Doubtless many motorbuses, charsa-bancs and lorries have been used, all
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over the country, for Election bringing voters up to Incidents, the poll ; only two,
however, have come under my immediate notice—a Hanford vehicle was in great demand at Gravesend for the conveyance of Sir Gilbert Parker's supporters, and, at Hammersmith, a double-deck bus, running on Vieo wheels, was kept busy with Sir William Bull's adherents. The latter gentleman is the one who stepped down from a. platform and "went for" one of his hecklers with his fists. To be culled a "lying lawyer" is exasperating, but, as Sir William subsequently remarked when told it was hardly a gentlemanly thing to do, he was sn "Englishman first and a gentleman afterwards."
If I am not very careful, this will develop into a fire-engine page, and " Extractor," by a
"Not New." natural process of evolution,w ill become " Extincteur " ; anyhow, I will risk another paragraph in justice to those enterprising people, Dennis Bros., Ltd., who write me regarding my glowing prediction last week. The Dennis company points out that the christening of a motor fire-engine in like manner to a battleship is not new, and it refers me to the " Yorkshire Daily Observer," of almost exactly a year ago, when one of the very first Dennis turbine fire-engines was supplied to the Corporation of Bradford. T have searched the report in ques
tion, and gladly make this correction, merely observing that the Stockport people have perhaps a shade more stage-management in their composition. The severing of a silk ribbon across the " bonnet" of the car by means of a pair of specially-presented silver-mounted scissors (to say nothing of the feminine name bestowed upon the machine) just gave the needed " finish " to the ceremony, which made it notable.
We shall soon be launched into a show period again : there is the show at Edinburgh—which Manchester has received the
Ahead. cial sanction of the S.M.M.T. ; then there is the one at Manchester—excommunicated, but without a care, for they have received wonderful support. When I was at the latter city, last week, one of the committee jubilantly imparted the news that there was exactly 14 ft. left unlet, and " that was in the gallery." An advance list of exhibitors has reached me, and I give below the names of those connected with the commercial-vehicle side of motoring :—Anglo-American Oil Co.; Alley and McLellan, Ltd. ; Berna Commercial Motors ; British Petroleum Co., Ltd. ; Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd.: Dook-Swain Tyre Co.. Ltd. : Foden's, Ltd. ; Eastnut, Ltd. ; Gas Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd. ; Halley Motors (Manchester), Ltd. ; Herbert Frond aril Co. ; Leo Swain nail Co.. Ltd. ; Leyland Motors, Ltd. ;
cock CommercialCommercial Motor Co. ; MilnesDaimler, Ltd. : Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd. ; Polack Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. ; Motor Spirit Co., Ltd. ; Pendleton Radiator Co., Ltd. ; Ryknield Motor Co., Ltd. ; Rushmore Lamps, Ltd. ; Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Star Engineering Co., Ltd. ; W. Tanker and Sons, Ltd. ; Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd. ; and the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co.
If any motor or other engineering concern requires works at Coventry, or if any Coventry Coventry Works firm desires to ex To Let. tend, I happen to know of some most convenient premises, comprising pattern shop, brass foundry, machine shops, and fitting shops, and I shall be pleased to put any bona-fide inquirer into communication with the principals.
Mr. A. Ernest Gelder, well known for his long connection with the K.T.
tire people, has now
Gelder Joins the entered the service of "Clincher." the North British.
Rubber Co., Ltd., and has taken charge of the West-End tire branch, at 1, Long Acre, London, W.C., which premises have been opened with a view towards consolidating the North-British "Clincher" tire interests in London and district. A new tire is being exploited, and it ix stated to be specially suitable for light delivery ran, and taxicab work. The Editor has more to say about it on page 424.