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A Simple and Efficient Transmission Brake. •

20th January 1925
Page 14
Page 14, 20th January 1925 — A Simple and Efficient Transmission Brake. •
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APOWERFUL type of brake is employed on the transmission of the latest models of Republic truck. It is claimed that this brake will stop the vehicle within its own length when rimfling at the maximum governed speed, and yet it is so simple that the brake shoes can be relined within half an hour, Or adjusted in less than five minutes.

The illustrations accompanying these particulars show clearly the rigid manner in which the brake is mounted. In this respect it is considerably better than many of the transmission brakes carried on gearbox castings and often depending upap the doubtful rigidity of an alurniniudt casing.

It will be noted that the anchorage is a stout channel-section cross-member, well gusseted to the side members, the bracket depending from this cross-member forming the housing for the centre 'ball race of the divided propeller shaft, thus affording support close to the brake drum, so that there is little overhang from the bearing. Extensions of the same bracket form mountings for the fulcrum pins of the shoe carriers. The brake shoes proper are pivoted at their centres to the carriers, and are balanced by setscrews.

A feature of the design is the use of grease-gun lubricators for all points in the brake where wear is liable to occur.

Incidentally, in case it cannot be seen from theillustrations it is as well to point but that the brake is situated at the front of the cross-member, the drum being actually on the -forward portion of the propeller shaft. The brake lining consists of two segments of unusual

width on each shoe It is claimed that . ' utilizing two strips instead of one per

mits the lining to be fitted more easily, gives better contact and, consequently, more powerful braking action when the shoes are pressed against the drum, and, at the same time, that it obviates excessive heating when the brake is applied for long periods—a p-oint which does not always receive consideratiOn.