News of the Week
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THOSE who are interested in the formation of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers may like to know
that it has been registered as a corn , pany limited by gusrantee without share capital, with an unlimited number of members, each liable for £.1 in the event of winding-up. The objects are stated to be to improve the tech/licel and general skill, knowledge and competence, and encourage arid promote the scientific training of persons engaged, or intending to engage, in the profession of road-transport engineers, etc, ' The following comprise the Council: Gordon M. Juntrer, Leonard B. Andrews, Herbert G. Beasley, Charles C. Cramp. Alfred H. Dack, Felix F. J. Davenport, Meredith A. Downs, Frederick E. Dryden, H, W. W. Lister, Stanley E. Pepler, Canton F. Roberts, Peter Smyth, John H. Vincent, John B. Walton and Angus H. Pavis. Solicitors: Dalton, Sons and Elliman, 21, Southampton Place, London, W.C.1. Office: 174, Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, London, S.W.1.
K TOT all operators understand the 1 method employed in disposing of used vehicles surplus to Goverument requirements. All these are the responsibility of the Ministry of Supply under arrangement with the manufacturers. Vehicles are sold to only approved buyers through the R.T.C.s and the M.O.W.T., by means of licences to acquire, as in the case of new vehicles.
AN announcement lay the Rootes Group is that certain of its companies will soon double their pre-War factory space, sonic of the increase being devoted to the production of commercial vehicles."
For this purpose it is taking over the 'great shadow factories in Coventry and Ryton-on-Duasmore, hitherto known as No. 1 and No. 2 Aero Engine Factories. ''"" _ To equip these works for motorvehicle production will involve the expenditure of something like £3,000,000, and the total additional site area is 80 acres.
The commercial-vehicle companies which will benefit are .those producing Commer and Karrier vehicles.
THE Ministry of Supply announces that from to-day certain relaxations in the control of tyres are introduced. 'They affect mostly private cars, It will no longer be nedessary for car owners to make a return of tyres when moving or disposing of their laid-up cars.
Those owners of vehicles the tyres of which were requisitioned in February and March, 1943, will be givea authority to buy new tyres at authorized tyre depots, or can purchase retreads through normal trade channels. Consequently, they may be per_ chased in the ordinary way, and ownerS may have them retreaded wherever they wish.
The control of suitable tubes has also been removed, but new covers in these sizes will not be freed, and car owners in receipt of " E " (essential) petrol coupons and those on certain commercial vehicles equipped with tyres of these sizes are entitled to apply for new tyres from authorized tyre depots in the usual way under the rationing scheme.
All giant tyres, including tractor and Agricultural, whether new, part-worn Or retreaded, must at present remain controlled.
Any -difficulties encountered should be referred to the Regional Tyre Officer for the district conceened.
WE have already referred to the special relief unit organized r the R.I-1.0., which bas been sent abroad. Some of the vehicles in this have now run into Germany and are engaged on general civilian relief work for Allied prisoners oi war and displaced persons, but not Germans!
ALIMITED number of new buses will become available to operatbrs during the last few months of' 1945. They are as follow:—Double-deckers: Albion, A_E.C., Leyland; singledeckers: A.E.C.; Albion, Maudslay. These will be in addition to those already available, viz., Bedford singledecker„ and Bristol, Crossley, Daimler and Guy double-deckers.
Applications for licences to acquire p.s. vehicles should now be made direct to the Regional Transport Commissioners, and not wait, as in the past, for notifications as to the vehicles available.
CONSULTATIONS ON CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE PROPOSALS I T is understood that road-and-rail consultations are taking place concerning suggested conditions of carriage formulated by road representatives.
We are, informed that at a meeting of the R.H,A.'s Conditions of Carriage Committee not long ago the proposals, which had been redrafted, came up for final consideration, and it was agreed that copies of the proposals, as finally approved by the committee, should be sent to the railway companies for consideration, pending a meeting to discuss them between representatives , of the committee and the rail-ways, Agreement to such a meeting„ it was reported, had been indicated by the road panel of the Road-and-Rail Central Conference.
