News and Comment.
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T:ais journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
23r0 to 3Ist 1 Scottish Motor Show. Jan.
30th Jan. to I Commercial Motor Show, at 7th Feb. J Manchester.
16.11 to 21st Aero, Marine and Stationary March. J Engine Exhibition, at 011nirna.
" A happy New Year "—again. Next Thursday at Manchester.
On the occasion of the pre-Show dinner (private-car section) at the Midland Grand Hotel, Manchester, the toast of "The Visitors" will be submitted by Mr. J. Graham Reece, and the response will be !shared by Mr. Harcourt E. Clare and Mr. E, S. Shrapnell-Smith, Manchester Show.
We shall next week publish one of the pages from the business brochure which has been issued from this office in regard to the two enlarged numbers of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, dated the 29th inst. and the 5th prox., in connection with the forthcoming North of England Show.
Electric Vehicle Committee.
The next meeting of the Electria Vehicle Committee of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Asso ciation will be held at the Institution of Electrical Engineers! on Friday, the 16th inst. We understand that the nominees of the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association have now been appointed.
C.M.U.A. Lectures.
There remain two lectures, ono each to petrol drivers and steam drive, in the series of eight. which was arranged by the Comme-scial Motor Users Association. The lecturer, Mr. G. W Watson, 31.I.A.E., has been unfortunately obliged to alter the date for the last lecture to petrol drivers to :Friday, the 16th inst., owing to engagements in connec tion with. the Manchester Show The last, lecture to steam, drivers will be on the 29th inst.
Repairs to Solid Tires.
The Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., of
Thurloe Place, S.W., has found it necessary, owing to the continued advance in demand for its " T "pattern, solid band-tires, to extend its repairing plants in order to carry out repairs to solid tires. This development, which is the re suit of investigation and careful experiment, is one of undoubted in terest to all users who from time to time find their solid tires damaged by tramlines or other unwelcome road conditions. The Continental Co. claims that it can restore such injured tires to their normal condition, and do so at low charges.
Colonel Crompton's Manchester Paper.
The discussion on Colonel Crompton's paper before the Manchester Association of Engineers is reported on pages 396-398. We may yemark that we have not space this 'week to deal with Colonel Crompton's recent paper before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Classified Advertisements.
Owners of commercial motors are invited to make increased use of our " Classified Advertisement " pages. The sub-divisions which are 'indicated at the head of these (advertisements, page 25) will convey snipe of the purposes to which those pages may be put, whilst others nay be gathered from the columns themselves. The cost is small : the e-suits are uniformly satisfactory.
Ft.S.P.C.A. Recommends Motor Haulage.
The Bideford R.D.C. has re ceived a letter, from the Local Government Board, dilwing attention to a complaint that was lodged with the Board by the secretary of the Royal. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. This letter asked the Board to take action concerning the behaviour of the Bidelord kt.D.C. in using horses to obtain material from the beach, and istrongly recommended that this hould beoione by mechanical haulThis-is, indeed, an instructive episode. The knell of the horse has once more been sounded. New C.N1.U.A. Offices.
We understand that an early announcement may be expectedin regard to the transference of the Commercial Motor Users Association to large offices-next. door to tiae'Royal Automobile Club. This new location will enable the necessary dose touch with the legal and other departments of the R.A.C. to he maintained, whilst the committee, sub-committee an•d other .meetings will, a-8 heretofore, be held in the committee room of the R.A.C. Mr. Bristow, the C.M.C.A. • secretary:— has been seriously hampered, for some considerable time past, for want of sufficient. office .space, in common with other occupants of the R. A.C. building, but it has been found impossible to allotthe necessary further accommodation. This amounts to a couple of spacious l'001112.
New Registrations.
The Graveley Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of ,E5000 in El 'shares, and with its office at 17, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, S.W., to acquire an invention relating to an improved construction of side splash mudguards for the! wheels of 'Doter and other vehicles. Sigs. : Harry V. Graveley and Reginald A. Blackford.
The Wessex Engineering Co., Ltd., with am authorized, capital of k;20,000 in Li shares, by Warren, ,Iliurton and Miller, 45, Bloomsbury Square-, E.C., to acquire certain patents relating to internal combagtion engines, and to carry on th.e 1Jusiness of manufacturers of and -dealers in motor omnibuses, wagons; lorries, etc. First directors Hon. E. Fielding, A. A. Allen, W. Morgan, J. A. Bart-let and W. Yatman,
Busy at Scotstoun.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., is as busy as usual, subject to the New Year spell of holidays. We pick the following from a long list of recent orders : a repeat, for two 15 h.p. 10 cwt. vans, from Holliday, Sons and Co., Ltd., of Warwick House, Birmingham, per C. L. Wells, Ltd., the Albion concessionnaire in Birmingham ; a repeat, for six chassis, per the Kellow-Falkiner Motor Co., Melbourne, for Messrs. Foy and Gibson, of that city, which brings this particular fleet. of Albions up to a total of 17.
