WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a Carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which if runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Olympia Show Numbers of "The Commercial Motor."
In connection with the forthcoming Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition at Olympia, to be held from November 7th to 16th, we shall publish three special issues which will be very considerably enlarged. The first will be dated October 29th, and will contain details of certain chassis and vehicles to be shown, as well as information regarding accessories and components.
The second show number, dated November 5th, will serve as a guide to the exhibits, containing, as it will. preliminary details of all chassis and bodies to be displayed. The third show number, dated November 12th, will contain a complete and profusely illustrated report of the show exhibits. A large number of special and authoritative articles dealing with various phases of mechanical road transport will be embodied in the issues.
Trolley-bus Expert for Aldershot Company.
The appointment is announced of Mr. J. B. Parker, general manager and engineer to the Tees-side Rallless Traction Board, to the position of general manager to the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd. Mr. Parker, who is a recognized authority on trolley-vehicle working, is a native of Dewsbury and, before going to Middlesbrough in 1920, was assistant engineer to the tramways and motorbus department of Sheffield Corporation. He took over the Tees-side appointment when the trolley-bus undertaking, which had been inaugurated as a private venture, was taken over jointly by Middlesbrough Corporation and Eston Urban District Council.
Mr. Parker's abilities have been applied not only to the administration side but also to the designing of new stock, for a few years ago he evolved a combined trolley-bus and petrol-electric vehicle.
A Conference on Drivers' Hours.
Representatives of various operating concerns in the East Northumberland area have attended a conference with members of the Myth licensing committee on the question of the working conditions of bus drivers. Operators represented were United Automobile Services, Ltd., Tynemouth and District Electric Traction Co., Ltd. Messrs. A. Howe, A. R. Douglass slid Son, T. Allen and Sons, A. E. Crate, J. Kane and White and Tinn. The committee held that an eight-hour shift was sufficient for any driver and that a 48-hour iveek should be brought into operation. It was hinted that the committee might attach a condition to this effect to the borough licences.
Institute of Transport Activities.
The first ordinary meeting of the 1929-1930 session of the Institute of Transport will take place in the lecture theatre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2, on Monday, October 14th, commencing at 5.30 p.m. Sir Josiah C. Stamp, G.B.E., D.Sc., LL.D., will be inducted as president by Air ViceMarshal Sir W. Sefton Brancker, K.G.B., A.F.C., the retiring president. Sir Josiah will deliver his inaugural address.
We are also asked by the Institute to point out that premiums in respect of the past session have been awarded by the council as follow :—Road Transport Gold Medal, given by the Commercial Motor Users Association, to Mons. A. Metre! for his paper on "Fuels—Alternative or Supplementary to Petrol for Road Vehicles Fitted with Internal-combustion Engines—Gaseous Fuels." The Road Transport Gold Medal given by the Underground Railways and the L.G.O.C. group goes to Dr. W. It. Ormandy for his paper on " Fuels-Alternative or Supplementary to Petrol for Road Vehicles Fitted with Internalcombustion Engines—Liquid Fuels."
In a Line or Two.
The Royal Commission on Transport will resume its sittings on Wednesday of this week, when the question of the licensing of vehicles will be further discussed.
The Birmingham Motor Tyre Repository Co., has established its main sales premises at 84 and 85, Broad Street, Birmingham.
The tramways committee of Belfast Corporation has decided to seek powers to operate trolley-buses in the city.
Bristol Corporation is considering a 1250,000 scheme for improvement of the highway facilities between the northern and eastern portions of the city.
Conferences at the Roads and Transport Exhibition.
Although we are not yet in a posidon to give a list of the concerns which will exhibit transport vehicles and appliances at the forthcoming Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, which is to be held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, London, N., from November 18th-23rd, we gather from a programme of the proceedings that a number of important conferences has been arranged.
One of the most interesting will be held on the opening day, when the National "Safety First" Association has arranged for a conference to take place on "Local Authorities and the 'Safety First' Movement." The chairman on this occasion will be the Rt. Hon. Viscount Brentford. Many of the papers which will be read have a definite hearing upon the important subject of highways administration.
A Crude-oil Engine Flotation. ,
According to The Financial Times, a new company, sponsored by the Finance Co. of Great Britain and America, and called Oil Motors, Ltd., will shortly be floated in London with a capital of £275,000. It is said that the company has acquired the patents covering a Swedish invention for the manufacture of a special type of engine consuming crude oiL We learn that exhaustive tests have been made with the new engine.
Coachbuilding Factory for Sale.
A well-equipped, freehold coachbuildlug factory and garage, occupying a floor space of about 20,000 sq. ft., is for sale. It is located in the south-west district of London and can be viewed by appointment.
London Coach-traffic Objections.
The works committee of Kensington Borough Council has considered a petition by occupiers of a number of properties in Kensington to. the Ministry of Transport, urging that steps should be taken to prevent or restrict the use of thoSe thoroughfares by metorbuses. The committee Points out that the vehicles in question are not motorbuses which are licensed to ply for hire in the Metropolitan police district, but coaches running between the Home Counties and Loudon, and that, in order to accommodate persons desirous of visiting Kensington for shopping and other purposes, they set down and pick up passengers in Kensington Square.
Price Corrections.
In the advertisement of Truck and.. Tractor Appliance Co. (Manchester), Ltd., appearing in our issue dated September 24th, the prices given for the standard-wheelbase 50-cwt. chassis and those models with different wheelbase extensions were each £10 higher than they should have been. The standard-wheelbase model sells for £245.