The Wheels of Industry.
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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs'—John Beattie Crozier.
Governmental Approval of Scheme for Ford Factory at Cork.
We are in a position to announce that, following a decision by the Government, the plans of Mr. Henry Ford to bring material from America to build and equip works in Cork, for, it is stated, the manufacture on a large scale of -agrimotors, have been approved. A. tinge scheme, thus initiated by proposals for output in the shape of farm tractors, has accordingly become official within the past day or so, and this fact will now be within the knowledge of some of the leading members of the British motor industry. They have been approached, nominally at least, with the avowed iiitention of ascertaining if it is passible for them simultaneously to develop a comparable scheme of motor-tractor production by recourse to all-British resources. These facts are of a startling character, and it is extremely difficult to " sense " in what direction they may prove to lead.
The M.T., A.S.C., Fund.
We have not the space at our disposal this week to include the usual page of reference to the state of our Campaign Comforts Fund. The principal donation during the past week was a further grant of :U50 from the A.S.C. Corps Fund, to which fund only officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the A.S.C. are permitted to subscribe, usually on a monthly or quarterly Women Taxi-drivers.
There are already women holders of taxi-driving licences at Portsmouth, Southampton, and Nottingham, whilst a number of intending women drivers are in training in London, chiefly at the hands of the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd.
The Paper Problem.
Many readers have ignored our warnings, published with regularity for weeks past on this page, concerning paper. Preference will be given, in any distribution and " rationitig" scheme, to those who have placed orders with newsagents, or subscribed.
Clayton Steamers Help Works Extensions.
The important. extension of the motor works of Dennis Bros., Ltd.,
Guildford. is being carried out by Messrs. Walkerdine, the North Kensington contractors, who have recently added to their plant another 5-ton Clayton steam wagon. Another recent buyer of the Clayton steam wagon is Steward and Co., timber merchants, New Baltic Wharf, Deptford, who have purchased a 3-ton vehicle. Both firms acquired the vehicles through F. W. Berkeley and Co., 39, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
No Military Transport for Commerce.
The Manchester Chamber, of Commerce has been informed by Lord Derby that it is impossible for the military authorities to undertake to co-operate in the movement, of goods for mills, manufactories, and merchants' warehouses, either as part of a training seheme, or otherwise.
Is Shale Oil a Petroleum Pro
duct ?
Our readers generally, interested in par ticularly those who are nterested
in the possibility of alternative fuels for their petrol motors, will no doubt be interested to peruse the letter (amongst our this week's "Opinions from Others ") which has reached us from Mr. Alex. Steuart, managing director of the Rapid Motor Transport Co., Ltd., of Glasgow. We deal with certain aspects of his contention in our second leading article, and as We are going to press we have received a, further letter from him in which he—very much against himself draws attention to the point that the -Petroleum Act of 1871 defines the word " petroleum " as including all products of "petroleum, coal, schist, shale, peat, or other bituminous substances."
The real determination, as regards any immediate construction of the words "motor spirit" under Regulation 8G (Order in Council Of the 18th August, 1916), is not the opinion of the Home Office, but decisions in the Law Courts. The Home Office has no power to construe the wording of the Order, althbugh it is within its authority to instruct the police how to act. The fact that the Home Office has instructed the police to include everything, taken in conjunction with the fact that any appeal may take eight or nine months, leads us once again to enforce upon owners of chars-à-bancs the claims of coalgas. The term "motor spirit," in no event extends beyond application to any hydro-carbon which-is at normal temperatures a. liouid.
More War Loan.
The S.M.M.T. has invested 210,000 in the War Loan, the Anglo-Saxon and Asiatic Petroleum Companies (Shell and Crown spirits), £500,000, and the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., £5000.
Petrol for Agrimotors.
Mr. G. Roberts, replying last week in the House of Commons to Sir Thomas Esmonde, stated that the Petrol Control Committee was prepared to "supply the full amount of 'petrol required for tractors and motor vehicles used for agricultural purposes." This appears to indicate an improved position for agriculturists, who had previously been warned that they might get no petrol for their agrimotors. Time alone will disclose the facts.
