ROAD TRANSPORT Meets Agriculture's Needs
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AGRICULTURE and road transport have much in common. They are two of Britain's largest industries. Yet in contrast to continued.amalgarnation seen in other spheres both still consist substantially of small units.
Road transport is therefore invariably well situated to serve the special, and often urgent, needs of the farmer. But the haulier must be well acquainted with the particular characteristics of the loads he carries for agriculture. To some extent he may be helped to do this because geographical conditions compel farmers to specialize, so limiting the range of traffics which they, individually, have to offer.
This factor, however, tends to disginse the substantial tonnages which, in total throughout the country, farming has to offer the haulier. Moreover, because of the persistent postwar drive for greater agricultural productivity, this already large tonnage continues to grow, and the estimate for this year's harvest is no exception to this general trend.
The final estimate for the wheat crop for 1957-58 was 2.68m. tons, rising to 2.71m. for 1958-59. The estimate for 1959-60 is 2.78m. tons. A similar increase is estimated for the oats crop, but a substantial rise of 860,000 tons is expected. for barley. The 1958-59 crop was estimated at 3.17m. tons whilst the corresponding figure for 1959-60 is 4.03m. tons.
Other large tonnages estimated for 1959-60 are potatoes 6.85 m. and sugar-beat 5.32m. Straw accounts for a further 5.82m. tons, and hay 3.40m. tons. Whilst, admittedly, a proportion of these tonnages will be moved by the farmer there still remains substdntial custom for the haulier.
Because road transport is mainly organized in small units, it is particularly well suited to Comply with the urgent demands which farmers make. In the majority of cases, only road transport can guarantee delivery at a specific time, and this is often vital to the farmer, to whom late arrival at a market could mean substantial financial loss.
Another important factor, particularly at harvest time, is the prompt return of empties which are invariably in short supply on such occasions. If the farmer cannot rely on regular return of empties, he would be compelled to expend greater capital outlay to ensure outward delivery.
Also because of the personal control which most transport operators can give, small, but vital, variations in loading times and locations can be adequately dealt with to the satisfaction of both customer and operator. Despite adequate planning beforehand, such variations will be continually arising because of Changes in weather or market conditions. The movement of livestock is probably the most specialized of all agricultural traffic. Obviously both haulier and driver must have an intimate knowledge of the habits of the animals carried. Such movement falls largely into two groups: livestock from farm to local markets, and from farms or breeding centres to special sales.
The radius of journeys in the first group would probably be about 30 miles. This would be extended to practically any distance in the second group, and the haulier employed on this type of .work would probably be a specialist in a particular type of livestock. The breeding of pedigree animals is normally limited to a particular type in one area.
Conversely, the livestock haulier attending local markets would be expected to move most types of animal, and have a detailed knowledge of the facilities available at farms in the neighbourhood.
Because of variations in individual animals, there. must be corresponding differences in loading capacities. As a general guide,
however, the-following figures give an indication of comparative loading capacities based on a body length of 20 ft.: sheep 70-80; lambs 120; and cattle 8-10.
Despite the increasing application of bulk handling to agricultural traffic, the platform vehicle and sack load still represent the standard method of agricultural transport, and hauliers must therefore be familiar with the various weights of agricultural products commonly carried in sacks.
Wheat is normally carried in 18-stone sacks, two such sacks comprising a quarter. Barley weighs 16 stone to the sack and oats 12 stone, whilst peas and beans weigh 266 lb. to the sack. There is, however, an increasing tendency to use smaller sacks and legislation along these lines is contemplated in the future.
The movement of sugar-beet, in contrast to most other agricultural traffics, is controlled by one organization, the British Sugar Corporation. This, in fact, is an advantage to all parties because of the substantial tonnages which have to be handled during the short campaign each autumn. This lasts approximately three months, when all the Corporation's factories are working 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The grower of the sugar-beet is actually responsible for the delivery to. the factory, but the method, time and quantity are rigorously controlled. by a permit system.. Such control is preferable to the difficulties which would otherwise arise if vehicle deliveries under such conditions were completely unregulated.
