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. . for enterprise like this

1st September 1967
Page 99
Page 99, 1st September 1967 — . . for enterprise like this
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RELAXATION of TIR restrictions in the UK will give a welcome boost to British international hauliers—but they have not waited for such long-demanded moves before expanding their services.

Two examples are in the news:— Ferrymasters Ltd., with headquarters at Felixstowe, has formed a new company in Finland—Ferrymasters OY, Helsinki—and is equipping it with British 15m, 32-ton-gross artic outfits built to conform with TIR. These are being shipped out to commence the service.

Ferrymasters is already one of the largest containerized freight operators on the UK-Scandinavia and UK-Continent routes. The network operates through associates and branches in Gothenburg, Esbjerg, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Paris, Rouen and, of course, in the UK.

Another operator with new international freight plans is Daniel Stewart, of Blairgowrie, already well-established in the expansion from domestic haulage to the carriage of meat, fish and fruit abroad.

The Stewart vehicles have been run as complete refrigerated artic outfits throughout a journey. After building up traffic to and from Germany, Sweden, Holland and Denmark—and latterly with runs as far south as Rome—Daniel Stewart is now thinking seriously of turning to refrigerated containers.