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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all dlicalties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which, it runs.."—John 'Beattie Crozier.
Lacre Rearrangement.
4. circular was iisued to the Customers of thu Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., on October 18th, announcing that the company had entered into an arrangement with Walker Bros., Ltd., Wigan, to take over the sale and production of Lucre vehicles and parts.
ding a Anther'notice, all inquirieA for LEICIV products should continue to he sent to the Lucre Co.'s head office and spares depot at York•Road, London. In due course the Lacre Co. will proceed to wind up its affairs. The Lacre Co. was among the very first to be responsible for marketing the commercial vehicle.
Metropolitan Railway Co.'s Bus •• Activities.
A few weeks ago we referred in our news. columns to the fact that the Metropolitan Railway Co. was buying a.small ileet of. Albion 28-seater buses, with bodies by Vickers, Ltd., for use in Watford. The company has had an agreement with 'ait important passenger transport company operating locally, but this expires to-day (November 1st), and in future the railway Company will provide its own bus service to meet the convenience of passengers using the Metropolitan station at Watford.
The new service, which will materially improve transport facilities in Watford, will be run on a two-way route in the town. Buses will meet the arrival of every train entering Watford Station (Metropolitan) from 7 a.m. to midnight on week days and from 8 a.m. to 10 P.m. on Sundays, and be available for all departing trains between those hours. The new facility will have the immediate effect of bringing residents of Watford into intimate touch with the Metropolitan Railway and placing other important centres in " /vIetroland " within easy reach of the town.
A folder which deals with the company's latest activities has just been published and it contains an interesting photographic . comparison .betweenthe -type of three-horsed bus run by the company 40 years ago and the modern type of motorbus which is maintaining the new service.
"The Romance of the .Road."
Quite a beautiful publication is the large quarto book entitled "The Romance of the Road," written by Charles G. Harper, being essentially applicable to the activities of the whole of the Daimler and Associated Equipment group; including the Daimler Co., Ltd., the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., the London Genet;a1 Omnibus Co., Ltd.; anti Daimler Hire, Ltd., with, not unnatnrally, references to the B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., Jessops, Ltd., and Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd. The book runs to. 64 closely printed pages of matter and illustration and 76 pages of advertisements, all on nicepaper, so that it is altogether an expensive publication and its distribution will, we should think, be limited to heads rii.7 business concerns, for it is not to he expected that it can be given away broadcast.
unarles Harper has made the road his special study, so chapter I deals with Early -Days on the Road ; chapter II, the Days of the Mail Coach; chapter III, Mechanical Transport ; chapter IV, the Evolution of Road Travel ; chapter V, the Motorcar, and chapter VI, Passenger and Commercial Trans-port. So far we have had time for no more than a glance through the book, hut we can see that there is ranch to interest, something to instruct, and a great deal to entertain anyone whe knows and loves the highways and the byways.
Irish Border Crossed Again. •
Yet, another series of bus services crossing the border' between Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State has been organized, and such services are now run on almost every road " approved " by the Customs authorities. The latest -services are conducted by the Gordon Co., which runs buses in
the Cavan-Belturbet-Enniskillen area, and which maintains one of the longest runs in the . country. to wit, from Dublin to Enniskillen. This journey occupies seven hours, including a stop of one hour for lunch at Cavan.
New Thames Bridges.
• The joint committee of the Middlesee and Surrey County Councils has agreed to Proceed with the scheme for the construction Of two new bridges.across the 'River Thames at Richmond and Chiswick, along the line of . the Chertsey arterial road. The scheme will cost £307,000._ .
More Limited-stop Services, .
A particularly interesting development in connection With the provision of limited-stop bus services is the decision' of the Northern General Transport Co.; Ltd., one of the largest omnibus companies in the North of Eng , land to open up h number of Twig distance routes. This company, which operates an extensive network of shortdistance services in the Tyneside and North Durham neighbourhoods, is now laying plans to institute three limitedstop services as a. preliminary step, the proposed routes being to Glasgow, Mane chester and Liveepool, and Edinburgh. The company will run to these places both from Newcastle and Sunderland.
