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"The wheel of -wealth will be slowed fry all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John-Bealtie Crozier.
Standardizing Benzole.
A general meeting of producers of crude and refined benzole was' held last week atCaxton Hale Westminster, Mr. S. Renshaw,. of the Staffordshire Chemical Co, „. presiding, in the unavoidable alesenee-of Mr. David Milne Watson, pavernoe of the Gas Light and CokeCo. It was unanimously resolved to support the loamation of the National Benz* Aseoeiation for the purpose of standardizing benzule for motor spirit, and carrying on research and investigation with a view to improving the suitability of:
sole finmotor or any other spirit. A stymie executive committee was elec tell under the chairmanship of Mr. Renshaw.
Motor I.egislation.
An important decision was arrived at at a meeting of the conference cm motor legislation held at the Royal. Automobile Club last Friday.' INir. Sidney Straker presiding. Mr. Joynzon-Rieks, M.P., stated on behalf of the Motor Legislation Committee-which at present consists of the Automobile Association and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traderzthat representation on the committee in fisture shall not be conditional upon subscription to its funds.
Mr. Joynson-Hicke emphasized the need fm. unity ion the part of all road users in view of the important questions affecting road transport shortly to be brought before the _House of -Commons. He expressed the hope 'that. all •motor organizations world, withoutdelay, nominate representatives to serve on the Motor Legislation -Committee.
Roads and Fisheries.
The veteran angler:, Mr. R. B. Marston, hes written to the Press and raised afreshthe question of tar and trout. He protests against "the increasing destruction of our inland "fisheriesby pollutions of all kinds, and particularly -by poisons washed JLL Hem tarred coeds," A Scottish mareependentwrites tie saying that., to the north. of the Border the trout streams do not seem to suffer in the least from_
• the effects of road tarring. With •reasonable .precautions, our fisheries sheuki not, and do net, suffer from the effeets of the new mode of road dressing.
L.G.B. • and Splashguards.
In reply to a representation froth the Bradford Watch Committee the Local Government -Board state that the question of nuisance caused lay the splashing Of mud by motor vehicles has been considered by the Departmental Committee
on Road Locomotives and Heavy Motor • Car paragraph 77 of whose report reads as follow :—" Complaints have been made to us as to the serious
• nuisance arising from mud splashing. It appears to be desirable that, at any rate in the ease of heavy motors permitted to travel at the ,higher speeds, the use of splashguards should be compulsory as soon as an efficient splashguard is available. Investigations and experiments have been conducted, both by the users and the Metropolitan police, with regard to several types of splashguard, but have not yet resulted in the discovery of a splashguard which would i be likely to prove' sufficiently, suitable to justify general adoption.
L.G.O. Results.
The accounts and balance sheet of the London General Omnibus Co. for the year 1918 shows gross receipts of 23,979,798 end expenditure of 23,456,244, whilst depreciation on leases, plant, machinery, etc., and reserve for contingencies and renewals total 2307,628, which leaves a balance to the credit of rove/Lee account of 2215,925. Interest and dividends on investments produced 293,968, investments sold produekl a peat of 2658, and there was abalance from the lest account of, 238,547, Making available for
distribution £349,100. Debenture service absorbed £108,412; & dividend of 4 per cent, on the shares, paid Lest July,
• also absorbed 288,302. The directors now recommend a further dividetire of 4 cent. free of income tax, which,. with income tax, will absorb 291,456, leaving a balance to be carried forward. of
260,930. The directors state that the fleet of omnibuses has now reached such. a stage as to require complete renewal. The amount available for this purpose, aidi held in reserve, now eetnis 21,904.868.
The Board of Trade British Industries Fair is being held at the Pennington Street, premises of the London Dock, from February 24th to March 8th.
Federating the Employers.
The National Council of the Commercial lisere Association (Incorporated) has been informed that the Government will shortly require employers to join a suitable federation in order to regularize dealings with labour, The council has accordingly entered into an arrangement with the Motor Transpart Employers' Federation, under which the new conditions can he met by haulage contractors and other owners of commercial motor wagons or vans. Captain F. 0. Bristow, who is secretary to the two bodies., can be addressed at 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1., for fuller information. .
Oil in the Derbys,hire Borings
Boring for oil at -Hardstoft, near Chesterfield, was commenced on October 15th, and since then three other wells have been started at Brimington, near Chesterfield, at Renishaw, and at Codnor Park. Other borings are being arranged for in Staffordshire. At Hardstoft much water has beetemet with, thus delaye ing progress, .hut. several "gushes" of gas have been encountered,' these are always associated. with the presence of oil. At Perkaington, where & deeper stratrun ha,sbeenpenetrated; the firet traces of oil have been encountered, following -upon repeated . "
gushes" of gas. It is of rough character, but gives off an odour of paraffin, and it is hoped that true mineral oil will shortly he tapped. A • gore' signis that receptacles for conserving it 'are already being arranged on the spot.
