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" The wheel* of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The L.G.O.C. and the• Tax.
A statement issued by the Underground Railways shows that, on the basis of the petrol consumption of L.G.O.C. buses in 1927, the additional burden created by a tax of 4d. per gallon would be £400,000. This extra expense would have reduced the Common Fund to £630,496 and as from the Fund the dividends on a capital of £19,702,940 have to be met the average rate of dividend for 1927 would have been reduced from 4.66 per cent. to a little over 3 per cent.
A German Book on Special Motor Vehicles. • We have received from Hermann
Afeusser, Potsdamer Strasse 75, Berlin, W.57, a copy of a most interesting and comprehensive book dealing with special types of commercial-motor vehicle and appliance, particularly those utilized for municipal work, although it is not by any means 'confined to this branch of the industry.
' The author is Ilerr L. Betz, who is
to be congratulated upon the manner in which he has dealt with the subject. It is particularly interesting to find that the book does not deal SOlely with Ger-. maft` products, as. 'many of British and Continental manufacture other than German are illustrated and described. The 'volume is the first of a series dealing with commercial motors, and its main sections comprise municipal motors, tipping wagons, tank wagons, washing and cleansing appliances.
The price of this book is 18 Rm.
plus .postage. Such a book as this should be most valuable to anyone keeping in touch -with modern development in the directions mentioned.
Blackpool Coach Tariff Fixed.
The Blackpool and District Motor Coach Owners Association has had under consideration the fares to be charged for ordinary motor coach tours during the ensuing season, and has _ decided upon the following tariff :— Keswick, 10s.; Windermere, 8s.; Southport, Ss.; Morecambe, 5s. Owing to the great number of coaches operating from Blackpool ('about 200) competition for traffic has always been extremely keen, and this has resulted in Blackpool having claimed the distinction of being the town with one of the best fleets of coaches in the country and with lower coaching fares than are in force at any other seaside resort.
Important New Northern Bridges.
Over n million pounds is being spent on the provision of much-needed new crossings over the three important northern rivers, the Tweed, Tyne and Wear. In each case existing bridges have become inadequate to bear the ever-growing volume of motor traffic, and when the new structures are completed they will help to speed up traffic between England and Scotland, and between Scotland, Tyneside and Teeside (through Wearside) respectively. The new bridge at Berwick, which is to be named the Royal Tweed, has cost 1160,000, and will be opened by #-Ie
(720 Prince of Wales on May 16th. The Tyne bridge, which is expected to be finished early in 1929, is entailing an outlay of over one million pounds and Is the largest structure of its kind in this country, and the Wearmouth bridge is to cost £230,000.
Chorley Favours Express Services.
Chorley Watch Committee has approved a scheme devised by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for express bus services between Manchester and Blackpool and between Manchester and Ambleside, both of which would serve Chorley.
Municipal Bus Results at Cardiff.
Although figures are net yet available in detail, the summary of statistics relative•to the working of buses by the Cardiff City Council during the year completed on March 31st last shows a
large increase in revenue, and a profit on the year's working is assured.
Bus passengers paid £139,254 in fares, an increase of £33,550 on the previous year's returns. The number of passengers carried increased to a total of 11,236,608 as against 8,308,914 for 1926-27.
The Price for a Bus Concern.
It was recently announced that Bangor Blue Motors, Ltd., the North Wales bus-operating concern, had been purchased, and it now transpires that the company concerned in the purchase is the British Electrical Federation, of King,sway, London, W.C.1. It is now said that the price paid for the concern was £39,000.
Aldershot Bus Company's Enterprise.
On Wednesday of last week the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., inaugurated a revised service with saloon coaches between Godalming, Guildford and London. The new schedule provides for six journeys daily, and it is stated that the fares compare very favourably with those of the railway. The London terminus for the service will he at the new station of the London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., in Lupus Street, S.W.1, where waiting and refreshment rooms and other facilities are available.
A skeleton service has been in operation for a few weeks past, and has received steadily increasing patronage.
An Important Bus Contract.
In our issue dated April 3rd we intimated that the Glasgow Corporation had asked its tramway manager to invite offers for the supply of 100 doubledeck buses. It is now definitely stated that the tramways committee has authorized the contract to be placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., which is to supply 100 Titan buses. The total value of the contract is given as 1165,500. It is said that some of the bodies for the buses may be built by Glasgow coachbuilding concerns.