Another projected' long-distance service is that of the Express Motors (West Auckland); Ltd., whichintends running a daily service between Tyneside and Liverpool. . Lucas Profits.
The report of Joseph Lucas, ttd., fat the year ended August 31st last shows, after making provision for depreciation and taxation, a net profit of 426,092. to which has to be added the sum of 189,856 brought forward from -1926, making a total of L315,948.
Interim dividends on the A and B preference shares and on the ordinary shares absorbed £35,900, and it is proposed to dispose of the balance of 1280,048 by paying a final dividend on the A preference shares, making 5 per cent, for the year, a final dividend on the B preference shares, making 6 per cent, for the year, the payment of a final dividend on the ordinary shares, making 15 per cent. for the year, in addition to a bonus of 2s. per share on the ordinary shares and a proportion of dividend and bonus on the ordinary shares issued during the year. These Payments will absorb £131,000, and after 1.50,000 has been placed to reserve (bringing this fund up to 1330,000) and 110,000 added to the staff superannuation fund, a balance of 189,048 remains to be carried forward.
Municipal Hire on a Mileage Basis.
Northants County Council recommends a renewal of an agreement with the Derogate Motor Co., Ltd., of Northampton, for the supply and maintenance of a number of Morris-Cowley curs for the use of officials on a mileage basis at the rate of tid. per car-mile, to include garage and cleaning, the minimum mileage per car per annum to be 5,000. The agreement was made-originally in 1925 and renewed in 1.926, and the finance committee reports that the arrangement has worked satisfactorily.
Bridges Over the Trent.
With the completion of a new bridge over the Trent at Gunthorpe. a few miles above Nottingham, which the prince of Wales has consented to open on November 17th, a long-desired improvement will have been effected. The new structure replaces an old and wornout wooden bridge belonging to a'private toll company, which for many Years fort-tied the only means for moter vehicles crossing the river at that point. Including the cost of 1/ mile of approach roads, the outlay involved upon the work has been 1125,000, which has been borne jointly by the Notts County Council and the Ministry of Transport. r. • Whilst the new Guntliorpe bridge marks a notable djelopment, .mitch moreyet remains to be done in Providing means for crossing the river at other points, the extreme distances which separate existing bridges entailing long detours.
Bexhill Refuses Licences.
Having received applications from the Maidstone and District Motor Setvices, Ltd., for two additional bus licences, the Bexhill Watch Committee has decided that the existing services in the borough are sufficient. adequately to meet the needs of the public and, therefore, it is unable to issue any further licences.
Avoiding Portsmouth Trams.
After entering Portsmouth and arriving at the "Coach and Horses" in Loudon Road, the most convenient road, and one _without tramlines, by which to approach some parts of Southsca and the eastern side of the city, is by Copnor Road, the extension of which is known as Milton Road. The two roads together are three miles long, and when they have been traversed a vehicle is less than one mile from SoUthsea Beach, a point which may interest motor coach owners. So lax as the carriageway is concerned, it was thrown open on October 22nd, it having singe January last. been reconstructed with asphalt macadam on concrete.
New French Steam Vehicles.
The Eta.blisSements Exshaw, of Bordeaux, one of the few concerns in France specializing on the productionof steam vehicles for commercial purposes, have just brought out two new models. —a 3-4-ton wagon with a tare weight of only 3i tons and . a Colonial-type tractor for use in connection with agricultural and timber-logging work.
Lower Fares to Recoup Losses.
iii the half-year ended September 30th last the operation of the bus services of the Bedwas and Machen Urban District Council resulted in a net loss of The council has resolved to introduce cheaper fares on the buses in the hopc of popularizing the services and recouping the loss before the end of the financial year in March next.
