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The Provincial Motor Cab Co., Ltd., has arranged to inaugurate an efficient taxicab service in Leamington.
New Registrations. Kensington Motor Cab Co., Ltd., with a capital of £2,500. Office at Finsbury Pavement House, E.C.
The Halda Taximeter Co., Ltd., has been registered, with an authorized capital of £s,000, and with its office at 16, Chapel Street, Ossulton Street, N.W. The first. divectors are H. Hammarlund and C. Lamm.
A "British" Mass Meeting.
A mass meeting of the drivers of the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., was held at the Grosvenor Hall, Buckingham Palace Road, last week. The meeting was to protest against Cap thin Lynch 's evidence before the Taxicab Commission. Proceedings were enlivened by a hand, which persistently played "Here comes the galloping major." A resolution was passed expressing confidence in the Cab Drivers' Union.
No New Licences for Coronation.
The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis has refused to grant any more publieeservice licence plates for the next two months. This is in order to prevent a rush of applications for public-service vehicles to ply for hire during the
Coronation festivities only. We presume that the rule will not apply to the renewal of those licences which expire during that period ? The decision of the Commissioner has caused some uneasiness amongst small proprietors who are waiting for the completion of new taxicabs by manufacturers.
Back from New York.
H. Ellerington, the General Motor Cab Co.'s employee whose bail was estreated in the case in which he was charged with tampering with the company's taximeters, and who was discovered in New York, is to he brought back from that city by Detective Inspector Ward. It is understood that the prisoner has waived his extradition rights, which course, in view of the fact that he was -charged with conspiracy, will avoid considerable delay The trial of taximeter-fitter Alcorn has been postponed until the next sessions at the Central Criminal Court. More Boxing.
A boxing tournament took place, on the 2eth May, at a building in Blackfriars Road, and this was arranged by taxi-drivers in recognition of Mr, Sa.m Michael's services to the cab trade, Mr. St. A. Jewell and Mr. W. E. Middleton acted as officiate.
To Try For Permit.
The Blackwell Rim Co., of Brettell Lane, Stourbridge, proposes within the next. few days to submit a set of its specialities to the Public Carriage Offiee at Scotland
Yard. A standard licensed taxicab will be fitted with a set of the Blackwell auxiliary rims for the purpose of the inspection.
Exit Express.
The Express Motor Cab Co., Ltd., withdrew their cabs from the streets on Saturday the 27th May last. There was some difficulty with the drivers, who were not inclined to pay in the earnings for their last day's work when they were handed their police licences, as they did not consider that the bonus system had been satisfactmily breught to a terminatien, but the matter was eventually adjusted.
Trouble in New York.
The taxicab services in New York are at the present moment in an unsettled condition. A movement of considerable dimensions is on foot with the object of
securing increased rates. It is believed that the opportunity will also be taken to enter a great popular protest against the " private stand " method of hiring, which is so prevalent throughout the States. At present, cab owners have to pay large sums to property owners for the exclusive privilege of standing their vehicles on the public streets in front of certain hotels and business blocks or premises. An association which is to some extent comparable with the Motor Drivers Association in London, but which boasts the euphonious title of the Independent Heckmen's Association., has been formed, and the members have agreed to grant a reduction. in their rates equivalent to the increase which is threatened by the big companies. All of this is amusing to those of us who are accustomed to the fixing of fare schedules by the licensing authorities
A Technical Point.
On the 260 ult., a driver summoned Mr. W. M. Hodges, of the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., for wrongful detention at his licence. It was submitted on behalf of Mr. Hodges that he was not the proprietor of the cab, and that the summons was wrongfully issued. The magistrate held that damage had been proved, and ma-dc an order for be., the amount claimed, and S.:2 .5e. costs.
The Provincial Co.'s Annual Meeting.
The second annual general meeting of the Provincial Motor Cab Co., Ltd., was held an Wednesday
of last week. Mr. Davison Dalziel, chairman of the .company, presided. The accounts for the past year weie presented to the meeting, and the chairman stated that the delay in the presentation of these accounts was largely due to the fact that the company's operations were spread over so considerable an area. Fie blamed the failure to maintain the original rate of progress of the company to the competition which had been encountered in many of the important provincial towns. The local jobmasters and cab 'owners, he said, had come into the business, and they were considerably aided by local sympathy. Especially was this the case in Scotland. Certain claims against the company, which under other circumstances. would have been met by the Law Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd. (now in liquidation), had had to he met by the Provincial Co. The chairman made epeeiel reference to Mr. E. Alfred West, the new general manager, who he said was "a gentleman of great experience in the organization and conduct of the cab trade." Referring to the estimated takings, which, when the company _ commenced operations, were placed at 37s. 6d. per day, Mr. Dalziel said that, during the period which the present accounts covered, they were nearer 24s. Mr. West, who also addressed the meeting, stated that he did not think the company need be afraid that the competition, which they were meeting, would in the end be detrimental to there. They would be enabled to retain the services of most of their best drivers. Mr. E. Mitchell, late of the garage staff of the W. and G., is now manager for Mr. Miller, who is running sO Belsize cabs at Fitzalan Street, Kennington Road.
Mr. C. E. Thomas (late of the M.L. Motor Cab Co., Ltd.) is now managing the West London Taxi Cab Co., Ltd., of Kensington Square, which has a large fleet of Belsize motorcabs.
On the 16th ult., the London Cabdrivers Traci.? Union called a meeting of F.I.A.T. motorcab drivers at the large hall of the Working Men's College, Crowndale Road, NW., to protest. against the statement made by Mr. F. de Bertodano at the recent inquiry. This gentleman stated that if he had known as much of the inotorcab industry in the early days as he does now, he is wild nevor have gone into it. Judging horn the drivers' meeting, this feeling is a mutual one.
The W. and G. Co. is now supplying its drivers with " ordinary " trousers for summer wear, and the Waterloo Cab Co., Ltd., has just issued to its drivers military tunics and breeches with a V series of brass buttons.
Few towns have found the compilation of regulations for the control of taxicab traffic such an irksome business as has Blackpool. After very-protracted discussions on the part of the local councillors, they have evolved a set of conditions of which they evidently are proud. It is always a matter of
wonder to us that each small town which is about to allow its inhabitants to make use of the facilities afforded by a taxicab service, feels called upon to issue a special set of regulations with regard to its own little conditions. Blackpool, however, is evidently quite of opinion that. its public service presents problems with which no other town has to deal. In the new regulations which have now been circulated, we find that " taxicabs " must. be submitted for inspection like other cabs, rowing-boats, tramcars, donkeys, etc." A half-glass screen only is allowed in front of the driver. Drivers of the first two cabs in every rank must be ready to be hired at once. Licences will be granted, as far as practicable, only to proprietors at present; licensed in respect of horse-drawn vehicles.