The Benzole Specification.
The committee of the National Bansole Association have issued the following specification for .benzole for
use as motor spirit :— • _ I. Specific gravity : .870 to .865. 2. Distillation test (by flask): Beie sole shall have a distillate of not less than 75 to 80 per cent, at 100 degrees C., 90 per cent. at 120 degrees C., 100 per cent. at 125 degrees Cl. 3. Sulphur: The total sulphur shall not exeeed 0.40 per cent. 4. The beuzole shall he entirely free from water.
5. Colour : water white.
6. Rectification test: 90 .c.c. of the sample shaken with 10 c.6. of 90 per cent, sulphuric acid for five minutes should not give move thaaa light brown colour to the acid layer.
7. Benzole shall be entirely free from acids, alkalis and aulphuretted hydrogen.
8. Benzole shalt not freeze at 25 degrees F. below the freezing point of water.
It, is reported that Heston and Isleworth 11.1.D.C. will require "six steam wagons in connection with the scheme of road reconstruction.
At the recent meeting of the council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, Mr, Thomas Clarke...en, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.E., was unanimously' elected president for the ensuing year.
L.C.C. Buses and Road Contributions.
The propnsal of the L.C.C. to run motor ommenses will raise an rinteresting point as to contribution towards road maintenance.
In this connection, the Finance Committee reports that the proposal that the Council should contribute on the basis of id. per omnibus mile to the road authorities raises a difficult question of principle, and the Committee understands that it may be modified in certain directions by the Highways Committee.
Scientific Management in Industry.
A special conference will be held under the auspices of the Industrial Reconstruction Council on Thursday, February 27th, at 5.15 p.m., in the hall of the Institute of Journalists, 2 and 4, Tudor Street, E.C. 4, when an address will be given by Major Pails, R.E. (assistant director, • Efficiency and Costs Section, Ministry of Munitions), on " Scientific Management in Industry." The lecture will be followed by a discussion. No tickets are necessary.
Juvenile Drivers in London.
Although the L.C.C. is empowered under D.O.R.A. to grant motorcar driving licences to persons under 17, it has decided not to do so. This is because the police have stated that fatal and other serious accidents have occurred in which youths under 17 were driving motor vehicles, adding that, whatever may be the case elsewhere' the conditions of street traffic in London are such that it is not desirable to grant licences. Moreover, the police have lint sufficient staff to test the capacity of youths to drive.
Traffic at Cross Roads.
At the London SafetY First Connell the Drivers' Educational Committee reported that it had considered a suggestion made by Viscount Knutsford "that the driver of a vehicle should elways give way at cross roads to another vehicle approaching from his right-hand side," together with a communication from the Local Government Board on the -mine subject. It was decided to inform Viscount Knutsford and the Board that, in the opinion of the council, the suggestion is not capable bf adoption in the Greater London area.
Maidstone Service Depot.
With the coming of peace, the establishment of Remotes, Ltd., of Maidstone, is to be adapted to the functions of a service depot, wherein shall be undertaken everything that may be required in the way of overhauls and repairs of motor vehicles of all descriptions. The idea of Messrs. Rootes is to give service to their own clients, rather than to chance customers, arid they will undertake to do for a motor vehicle they sell what the makers would do were the vehicle returned to them. To this end the alterations, which are already in progress, include the provision of a big garage and special repair shops for commercial vehicles and tractors. Already in existence and devoted to the storage of spares is a special building furnished with no fewer than 2500 bins, which will be available without alteration under the new conditions. The depot also includes a machine shop, smithy, raw-material store, etc.
The scheme is an excellent one, and shodd be of the greatest utility to users of commercial vehicles in the locality.
Competition in Petrol.
A very interesting circular issued by the Anglo-American Oil Co. to its customers has reached us, in whit% it is quite clearly stated that,. with the termination of hostilities and the pending release of more of its men, it will shortly be in a position to reopen its depots and resume deliveries of both oil and spirit as in pre-war days, whilst the freedom of trading resulting from the release of the petroleum industry from Government control will enable the company once snore to address itself direct to its customers. It will regain full control of its distributing depots, road tank wagons, railway tank cars, ocean receiving plant and fleet of tank steamers, and, as soon as existing stocks are consumed, all war brands will be swept away. • The consumer of motor spirit will be glad to know that the motor-fuel distributing concerns will be carrying on their business on the lines of ordinary trading comp et Woe.
