News and Comment.
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This journal has a genuine circulation, genuine advertisement support, and an Editorial staff whose members have practical experience and knowledge of the construction and use of commercial motors.
McNamaras, Limited, has ordered two, three-ton, 35-4oh.p., petrol vans from Leyland Motors, Limited.
The Kent County Council spent no less than .4;3,500, during its last financial year, on the tarring of roads and road metal.
The Lacre Company is establishing a Manchester branch, and it was through this that Messrs. Kendal, Milne and Company's order, to which we referred last week, came.
The report upon the International Trials of Agricultural Motors, at Winnipeg, from the pen of our special correspondent, Mr. J. Burness Greig, who conducted the competition, will be found on pages 562 to 564.
Spanish War Office.
We are glad to learn that the Marienfelde works of the Daimler MotorenGesellschaft also received an order from the Spanish War Office, on the occasion to which we referred last week (page 534 ante). This order was placed after a trial with a Marienfelde Daimler extending over several years, and we regret that our informant, who accepted his information in good faith, should have mentiOned two other makers as the exclusive recipients of orders.
Order for Napier Cabs.
It has been decided to increase the capital of the Motor Cab Company of
Great Britain, Limited, who registered office is at 14, Regent Street, S.W., from 1:5o,000 to,-,ectoo,000, and to change the title of the company to the Coupe Company and Motor Cab Company of Great Britain, Limited. An agreement has been signed for the purchase of Napier chassis, and another for the acquisition of the Coupe and Dunlop Brougham Company, Limited.
"Commer Cars."
Orders for " Commer Car " lorries, vans, and chars-a-banes are now being booked with gratifying regularity, as the result of the many extensive demonstration trials that have been under taken during the past two years by Commercial Cars, Limited. One of the severest tests was that imposed by the North-Eastern Railway Company. Two " Commer Car " vehicleswere subjected to a three months' trial, on the completion of which the railway company's engineers took them down completely and prepared a voluminous report on the condition of the parts. The result of this inspection was evidently satisfactory, for both vehicles were purchased, and the alteration for which a request was made consisted only of a slight adjustment to one of the bodies, in order that it might be more suitable for delivery work. One is a 24-26h.p. four-cylinder chassis; the other a 16-18h.p. two-cylinder chassis. The testimony of satisfied users of these vehicles is also beginning to ac'cumulate, with beneficial results to the manufacturing company,
An Address Wanted.
A correspondent who signs "G.J.II." (Coventry) asks for certain information about a motorvan, but he omits to say the load which he desires to carry, and to give any address.
Institute of Chauffeurs,.
The members of the Institute of Chauffeurs, Limited, have decided that the company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that the undertaking be wound up. Mr. R. Simmons-Barker, of Melbourne, Ronald Park Avenue, Westeliff-on-Sea, has been appointed liquidator.
Piacenza Trials.
Intending visitors to the Italian International Industrial Motor Trials and Exhibition, at Piacenza, which trials will begin on the 15th proximo, will be interested to know that the first-class return fare from Calais to Piacenza is
los. As, however, reduced fares can be obtained on the Italian State railways, any persons who arrange to attend the trials should book only to Modane. It will be necessary, we may point out, to apply to Mr. A. G. Graziani, of Miter Buildings, 22, Billiter Street, E.C., the delegate of the Executive Committee in the United Kingdom for vouchers and invitation cards, and we suggest that it will be advisable to see the latter half of the trials, say, leaving London on the 22nd September. If any supporters of this journal mean to -go to Piacenza, we shall be glad if they will communicate with us. A Liquidation, A general meeting of the Motor Traction Company, Limited (in liquidation), is to be held at Eldon Street House, Eldon Street, E.C., on the 51h October, at 52 noon, for the purpose of having an account presented to show the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted, and the property of the company handled. This company used to claim the ownership of numerous master patents in motor design.
The Cab Amalgamation.