STRIKING PUBLICITY FOR THE . MOTOR INDUSTRY THE "Public Relations" carnpaigu instituted by the S.M,M.T, is progressing well, and attracting a considerable amount of attention. The advertisement columns of the Press have been used to good purpose, and the war achievements and post-war aims of the motor industry kept well to the fore, whilst qualified speakers have addressed chambers of commerce, business clubs, etc., right throughout the country. The campaign is now entering upon a new phase, and a stronger note is to be struck. It is the aim of the Society to put the message of the industry before tile every-day vision of the public, and the publicity will be extended to the " out-of-doors " by painted signs on retailers' premises, on the sides of buses, etc. These will all carry, apart from other matter, the forceful slogan, " Take the Brake Off the Motor Industry," which is pithy, highly appropriate, and purposeful. We illustrate two examples from the first series of posters. Actually, they are produced in full colours, and were released last week.
The publicity material available will he sent to any of our readers who will undertake to display it in positions where it can be seen by members of the public, either on their premises or on road-transport vehicles. In addition, the Society is prepared to supply designs to those who are willing to put up painted signs; it cannot, however, undertake to pay the cost of such painting.
ADDRESSING a rally held, last week, under the auspices of the South Wales and Monmouth Council of Grocers' Associations, Mr, W. Herman Kent, O.B.E. (Seeretary of the National Federation of Grocers and Provision Dealers' Associations) said:-" We must be on our toes to defend the right of traders to. carry their own goods in their own vehicles, if they' so wish. On the one hand, there are formidable forces approaching in favour of nationalization of 'all transport, whilst other powerful forces are suggesting that operational radius limits be'. imposed upon C-licence holders.
" Either proposal is dangerous. Once the reasonable liberties of. C_licence holders go, then the whole of the liberties of road users are in danger. We want to see the professional hauliers have a square deal, but they, in turn, most give a square deal to Clicence holders."
SALES AND INQUIRY OFFICES FOR ALUMINIUM I N view of the great impetus given by the war to the peace-time development of aluminium for constructional work, transport and a variety of Other purposes, Northern Aluminium, Ltd., is opening a chain of sales and inquiry offices for the benefit of manufacturers throughout the country. The first is at 4, Chapel Walks, Manchester, 2. Others will be. in London, South Wales, the North Eastern area and Scotland, whilst inquiries can be dealt with at the company's works, Middlemore Road, Birmingham.
WE learn that Melvin Motors, Ltd., has recently opened premises at 25-41, Kingston Street, Glasgow, and it announces its appointment as a distributor of Commer vehicles, It is also intended to open modern showrooms at a central point in the city for operation as a separate service depot to deal avith various products of the Rootes Group.
The directors of the company are headed by Col. D. L. Melvin, 0.11E., .who has had a long career in the West of Scotland motor industry., He. has held a number of important aides, -including the presidency of the T. A . LANCASHIRE ASSOCIATIONS STAY OTJTSIDE MERGER
AFTER many attempts to reach agreement with the new National Road Transport Federation, letters have been received by the East Lancashire Road Transport Association The Bolton and District Road Transport Association, and rnalgamated Horse and Motor Owners' Association indicating that their offer jointly to constitute an area under the Perry report has been refused.
This, we are told, has come as a surprise, particularly in view of the fact that many individual associations representing far fewer members in other parts of the country have been granted area status.
In the circumstances the associations concerned have replied to the Federation to the effect that they are not prepared to sign the amalgamation agreement . and participate in the organization on the basis contained in a letter received from the Federation in April last.
The local associations have resolved to create a new conference and to. make their own national arrangements.
DURING . last week Morns Commercial Cars, Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham, celebrated its 'coming-of-age, for it was on May 25, 1924, that the first 1-ton truck we's completed on its production lines. To-day, it is claimed to be the biggest factory in Europe solely devoted to the manufacture, of commercial vehicles, and during its 21 years' existence it fas produced more than 256,000 chassis.