Owners Unite for Self-protection. An organization for the 'protection of the bus • owners which are its members has been formed in the Irish Free State with the title Fairways, Ltd. Its object Will be 4o secure the joint Operation of the companies associated with it, in order to protect their interests against competing services subsidized from rail
way sourceS. It is not intended that the companies associated with the new organization should lose, their present identities, but it is expected that greatly increased efficiency and considerable extension of present services will be effected as a result of the new undertaking. Many of the leading concerns.
which have been operating on independent lines, have joined in its formation.
Buses to Feed Steam Trams,
The Dublin and Blessington Steam Tramways Co. has submitted for the Free State Government's approval a scheme under which it proposes to organize bus services to serve as feeders to its tramways at various poiats.
Waterproof Abrasive Papers.
Our attention has recently been directed to the merits of the Carborundtim brand of waterproof abrasive papers, which are manufactured by the Carborundum Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. These papers have been specially produced to facilitate the rubbing down of painted, lacquered, cellulose and other finishes, when water is used in the operation. They are chiefly manufactured in three grades. namely, Carborundum; Aloxite and Garnet ; e4her types, with grain and backing to the specification of the user, can also be supplied. The main feature of these papers is that in their manufacture a bending substance is employed which has special bolding properties.
Goodyear's British Factory.
Considerable progress is being made with the new factory which the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., is building at Wolverhampton, and, we are told, it is hoped it will be in production early in the new Year, in accordance with the company's original plan. The first brick of a new 200-ft. chimney stack, which will weigh 3,000 tons, was laid by the Mayor of Wolverhampton a few days ago. Excavation work is proceeding for the concrete foundations for machinery and heating plant.
An Irish Bus Appointment.
One of the first appointments made under the Northern Ireland Motor Vehicles (Traffic and Regulation) Act is that of Captain T. Hunter Harriet, B.Sc., A.M.I.A.E., formerly a 'district inspector in the Royal Irish Constabulary, as technical inspector of publicservice vehicles in Co. Down,
Indian Demand for Lorries. There is apparently a brisk demand at the present time for motor lorries in India, the official returns just to hand showing that no fewer than 694 such vehicles were imported into the country during July last, as compared with 506 in the corresponding month a year ago. B17
Motors save Money.
A Ministry of Health inquiry was recently held at Hebburn by Mr. J. C. Dawes into the application of the Hebburn Urban District Council for sanction to borrow £941 for the purchase of two Fordson tractors and' trailers for the collection of refuse. Mr. Nutt,the cleansing superintendent, said that since mechanical transport replaced horses and carts a saving had been effected. He estimated this year's refuse collection costs at £1,900, compared with an actual expenditure of £2,795 last year when horses were used.
Large Buses and Small Roads.
Devon County Councilis seeking the views of local authorities on a proposal to call the attention .of the Ministry of Transport, to the difficulties created by the Heavy Motor Car (Amendment)
Order, 1927, which authorizes the licensing of six-wheeled vehicles 30 ft. long and having an unladen a.xle :weight of 10 tons. The county conned suggests that the Minister should exercise his power under Section 7 of the Roads Act, 1920, and close all roads in Devonshire, other than Clasa 1 roads, to vehicles which are longer than 26 ft.
This matter. has been considered by the Paignton Corporation, which has declined, to agree to the suggesticlu of the county authority, but expresses the opinion that the larger vehicles which the Order permits to be licensed should be prohibited from using only the unclassified roads.
Thornycroft Orders.
In spite of the approach of the Corn-. mercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia," which undoubtedly results in -some buyers holding up orders until they have had a chance of inspecting the latest models, many commercial motor manufacturers continue to receive a steady flow of orders. Amongst these is John I. Thornybroft and Co., Ltd., of Basingktoke, which has not only re. Ceived a number of orders recently from
users in different parts of this country, but also for various -types of chassis from overseas, the latter including three for Trinidad, three for Canada, two for Ceylon and ten six-wheelers for South Africa.
Railway Crossings and Traffic Delays.