The resolutions for the voluntary liquidation of the United Motor Cab Company, Limited, which formal course is being taken as part of the necessary proceedings in the amalgamation of the company with the General Motor Cab Company, Limited, were confirmed at an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders on the t5th instant. Mr. R. Gordon, of 32, Old Jewry, E.C., has charge of the liquidation.
Fiat Motorcab Shares.
In the Vacation Court, on the 14th instant, before Mr, Justice Eve, Mr. S. B. Apostoloff, managing director of the Thames Bank Wharf Motor Works, Limited, moved for an injunction until the trial of the action restraining the Fiat Motor Cab Company, Limited, from enforcing the forfeiture of 8,600 shares held by him in the defendant company. Mr. Bramwell Davis, K.C., stated that the plaintiff had paid ...,2,150 of application and allotment money, leaving -,,,c6,450 payable. In September last, he had entered into an agreement to supply cab bodies to the defendant company, and, about the end of October last, two directors of the defendant company had suggested that the plaintiff should start constructing the bodies before the chassis arrived, in order that the underwriters and shareholders might be satisfied that some work was being done. It was then arranged that, if plaintiff would immediately so construct a large number of bodies, payment of his calls might be postponed and set off against the amount due for his work. Between L:8,000 and ,,,,z;9,00o had been expended by the plaintiff on the work, which he could not have spent had he paid the balance due on his shares. Later, an agreement had been signed, hut the plaintiff now said that this did not express the arrangement which he understood he had made with the defendant company.
His Lordship said it was incompetent for him to ignore the terms of the written agreement, and the company, therefore, had the right to exercise its powers of forfeiture. The motion must be dismissed.
Mr. Arthur Sims, on behalf of the company, agreed to give the plaintiff 54 days in which to find the money to pay the calls. Business Publications Received.
Amongst recent publications which have reached this office is a copy of section "J " catalogue (ninth edition) from Alfred Herbert, Limited, of Coventry, which deals with that corn. pany's patent, hexagon, turret laths. The booklet draws attention to a recent improvement which has given to the spindle a greatly-increased amount of effective belt-power, in order to take full advantage of the possibilities of the company's patent roller toolsteady. Recent tests with this tool have proved it possible to reduce a 2inch diameter mild-steel bar down to '2 inch in diameter at one cut, with a rate of feed of ii inches per minute, which means the removal of 77 lb. of metal in that time, the finished surface of the reduced bar being a very good one. This catalogue goes very fully into the description of the various parts of the machine, and it will he read with interest by machine tool users,
Motor Contracting.
The twenty-first annual general meeting of the shareholders in McNamara and Company, Limited, was held on the 1 rth instant, under the chairmanship of Sir John Pound, Bart. It appears that the average profits of this company have been well maintained during the last three years, and those for the year ended the. 3oth June last amounted to £9,88r, or only £171 less than for the year 1906-7. Speak-ingof motor traffic, Sir John Pound remarked that he had the satisfaction of reporting the improved condition of this department, and still further increases in the number of motors employed, which vehicles were yielding very good results. A dividend of five per cent., together with a bonus of five per cent, for the year, was declared on the ordinary capital of the company (.",so,000), and ..2,o81 was carried forward.
An interesting question was raised by one of the shareholders, who enquired why the directors continued to allow
-L32,670 of second-mortgage debentures, carrying interest at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum, to remain outstanding, • hen they had first-class in-. vestments amounting to 38,652, and thereby were paying something like an extra -...,;1,600 per annum in interest. It was explained, in reply, that the directors preferred to keep a considerable sum of money invested outside the business, that they would have nothing to
fail back upon if the second-debenture holders were paid 'Off, and that, in the Board's opinion, it was worth while to lose, for a time at least, .1,600 a year, in order to keep the company in a strong financial position, and with realisable securities at its disposal for use if any special development had to be initiated at short notice. This explanation was accepted by the meeting, which carried a motion for the adoption of the report unanimously, and subsequently voted the directors a sum of Li,000 as additional remuneration for their services during the year in question, and as a mark of esteem.