Where platform vehicles are employed for the delivery of
sugar-beet, unloading is normally carried out by a jet of water delivered through an Elfa, gun. At some of the Corporation's factories, however, elevated roadways encourage the increasing use of tipping -lorries. Because there is no dependence upon Elfa-gun -bays, waiting time is substantially reduced, if not completely eliminated.
Because there are early and main .crops, potato traffic is staggered to some 'extent. Early •, howeVer, are extremely perishable and must be marketed immediately after harvesting. Overnight delivery is demanded, and to avoid swamping any particular market; a.wide area mast be covered. Here again, road transport is well suited to meet such requirements.
I Will now give the operating costs of three types of vehicle which are commonly employed on agricultural traffic. They are the 5-ton platforrn oiler, which may be termed a generalpurpose -vehicle for farm_ work, an 8-ton oilerwith platform body, employed .on movement to store and market, whilst the third vehicle hai a dual-purpose bulk body on a. corresponding 8-ton oil-erigined Chassis.
With an unladen weight of 7 tons 17 cwt., the .5-ton oiler would have an annual 'licence duty of £35, or 145. per week. The calculation of standing costs is based on' a 50-week year to allow for two weeks when the vehiele-may be off the road for
major repair or holidays. •
Wages for a basic week of 44 hours, based on R.H. (68) as applicable' to Grade I areas, are reckoned to amount to £9 4s. 3d. Rent and rates in respect of garaging the vehicle add 10s. 9d. per week. -Assuming the insurance premium amounts to £33 per annum, this will be the equivalent of lls. 2d. per week.
• Capital Outlay " .
With a capital outlay of £1,250, interest charged at a nominal rate of 3 per cent, would -amount to 15i. per week, making the total standing cost £11 17s. 2d. per week, or 7.12d. per mile where the weekly average .amounts to 400. The corresponding stahding cost., per hour Would be 5s. 4,4c1.
With a rate of fuel consumption of 18 m.p.g., fuel cost per mile would be 2.60d. Lubricants are reckoned at 0.24d. and tyres 1.23d. per mile, assuming a set costs £158. This is on the assumption that a. tyre mileage life of 30,000 is achieved.
Maintenanee is calculated to cost 2.13d. per mile_and depreciation 1.53d. This latter calculation is made by first deducting the cost of the initial set of tyres from the price of the vehicle, together with an estimated residual value. Vehicle mileage life is assumed to be 150,000.
Total running costs are therefore 7.73d. and total operating costs 14.85d. *(mile. still assuming the weekly average to be 400. Should this be increased tO'.600 Miles per week, the corresponding operating c.oit per mile would be I2.34d. Whilst this higher mileage.. may be achieved by the general-purpose vehicle during the busier 'periods of seed time and harvest, operating costs per mile will have to be reckoned on the basis of the average which is maintained throughout the year, and for that reason the cost'
ost 'per mile of 14.85d may be more appropriate. ost 'per mile of 14.85d may be more appropriate.
Heavier Loads
When heavier loads have to be delivered over longer distances, and to strict time schedules, the 8-ton platform vehicle in the quality range is often employed. The unladen weight of such a vehicle would be around 4 tons 7 cwt., incurring an annual licence duty of £60. This is equivalent to a standing cost-per week of £1 4s.