Delivery of Agrimotoisi
Our paragraph of last week, under the above heading, on page 553 of the issue, might have been more clearly worded. Whilst there is no reason, due to any action on the part of the Ministry of Munitions, for the inability of agents for American agrimotors to give cornparatively-early' delivery, there are still shipping difficulties which continue to cause both delay and interruption. It is only fair toMr. S. F. Edge to make clear a reservation which he made to us. Importation has to be effected under licence.
Recent Registrations.
B. Stanley, Ltd. (2'000), to take over a haulage business now carried on by B. Stanley at Liswerry, Newport, Mon.
Edwin Lewis and Sons, Ltd. (250,000), to take over a boiler-tube Manufacturing business now carried on at Wolverhampton.
B. D. Dungworth and Co. Ltd. (11000), with its registered office at 17, Abbeydale Road, Sheffield, to carry on a business of manufacturing and dealing in all kinds of motor vehicles.
Borra Magneto Repairing Co., Ltd. (21,000), to take over the business of D. Barra, at '72, Dean Street, Soho, W._ The first subscribers include G. H. Smith and Co. (London), Ltd., of 12, Mortimer Street, W.
Adam Grimaldi and Co., Ltd. (210,000), by Messrs. Parker, Garrett and Co., St. Michael's Rectory,
E.C., to carry on the business of manufacturing and dealing in motor vehicles and motor boats, and to enter into an agreement with the liquidator of Brown, Hughes and Strachan, Ltd. First directors : J. Weir, S. T. Millicott, W. F. Adam, E. G. Grimaldi, and W. A. Reid.
Section 20 of the Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1916.
The East Suffolk CountyCouncil, an the application of a local motorbus owner, decided to grant permission for a certain new 'service from Stradhroke to Ipswich if it could be found that there had previously been " carriers " on the road_ The road surveyor was instructed to make inquiries, in order to ascertain if the permission of the Council was or was not required.
County Hospital Deprived of Motorbus Service., The Bucks. County Council having demanded tolls from the British Automobile 'Braction Co., Ltd., despite the fact that the Eton Rural District Council had waived proposals for like charges, the motorbus service to and from Cliveden military hospital has had to be withdrawn. The Eton Rural Council has expressed regret at this withdrawal, seeing that the service ran over three miles of the rural'roads and only half-a-mile of the county road.
Speed Prosecutions at Bradford; No Warning.
Several drivers of heavy motorcars were summoned, at the Bradford City police-court, on the '21st ult., for driving heavy motorcars at speeds in excess of 12 m.p.h. It appears that the vehicles had been timed over a measured length of 220 yards, from the bottom of Manchester Road, through Town Hall Square, to the end of Bridge Street, but that none of the drivers had been warned at the time, nor served with a notice within a reasonable time that proceedings would be taken. These points were raised for the defence by Mr. S. Newman, with the result that the stipendiary magistrate dismissed the test summons, whereupon the others were withdrawn. It is Section 9 (2) of the 1903 Act which lays down these desirable and fair safeguards.
"Like Vehicles."
The proprietor of a large motorcar was recently summoned at Bath for a breach of No. 80 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, in that he used motor spirit for an excursion trip between Radstock and Bath, and return. The car held six passengers who paid separate fares. The police had questioned the occupants, and they had admitted that they had merely come to Bath for pleasure. They were a party of miners. The proprietor of the vehicle pleaded that he was unaware that he was debarred from using a car in this way, and that it would not occur again. The summons was accordingly dismissed on payment of costs, but the chairman of the magistrates asked the defendant to convey the news to other motor-vehicle owners in the district who were using their cars the same way. Rhyming Competition Closes.
"The Extractor" asks us to state that the contributions for the Rhyming Competition must reach this office on or before Monday next, the 5th inst.
Proceedings of Local Authorities.
The -Bradford Board of Guardians is to purchase a motor wagon.