Halley's New Catalogue.
Under the interesting descriptive title of " The Silent Salesman," we find that Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., of .Yoker, Glasgow,. has issued a comprehensive 32-page catalogue. The contents of this booklet set out the company's agents and representatives in various parts of the world, and give point to the argument that the behaviour of Haliey vehicles is most ,..1Tective in securing repeat orders. Numerous models, suitable for both Home and Overseas use, are succinctly mentioned, together with illustrations, and there is a happy departure in the catalogue from the customary method of technical and —to the average user—uninformative detail.
Royal Agricultural Society of En gland.
At the opening of the New Year, we desire to draw the attention of members of the industry to the advantages of membership of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, the cost of which is only .21 Per annum. These advantages in elude the following :—Free admission to the shows of the Society; reduced railway fare on travelling to the show ; free admission to the grand-stand at horse ring (if room); tree admission to the horticultural exhibition ; use of members' pavilion in. show-yard, comprising writing room, cloakroom, etc. ; to exhibit implements at reduced rates ; receipt of a free copy of the Society's journal ; use of library, reading and writing room at 16, Bedford Square, London, W.C. ; to attend and vote at general meetings of the Society ; and to vote for election of members of council.
We venture to think that many trade supporters of this journal on the petrol-vehicle side of the industry are unaware of the foregoing points. The Editor, as a member of the R.A.S.E., will be happy to propose any such manufacturers for membership. on hearing from them. A.B.C. Tests.
The Aerated Bread Co., Ltd., is nuking sonic trials of an electric vehicle for delivery of supplies to its various denots in London.
A Novel Municipal Demon. stration.
One of the interesting features of a recent parade of municipal employees and appliances at Los Aageles, California, was the firealarm signal mounted on a motor trick. At the rear end was a signal box, at which a man stood delivering an alarm. At the other end was the receiving equipment, where an operator was receiving the alarm, so that the mechanism which registers the call was clearly shown to the spectators along the, route. This no el parade was eight miles long and thousands of men on the city's pay roll, from the mayor down to the dog-catcher, were in line, besides hundreds of city motors, wagons, steam rollers and floats showing various features of the municipal organimition.
A New Registration.
:orge Buchanan, Ltd., with an .authorized capital of 23000 in
shares, by A. C. Kent, 176, Victoria Street, S.W., to carry on the business of repairers and builders of and dealers in wagons and motor vehicles of all kinds ; also to enter into an agreement i with George Buchanan, who is one of the first directors, residing at 31, Margaretta Terrace, Chelsea, S.W. The Roads Improvement Association.
We understand that many of the recipients of the returned one-fifth of the donations to last year's International _Road Congress are passing the sums to the Roads Improvement Association, for investment account.
Imperial Motor Transport Council.
The ;Imperial Motor Transport Council has circulated a memorandum, received from the secretary of the Canadian Chamber of Commercein London, concerning the possibilities of co-operation in Canada between British manufacturers of commercial motors. In outline, the scheme is that cooperative depots should be established, and it is explained that a depot means a receiving and distributing branch, with office, garage and repairing shops. The ultimate object is to develop an assembling factory, and thereafter a branch factory. The matter appears to us to be one for consideration by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, although, in 'view of the reception which that Society gave a few years ago to proposals for sending a Trade Commissioner to Canada, to which proposals we may have occasion to refer again, we doubt if any such joint action will be taken. The scheme is none the less interesting, and the Society will no doubt be indebted to the Imperial Motor Transport Council fry nutting for ward a proposal of the kind.
Marshall Tractor Costs.
Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., of Gainsborough, enjoys a good demand for both its internalcombustion-engined tractors and its steamengmed tractors. The chairman and members of the Wensfield U.D.C. have recently adopted a report by their surveyor, in respect of the work done by a steam tractor from the Marshall works. In this case, the average distance the material was hauled was 2o miles, and during a period of 12 months ended the 31st October last no fewer than 5375 loads were hauled. In addition to this haulage, the tractor worked .19 days as a roller, and 18 days driving a stone-cracker. The actual cost of the working, apart fr OM depreciation and interest, was £132 8s. id, for the 12 months, whilst the total earnings of the tractor were 2483 5s. 6d. After deducting 275 for depreciation, the net saving was 2275 17s. 5d., this being in comparison with horses. The year before the Council bought its Marshall tractor, it expended 23:33 on horse-work, and 2112 5s. 6.d. en the hire of steam rollers. With this Marshall tractor in its possession, the expenditure on horse-hire was 115 16s. 6d., and the roller-hire was nothing.