The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," is now of national importance. Its interests embraceimpartially.the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the steam wagon and the ambulance.
Our Employment Bureau remains open both for employees and em ployers.
The next issue of this journal will be the 500th, and we are taking steps suitably to commemorate this Milestone in our peOgress'in 'respect of our Editorial contents.
In addition to other interesting articles in this issue, we have again been enabled to include a number of exceptionally interesting photographic reproductions. Owing to
• pressure on our space, we have to hold over until next week certain ' interesting articles, as well as "Opinions from Others" and " An. swere'to Queries."
The has received the
thanks of the War Office for its " generous and patriotic offer to assist in the organizing and staffing of the Mechanical Transport formations of the Army." The Government has intimated to the Association that its present need of commercial motors and drivers is satisfied. There still remain a few vacancies for competent boilermakers and skilled artificers, and the Secretary, Mr. F. G. Bristow, asks for such men to communicate with him at the Offices of the Association, 83, Pall Mall, S.W.
British Engines and German Guns.
What purports to be a description of the haulage of the 16.4 • German siege guns—if they actually exist—is contained in a recent despatch from a "Times " correspondent sent from Ostend. He states that each gun is transported in four pieces, and each piece is drawn by three traction engines. Twenty-six traction engines were required for the hauling of two guns, the spare engines assisting on gradients. It would appear that all but two of the 26 traction engines were manufactured in England, probably by John Fowler and Co. Unfortunately, this correspondent makes no mention of the effect of such haulage on the ordinary high-road surfaces.
The new road between Slade Lane and Cheadle has now been approved by the Manchester Corporation Improvements Committee, and the work will be proceeded with as soon as possible. The road in question-will be five miles-long and 80 ft. wide, and it is estimated to cost close on £200,000.
The necessity of having a proper fire-extinguishing equipment was *forcibly illustrated in Kentish Town last week. A steamer was carrying a loaded furniture sling box-van, when a spark from the chimney dropped on to the roof and set fire to some matting and light articles. Fortunately the conductor of a passing motorbus saw the incident occur, and immediately warned the driver of the steamer. As there was no fire appliance, the men in charge of the load had to remove the burning stuff from the roof, and luckily they were able to prevent the roof itself from catching fire —" but it was an exciting three minutes," adds our correspondent.
The Famous "Skinner and Rook."
Selfridges have just placed an order for three Albion vans. Another recent order was a repeat from James Shipstone and Sons, Ltd.. Brewers, Star Brewery, Nottingham, for a 32 h.p. three-ton
• _Albion. That company now owns six machines of this make. A repeat order has also been received from Messrs. Skinnerand Rook, Grocers, Long Row, Nottingham, for a 15 h.p., 15-cwt. machine. This company already has a three-ton Albion. In this connection, it will be interesting to recall a number of complimentary messages which have been received from one of our war correspondents with regard to the running of Messrs. Skinner and Rook's two-cylinder Albion. which is practically the only machine of its class with the Expeditionary Force on the Continent. We -refer our readers to " Despatches from the Front," which will be published in the next issue of this journal. Leyland Motors, Ltd., has just received an official order from Dunfermline for one of its latest typo Of fire:engines.
The British Women's Patriotic League has undertaken to present a16 h.peWolseley ambulance to the London Mounted Brigade.
Lady Coghlan, on behalf of New South Wales, is to present a converted Talbot ambulance to the Australian Voluntary Hospital.
The American Women's War Relief Fund is now to present to the War Department six 30 h.p. Wolseley four-stretcher ambulances instd of equipping and maintaining an ambulance ship.
The council of the Provincial Omnibus . Owners' Association desires to express its deep sense of the loss sustained by the death on active service of its President, Lord Guernsey, who had taken much interest in the initial proceedings of the Association.
"O.H.M.S." and the Speed Limit.
One of the Daimler lorries in convoy from Coventry to Aldershot last week, travelling at an estimated speed of 20 m.p.h., when turning the corner at the foot of Eggar's Hill, skidded badly, dashed across the road, ran over a private hedge, and only just escaped colliding with a house. The vehicle was pulled on to the road by one of the other machines and towed away for repairs. It does not follow that in this case the speed was excessive, but we have to register our protest at the high rate of speed at which many of these machines are being driven on their way to impressment camps and to Government concentration depots. A certain number of civilian drivers appear to imagine that, because they happen to he driving machines en route for Government service, they can legitimately and safely travel at any speed they choose. This is entirely a mistaken impression, and, we feel sure, not desired by the authorities. Carlisle's new motor fire-engine was tested and delivered last week.
The Surveyor of Walthamstow is making inquiries for the purchase of a motor chassis.
The Cardiff Tramway Co. is applying for licences to run several motorbuses in the Risca -Urban District.
Willesden U.D. C. is seeking sanction to borrow 2760 to cover the cost of purchasing a petrol motor wagon.
