Answers to Queries.
Page 19

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Concerning Solex Carburetters.
[2884] (Mon.).—The &ilex carburetter, of which we hold a high opinion is manufactured in Switzerland and supplied by S. iVolf and Co., Ltd., of 115, Southwark Street, S.E.
Drivers' Organization.
[2885] (Sussex).—There is a, " Drivers' Section" of the C.M.U.A. You can get full particulars by applying to Mr. F. G. Bristow, the Secretary, 83, Pall Mall, S.W.
A One-tonner Doing 150-200 Miles Per Week.
[2886J (Bucks.).—Our free sheet of working costs (mailed direct) should be some guide to you. The lower mileages to which you refer will necessitate certain corrections in the cost per mile run, in respect of driver, a proportion of rent and rates, insurance and interest. The average increase, for a petrol vehicle, owing to the war, since these costs were got out, is 20 per cent. We should say that, for the mileages which you mention, the inclusive cost will vary between 71d. and 8d. per mile run. • Getting Back His Motorvan Driver.
[2887] (Contractor).—The man is exempt, according to the further list of reserved occupations which was issued, with the approval of the War Office, by the Reserved Occupations Committee of the Board of Trade, on the 20th December. We are presuming that. he does not deliver to private houses. We recommend you to see the Recruiting Officer for the district (not the Sergeant), and to point out that the man who has attested is so exempted. He will tell you the proper procedure in respect of such a man who has been called up.
Motorbus Licence in a Country District.
[2888I (Owners).—You should have no trouble in. villages, because very few Rural District Councils possess licensing powers. It is evidently a matterof the area in which the incident occurs. If you care to give us definite names of areas, and their distances from Boroughs or Urban Districts which do possess licensing powers, we can try to help you further. Payment of a hackney-carriage licence really entitles you to deal with private-hire contracts —not to class the vehicle aa a stage carriage, or to ply for hire in areas where licences are needed so to do. There is a distinction between booking orders at your own office, as a motor jobmaster, and going out into the streets and driving or plying for hire.
Relative Costs of Working by Different Systems with Two-ton Loads.
12889] (Cardiff).—The relative figures per mile run, on an average basis, are the following : steam vehicles, 6d. ; petrol vehicles, 7d. ; horse lorry, 814d. All working costs, maintenance and depreciation, I ogether with interest on capital, are included. The figures will not hold good for a motor vehicle if the work falls below 300 miles per week, whilst for a two-horse vehicle they apply to ranges of work ,between 100 miles and MO miles a week for a single vehicle (with the call on a third horse). Of course, excepting abnormal cases, one motor lorry should readily do the work of two pair horse vans.
High Prices for Repairs to His American Lorry.
[2890] (Brixton).—Repairs to American machines may largely be-due to high-prices for spare parts. If the charges about which you complain have been due to any other cause, we can recommend you with confidence to give work to Messrs. James Bartle and Co., of 136a, Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, W. If you care to submit to us the particulars of the bills about which you complain, we shall be happy to give you confidential information, free of charge.
The Quadrant Change-speed.
[2891] (Woman-driver).—We agree with you that the quadrant change-speed is far from extinct on light, motorvans. Unic vans of mere than some 2 years ago have it, and they are used in large numbers. Renault vans of more-recent date have it, if not that maker's very latest. It has come to our knowledge that several ladies, who have taken the R.A.C. driving course, have been "turned down" for employment as vandrivers because they had no knowledge of the quadrant change-speed. There must be -some misapprehension here, as the Secretary of the R.A.C. states that instruction is given both with gate-change and quadrant. The latter is certainly essential for women-drivers.
To Make His 15-cwt. Van Pay.
[2892] (Bradford).—You must, in order to have a satisfactory margin of profit as a contractor, see a minimum revenue per mile of running, reckoning both light and loaded mileage together, and must adopt a minimum mileage per working-day when charging is based on mileage, and not on time. Having regard to all the present circumstances, we are inclined to recommend you to adopt the following guiding factors in respect of your 15-cwt. van :— minimum revenue per mile run, 8d.; minimum running per day to admit foregoing rate, 50 miles ; charge per working hour, if on an hourly basis, or to cover delays of more than normal magnitude, 6s. A contractor's rates must cover him against various contingencies.