Surveillance of Heavy Traffic.
At Newport, Isle of Wight, Town Council the Borough Snrveyor reported that certain roads were being damaged by the heavy motor traffic of -James Thomas and Co., Ltd., and it was decided to ask the firm if it is prepared to enter into an agreement with the Corporation for the payment of a composition in respect of such traffic. Meanwhile the Borough Surveyor was asktd to report from time,to time as to the number and types of vehicles used by the firm over the roads, the number of journeys made, and generally to submit such information as may be necessary in order to substantiate a claim that, having regard to the average expenses of repairieg the highways, extraordinary expenses frill he incurred by reason of theciamage caused by excessive weight or extraordinary traffic thereon.
Mr. Lennox Bywater has been busy at Liverpool with a big petrol installation.
John Blake and Co., of Liverpool, have been appointed agents for Commer Cars.
Temporary Brigadier-general H. N. Tarver, R.A.S.C.. is gazetted Director of Supplies and Transport, War Office.
The aerimotor trials' to be promoted by the Society of Motor Manufzteturers and Traders. Ltd., and to be held in September, will probably take place on farms near Lincoln.
Burton-on-Trent Corporation has decided that, with a view to the safety of the public, application be made to the Local Government Board for an order fixing a speed limit of 10 mites per hour for motorcars travelling across Burton Bridge.
Private motor vehicle users are being asked to sign an oranniwd protest against the retention of the petrol lieence fee on the ground that the impost, if further continued, will have' a crushing effect. Pretest forms for signature are being widely circulated by the Editor of The Al dor.
Discharged Soldiers and Pur chase of M.T. Lorries.
In the House ■ of Commons last week Mr. Gwynne asked the Secretary of State for war Whether he will arrange, in the disposal of Army cars and lorries, to formulate a, scheme. by which those men who have been driving them and who are being demobilized from the Army might have an opportunity of purchasing them on some instalment system, so that they could start a carrying business and so get. a. living for themselves and help the neighbourhood in which they settle by increasing the means of transport?
Mr. Kellaway I have been asked to reply to this question. I need hardly say that I am in sympathy with any practical scheme for assisting discharged soldiers. In view, however, of the very large number of men who have driven War Department motor vehicles during the war, difficulties of finance, accounting and administration would render it impracticable for the Disposal Board of the Ministry of Munitions to deal with individuals, under any scheme of payment by instalments. If, how. ever, any approved organization interested in the welfare of discharged soldiers is willing to undertake the responsibility of this disposal of motor vehicles in the manner suggested;1 should be glad to coosider the allocation of a number of surplus vehicles to such an organization for the purpose iudicated, always provided that the interests of the Exchequer were safeguarded.
Romford Town Motor Ambu
At a recent meeting of the Rumford Town Motor Ambulance Committee, a report on the first three months' working of the motor ambulance was presented. The committee expressed their satisfaction with the results obtained. Delivered in October last, the vehicle is a six-cylin, der Studebaker, provided with a body adapted to carry, four stretcher cases or eight sitting cases. Since its first journey on the last day of that month, it has conveyed 159 patients to various hospitals, 124 of whom were sick and wounded
soldiers. Twelve journeys have been made to London, seven to Colchester, and one each to Southend and Eastbourne. The committee were not in a position to make a definite statement as to. what the running expenses in the future were likely to be, but it seemed probable that the voluntary contributions made by those using the ambulanee and the payments by public bodies for services rendered would go a long way towards making the ambulance self-supporting. •
Transport for Brewers. In connection with the article in our issue of January 30th concerning motor transport for brewers we have an interesting reminder from George Spencer Moulton and Co,. Ltd., that their tyres are in use over a widespread area by breweries, the following being amongst firms to whim Spencer Moulton tyres have been supplied :7--Smith, Garrett and Co., Ltd., ; Semi. Allsopp and Sons, Ltd. ; Threlfalls Brewery Co. Ltd. ; Cornbrook Brewery Co. ; Newcastle Breweries. Ltd. ; Chesterfield Brewery vii., Ltd. ; Pjirker's Bteweries, Ltd.; raser'e Breiferv Co. ; Oih ill Brewery Co.; Wolverhanipton preweries, Ltd. ; Oldham Brewery Co.
Sale of Red Cross Motor cars.
The Scottish Branch of the British Red Cross Society are disposing of some of their motor vehicles, and a number have been brought under the hammer in Glasgow. The majority of the cars had been used in France, and were generally in a good state of repair. The sale took place in Blythswood Square—near the clubhouse of the Scottish Automobile Club—where they were on view for some time in advance.
