Opinions from Others.
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Two-fuel Carburetters and Fittings.
[]627] Sir,—I noticed' in your issue of the 18th May an account of a test on a paraffin carburetter. I would like to point out that the method of using petrol on the pilot jet and paraffin on the second jet was introduced by me four years ago, and a patent taken out for it which I have allowed to lapse, as I have found that, with my latest-system carburetter and vaporizer, it is entirely unnecessary to use any petrol at all, and that consequently a very real saving is effected over using two fuels together.—Yours
faithfully, C. RINKS, LTD. Eccles, Lancs.
Abandoning the Differential.
[1628] Sir,—I noticed in the issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR for the 18th May an interesting artic4e entitled "The Abandoning of the Differential." I should like, if you will permit me, to point out that my patented gear, which you kindly wrote about and illustrated some time ago when describing my new motor roller, gives the effect of the solid axle when going straight ahead or backwards, but releases one roller or wheel when turning corners, and acts very efficiently.
I shall be glad to go into the matter of the adoption of this gear with anyone desirous of abandoning the differential.—Yours faithfully,
ARTHUR S. F. ROBINSON. Barsham, Beccles, Suffolk.
American Spares.
[1629] Sir,—Your correspondent "Anxious Alfred" draws attention to a. very important point in connection with American lorries, but we do not think there is any likelihood of the GovernMent commandeering stocks of parts for such vehicles, because there are only a few makes of American trucks which have been adopted by the Government, and in all jts dealings with truck manufacturers on both sides the Atlantic, the buying department of the War Office has placed large contracts for regular -supplies of spares. At the same time, purchasers of American trucks 'should see that they have absolute assurances and proof from the importers that they carry adequate stocks of parts. Most of them—all those who know their business—do this, of course, but that some do not is apparent from the fact that we are constantly receiving inquiries from users as to whether we an supply parts for such vehicles, seeing that we are representing the makers of the leading components, in which connection we would like to say that we supply only manufacturers or assemblers with the completed units, and that we always impress upon our customers the importance of carrying suitable supplies of spares to keep their vehicles running.—Yours faithfully,
Coventry. BRAMCO, LTD.
Taxation of Steam Wagons.
[1630] Sir,—" Kritikus," in your issue of 18th May, demolishes the whole of the " feeble " arguments put forward by me in that of 27th April. No extenuation is vouchsafed, and one trembles in thinking what the verdict of the judges will be. In these times, however, one has at least to attempt to bolster up a "hopeless case." Let us try.
The foundation of the lowest classes of traffic on our railways—Classes A, B, and C—is weight, i.e., heavy loads. The foundation of motor-vehicle carrying is continuity of action, i.e., regular loads. The steamer came," saw, and—after a great struggle, due .defects in its composition and to defects in the drivers—con quered to some extent, in that it accepted practically anything which was offered for carriage. This had to be continuous; it was automatically drawn from the heaviest and cheapest-carried traffic of the railways. In those days, as " Kritikus " may remember, machines went down, and men went down ; but there was precious little " whining" ; Lancashire men, who set their teeth and saw it through, were behind the job.
_Raving paved the way for the advent of the petroldriven vehicle, these poor " steamer " men, who had to "put their backs into their work" or have them certainly broken, in every case where circumstances. allowed proceeded to buy petrol vehicles. Owing to varying circumstances, it is true that very many "steamers" are still employed, and are likely to be employed,, but the tyro knows what the possibilities and differences are in the earnings and performances of the two types. This is not, however, an argument in favour of the extinction of the steamer, which still struggles along, although coke has risen from about 168. per ton in pre-war times to 25s. and upwards at the present time.
The reference by "Kritikus" to the "distressful island" is rather unfortunate: a study of his letter suggests that he is "up ag'in everything I "
The "highly-efficient machines" to which he also refers is a phrase reflecting on a body of manufacturers who have been no less painstaking than the users in their endeavours to evolve the generally highly-efficient steam machines of the present time, an efficiency representing the distinction between their continuous use and their extinction. One hardly realizes why it is " futile " to-talk about "wasted time in getting hp steam!" With a unit like the "
steamer' it is hardly fair to speak of " wasted time : it is a necessary consumption of time, owing to the equipment of the vehicle, and incidentally it represents in a ten-hour day, 10 per cent. of inaction, compared with the better-equipped—in this regard— petrol lorry. " Steamer " owners do not " whine " about such a 10 per cent., or about the 150 per cent. advance in fuel :„ they try to rely on facts in place of general statements.
The Editor has given so many details in his journal, and he will probably be jealous of his space: but a little " boiled-down " illustration of the possibilities of steam v. petrol may be alloWed. Assumeequal conditions for _both, that each carries the traffic it is used to carry—you cannot put grocery or silk and cotton goods on a lorry which has been carrying barrels of tar, loose pitch, or china clay—and you get the steamer from Manchester to Liverpool, carrying five tons ".7s. 6c1. per ton, i.e. Class B, plus cartage each end rail rate being siation to station), total .21 17s. 6d. The petrol lorry carries five tons at 158., Class 4, plus eartages, total 23 15s. The steamer, returning light, takes, ow° days for the double journey, therefore delivering at most three loads per week = 25 12s. 6d. of revenue. The petrol lorry will do the double journey With ease in one day, making five loads per week possible, at least 218 15s. The 213 2s. 6c1. advantage to the petrol lorry is too much : put. a trailer behind the steamer‘with three tons more on it for each of the three journeys, and this gives another 23 7s. 6d. for the steamer's weekly earnings. making the total 29 for the week, against the petrol's 218 15s. Yet this " steamer " goes on.
Organization, return loads, the possibility of or in sistence on the steamer's getting better paying work, are all commercial propositions, but the above small example should help to show the inferior position of the steamer for bearing any undue taxation. It can only pay many owners if it is left alone. If the Editor permits all this to appear he will certainly do so in the knowledge that he has the apologies
and thanks of—Yours faithfully, "USER."