New Equipment, Processes and Publications
Page 56

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Wheel Alignment by Projection
CLAIMED to be the only one of its kind in this country where direct readings are made, the BEM projectiontype wheel-aligning eouinment now available from Morris and Ingram (London), Ltd.; 25 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I, can be used by comparatively unskilled labour.
A light-beam unit is carried on a swivel bracket located on the wheel rim of a vehicle at three points. By projection of the beam on to scales, the wheel run-out can be checked, together with chassis longitudinal alignment, camber, caster, king-pin inclination, toe-in and toe-out, rear-axle alignment and turning-radius angle.
Stiffer Aluminium Sheet ARECENT addition to the range of aluminium sheeting produced by the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Banbury; Oxon, is Noral thin-gauge shallowtroughed sheet_ It is suitable for many panelling applications where flat sheet was previously used. Besides its decorative value it provides greater stiffness.
The troughs are I in. wide and depressed -ea in. at pitches of 2 in., 3 in., 4 in. or 6 in. Edges parallel to the corrugations have borders sufficiently wide to provide a I in. overlap, also affording a continuous symmetrical pattern across joined sheets.. The overlap can be used for a variety of fixing methods, and gives standard effective sheet widths of 36 in. and 48 in. Both transverse and longitudinal Corrugations are available, either on plain or stucco finish sheet.
Tractor Shovels Announced
THREE tractor shovels, the BL.440,, the
BL.450 and the BL.450T have been announced by W. E. Bray and Co., Ltd., Faggs Road, Feltham, Middx. The same main frames, axles and hydraulic systems are used for all the models, which have rear-wheel steering giving a turning radius of under 20 ft. to the bucket end.
Powered by a Ford four-cylindered oil engine, the BL.440 has a lifting capacity of 2,800 lb., whilst the BL.450 and BL,450T both have a Perkins 62-b.h.p, oil engine and a lifting capacity of 3,100 lb, A conventional-type transmission is employed on the BL.440 and BL.450 machines, and gives six forward a22
and two reverse gears. Speed range is from 2 to 13 m.p.h.
A Brockhousc torque converter is installed in the BL.450T, and operates in conjunction with a hydraulically operated cpicyclic gear providing two forward and one reverse speeds.
Epicyctic gear hub reduction units are fitted on all axles, which have equal-sized tyres. Power-assisted steering is standard, and the controls are grouped conveniently for the driver, who has an unobstructed view of the leading edge of the bucket while digging.
Filler for Metals rtA CHEMICAL compound for filling and cementing metals, and said to adhere perfectly to wood, concrete and china, is now available from C. A. Pisani and Co., Ltd., Carrara Wharf, Ranelagh Gardens, London, S.W.6.
Known as Sintofer, the product is supplied with a hardening paste, the addition of which initiates the setting action. This normally takes 20-30 minutes and is -complete in an hour. When set, the filler may be filed, drilled, threaded and so on. It is claimed to be unaffected by acids, alkalis, solvents and changes in temperature, and can be polished or varnished.
Sintofer is supplied in 2-1b. tins, complete with hardening paste, and costs 10s, per set.
Electric Soldering Iron A LIGHTWEIGHT electric soldering Piiron has been introduced by Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Pioneer Works, Hanger Lane, London, W.5. Known as the No. 92 it incorporates an element wound on a flat mica strip and folded, with an interposing mica insulator. The assembly is encased in mica and surrounded by a rectangular-section steel casing. Designed for easy replacement, Inc dull nickel-plated copper bit is secured to the barrel with a special self-locking nut. Power consumption of the tool, which has a net weight of 3 oz., is 25 watts and standard voltages of 25, 50, 100-110, 115130, 150-160, 200-220 and 225-250 can be catered for. The retail price is £1 2s. 6d.
Suprasec Additions rOUR new brands of Suprasec organic
isocyanate curing agent have been introduced by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Dyestuffs Division, Huddersfield, to supplement and to some extent repine existing products.
Suprasec curing agents are used in conjunction with various polymeric reactants to produce flexible foams, rigid foams. soft and hard rubbers, lacquers, textile coatings, electrical insulating compositions, and adhesives.
Electronic Welding Tinter A N electronic timer has been intro
duced by British Oxygen Gases, Ltd., St. James' Place, London, S.W.1, for use with the Argonarc spot-welding process. This process is applicable to the 18/8 group of stainless steels, as well as to some of the new high-tensile stainless steels, such as FV520 and FSM1.
1958 F.B.I. Register THE products and services of over 7,000 members of the Federation of British Industries are presented in classified form for quick reference in the newly published " F.B.I. Register of British Manufacturers-1958."
There are glossaries in French. German and Spanish. The book costs £2 2s., including postage, and is available from Iliffe and Sons. Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S E.