The Whit-Monday Parade.
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We Reproduce One of the Examination Papers. Official Arrangements Notice.
C.M.U.A. Examination. 3.
We reproduce below the examination paper which was placed before competing drivers of steam wagons and tractors during the examination on Saturday last. the 26th ult., for the Driver's Championship Prizes of the 1913 C.M.L.T.A, Parade. Prizes of 210 and ,E5 are to be awarded in both the petrol and the steam sections. It is important to note that these questions are not set with a view to revealing the competitors' ability to drive, but with the object of enabling the men to show their capacity, if circumstances arise, to assume more responsible employment. We shall reprint the petrol-drivers' examination paper in our next issue ; we have no room for it in the present number, owing to heavy pressure on space.
The Examination Paper for Drivers of Steam Wagons and Tractors.
Read this sheet very carefully three or four times before making any attempt to answer the questions which follow.
First write your name and address, the name of your employer, and the maker's name and load rapacity of the machine which you drive, on the slip attached hereto.
Head each sheet with your name and the number of the question you are answering on it..
You must make an attempt to answer the first six questions.
You may also attempt to answer any six of the remaining 9. questions, but not more than twelve questions altogether are to he attempted.
Note.—It will be far better for you to do only the six compulsory questions and do them very well than to attempt more than you can do in the time allowed for the examination —three hours. You will get no additional marks for answering more than twelve questions. The numbers which are given in brackets at the end of each question indicate the number of marks which will be given for a correct and carefully-written answer to that
question. 11. 1. Give a short description of any make of steam wagon or tractor. The examiners will give no marks for bare statements of horse-power, load 12. capacity and make, but you must give a clear
description of its construction ... ... (25) 2. Inform the examiners what you do to the machine 13. before lighting up the fire, and state how you
fill in the time until steam is raised .,. {25)
What will happen if oily or dirty water is admitted into the tank and allowed to pass through the pump or injectors into the boiler I Supposing the water also contains grit as well as oil or dirt, what effect will it have on the cylinders, valves and glands?... ... (25) How can you take the greatest advantage of the
expansive power of steam? ...— ... (25) Which valves and cocks would you open before opening the regulator if you wished to start your engine after it had been standing for a long time, and which of them would you close again after the engine had run for a few
minutes ? ... .. ... ... ... (25) Describe some form of wagon or tractor boiler, and state how you would remove and replace a faulty tube... ... ... ... ... (25> Explain the action of an injector, and state why an injector will not work if the water gets very hot ... ... ... ... ... ... (40) When the accelerator or by-pass valve of a compound engine is opened, so as to admit live. steam to the low-pressure cylinder, does the steam in the high-pressure cylinder do any use ful work ? ... ... ... ... ... ... (35) What is the meaning of superheating, and if steam is superheated before it enters the cylinders will it have any effect on the rate of coal and water consumption ? If so, in what way? ... ... .., ... ... ... (20) Describe how a compound engine with double eccentrics for each valve is reversed. It will not be sufficient to state the bare fact that the reversing lever must be moved into the " re
verse " position ... ... ... ... (30) When the reversing lever is "notched up," what effect has it on the engine's power, and
why ?... ... . . . ... ... ... (30) Why do not makers of steam wagons and tractors fit governors, whereas most traction and agri
cultural engines have them? ... ... (20) What do yon understand by the terms " clearance " and " cushioning " 7 At what part of the stroke does " cushioning " occur? ... (25)
14. Describe some method of packing a piston or valve gland so as to make it steanetight. What kind of packing material would you use, and would you draw -the old packing before putting in the new ? If so, how would you remove the packing if it had become very hard ? ... (20)
15. How would you set the valves of your engine so as to give best running results, and would you set them while the engine is hot or cold? (30) 16. Why are the cranks of two-cylinder steam engines generally set at right angles instead of opposite each other ? ... ... ... ... ... (20) i 17. What would you do f the fusible plug of your wagon or tractor boiler melted when you were many miles from the nearest village or town, and could you get home with your wagon if you
did not have a spare plug with you ? ... (35) 18. The following is a copy from the record book of a five-ton steam wagon for a 40-mile journey :
Coal used ... ... 4 Cwt.
Water used ... 500 Galls.
Oil used ... ... 1 Quart.
Full load carried ... ... 5 Tons.
Distance run with full load ... 20 Miles. Distance run with three-ton load 20 „ Total running thee... ... 8 Hours.
From the above particulars give answers to the following questions :-1. How many. miles did the vehicle run on 1 cwt. of coal? 2. How many gallons of water used per mile? 3. How many miles to a, gallon of oil? 4. Average speed of the vehicle in miles per hour. 5. What was the cost per ton-mile of load if the average total
cost of the vehicle per mile was 10f1. ... (35)