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Of précis species due to paper shortage.
That even labour must have its (com)eers.
That much has to be raised to meet the rise.
Of double, treble, and quadruple "clutching."
That you should keep your eye on the ball-bearings.
That Old Ford and Gebitt Town are not very far apart. 0 That in We Free, "wee " is low gear, arid " free " is neutral.
It's the overhead charges which make the vertical engine pay for itself.
That hot-water jacketed induetion pipes must find this weather very trying.
That future promoters of big financial movements had better arrange for non-skids.
That, with increasing traffic, the rule of antiquated highways is that of "contraction."
That after all, ex-service is proving good service, particularly SO if the "big noise" has also seen service.
Of an optimistic party who refused to buy stamps in London, as she hoped to get them cheaper in the country.
That the money which has been spent on sectional strikes is sufficient to have "bought over" whole coal-fields "lock, stock 'arid barrel.
With regard to degree of intoxication, that, in the opinion of our ancestors, no man was really drunk if he could lie on the floor without holding on to the ;carpet.
That, if this were the police test of the efficiency of motor drivers, the public might have cause for alarm.
That the giant male Tank recently presented to Paris created consternation on account of its size. It appears to be merely an instance of "bulk :storage."
That thea.ethics of good lorry design are to." keep the vehicle free from an ever-increasing incrustation of afterthoughts which tend only to impede progress into the harbour of standardization." That even tact and discretion are at a premium.
That an expanding turnover is a "capital" idea.
That the "vicious circle" is no merry-go-round. Of municipal " bodies " getting out of shape and ply.
That "Time tells," and that police time often tells —tales. —.9— There is a, pronounced discrimination in buying now noticeable. 0 That a shortened wheelbase does not necessakily curtail the run.
That competition is not feared, but that underselling in baneful.
That "bang went sax noonds! " was the Scotch driver's remark when the tyre burst.
Of many neweeecati&ul steels, but only the works chemist is able tt. be "in the know."
That it would pay a large number of firms to employ a "looker-up of unconsidered trifles."
' That a case of ultra-optimism is that of a, worm hoping to barrow a home in a termite road.
That even half-a-million seems a lot of money to spend on further elabora,tion of Labour Exchange establishment.
That, if the use of converted ambulance bodies for carriers' vehicles spreads, 801316 of the passengers may receive unpleasant reminders.
"Where were you sprung]" cooed the composite frame. "Don't be funny," retorted the suspension. You had to be " pressed " into service anyway.
This in the court:— ' The Ford driver was in trouble.
"Did you sound your horn before running deceased down?" asked the coroner.
" No, sir." "Why riot? " "I didn't think he'd want to see what was going to hit him."