We learn from our friends Messrs. K. R. Campbell and Goldstone, of 3, London Wall Buildings, E.C., which firm of stockbrokers supplies the quotations each week for our table of Greater London's Passenger Transport, that there is a very small market for either cab or omnibus shares at the moment, and that motor shares generally do not show any signs of upward movement. There has lately been moderate enquiry for the shares of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Limited.
Access to Business.
There are probably not a few manufacturers who are on the look-out for a capable and qualified representative in the commercial section of the motor industry. We learn that Mr. Frank J. Field, of 4o, Disraeli Road, Putney, S.W., whose name and personality are widely known in both manufacturing and operating circles, is prepared to take up the active sales management of good accessories, components, stores, or tires, or other responsible engagement. Mr. Field both knows what is wanted, and who wants it, in practically all the branches indicated, and he should be a valuable man for the purposes of any trading house which may not be properly in touch with the heavy side of the industry.
"Non-productive Charges."
Any up-to-date manufacturer is today anxious to obtain the actual cost of production for all his manufactures, and to!-,e able to do this accurately and rapidly he cannot do better than employ an International " Rochester" time card recorder, such as is made by the International Time Recording C•ompany, of 151-5, City Road, London, E.C. This company has just issued an instructive little pamphlet bearing on the distribution of nonproductive charges, and within the eight pages of this small book some very convincing arguments are put forward to show the advantages of the use of such an instrument. All who are interested in the management of motor works will find this booklet useful.
The Underwood Works, Paisley, of the New Arrol-Johnston Car Company, Limited, are closed, for the summer holidays, until the 27th instant.
Free Postcards.
The Continental Tyre and Rubber Company (Great Britain), Limited, of 102-108, Clerkenwell Read, E.C., will be happy to send a supply of picture postcards to any reader of " TIIE COMMERCIAL MOTOR " who cares to make written application.
A Manchester Consultant.
Mr. G. Tilghman Richards advises us that he has opened an office at Mansfield Chambers, 17, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, where it is his intention to specialise on the design of automobile chassis inclusive of commercial types. He is prepared to help inventors in working out ideas to practiced issues. Mr. Richards has had a net inconsiderable experience with the Rolls-Royce and Belsize Companies, and is a trained engineer.
Carter,Paterson's Vans; Official Statement.
We were surprised, a few weeks to be informed that Carter, Paterson and Company, Limited, was not going to adopt motorvans to any further extent, and that a large order for additional horse vehicles had recently been placed by that company's directors. On enquiry at the chief office, however, we find the former statement to be entirely incorrect, although the latter is a fact. The horse vehicles in question are, however, for use on certain lozal deliveries and special contracts, for which work motors are at present considered unsuitable, " C.P. and Co." is satisfied with the performances of its fleet of Straker steam wagons and Lacre and Dennis petrol vans, which enable the company considerably to expedite the delivery of its traffic, and the recent order placed with the Leyland Motors, Limited, to which we referred in our issue of the gth ultimo, is the direct outcome of this company's service trials, which were carried out earlier in the year. The Dunlop detachable rim, until a few weeks ago, has been manufactured by the Stevenson Wheel Company, of Coventry. The enormous growth in demand for these detachable rims, however, has led to the organisation of a new concern, absorbing the Stevenson Company, with the title of the Dunlop Rim and Wheel Company, Limited. This rim is becoming very popular.
Thornycroft Orders.
John I. Thornycroft and Company, Limited, of Chiswick and 1, Albemarle Street, W., has sold three 3o-cwt. .vans to the British American Tobacco Company, as the result of an original order placed two and a half years ago. Mr. C. Pemberton Wooler, of 66, Victoria Street, S.W., who represents the Thornycroft Company in the North, has sold one 21-ton chassis to James Blackledge and Sons, Limited, flour dealers and bakers, of Liverpool, whose 50 branches are likely to require further supplies, and a two-ton chassis to Marshall Brothers, Limited, of Leeds, a large carrying company.