News and Comment.
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This journal is admitted to possess the influence, the men, the standing and the leading circulation. It is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses throughout the Empire.
An occasional contributor this week(pages 255 and 2:)6) deals with certain points connected with the evolution of steam wagons.
The Agricultural Commission of the Automobile Club of France has decided to hold a motor ploughing competition on the 7th and Sth September.
The polish upon the surface of London streets is one of many outward evidences that motor traffic does not damage paved streets to anything like the extent that horse traffic used to do. A few comments upon this feature will be found on page 253.
We are informed that a subscription is being raised to present a sword of honour to Captain Harrison for his services in connection with the formation of a first company of motor-transport reseeve after long and repeated agitation. We understand that this interesting presentation will be made at C.M U.A. Parade, at Earl's Court, on Whit Monday, at the luncheon.
Albion Orders.
William Whiteley, Ltd., has placed a further repeat order for six Albion vehicles, bringing its total fleet of motor vehicles up to 28. A. W. Gamage, Ltd., has also placed an order for three Albion vehicles. The Royal Deeside carrier, Mr. John Smart, has recently bought, through Messrs. R. and J. Shinnie, the concessionnaires for Albion vehicles in the Aberdeen district, a 16 h.p. Albion vehicle ; this machine will he used, inter aim, for the conveyance of mails to and from Ballater.
Clayton Progress.
Every week appears to bring to hand fresh information about the progress of Clayton and Co., Ltd., of the Union Works, Huddersfield, which company has steadily improved its production and other organization in a mariner which deserves the highest commendation. A recent delivery from the Clayton works is to Mr. C harks Hagenbach, wholesale confectioner, of 28, Northgate, Wakefield, and we illustrate the vehicle herewith. The chassis is of the standard 16 h.p. " 13;30 " model with a two-cylinder engine
and three-speed gearbox. It is capable of dealing with net loads up to one ton in hilly districts. Mr. Hagenbach, who appears to be sharing in the Coronation-time trade boom, has found horse conveyance wholly inadequate to cope with his increase of turnover, and this Clayton van, which is highly finished so as to take the greatest advantage of its advertising value, has provided the only way out of the difficulty. Army Sales.
The Secretary of State for War announces his preparedness to receive tenders for the purchase. of various metor vehicles and traction engines. See advertisement section of this issue (Supplement) page v.
Prompt Repairs.
The Aster Engineering Works, at Wembley, has a department which is specially devoted to repairs of all kinds, and we commend this fact to the notice of our readers. The necessity for repairs sometimes arises at short notice, and the repairer named is prepared to deal with urgent communications at any time.
Is this Man of Any Use to You?
We have in mind a man, at present disengaged, who has had over 20 years experience in the secretarial, accountancy and business side of the engineering trade,. including accounts, organization, buying, estimating, etc. We shall be pleased to put any interested firms in :touch with the man in question, who is personally known to us.
Next Monday's Parade.
All arrangements are well in hand for next Monday's Coronation Motor Parade, and there will be found, at the very head of the line of vehicles, but probably bearing no number, one of the Leyland luggage vans belonging to his Majesty the King. The assembly of the 400 odd machines will officially begin at 10 a.m., but it is expected that not a. small proportion of the total muster will have occurred prior to that hour. Gentlemen who have undertaken to accept duty as marshals are expected to meet, at the corner of Seagrave Road and Lillie Road. at 8.30 a.m. punctually, when they will receive detail instructions from the chief marshal. Fuller information will be found on page 257.
Members of the Association who desire to take one or more seats for the official luncheon, which will take. place at the Old Welcome Club, Earl's Court, at 1.30 p.m. precisely, can still book seats if they order them so that the Secretary of the Association hears by not later than Saturday morning next, together with remittance. Members of the Association can also secure admission tickets to Earl's Court at a, reduced charge of 9d. each, direct from Mr. Bristow. The Association's telegraphic address is " Usamobile London." Horse Sales.
The latest large owner of horses to make an announcement of what may prove to be a considerable series of sales is the Midland Railway Co. No fewer than 60 of its
van-horses are about to be offered by auction, and these animals have been taken out of parcel-delivery service.
Parade Report.
Our next issue, dated the 8th hi-it., will contain a fully-illustrated account of Monday's great parade, together with a complete list of the prize-winners in all classes, and a concise report of the proceedings of the day. In accordance with our announcements dating back to the 16th March last, some 2,090 extra copies of our issue of the 29th inst. will have inserted in them a reprint of this report in supplement form-for Dominion and Overseas e reidation. as part of our Coronation-time special programme, Royal Show.
Progress in connection with the varied preparations at Norwich, for this month's Royal Show, has been most satisfactory. It has been decided that a party of Colonial members of Parliament, who are the guests in this country of the Lords and Commons Committee, will pay their official visit to the showyard on .Thur-day, the 29th June. The entries are heavy in all classes, and the implement section, in which will be found exhibits of agricultural motors, commercial motors and allied machinery and fittings, provides no exception. The show will he held in Mr. Russell J. Colman's beautiful park, at Crown Point, and it is the intention of the Great Eastern Railway Co. to make special arrangements for the conveyance of visitors, a new show station having been erected in close
proximity to the. principal entrance to the sho wya rd.
On Monday last, on the invitation of the Rt. Hon. Ailwyn E. Fellowes, the acting president of the society, a preliminary view of the showyard was afforded to a party of Press and other visitors.