Newport Council Acquires Private , Services.
A committee of the Newport (Mon.) Town Council, which has been given plenary power to acquire bus services privately operated on the routes from Risca to Newport via Rogerstone and 13assaleg, and from Machen to Newport, has been negotiating for some time with Mr. E. Beasts, of Risca, to aCquire certain services which he works on these routes. Mr. Beavis's undertaking is known as the Danygraig Bus Services.
It has been agreed that the Newport Tramways Committee shall pay Mr. Beavis £8,000 for his vehicles and running rights.
Liability for Bridge Maintenance.
At a meeting of the Newbury Corporation the town clerk reported concerning questions which had arisen between the corporation and the Berks County Council in regard to the liability for the maintenance of the Newbury River Bridge. A report made by a diver showed that the bridge was not in a fit condition to carry heavy traffic.
At a conferhnee of representatives of the county council and the corporation it had been agreed, without prejudice to the question as to the liability for the maintenance of the bridge, to submit the following recommendations to both authorities :—(1) that the bridge be closed forthwith to any vehicle which, when laden, weighs more than five tens; (2) that works be undertaken to make the bridge temporarily safe for all traffic; the cost of such work, less any grant to be received from the Ministry of Transport, to be shared equally by the two authorities; (3) that a joint committee comprising three representatives of both the county council and the corporation be set up to consider the question of the liability for the maintenance of the bridge, as well as proposals for repairing or rebuilding it.
Parking. Plans for Aldershot Tattoo.
At the request of the military authorities, the Royal Automobile Club will again undertake the parking arrangements at the Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo to be held from June 19th to 23rd. Last year approximately 19,000 cars, 3,500 motor coaches, 3,000 motorcycles and 2,000 cycles were dealt with during the five nights of the tattoo. Similar traffic arrangements to those which were in force in 1927 will be put into operation this year.
Letter Collection by Bus.
In order to afford a later hour for posting letters, etc., from Grassington, a popular Upper Wharfedale holiday., resort, a post office letter box is now carried on one of the Wharfedale buses linking up the district with Skipton. Under this new scheme letters may be posted en route, an innovation which has been greatly appreciated by those residing in the remote uplands. Formerly the Craven Dales were accessible only by moorland road and track, and there was not even a railway into this remote part of the Yorkshire hills. A branch line to Grassington only partially served as a connecting link, but the advance of presentday motor traffic has completely solved the problem of joining up Skipton with the villages and farms in the uplands.
S.D. Freighters Prove Their Value.
The borough accountant of Guildford has recently submitted to the corporation sanitary committee a statement dealing with refuse collection in the district. Be cm:Opal-es the present cost per horse-drawn-vehicle load for the year ended March 31st with the estimated future cost per horse-drawnvehicle load if collected by S.D. Freighters, this being based on the refuse collected during a period of eleven working days in February, 1928, when demonstration S.D. Freighters were used. The cost worked out at 13s. Id. on the present system compared with 7s. Pd. by S.D. Freighters.
The borough surveyor reported that the work of the collection of the refuse of the borough could be carried out by five S.D. Freighters, and he is to obtain details of the cost of a fleet of this Size, Ball Bearings for Special Work.
As a contrast with the large sizes of ball bearing produced by the Hoffmann Manufacturing Co„ Ltd., Chelmsford, Essex, for use on heavy commercial vehicles, we were interested in a minute fitment of this kind which recently came into our hands. The bearing in question is no more than in. in diameter, and it is apparently intended to take a shaft of Ain. diameter. The bearing contains 17 balls of a minute pattern and is an excellent example of the manner in which the company can produce all sizes of bearing to meet special needs.
M.A.B. Wants One-ton Chassis.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board requires tenders for the supply of four one-ton petrol-driven chassis on pneumatic tyres. Further particulars of its requirements can be obtained from the Clerk to the Board, Victoria Embankment, London, E.C.4. Tenders have to be delivered by May 4th.
Taximeters for Goods Hire Vehicles.