Wages will now be paid in accordance with the next higher category as specified in R.H. (68), and with similar additions as before would amount to I:9 1 ls. 6d. Rent and rates in respect of garaging the vehicle will now be 12s. 3d. Because of the greater carrying capacity and higher initial cost, the insurance premium will now be £54 per annum, or £1 is. 7d. per week. Interest charged at the same rate as before but on a price of £2,550 will be 10s. 7c1. per week. _
These five items of standing coit thus total £23 19s. lid., the equivalent of 6s. 41d. per hour .based on a 44-hour week. It will be reasonable to assume that the weekly average mileage for this larger vehicle will be higher than for the 5-tonner, and will be reckoned at 600 miles per week,giving a standing cost per mile of 5.60d. Fuel. is 'calculated to cost 3.60d. per mile when the. rate of consumption is 13 m.p.g. Lubricants are assessed' at0.26d. and . tyres at 1,70(11 per mile. A mileage life per set 'of 30,000 is again assumed. , but the,.coSt per set is increased. to £212. The maintenance cost .per .mile is assessed at 2.51d. and depreciation at 1.640. This cost is calculated by the same method as before but the.Mileage life of the vehicle is now reckoned at a figure
of 300,000. . • Running costs per mile total 9.71d.. and, operating costs 15.310. Should, the' average weekly mileage .throughout the year drop to 400, the operating cost per milt would be raised to 18.51d. Alternatively, at 800 miles per week the operating cost would be 13.69d. per mile.
Whilst-the:principle of bulk handling as applied to : tural products is generally accepted, the practical application is developing on a comparatiyely modest scale: Precisely because . agriculture consists of a large -number of small units; direet benefits from the adOption of bulk handling' are not always immediately apparent. -Duringthis interim period' the transport operator is faced with the choice of. a Vehicle designed solely for bulk handling or a vehicle intended for a dualpurpose role.
Higher. Tonnage :The first choice would give maximum loading capacity at the possible loss of some flexibility. of working if bulk traffics were not alWays available throughout the year. Conversely the dual-purpose vehicle, because of the likelihood of its higher unladen -weight,: and possible lower carrying capacity, Would cost more to operate per ton, but may nevertheless moVe a
higher tonnage throughout the year. •,
In this instance, it will he assumed that a similar 8-ton oilengined chassis as employed in the previous example is now fitted with a dual-purpose body capable of carrying grain or substances, either in bulk or 'sacks. Tipping gear will be fitted to assist gravity .discharge. The overall cost will nominally be assessed at £4,000.
The unladen weight wilt, of course, be higher than in the previous example, and will now be reckoned at 5 tons 4. cwt. The annual licence duty of £75 will give an equivalent standing cost per week of £1 10s. Wages will again be £9 us. 60., whilst remand rates will also remain the same at 12s. 3d. per . ,
week, 'Because of the higher initial outlay', the cost of-insurance will be a little higher at £1. 5s. .2d., whilst interest will cost £2 8s. per week.
Average Mileage The total standing cost per week for this dual-purpose vehicle will thus be £15 6s. 11d., compared with £13 19s.lid. for the corresponding platform vehicle. Again assuming that the weekly mileage averages 606, standing costs per mile for the bulk vehicle will be 6.14d.
Fuel costs per mile will now be reckoned at 3.90d. but lubricants will remain the same at 0.26d. Similarly, tyres will again amount to 1.70d. per mile.
An additional allowance will now have to be made in respect of maintenance, as some attention will presumably be required to the bulk body and tipping gear. The cost per mile will therefore be assessed at 3.01d. per mile.
Depreciation will again be calculated by first deducting the price of the initial set of tyres from the cost of the vehicle. Because of the special body, it would be prudent to assume that when the time comes to dispose of the vehicle the proportional residual value will be lower than for a corresponding -platfOrrn vehicle for which there would be-normally a greater demand.
Allowing for this, and for the substantially higher initial outlay of £4,000, the depreciation cast per mile becomes 2.73d. This results in a total running cost per mile of 11.60d. and an operating cost per mile of 17.74d.
As previously mentioned, variation in availability of traffic may result in the average weekly mileage throughout the year being less than 600. When this drops to 400 miles per week, the cost of operating this 8-ton dual-purpose vehicle would be 21.21d. compared with a corresponding figure of 18.51d. for the 8-ton platform vehicle. At 800 miles per week, the operating cost per mile for the bulk vehicle would be 15.98d.