Preston Town Council is authorized by the L.G.B. to borrow 22400 for the purchase of two motor fireengines.
Burntisland T.C: is considering the making of arrangements with Kirkcaldy for the use of a motor fire,eng-ine.
Walthamstow U.D.C. has been recommended to accept the tender of F. C. Archer, at 2628, for the supply of a motor sweeper.
A L.G.B. inquiry has been held concerning Rotherham Council's application for sanction for a loan of 2700 for the purchase of a motor wagon.
Belfast City Council has been recommended to accept the tender of Edison Accumulators, Ltd., for the supply of a motor tower wagon in connection with its tramway system.
Inquiries are being made by the Clerk of the Brentford Guardians as to a suitable substitute for Shell motor spirit, the market price for which, it is contended, is at present exorbitant.
An Engine Starter.
We have received particulars from Messrs. Marlborough Motors of a new type of foot starter which the concern has been fitting to Mors cars recently. This is known as the Swan device. It is another version of the spring and ratchet design. Anyone who is interested can obtain full particulars from the makers at 404, Euston Road, N.W.
New Registrations.
Mechanical Transport, Ltd. (S400), office, 14, St. Mary Axe, RC. First directors : H. W. Philpott, F. M. Sala, W. H. TrewarthaJames and G. W. Askew.
White Cross Insurance Association, Ltd. (2101), office, 5, Moorgate Street, RC., to take over the business of the White Cross Insurance Co., Ltd. (in liquidation).
Lawton-Goodman, Ltd. (Z100), registered by Rutherford and Co., 48, Cannon Street, E.C. First directors : T. Lawton-Goodman and J. A. Lawton-Goodman.
Southern Transport Co., Ltd. (25000). First directors include: W. H. Norman, 5, Beaconsfield
Claud Hamilton, Ltd., has opened its new garage in Smith Street, Glasgow. Accommodation is provided for a total of 240 cars.
We are asked to state that Mr. E. D. Rodakowski, who is in future to be known as Mr. E. R. Rivers, has been granted a temporary commission in the A.S.C., M.T.
A Recent Registration.
The Uxbridge Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £2200 in 4,000 ordinary shares of 10s. each and 4000 founder's shares of is. each, by Charles Doubble, 14, Serjeants' Inn, Temple, E.C.
Plenty al Bosch Magnetos.
Mr. J. A. Stevens, of the Bosch Magneto Co., has just returned from a lightning trip to the U.S.A. We are pleased to learn from him that over 60,000 magnetos are in stock at the Bosch Springvale works, and that there is a. decided Jailing off in the actual American demand. He tells us that whilst the pleasure-car trade in America has been adversely affected by the war in Europe, commercial vehicles are booming across the Atlantic.
Mail Contracts in the North.
The Surveyor for the North-Eastern District, G.P.O., Leeds, is desirous to receive tenders for a contract for proposed motor mail services between (a) Sunderland and Newcastle-on-Tyne and (b) Sunderland and Haswell. An alternative tender may be submitted in respect of the last-mentioned service for an extension to Merton on Sundays. The conditions of contracts, for which tenders must be posted not later than the 17th October, may he obtained by application to the Surveyor's Department.
The Electric Vehicle Committee.
We are now favoured with a copy of the minutes of certain subcommittees of the Electric Vehicle Committee of the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association which were held on the 17th July last. Particulars are also forwarded of the recommendations as to the standard charging plug and receptacle, for use in connection with electric-battery vehicles. Information as to this fitting can be obtained by application to the secretary, Mr. F. Ayton, Constantine Road, Ipswich. The secretary reported at the meeting of the Joint Committee that, to date, contributions, for carrying on the committee's work, had been received or promised, amounting to £151 lis. ; this total includes contributions from a large number of municipal authorities, from electrical manufacturers, and the proprietors of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR.
1328 Government Contracts.
The following tenders have been accepted during the past month by the Government Departments, namely :—Crown Agents for the Colonies : motor lorries, J. I. Thoroyeroft ; fire engines, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. India Office, Store Department, lorry, Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co., Ltd.
Alidays Agencies.
We are asked to state that Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd.. has many important districts open for which it is still prepared to fix up agencies both for its pleasure cars and its useful range of commercial-vehicle models. Interested parties are invited to communicate with the company, requesting particulars.
To Replace Impressed Lorries.
A sub-committee of Aberdeen Town Council' is considering a list of tenders which have been received for the supply of a new fleet of motor wagons to replace those purchased by the War Office. With the object of inaugurating street watering by motor next summer, it is proposed to obtain five wagons instead of three as originally intended.
An Impressed Commercar in Algiers.
We learn that one of the Commercars belonging to Messrs. Segui and Co., of Algiers, has been commandeered by the French military authorities for the transport of troops in Southern Algeria. The French officers in command declare that it is the best vehicle they have been able to obtain for their purpose—and that in competition with machines by the best. French makers.