Brief particulars have just reached us from Hungary of a novel scheme that would appear to be worthy of consideration by certain classes of user in this
country. During the past 'few years a big business has sprung up in connection with the hiring of delivery vehicles by the hour, day, week, or by the job. With us this would mean either a telephone message or a visit to a hiring contractor, but in Hungary an enterprising hirer has evolved the idea of fixing taximeters to a number of vehicles. Moreover, he has not only induced the municipal authorities of Budapest to license the vehicles, but to allow them to ply for hire on certain stands in the city streets, these being selected by the police authorities.
Mauritius Import Duties Reduced.
In order to encourage the use of British motor lorries in Mauritius the import duty on such vehicles has recently been reduced fom 12 per cent. to 5 per cent. Foreign vehicles remain dutiable at 15 per cent.
A Good 'Safety-first Idea.
A new safety-first device is to be worn by the motor drivers employed by J. Lyons and Co., Ltd. This is in the form of a red reflector on an elastic band, which the driver will wear on his right fore-arm. By reflecting daylight, or artificial light at night, it will enable the driver to give warning of his intentions to approaching traffic. The disc does not, of course, dispense with the rear light required under the new lighting regulations, but will supplement it.
The device should be of special value at night, when the signals of a driver are, in the ordinary course of events, usually invisible. As a first step, 400 of these discs are being distributed.
The Liverpool Parade.
The ninth annual parade of commercial motor vehicles organized by the North-western Division (Liverpool area) of the Commercial Motor Users Association, will be held on June 9th.
The competitions in thesteam and petrol fleet classes will be open to all members, whether haolage contractors or not, mid there will be classes for non-members. Four silver challenge cups are offered for competition and, as in past years, other awards will be made. The latest date for receiving entries is May 21st.
A Bridge-restriction Proposal Withdrawn.
The Weaver Navigation Trustees have now withdrawn their proposal regarding the restriction of weights and speeds of vehicles crossing the navigation bridges.
A Kentish Amalgamation. At a meeting of the Dover Watch Committee it was reported that the Co-operative Transport Society, Ltd., had amalgamated with the London and South Coast Motor Services (1915), Ltd. An application was made for the transfer to the company of the 27• motorbus licences at present held by the other concern, and this was agreed upon. c21. A New Southsea-to-London Bus Service.
The chief constable of Guildford recently submitted to the corporation an application from Mr. H. Moore, of 17, Victoria Parade, Blyth, Northumberland, for permission to set down or pick up passengers in Guildford in connection with a motorbus service which is about to be started between Southsea and London under the name of. the Abbey Motor Service. The application _ was granted.
Bus Developments in Rome.
The need for the inauguration of bus services in and around Rome has been apparent for many years, and the fact that the responsible authorities have recently selected the new Lancia six-cylinder model, known as the Omicron, for this work is adequate testimony to the all-round capabilities of this well-known make. This vehicle is particularly suitable for bus work in Rome, as certain local conditions, notably the narrowness of the streets, render it difficult to operate some standard types of large-capacity vehicles. An accompanying illustration shows Signor Mussolini inspecting one of the vehicles in actual operation.
So far as Lancia buses in 'this country are concerned we might say that the Curtis Automobile Co., Ltd., Park Royal, London, NAVA°, acts as the sole concessionaire.
Van Control from the Door-side.
A special type of light van primarily intended to aid retailers in the door-todoor delivery of such articles as bread, milk, greengroceries, etc., has been constructed by an American concern, the Buffalo Commercial Body n a 1ton Chevrolet chassis. The Co.,iaody has been built unusually low and about half, the floor of the driver's compartment is dropped to the level of the running board. A special pedal is fitted at a convenient height in this section to en
c22 . able the driver to control the vehicle while standing by the sliding door which is fitted at the, near side. The pedal disengages the clutch when depressed half way and applies the brakes of the vehicle when fully depressed. The vehicle is known as the Step-N-Drive delivery van.
Irish Imports Increase.'
An increase has again to be recorded in the imports of commercial motor vehicles into the Irish Free State, for official figures show that 47 were imported during February last, bringing up the total for the first two months of the year to 88 vehicles (131,608) as contrasted with 57 (£14,319) in the corresponding period of 1927. .
Rotherham's New Bus Garage.
The new bus garage recently erected by the Rotherham Corporation adjoining the tram depot in Rawmarsh Row, Rotherham, was formally opened one
day last week, when the public was given an opportunity for inspecting the structure and the system adopted for the maintenance and upkeep of the buses in the service of the corporation.
