B.R.S. Man Wins at Yor I N a series of final
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tests between. nine class leaders at York on Sunday, L. King (British Road Services) proved the local centre champion, losing only 22 points, compared with 30 forfeited by the runner-up, I. R. Haigh (Kenneth Wilson [Corn Merchants], Ltd.).
, For the purpose of deciding the best performance of the day, the class finalists took turns at handling an E.R.F. van, owned by B.R.S., which had not taken part in the earlier proceedings. King was the only finalist unpenalized in the second test, and gave an exceptionally slick display throughout. King tied with Haigh, for lowest loss of marks in the classes.
After two years as an independent competition, the York Lorry Driver of the Year contest this year came under the national rules and counted as an area eliminating round for the national final. Like earlier events, the 1960 meeting was held on an aerodrome circuit,. not Acaster MaIbis as previously, but Rufforth, where the facilities are somewhat better.
No Military Entry
"Ninety-two entries were attracted. As the: city is the headqUartess of the Northern Command, it was surpriging that there Was not a single military entry.
Although of a less industrial character than that of, most: other centres, the York road .,circuit offered many chances of error, but,_ even in . .race of what appeared .to he rather, strict marking., the general standard of driving was good.
From random observation it seemed that drivers suffered penalties when they lapsed into a nonchalant attitude arid were caught una-wares by the unexpected, rather than that they were marked down for particularly dangerous sins of commission.
One good thing that the competition ensured was that all the drivers concerned kept up to date with the Highway Code. As study is largely by the " ask me another process in the garage, it may be assumed that the spread of knowledge extends to more drivers than merely the competitors,
After the road circuit and Highway Code questionnaire were completed, B. Walker (Bootharn Engineers, Ltd,, Morris) was leading in Class A, being unpenalized. On the first two tests he was rather better than R. Stirk (York Co-operative Society, Ltd., Thames), but Stirk proved the class winner when Walker dropped 30 marks reversing into the bay.
Although not outstanding on road and Code, J. Slimrnon (S,P.D., Ltd., Austin) in Class B was much better than the others in the tests. and he finished with a total loss of 48 marks, 50 fewer than the runner=up in the class.
Likewise, L. king (B.R.S., Albion) won -Class C -by .a big Margin with .a reasonably good scOre On the rOad section and Highway code, and a superlative display -in all the Manceuvring testa.
As a whole, drivers• were most successful on the parking test, and: dive first -three in Class D all -came through
this section . without penalty. The winner, P. Moticater (Messrs. P. ,Moneaster, Thames) lost no points on th6 road section and the Code, and, with 38 marks Jost on the tests, he was left with a margin of seven over the runnerup, P. Hopwood (Messrs. J. and F.. Bartram, Bedford). The finish was decidedly tight in this class.
RESULTS CLASS A—Up to 15 itt I, R. Stirk (York Co-operative Society, lad.), Thames, 53 pertain. points; 2, R. Walker. (Rontham Engineers, Ltd.).. Morris, 58; 3, B. Tait (J. H. Tait Transport, Ltd.).
CLASS 13-15-19 ft.: 1, J. Summon Ltd.), Austin, 48; 2, D. Raper (Booth= Enginects, Ltd.), Thames, 98; 3, F. Talbot (S.P.D., Austin, 114.
CLASS C-19-22 ft.: 1, L. King (British Road Services), Albion, 30; 2, A. Mien (Messrs. J. and Bartram), Bedford, 60; 3, G. Baker (Messrs. (3. Baker), Bedford, 69.
CLASS D-22-25 ft4 1, P. Moncaster (Mess's. P. Moncaster), Thames, 38; 2, P. Hopwood (Messrs. J. and E. Bertram), Redford, 45; 3, P. Walton . (Messrs. J. E. and C. H. Rooke), Albion, 51. CLASS E (1)---Over 25 ft., twn axles: 1, .T. B. Smith (MessN. S. E. and C. H. Rooks), Leyland, 48; 2, L. Sykes (John Smith's Brewery. Ltd.), Atkinson, 71; 2, B. A. Marshall (John Smith's Brewery, itd.), Atkinson, 77.
CLASS E (2)—over 25 ft.. mare thou two :odes: 1, J. R. Haigh (Kenneth Wilson Kern Merchant;•tl. Ltd.), Atkinson, 30; 2, D. Hunter (Messrs. E. Maser), Albion, 34; 3, C. Jackson ((3. !owls. Ltd.), Atkinson, 38.
CLASS F (1)—Articulated, tractor under. 3 tons,. tserui-traller under 22 ft.: W. Snape (J. 11. Tait Transport, Ltd.). Commer, 63.
CLASS F (2)—Articulated, tractor under 3 tom.. semi-trailer -22-27 ft.: 1, 1. Green (I. H. Tail Transport, Ltd.), Commer, 52; 2, (3. Hayden 11. H. •
Tait rtanst)Drt, Ltd.). Cionmer, 53; 3, 1. Stone (5. 11. Tait Transport, 1.1d.), Comrner, 65.
CLASS IQ—Articulated, tractor over 3 tom, semitrailer up to 27 ft.: 1, P. A. Fletcher (B.R.S.), Leyland, 67; 2, 1. Snape (J. H. Tait Transport, Ltd.), A.E C.. 85; '3, R. Duckett tiLE .5 ), FAty lancl., 9].