In a birthday greeting to employees, Lord Nuffield said that the company " had fulfilled its childhood promise in no uncertain manner, blossoming out" into full commercial manhood with a fine record of achievement, of which many an older-established firm would be justifiably proud."
send-off in London, by the then Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply, of a new mobile exhibition entitled " Your Paper Goes to War." Designed and presented by the Waste Paper Recovery Association, this novel n€hibition, housed in a specially constructed trailer, was shown to M.P.s before setting out on an extended tour of industrial areas. The outfit has visited over 100 factories and some 100,000 people have seen it.
The exhibition has now been entirely revised, to stress the fact that, although victory in Europe has been achieved, the need for paper salvage still continues for both the successful prosecution of the war in Japan and in order to meet home demands. The trailer houses a wide variety cf exhibits, all made from, or based on, paper, including a section devoted to paper plastics.
" Your Paper Goes to War ie at • present in 'the Gloucester and Cheltenham area. Later, it will proceed on a tour of the Midlands. RAIL OFFICER'S APPEAL FOR CO-ORDINATED SERVICES
ADVANTAGES of co-ordination of passenger services between rail and road, with combined scheduled timetebles for both, were emphasized by Major Maleeilm S. Weir, chief officer . for Scotland of the London and Midland Scottish Railtvay, in an address on " Organization and Management ot Transport—post-war," given in Glasgow to the Scottish section of the Institute of Transport.
Such a co-ordination, he said, would enable _many wayside stations to be closed and, with through bookings brought into force between bus and rail, passengers would be picked up and set down near their homes and villages. A quick, combined service would be an advantage to the travelling puVic, and would result in more economic working all round. Regular, long-distance bus services would also he eliminated to a large extent.
" In suburban areas of largetowns, where passenger traffic by bus, trani, and rail is dense. I suggest—in order, so far as possible to relieve the congestion which occurs in the main streets and busy, city centres, •where there is.a network of suburban and underground lines existing—that there is undoubtedly a case for careful examination by city transport authorities, and the railway and other transport under: -takings, to see if it be not a feasible . proposition to formulate a joint coordinated scheme for local passengers."
REINSTATEMENT BY HENLEY"-, TYRE COMPANY WE are informed by Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.., that its reinstatement scheme for Servicemen and women is rIeveIoping smoothly.
Mr. W. C. Gibbs, the general manager, has written individually to all members of his staff and workpeople, and he says that he has received replies from all over the world. The general tone of the letters indicates the keen interest taken by the writers in their places in post-war industry.
SUBSTANTIAL progress has been made in building up the organization of the Hull Area of R.H.A., uuder the chairmanship of Mr. R. E, Britton (formerly chairman of A.R.O.'s Yorkshire Area), with Mr. H. W. Stark as secretary.
" We have been very busy reorganizing since the merger," Mr. Britton stated to a correspondent. " Keen interest has been shown by operators at meetings in various parts of the area, and membership is definitely on the increase. Sub-areas have already -been established at Bridlington, Driffield and Maltou and several functional groups have been formed."
The next sub-area scheduled for formation will include Bowden and Market Weighton. An operators' meeting for the purpose of inaugurating this sub-area will shortly be held. Functional groups so far set up include those for livestock carriers, tippingvehicle operators and horse-vehicle owners, ,and early formation of a milk
carriers' group is planned. At the
request of Members, a short-distance operators' committee has also been formed.
The Bridlington Sub-area's chairman is Mr. C. Gray, with Mr. J. Nicholls as hon. secretary. Mr. G. Lawty, of Helperthorpe, is chairman of the Driffield area, and Mr. H. Pickering is bon, secretary.
Chairman of the livestoc:: carriers' functional group is Mr, C. H. Levitt, of North Newbald, and the group's national representative is Mr. W. Grasby, of Hull. The tipping-vehicle operators' chairman is Mr. ' R, A. Peddie, of Hull, and their national representative is Mr, S. Bays, of Hull, Mr. R. A. Peddie is chairman of the short-distance operators committee.
A PRIVATE company, Bearings Dis.
• posal Corporation, was registered on May 22 and is to act as agent for the Board of Trade. It will have the task of disposing of ball, and, we presume, roller bearings surplus to Government requirements. In this company, five ball-bearing manufacturers are associated. They are:—British Timken, Ltd., Fischer Bearings Co., Ltd.., Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Ransorrie and Merles Bearing Co., Ltd., and the Skefko Ball Bearing Co , Ltd.