Passenger Transport Results at Leeds.
The total receipts for the year ended March 31st of the tramways and transport department of the Leeds Corporation were£1,003,547, as against £924,319 for the previous year. Of the increase of £79,228, the motorbuseswere responsible for 127,730. There was a decrease of £1,332 on the operation of the trolley-buses' but this service is being abandoned in favour of motorbuses. The total receipts from the buses were 165,136.
The fleet of vehicles ran 13,828,632 miles in the year, this figure being an increase of 1,169,026 over the previous year ; of the increase, 709,732 miles were in respect of motorbuses. The motorbuses carried 8,440,181 pitmen-gers. The bus traffic increased by over 68 per cent. Motors on the Tin and Silver Mines of Bolivia.
It is reported that as a result of the successful experiments with mechanical road transport which have been conducted by the proprietors of the large tin and silver mines in Bolivia, the Bolivian Government has modified its plan for linking-up the republic with additional rairways and instead intends to build motor highways.
Until a year ago the transportation of tin and silver ore from the mines to the railways, which in many instances are 100 miles or more apart, was effected by means of llamas. It is said that the first experiments with motor lorries failed, mainly owing to overloading and rough handling of the vehicles and to the high altitudes—between 12,000 ft. and 16,000 ft. above sea level—at which the vehicles work, where the petrol engine normally loses between 30 to 35 per cent, of its power. Further tests, however, have proved that one vehicle of the ideal type will undertake work carried out by 120 burros or llamas.
Most of the mine owners have already adopted road motors, which are also being employed for carrying to the railways thousands of tons of valuable slag left lying idle in the mines by the old Spanish smelters.
Renovating Preparations for Bodies.
The Wilcot (Parent) Co., Ltd., 159161, Gt. Portland Street, London, W.1, has juSt sent us particulars concerning the merits of its Renocar, Renodye and Reuoglos products. The firstmaned is a substance for giving a bright and clean finish to such parts of a body as the hood and the leather upholstery, numerous shades being obtainable; it is also claimed to have a preserving effect on the leather. Renodye is intended to be used for dyeing twill and canvas hoods and is supplied in black or khaki. Lastly, Reuoglos is a form of polish to be applied with a soft cloth to the paint surface of a body and facilitates the removal of rain and rend splashes.
The Proposed Birmingham-Liverpool Motorway.
A meeting was recently held at Birmingham, when details were given of the proposed construction of a motorway from Birmingham and the Midlands to Liverpool, joining up with the new Mersey tunnel near Birkenhead. It is proposed that the motorway should have its southern terminus at a point just south-west of Birmingham. The total length of the read would be about 90 miles.
The road may be fenced throughout its entire length, and if is planned to construct it so that there will be no level crossings or cross-roads, it being arranged to pats over or under existing roads, railway, canals and rivers.
The estimated cost of the scheme is between £6,000,000 and 17,000,000, and the promoters anticipate that substantial profits would accrue from the levying of a reasonable toll on the motor vehicles which use the road. It is claimed that, if such a road came into existence, it would enormously increase the prosperity of Birmingham by bringing it into direct touch with the great seaport of Liverpool, with the result of lowering the cost of transporting goods from factory to steamer.
Bus Results in China.
The China General Omnibus Co., Ltd., Shanghai, made a profit last year of 27,014 taels, reducing the debit balance on the profit and loss account to 23,240 taels. The total number of passengers carried during the twelve months was 12,850,526, an increase of nearly half a million over the figure for 1926. Considering that the returns for the months of February, March and April, 1927, suffered severely from local unrest which occasioned barricading of the streets and resulted in restricted traffic, both the financial results and the number of passengers carried are regarded by the directors as satisfactory.
Buying Bristol Passenger Vehicles.
Recent orders received by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Tramways Centre, Bristol, for passenger-carrying vehicles include the following :—Bradford Corporation, 14 30seater saloon buses: Cardiff Corporation, four low-loading passenger chassis : St. Helens Corporation, two 82-seater saloon buses ; County Borough of Wigan two 30-seater Superbuses (this being Le third repeat order) ; 1;:toncaster Corporation, a 32-seater bits (constituting the 12th repeat order), and the Newcastle (Staffs.) Motor Co., three low-loading passenger chassis. The company is also building several all-weather, motor coaches, the buyers of these including the Manor Motor Transport Co. and Messrs. A. and R. Graham.