The Warrington T.C. is to purchase a steam tipping wagon for sanitary services.
The Perth T.C. is considering the purchase of a motor refuse wagon for the CleansingiDepartment.
Wharfedale Hospital Board is making arrangements for the purchase of a motor ambulance to cost about 2600.
The Hoylake and West Kirby U.D.C. has applied for sanction to borrow £1100 to purchase a. motor fire-engine.
Cork T.C. has under preliminary consideration the matter of procuring motor vehicles for the Street Cleansing Department.
The Rochester T.C. has arranged in the interests of steam-wagon owners to supply water for the engines at the fate of 6d. per time.
The Newton Abbot U.D.C. is applying to the Ministry of Munitions for permission to obtain immediate delivery of a steam lorry for cartage of road material Newmarket is considering the abandonment of horse traction, but before deciding to buy a, tractor is seeking advice from the Surbiton D.C. as to cost, usefulness, etc., of tractors.
The Chipping Sodbury R.C. is hiring tractors, forIthe haulage of stone, owing to the scarcity of horses. The surveyor suggested the purchase of a motor vehicle, but the question los been waived for the time being.
Aninquiry has been addressed to the Luton Council by the War Office for a census of the traffic during one week at certain points, in connection with claims of damage to public roads, alleged to be due to increased military traffic.
Further to the announcement in our issue dated the 8th February, the Brighton Corporation is now asking for tenders for the supply of a. 5-ton steam motor wagon and a 3i-ton-electric motor wagon. The Town Clerk, Town Hall. should be addressed, before the 9th inst.
The surveyor's report to the Shoreditch Highways Committee shows that the use of motor machine brooms during the last 12 months has effected a net saving on previous methods of 21344 14s. 10d.' including a 2100 allowance for overhauling, while the work of the brooms during the snow, it is estimated, saved at least an addi7 tional 2350.
Defence of the Realm Losses Royal Commission.
To-day (Thursday), at 2 p.m., at Spencer House, St. James's Street, S.W., the claim of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., for compensation will be heard.
Wood-Milne, Ltd
Mr. John Muir, the sales manager of the tire , department of Wood-Milne, Ltd., of Preston, has been promoted to a seat on the board of directors. We congratu late both him and his colleagues.
Clayton's " Multipede."
The all-British " Multipede,' constructed at the works of Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., of Lincoln, is described and illustrated in this issue. The article took nearly a fortnight to make its successful voyage through the shoals of the Press Bureau (and various other Departments) before being passed De Dion Bouton, Ltd.
The directors of the De Dion Bouton. (1907), Ltd., have now presented their accounts for the two years ended the 30th September last. The net profit of £26,415 is disclosed. This has to be added to a credit balance of £10,357 at the 30th September, 1914. The whole of the new profits are to be carried forward, as the directors have de
cided that they must at an early date deal with the items of goodwill and patent rights, before a dividend is declared, Mr. W. J. Idea's Successor.
Mr. George 3'. Shave, M.L Mech.E., M.Inst.A.E., the manager
for maintenance to the London. General Omnibus Co., Ltd., is well known and liked throughout the industry, partly because of his technical abilities, and in no small measure because of his personality. Mr. Shave gained his engineering training, as ari apprentice, with Messrs. Clayton and Co., of London and Sheffield. He supplemented this by an electrical training with Messrs. Patterson and Cooper (Phcenix dynamos), of London and Glasgow. In 1901 he became works manager of the British depot of the Locomobile Co. of America and Gt. Britain, leaving that engagement in 1905 to manage the S.M. Car Syndicate, of Willesden Junction, with which company he added to his steam experience on a heavier scale. He also obtained much internal-combustion-engine experience. It was in 1912 that he was appointed works manager to the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., at Walthamstow, and in February of last year that he was appointed engineer to the L.G.O.C. On Mr. Iden's resignation at the beginning of the present year, he took over the duties of chief engineer to the L.G.O.C., with charge of the mechanical staff, coach factories, and surveying and building departments, which post carries with it the title of "manager for maintenance."