There were sold 19 20 h.p. G.M.C. one-ten lorry chassis, 1913 model, at prices ranging from £45 to £225; a 20-30 h.p. Cadillac chassis, 1915 model, at £105; a 25 h.p. Guy two-ton chassis, 1915 model, at £300; a 20 h.p. Austin chassis, 1913 model, at £250; a Ford lorry, with light parcel body, at £180; a 30-40 h.p. Mercedes chassis, chain driven, £40; a 16-20 h.p. heavy commercial Wolselev chassis, at £75; a 20-28 h.p. Wo)seley chassis at £120; two 16-20 h.p. Wolseley chassis, 1913 model, at £125 and £200 respectively; an Argyll chassis, fitted with a lorry body and two-seater cab, at £200.; a 25=50 h.p. Argyll chassis, at 2125; and seven 15-30 h.p. Argyll chassis, 1913 model, at figures ranging from £100 to £175.
No Licence-for a Business Coupe. • In the Birmingham courts recently, an action Was brought against Smith, Stone and Knight, 'Ltd., paper makers, to recover a licence duty alleged to be due on a light business vehicle. ' •
The vehicle had a coupe body with a
big boot at the back. This boot had originally been fitted with a dickey seat, which had been adapted by the firm to the purpose of Parrying papers, bags and parcels. The firm's name was painted on in full-size letters, as required by law. The four magistrates present unanimously decided in favour of the defendants, saying that compliance had been made with the Act, inasmuch as the vehicle was used for the conveyance of goods: there was no necessity for any specified shape or design at the back.
C.M.U.A. Annual Luncheon.
The annual meeting of the Commercial Motor Users Association will take place on April 2nd. The meeting will be preceded by a luncheon at the Savoy Hotel, at which the Association will entertain various distinguished guests.
Coffee Stalls and Traffic.
Id reference to representations by the looal authorities of London, the Home Office states that the police have power to deal with all obstructions to vehicular traffic, and have promised to take action in every case where specific evidence is available.
More Buses for Walsall.
A deputation of the Pelsall District Miners Association recently waited on the Walsall Corporation tramways manager to urge the need for more motorbuses on existing routes and for the opening of new routes. As a result the tramways committee now recommends an expenditure of £10,500 for the purchase of additional motorbuses.
The Forerunners of the Motor.
Motorists who served their apprenticeship on the road as cyclists—and most of them have done so—will find a good deal to interest them keenly in a special number of "Cycling" that has been announced to appear on Thursday, February 27th. This issue will commemorate the jubilee of the5British.cycle trade,for it was on February 25th, 1869, that the Coventry Machinists' Co. commenced the manufacture of bicycles as a business undertaking. . In " Cycling's " special number, which, though printed in two colours and almost trebled in size, will cost only threepence (one penny more than usual), the whole story of the genesis and development of the cycle industry is re-told by wellversed writers, and illustrated tvitla unique series of drawings and photographs.
Other features include personal recollections of tho pastime, both in Ireland and Great Britain, extending over half a century ; a review of the sport during the same period; some notes on 50 years of club influence, and many further items: Many motorists will obtain and preserve a copy of this historical issue, for it was from the cycle industry that the mechanically-propelled vehicle was evolved.
We loam that Mr. J. P. 3loysey is back again in his old capacity of publicity manager to the Hutchinson Tyre Co. ; he has had four years in the Royal Naval armoured car section. The Hutchinson solid band tyre has been doing excellent service on Government lorries in France. Caithneass and Inland Transport.
The question -of inland transport is engaging the earnest attention of Caithness County Council, and it has appointed five of' its members to represent it on the recently-formed Highland Reconstruction Committee. The need for improved -motor service is well illustrated by the case of Berriedale and Helmsdale. At present the ten miles that separate these two places are. not traversed by any piddle conveyance. The result is that, the inhabitants of lierriedale, when travelling south, % are compelled to come to Waster to join the railway, and then make the long and tiresome journey from Wick to Nell-Tisdale. Even the mails are brought round by railway to Wick, thence by motorcar to Berriedale, a journey of 87 mites in order to bridge a gap a ten.
To the -credit of the Caithness road authorities it may be stated that, on a number of their steepest inclines, they have formed very serviceable emergency roads. When a motor vehicle happens to get out of control these auxiliary tracks prove veritable harbours of , refuge. The example set by this county council is one well worthy of being emulated in 'other parts of the 'country
where steep gradients abound. Signposts are all very good, but they cannot prevent a derangement of a car's mechanism. The Duke of Portland, who owns the estate of Berriedale, may be regarded as the pioneer of these emer gency roads. •
Tyre Combination.