With regard to the census recently taken at Llanelly to ascertain to what extent traffic is impeded by the closing of railway level-crossing gates—the figures were detailed in our issue dated October 11th—the town clerk has further reported that the 'monetary loss to tradesmen by having their vehicles held up is over £9,000 per anT111111, The Great Western Railway Co. estimated that it would cost £100,000 to-build a bridge to avoid level-crossing hold-ups, and it was decided by the council to interview „the Ministry of Transport on the matter of obtaining a bridge by joint action of the Ministry, the council and the railway company.
Comparing Rail and Road Traction.
A meeting of the 'Yorkshire local section of the Institute of Transport will be held on November 4th at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Leeds Town Hall, when Sir John Eaglesome, K.C.M.G., chairman of the section, will read a paper entitled "Road and Rail Traction—a Comparison."
.A. Change of Address.
The Seal-Tite Piston Ring Co. has removed its stores and sales offices to 70, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2.
Plymouth's Profitable .Buses.
A statement of the income and expenditure in connection with the Plymouth Corporation tramcars and motor, buses for the half-year ended September shows that the latter were three times as profitable on a much smaller t&nover as the trams. The buses, on receipts amounting to £36,820, yielded a net profit of £5,506, whereas the trains, on which £108,612 was taken, only yielded a net profit of £1,595.
The Pictures on this Page.
The upper illustration of the two Pictures appearing on this page shows an Albion forward-control chassis, which is normally built to carry 32seater bus bodies, fitted with an interesting cattle" float body. The vehicle has been supplied to Messrs. Strickland and Carr, of Silloth, hY Messrs. Graham and Roberts, of Carlisle, who arranged the bodywork.. The fullest possible use has been made of the dropped rear part of the. chassis• frame. The floor is slightly sloped behind the rear-wheel arches and, the tailboard is sufficiently high' to form, when lowered, a ramp with an easy incline. The interior dimensions of the body are as follow: length of 20 ft. 6 ins., width, 7 ft., height 6 ft. ,
The lower picture is of a Garner lorry which constitutes a repeat order for :a London • user. The chassis is . the standard model AE made by. Henry Garner, Ltd., its wheelbasebeirig 12 ft.. The body has hinged sides and drop tailboard, 'and curtains are fitted to the driver's cab. At the front end of each side of the body a s-in. iron drain pipe is fitted, in order that liquids which may accumulate through the breakage of carboys or through the collection of water may be conveniently drained off. The body is 12 ft. long and 6 ft. wide. and its sides are 1 ft. 8 ins. deep. The floor and tailboard are of beech and'are covered with 1-in. half-oval irons fixed 5 ins. apart. Dunlop-tyres are fitted to this vehiele, these at the front being 32 ins. by 6 ins, and at the rear 34 ins. by 7 ins., and a spare -wheel and tyre are carried. Thu body is painted canary-yellow and royal blue, the lettering being in red and black. The equipment includes a Lucas electric lighting set, driving mirrors and a windscreen wiper.
Daily Winter Coach Services.
In many cases the advent of the winter months brings about a cessation of long-distance daily coach services, but so much is now done to ensure the complete comfort and convenience of passengers in cold and wet weather that many owners are endeavouring to secure all-the-year-round traffic. For instance, the Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., has .errangcal a special winter saloon coach service between Brighton and London, vehicles leaving the farmer at 10 a.m., 2.20 p.m. and 5 p.m., and the latter at 9.30 a.m., 2.45 p.m. and 0.45 p.m. The single fare is 4s. 64., ,day return 6s. and period return Sr.
Replacement Parts for American Vehicles.
Messrs. William Clark, 11, Great Dover Street, London, S.E.1, hassent us a copy of an abridged service catalogue which indicates the rdnge of equipment and replacement parts they are in a position to supply for many types of American commercial vehicle. Several new lines are dealt with in this catalogue, including Orange, Bower and Little Giant bearings, whilst Stocks of parts, such as universal joints, clutch plates, differential and transmission :parts, flywheel-starter gears, etc., are held.
Tynemouth Bus Developments.