Joint Services 1st Merthyr.
The Great Western Railway Co. recently intimated to the bus committee of the Merthyr Corporation that an agreement has been made between the company and the .Aberdare Motor Service for the operation of a joint service .between Aberdare and Merthyr. Inasmuch as bath companies' buses are sche
&tied in the time-table to run to Merthyr Station, it was asked that the watch committee would sanction the arrangement. The committee recommend, however, that in view of the possible traffic congestion which might arise the application be declined.
Guy Six-wheeler Progress.
Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, informs us that it has just booked an order from the Hastings Tramways Co. for a further 20 sixwheeled single-deck trolley-buses. The company had already been supplied with 19 Guy vehicles of this type. Another ordq, for six-wheelers received by the company is from the Northampton Corporation, for two double-deck buses.
French Industrial Vehicles in Northern Africa.
A new company has lately been formed in Paris with the title La Societt5 Nord-Africaine de Vente des Automobiles Lath, to concentrate on the sale of Latil industrial vehicles in North Africa.
Tynemouth Motor Park.
Tynemouth Corporation has received sanction to borrow £2,000 in Connection with the improvement of the road in front of the Grand Hotel and the construction of a parking place for vehicles.
New Paint-spraying Equipment.
Those who are concerned in anyway with body-painting processes will be interested in a new type of spray possessing several unique features which is being marketed by Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd., 148-150, Greet Portland Street, London, W.1. The appliance possesses an unusually fine adjustment which makes it of great value in touching up, apart from its use for general painting work. Any ordinary garage compressor will provide sufficient air for operating this gun, and the atomized spray is surrounded by an air pocket which ensures that the whole spray is utilized for covering the surface, thus ensuring a minimum consumption of paint.
The unit is of Compact design and substantial build and certainly deserves the attention of all those who may be desirous of installing an efficient paint-spraying appliance, whilst it will also interest those who undertake the renovation of bodies.
20-seaters Only.
Farnham Urban District Council has granted bus licences to the Aldershot and District Tra.otion Co., Ltd., on condition that no -vehicle above a 20-seater be used upon the Farnham-Chart and Farnham-Distend routes. A New Use for the Road Fund.
Chatham Corporation is asking authorities throughout the country to support a petition to the Government urging it to pass such measures as would enable a substantial grant to be made from the Road Fund for the extension and upkeep of voluntary hospitals, in view of the heavy burdens thrown on them by the increasing number of motor accidents on the road.
Buyers of Garrett Steam Wagons.
Municipal authorities are big users of steam vehicles which they find particularly suitable for many classes of heavy haulage. Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston Works, Leistou, obtains a number of orders from sources of this kind and has recently received several repeat orders, amongst these being one for two 8-ton three-way tipping wagons for the Gloucester County Council and another for a 6-ton tipper for the Worcester County Council. In addition, a 6-ton tipping wagon is being constructed for the municipal authorities at Guildford. The company has also received an order for a 10-12-ton. rigid six-wheeler from Messrs. Glover and Uglow, of Callington.
Public Services in Algeria.
A contract has recently been arranged between the Governor-General of Algeria and the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway Co. for the establishment by the latter of a public motor service between El Golea and Tamanrasset.
Keighley Bus Publicity.
The tramways department of the Keighley Corporation recently held a competition for the designing of a poster suitable for use on its trolley-buses and motorbuses during the spring and summer. The winning design has been reproduced in red and blue on a cream paper measuring 12 ins. by 2R ins.
Preparing for Summer Traffic.
In order to cope with the anticipated increase in the traffic from Newcastle to Tynernouth via the Coast Road during the summer, the Newcastle Corporation has decided to grant additional licences to the various operators on that route as follow :—Newcastle Corporation, from two to eight ; Tynemouth and District Electric Traction Co., Ltd., from two to eight ; Mr. T. Wakefield, from two to four.
An Antrim Road Scheme. , A scheme to extend the famous Antrim coast road from Cushendun to Ballycastle has again been brought before the Antrim County Council, which has referred the matter to the Ministry of Local Government to ascertain what measure of financial assistance the Government is likely to lend. It is estimated that the new road will cost £35,200.