The speakers at the luncheon, in addition to the chairman, included Sir Gilbert Greenall, Bart., the Lord Mayor of Norwich, and Mr. G. M. Chamberlin. Our Coronation-time issue, dated the 29th June, will contain the first-published and best report of the commercial-motor and allied exhibits at this great national show.
New Registration.
British Canadian Agricultural Tractors, Ltd., with an authorized capital of -1:30,000 in .E1 share; and with its offices at 32, Great St. Helen's, E.C., to carry on the busi
ness of manufacturers of and dealers in mechanically-propelled vehicles, etc., also to acquire the undertaking of the Canadian Agricultural Motors, Ltd., incorporated in 1906 as the Universal Motor (North America) Syndicate. First directors : Rt. Hon. Lord Vivian, Hon. 0. Wilson, M.P., and F. W. Thompson.
Whitsuntide Holidays.
Readers who desire to send in any small advertisements for next week's issue will please note that the business department requires to receive instruction by not later than the first postal delivery on Saturday next, the 3rd inst.
Ajax Tires.
Mr. W. J. A. Houston has been appointed the London manager and representative of the solid-tire department of the Midland Rubber Co., Ltd., and all communications intended for him should be addressed to the company at the London depot, 2.22, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.
Why Change?
The latest instance of use of extracts from the article in our issue of the ;5th January last, dealing with the case against the one-horse van, in which article we carefully entered into the subject of comparative costs for one-horse vans and small motor vehicles, is provided by Girling Motors, Ltd., of Woolwich, S.E. This company has brought out an admirably-arranged 12-page pamphlet explanatory of its new tri-ear, the first illustrations of which appeared in our issue of the 4th May, and on page 1 of this pamphlet various extracts from the article in question are made with due acknowledgment to TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR.
The Birkenhead Board of Guardians is now asking quotations for a motor ambulance.
Mr. E. C. Gowing has been appointed works manager, and Mr. F. Savage commercial manager, of the Simms Magneto Co., Ltd., Mr. William . Turner having resigned his usition as general manager.
Mr. H. S. Foster.
A complimentary banquet will be given to Mr. H. S. Foster, managing director of Pfieumatic (1910), Ltd., and one of the keenest sup porters of the Renard train, at the Hotel Cecil, to-night (Thursday), in recognition of his quarter-century of continuous public life, which has included many arduous years of labour upon the London School Board, the London County Council, as Sheriff of the City of London, and as M.P. for North Suffolk during three Parliaments. The chair will be taken by the Rt. Hon. James Round, P.C., who will be supported by a number of representative public men.
Bridge Strengthening.
The Council of the S.M.M.T. has approved of the action proposed to be taken by the joint committee of the Commercial .Motor Users Association and the Society, which joint committee is acting in concert with representatives of other important interests, in respect of steps which are calculated to secure the better maintenance and repair of highway bridges. Readers who desire to make themselves acquainted with salient points in these matters are referred back to our issues of the 10th, 17th and 24th March, 1910, in which an authoritative summary from the pen of Mr. H. Howard Humphreys, M.T.Mech.E., will be found. A Bill will be drafted. Roads Improvement.
A Midland centre of the Roads Improvement Association w a a formed on the 26th ult., with its headquarters at Birmingham. Mr. Sydney Ayres, of 132, Sand Pitts, Birmingham, is acting as hon. sec. pro tern.
Imaginary Reason for Disliking Speedometers.
The majority of Bolton eases at present appertain to exceeding the speed limit. A short time ago, the craze was about excessive axleweight. In the course of last week, a departure was made in one case by issuing a warrant for the arrest of a man who did not answer to the summons. Hy. Howard, of Ince, Wigan, had to pay gi and costs, arid Jas. Kemp, of Preston, and Geo. 011erenshaw, of Mid.dleton, 22 and costs—all for speed-excess. The last two had paid fines in the same court on previous occasions.
in one case the Mayor suggested that speed indicators should be used. The police solicitor : Drivers don't want speedometers, as such instruments tell tales when the drivers are stopped."
Thornycrofts Abroad.
A subscriber who is home from Southern Nigeria tells us that the Government's new 30 h.p. two-ton Thornycroft van is doing record service on the Ibadan-Oyo road, and that the older three-ton Thornycroft is running "like a clock" there. This service is now approaching the profit-earning stage of its development.
A City Exhibition.
A Business Exhibition is being held at Winchester House, Old
Broad Street, E.G., under the direction of the City of London Business Exhibition Co., and this will remain open until the 3rd inst. It will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. to-clay (Thursday) and to-morrow (Friday), and until 3 p.m. on Saturday. The exhibits include contributions from the works of Roneo, Ltd., the Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Ltd., the Triumphator Co., Ltd., the" Michelins" Stamp Affixing and Checking and Letter Opening Machine Co., Ltd., etc., etc.
.21.–• Supply and Transport.
" The Army and Navy Gazette " of the 27th ult. contains an interesting special article on the above subject. Our contemporary writes in the highest terms of the improved prospects which immediately lie before mechanical transport for military purposes, and upon the benefits that will accrue from the standpoints of efficiency and economy. The importance of a measure of standarization, with which we dealt at length in this journal on the 22nd September last, is fully appreciated, out the fear is expressed that difficulties may arise when the question of transport overseas of motor vehicles arises.