The Supply Department.
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers.
Small Fittings Supplied.
" (Norwich).—You cannot do better than obtain
One of the large catalogues issued by G. T. Riches and Company, of 19, Store Street, Tottenham Court Road, W.C., as, within the 200 pages of that publication, you will find practically everything you require in the way of small fittings for motor vehicles. The necessity, which you mention, for you to be able to obtain small fittings of all kinds by return of post, will, we feel sure, be met by Riches, who do a deal of this class of supply work.
"Small Stores" Systems.
R. W. MELLING (Swansea).—In reply to your request for information as to the possibility of running quite a small stores with a complete but perfectly-simple card system, we have no hesitation in saying that, providing you do not allow " cards" to become a mania with you, your work will be facilitated and systematised to an almost incredible extent by your adoption of such a method of recording purchases, supplies, current prices, etc., on small and properlyfilled cards. We shall be happy to outline a simple method for you, if you will favour us with a few particulars of the class and quantity of stock you wish to carry. Any of the leading " office system " people would also, we know, be most pleased to advise you gratuitously. You might, for instance, write to the Library Bureau, Limited, of 4, Cheapside, London, E.C., or the Stolzenberg, Patent File Company, Limited, of 50-53, Bishopsgate Street Without, London, E.C.; but, if you do not wish to go to the expense of purchasing cabinets, you can quite well " knock up" simple system yourself, by ruling your own cards and making a few suitably-sized boxes.
A Combined Petrol Cock and Filter.
Messrs. Benton and Stone, of Bracebrklge Street, Birmingham, have recently introduced an improved form of "Enots" petrol filter and stop cock, in which the sump has been made considerably deeper, and a much larger area of copper gauze has been introduced in the form of a cone which surrounds the central pipe; through this pipe the petrol is conducted to the bottom of the filter chamber. The extra depth which has been given to this vessel completely traps any water that may have found its way into the petrol tank, and the coppergauze cone intercepts all particles of grit that may have been present in the tank, and prevents them from finding their way to the carburetter jet, where the inevitable " choking up "would take place. The construction of the filter permits the gauze to be cleaned readily, and facilitates the removal Of any solid matter or water which may have accumulated in the chamber. Under normal conditions, it is sufficient to clean out in this way about once in every 14 days. In addition to many forms of petrol filters, filling caps, and sockets, this firm also makes a number of lubricators and tell-tale fittings to be used in conjunction with any of the well-known systems of engine lubrication. Many a road stoppage may be saved if machines are fitted with some such device as the Enots filter.
"Teutonic Steels.
The Teutonic Steel Works, Limited, whose head offices are at Rockingham Street, Sheffield, and whose London offices are at 6, Crosby Square, E.C., makes a very large variety of special steels suitable for motor-vehicle construction. These steels vary from an ordinary soft steel, which is very easily welded or treated by heat, to the company's "Masta" high-speed tool steel, which is particularly suitable for lathes, or planing, milling, and slotting machines. Many steel manufacturers fail to supply to their customers sufficiently explicit instructions for the working of their various brands of steel, but this company supplies a colour chart from which all its various grades of steel can be recognised, and their various characteristics noted, whilst the special precautions, which are to be observed during the heating of such steels, are clearly set out.
The Latest De Dion Plug.
The accompanying illustration shows the latest form of the standard Dc Dion sparking plug. Since we last illustrated this company's plug, it will be noticed that a slight alteration has been made in the formation of the inner end of the insulated rod. This has been altered from a circular disc to a star-shaped piece having six points. The spark jumps across from one or more of the points of the star to the body or shell of the plug. We understand that the general use of high-tension magnetos, the hot sparks from which rapidly burn out the wire, has made this change desirable, and it is claimed that this plug cannot be fouled or short-circuited by oil or soot, as the space between the spark gaps tends to clear them at each explosion. This plug has the distinctive yellow porcelain which has for some time been adopted by the De Dion Company, whose London address is to, Great Marlborough Street, W.
Mutton Cloths and Cleaning Rags.
A. L. WogsToN (Frome).—We should certainly advise you not to use cotton waste in your garage or repair shop. The way in which threads of cotton will work themselves into oil pipes, petrol pipes, tanks, and carburetters is extraordinary. Mutton cloths, as you suggest, are far better for cleaning and wiping purposes on your class of work. We are not surprised that you experience some difficulty in getting a supply of these cloths; very few people seem to know who handles them. We expect either W. H. Willcox and Company, Limited, of 23, Southwark Street, or Brown Brothers, of Great Eastern Street, E.C., would be pleased to quote. There is a great scarcity at the present time, and the price has in some cases gone up to 455. per cwt. gross, washed and bleached. In view of this and a probable further increase, you might also communicate with Messrs. Thomas Boom and Company, of 35, Elliott Road, North Brixton, S.W., who have recently introduced a specially-manufac. tilted cleaning cloth; it is made in rolls of so yards, and is sold at seven shillings and sixpence a roll. We are inclined to think this might prove economical in the long run, as it is new material, and, of course, quite free from grease to commence with.
Boorn's also specialise in steam and hydraulic packings, and they recommend their "Eagle " brand for steam wagons ; this preparation is guaranteed never to get hard, and it is self lubricating.