Each will nominate one director. . SEND-OFF FOR A FOREIGN. SERVICE TRANSPORT UNIT
THEgood wishe,s of the Scottish R.H.O. of the M.O.W.T., and citizens of Glasgow, were extended at a luncheon in 'Glasgow, last week, to 100 Scottish transport workers who are.. shortly to embark for the Continent as No. 2 Foreign Service Unit. They will take with them 77 vehicles and will assist in the transport of essential goods —food and clothing—from a Continental port. All the members of the unit are volunteers, and the vehicles have been given by Scottish transport companies.
Mr. J. B. S. Hastie, Divisional 1R.H.O. for Scotland, presided at the luncheon at which Mr. Archibald Henderson, Regional Transport Commissioner, said there were, in liberated Europe, millions of people deprived of the ordinary necessities of life and it was the job of the unit to make some contribution towards relieving their distress Thanks for the good wishes expressed by the chairman, and by Mr. Henderson, Lord Provost James Welsh, Sir Patrick Dollen, and Mr. F. G. Smith,. Director of Vehicle Maintenance, M.O.W.T„ were voiced by Mr. Gerald Davidson,. Aberdeen, unit controller, and Mr. James Jamieson, Glasgow, assistant unit controller. TRADING RESULTS OF SIMMS . MOTOR UNITS
THE report of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., for 1944 shows that the trading profit amounted to £140,609, compared with £169,193 in 1943. After charging debenture interest, lepreciation, etc., and making provision for war damage premiums, the net profit is £122,839, as against £149,910 in the previous year. Provision for taxation absorbs £105,500, whilst the preference dividend takes £3,750. A dividend of 10 per cent., less tax, is to be paid on the ordinary shares, which will account for £8,842, and the balance to he carried forward is £21,591, as against £18,316 brought in.
AFTER a successful winter session which marked the revival of the Leeds branch of the Industrial Transport Association, a series of summer educational visits was opened recently, when a party of members toured the works of Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., the Leeds manufacturer of axles and other components for motor vehicles.
On June 30 there will be a visit to the head offices, in Leeds, of the "Yorkshire Post " and the "Yorkshire Evening Post," and a visit to the
works of John Limb and Co., Ltd., glass bottle manufacturer, Castleford, has been arranged for July 14. It is hoped, also, to visit a Royal Ordnance factory in September.
THE report of the transport committee of the Burton-on-Trent Corporaticn shows that the bus undertaking achieved a record in the past ' municipal year, when total revenue reached £85,912, compared with £77,100 in the previous year. Expenses were £68,068, against £62,351 a year earlier, and the gross profit came out at £17,844, contrasted with £14,748 for 1943-44, The figure of 11,728,051 for the number of pa.s.sengers carried waS the highest in the' history of the undertaking.
WE are advised by Leyland Motor, Ltd., that its branch office at Leeds has now been reopened after a lapse of over three years. The address is Provincial 'House, Albion Street.
A new service depot at 231, The Moor, Sheffield, 1, has recently been opened by Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd. CONFECTIONERS' BID FOR NEW VEHICLES
THE quarterly conference Of the South Wales Wholesale Confectioners' Federation decided to approach the Ministry of War Transport to state the exact position with regard to the acquisition of new vans. It was complained that trouble was being experienced by traders ha securing permits to purchase neW vehicles, however unroadworthy the state of the vans at present in use might be,
It was contended that, under war conditions, most vans now insuse had had to •do the work of three vehicles. The result was that they were worn out, and it was high time that the embargo on the purchase of new vehicles was eased, so that distribution
could proceed on satisfactory lines.
IN respect of the year 1944, the Ford 1 Motor Co., Ltd., has declared a dividend of 6 per cent., which is the same as fenthe past five years. The net profit, after making provision for wear and tear, obsolescence and all taxation, and allotting £100,000 for contingencies, is slightly above that for the previous year, when the figure was £433,795.