g tephen Barlow had a lucky escape the night he
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slept out on an industrial estate near Tredegar in South Wales. his Renault Midliner 7.5-tonner was carrying a e mixed load of fabrics and pharmaceuticals and he took care to site it in a well-lit parking area on the estate.
It had been a frustrating day. He had set out from Oldham and after the Tredegar drop was scheduled to go on to Swansea and Cardiff. But the schedule was already in difficulties. The warehouseman in Tredegar had refused to accept delivery, even though it was standing order, arguing that he could buy it cheaper locally. Undeterred Barlow bedded down. What happened next was a bolt from the blue. "About 02:0Chrs I was awakened by a banging noise. Looking out of the side window I saw a light which I took to be a floodlight from the nearby building. So I went back to bed. A couple of minutes later I heard a crackling sound and looking out of the window saw the flames. It was really frightening. "The flames were just catching on the roof of the cab, SO I threw my clothes out and jumped out. I ran to the side of the building and put my clothes on and then made for a nearby phone box to call the fire brigade." The firemen were already on their way having been alerted by a passer-by. Barlow was taken down to the local police station to make a statement and bedded down in the cells overnight although he couldn't sleep because of shock. The next day he went back to the scene. "It looked a real mess." His sleeping bag, curtains and personal effects were unsalvageable. According to the fire brigade the fire appeared to have been started deliberately. The vehicle's s ',utter door had been tampered with and liquid had been poured on to the spur wheel which was then set alight. Although two youths were subsequently questioned no charges have been brought. Three months on, although memories of the incident are vivid, Stephen says he has got over the ..hock although he has not put it to the test by sleeping out since the incident.
But because he has not had a vehicle to drive he hos not been able to do local delivery work so has lost quite a bit of "sleeping out" money. His advice to other drivers is to "park in the town where there are plenty of people as well as lights".
Barlow's boss, Mike Jackson of MJ Transport is still counting the cost of the incident. It took two months and £4,000 to get the lorry back on the road. The entire cargo was de, troyecl and two claims are in for £3,000 each. Although the direct costs will be borre )y insurance companies, MI will indirectly be the loser as premiums for both vehices Ind goods in transit insurance will rise as a result.