starters on the motor dust lorries, Burnley Corporation is to seek Parliamentary powers to run motorbuses its co-operation with the tramways. It is estimated that the scheme will cost £101,500.
As the city engineer has reported that it would be more economical to adopt mechanical traction than to continue the cartage contracts, the Dundee Corporation has authorized him to purchase two motor lorries.
The Ministry of 'Health has held inquiries into the applications of Holyhead. U D.C. and Ipswich T.C. for sanction tee borrow £1,600 for a motor tipping wagon, and £2,951 for two electric vehicles respectively.
The Works Committee of the , Greenwich Borough Council, having considered the mostsuitable steam wagon ' to adopt, now recommend the purchase of a 5 ton rubber-tyred steam wagon, with tipping body, from Wm. Allchin, Ltd., at a cost of £1,285.