The Tynernouth and District Electric Traction Co., Ltd., which operates a number of bus services in the East Northumbrian area is to double its garage and depot accommodation at West Chirton to permit of future developments. Garage space will he provided for an additional 18 vehicles. This company, which runs S.O.S. saloon buses, has a number of new machines on order.
Scottish Co-operative Societies' Transport.
The St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association of Edinburgh, which is doing a trade of nearly £2,000,000 in the half-year, has expended £39,822 upon commercial vehicles. During the past six months 12,553 was spent on new vehicles, and more will be required before the end of the year. The vehicles arc being depreciated at the rate of 20 per cent, per annum, and now stand in the accounts at a nominal value of only £2,361. The society has its own motor workshops which did work valued at £2,674.
In the society's transport department the distributive expenses were £22,732 in the period referred to, whilst the charges to the trading departments utilising its services were £26,061.
Several of the Scottish societies around Glasgow are developing their commercial motor transport sections. At a recent meeting the committee of the St. Cuthbert'a Association decided to purchase a 4-ton motor lorry, two 2ton lorries and three 1-tonners.
Newport to London Daily.
The watch committee of the Newport Town Connell has recently granted the application of Mr. G. Fisher, of Penhow, for a licence to run a daily bus service to London from Rodney Parade. The return fare for the journey is fixed at 25s., compared with 35s. 4d. by rail.
Free State Bus Prosecutions.
Answering a question in Dail Eireann (the Irish Free State parliament), Mr. Fitzgerald Kenney, Minister for Justice, stated that certain motorbus companies fixed time-tables which necessitated the drivers of their buses travelling at more than 20 m.p.h. if they are to observe schedules. Instructions had been issued to the Civic Gutrrils that in such cases the proprietor should be summoned for aiding and abetting the offence of the driver. There had been instituted during the past three months 317 prosecutions in respect of motorbuses-211 for " speeding " and dangerous driving, and 106 for overcrowding. In addition, 160 prosecutions were instituted in the Dublin metropolitan area for breaches of the regulations under the Dublin Traffic Act. The question of fresh legislation which is necessary to deal with the proper control of publicservice vehicles and traffic generally is at present being considered.
Spanish Duties on Lorry Chassis.
A new royal decree has lately come into operation in Spain, which provides that chassis for motor lorries of any weight are now dutiable under item 731 of the Spanish Customs tariff at the same rate as complete commercial vehicles. In order to prevent the use of lorry chassis for private-car purposes, the documents issued by the Customs authorities upon the clearance of each chassis will state that it has been cleared as a lorry chassis or as a car chassis, as the case may be, and importers will be required to give an undertaking that, where it is cleared as a lorry chassis, it will only be used as the basis of a commercial vehicle.
Joint Control of Bus Services.
To discuss a scheme to regulate motorbus services in the area, a conference was convened by tho Burnley District Council, and it was attended by representatives of Burnley, Coble, Nelsen, Barrowford, Brierfield, Pathham and Trawden Councils. It was decided to recommend that the various authorities combine and form a joint • committee which would regulate bus services. Being of an advisory nature the committee will not encroach upon the powers of the licensing authorities.
Co-operative Coach Results.
. The London Co-operative Society had receipts of 14,738 from its motorcoaches in the half-year ended September last, and, after meeting 43,210 expenses, had a balance of £718.
A Rise in the Cost of 'Petrol ? The manager of the Eastbourne Corporation bus 'undertaking draws ,attention to the present low running 'cost per mile of the municipal buses, explaining that this has been brought about to a great extent by the very low price of petrol, the authorities paying approximately 61d. per gallon. The mauager thinks that the cost may be still lower shortly as a result of the " war " between the combine and noncombine companies, but he warns the committee, however, to be prepared for an increase in the price of fuel at a later ate.
Taxation of Gully-emptiers.
The works "cormnittee of the Kensington Borough Council reports that the licence duty on a new motor gullyemptier is 160 a year, and the opinion is expressed that such vehicles should not•be charged so heavily. The Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee is to be asked to make •representations to the .Ministry of Transport . for concessions in the ease of such vehi cles used by local authorities. •