The Royal Show Report
Page 12

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Messrs Barford and Perkins.
" We compliment you on your excellent report of the motor vehicles, etc., at the Royal Show. There is no doubt that yours is a very live paper."
H P. Saunderson and Co., Ltd.
• ' Your very excellent report of the commercial-motor section of the Royal Show this year, quite apart from the reference to ourselves, is most interesting. The concise reports and numerous illustrations should be perused by everyone interested in commercial motors."
Dennis Bros., Ltd.
" We write to express our appreciation of your Royal Show report, which is invaluable to everyone at all interested in any form of motor suitable for agricultural and other purposes. The report has dealt comprehensively with every important mechanical exhibit, and it acts as a perfect guide to anyone interested in the very excellent collection of all types of motors staged for pub& inspection at the Royal Agricultural Show."
Wm. Foster and Co., Ltd.
" We wish to take this opportunity of congratulating you upon the splendid manner in which you did full justice to the Royal Show at Gloucester in your issue of the 24th June. In the ordinary ranks of daily journalism, one has become accustomed to pictures and reading matter being produced within a few hours of the occurrence, but we. believe that very few weekly journals would have the enterprise to get out such a well-illustrated and descriptive edition within a few hours of the show being opened. We therefore tender you our hearty congratulatioes."
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.
We think your Show Number gave an interesting and comprehensive description of the motor wagons and tractors exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Show, and commend you upon the early date on which it was issued, especially in face of the number of illustrations and blocks which you had to prepare."
Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd.
" We were very pleased with the careful and expeditious manner in which the report of the Royal Show was prepared and circulated. To have such a full and accurate account (including photographs taken on the showground) in the hands of readers by the afternoon of the opening day was, we consider, a very creditable performance."
W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd.
" We have very much pleasure in congratulating you on your smartness in getting out the Royal Show report. We were astonished to receive the report on the Tuesday afternoon, on the show ground at our stand (the Show opening the same day). We think such enterprise should receive the support of the motor trade generally."
Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Ltd.
" We read the Royal Show report in your issue of 24th June with pleasure and appreciation. In our opinion. it is of a very comprehensive character, •including as it does full and interesting descriptions of the exhibits, whirl' appeal directly to ourselves as manufacturers of self-propelled vehicles. The illustrations appear to have been selected with care. and are extremely well finished."