One coach off White's licence
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ONE OF the coach' authorised to White's Coach International of Basingsto: has been suspended for o: month by South Eastei Traffic Commissioner Rand; Thornton.
The company, which hol a licence for 24 vehicles, w called before the Commi sioner following the impco tion of prohibition notices < its vehicles (CM, January 251 Imposing what he describ as a token penalty, Thorntc warned that if the compat failed to maintain its vehicl to a high standard in tl future, he might be mo severe.
In the decision, Thorntc said that vehicles had bet inspected by the compar only days before the proh bition notices were imposed.
The only conclusion to 1 drawn was that either tl inspections had been inad, quate or that defects discoi ered had not been put right.
The evidence of the mana ing director, Roger Cheste was that there had been sta difficulties.
He was fully engaged organising the new compan. particularly on the financi side, but he could tic supervise the maintenance.
Other difficulties aros from engine failures and a need to get annual inspectior carried out which diverted h attention from the reguL maintenance of the vehicles.
But the responsibilities various members of staff ha now been clarified, detail< instructions had been issu< in regard to a regular inspei don system, and Chest( would play an active role i controlling that system.
Thornton said that h accepted that Chester ha every intention of carryin out his plans in that respeci but the new system ought t prove satisfactory and that th maintenance staff and facilitie were adequate. It was true that his prim object was to ensure thu vehicles were properly mair tamed in the future an operators who failed in the: duty in relation to th maintenance of their vehick must expect disciplinary actiot