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Recruitment in the transport sector Is predicted to fall by

20th August 2009, Page 16
20th August 2009
Page 16
Page 16, 20th August 2009 — Recruitment in the transport sector Is predicted to fall by
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a net 4% in the third quarter of the year, as hauliers and logistics companies report disappointing hiring prospects.

According to the quarterly Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, the transport sector can expect a slow hiring pace for jobs of all levels between July and September. It marks a 7% fall in recruitment levels in the past 12 months.

However, BO% of employers surveyed by the recruitment agency say they will make no change to their overall headcount over the coming months. Instead they will try to maintain business operations using existing staff.

Within the transport sector, 7% of those surveyed said they would increase headcount in the coming months, compared with 12% who intend to reduce staffing levels.

The culling of transport jobs is not as stark as in the construction sector, which expects a 10% reduction in recruitment levels during the same period, while the utilities market expects a 9% increase.