An understanding hasbeen lately, arrived at between George Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., and Wood-111'12e, Ltd., for the formation of a company which has been registered under the name of The • Federated Rubber Growers and Manufacturers,' Ltd., to take over the ordinary shares of these two businesses as from April 1st, 1919.. Mr. Alexander Spencer is chairman of the new company and Mr. Frank Turner is vice-chairman. Messrs. H. B. Potter and Frank Spencer arc managing directors. The company has under consideration extensive developments in all departments of the joint businesses necessitated by imperative and hitherto unsatisfied demands. It is anticipated that these developments. when completed, will make it possible for the two companies to increase considerably the number of their employees.
North and East Lancs. C.M.U.A.
At a recent meeting of the North and Bast Lancashire Commercial Motor Users Association, the annual report revealed a satisfactory position. Approval was extended to the recommendation of • a recent conference for a 49-hour week; this is to be exclusive of meal times, but inclusive of garage duties. A resolution was passed endorsing that of the National Council of-the C.M.U.A. in favour of the control of road transport na being included in • the proposed Ministry .61 Ways and Communications.
• Recruits Wanted.
The Commandant of the Hospital Motor Squadron, Mr. A. J. Wilson, of 154, Clerkenwell RoNad,'London, E.C. 1, appeals to London motorists forrecruits to the squadron, men who can provide
and drive care and other conveyances suitable for the transport of sick and wounded soldiers from the hospitals to Sunday afternoon' entertainments. MO Wilson can always organize the entertainments, and only the vehicles and drivers are required to make the work effective. There is no subscription and no need for uniform, and to a large extent the driver may select his own local hospital from and to 'which to transport wounded to the entertainments.
The Industrial Reconstruction Council.
A conference on "Welfare Work" will be held Under the auspices Of the Industrial Reconstruction Commil, on Tuesday, February 25th, at 6 p.m., in the hall of the Institute of Journalists, 2 and 4, Tudor Street, E.C. 4. The chair will be taken by Sir Harry Britten? K.R.F.., and the opening address given by Miss Newcorrib, score
tary of the Central Association of Welfare 'Workers, after which will follow questions and discussion.
The city engineer of Cardiff has submitted estimates of £85,500 for the reconstruction of roads.
Sheffield C.C. is to increase motor omnibus fares.There has been a loss since September last on these vehicles Of gd. Per In the last six months of 1918-, petrol alone cost 50. per bus nide.
Camberwell B.C. was recentlyasked to restrict to one-deck cars the -running of motor -omnibuses over by-roads. T.11■: Works Committee, having considered the matter, have decided to. take no action. -.
The extensiou to the imposing pre7, raises of Lookers, Ltd., in Hardman Street, Manchester, to cost £25,000, are to be 'started at once. The showroom will have an unbroken front of 250 ft., and will be „complete-with every .modern convenience and improvement-.
Local Proceedings.
Eisington R.D.C. is acquiring a steam wagon. Sheffield Corporation has purchased three army motor lorries for £700.
Lanchester R.D.C. is obtaining quotalions for .3 and 5-Ion steam wagons.
Todmerden T.C. has appointed a committee to acquire a motor ambulance. Oldham Corporation Cleansing Committee has resolved to purchase a steam wagon. .
Westhoughton (Lancs.). U.P.C. is considering the purchase of a motor omnibus.
Marple (Cheshire) U.D.C. is making inquiries as to the provision of a motor fire engine.
Poole T.C. is inquiring as to the comparative merits of horse-drawn/ and motor vehicles.
Arbroath District Committee has under consideration the purchase of a steam wagon and trailer.
Newtownards (Ireland) Guardians are . to purchase a motor ambulance at an estimated cost of £700., .
Whitby U.D.C. is considering the purchase of a motor vehicle to draw the' fire engine and appliances.
Midhurst (Sussex) R.D.C. has under consideration a proposal to purchase a 5-ton steam tractor with trailers.
Chesterfield T.C. has accepted a tender from Christopher Dodson, Ltd., for six Walsall-type single-deck omnibus bodies at £375 each.
Pontefract Town Council is considering the purchase of a motor fire engine, and asking if the neighbouring authorities will share the cost.
The Health Denartment of Sheffield C.C. have accepted the tender of Edison Accumulators; Ltd., for three 2-ton electric tipping wagons at £1304 each.
Tiverton R.D.C. have passed a main road estimate of £12,000, and decided to ask the County Council to improve the road from Willand to Culnistock, which, withfoundation improvements and widening, is estimated torcost £3500.