i miNkotorbus
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The Government officials at Formosa are contemplating the purchase of a number of motors for the town of Taupeh.
A service of motor chars-a-bancs is being maintained from the Northdown Garage, Margate, into various parts of Thanet.
London General stock is still active-mainly on account of pro-. fessional operation. The Ordinary is quoted at 116 again at the time of going to press.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., notifies us that it has, during the past week, delivered four further public-service vehicles to the Great Western Railway Co. and two to the Bristol Tramways Co.
Kensington Borough Council has received a largely-signed. petition from the residents of Cromwell Road, in which a request is made that motorbuses be no longer allowed to use that thoroughfare.
A Limit Permit at Nottingham.
Nottingham Corporation has granted to Mr. T. Hine licences for two motorbuses, with permission to pick up and set down West Bridgford passengers at the Midland Station and Bt. Peter's Church. A 15-minute service is to be maintained, and it is understood that the fare is to be 13,d. Two members of the West Bridgford U.D.C. consider that the licences should have carried with them permission to pick up and set down all along the route, and not only at the two points indicated.
A Registration.
Oban, Ford and Loch Awe Motor Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21,000 in 21 shares, and with its office at Loch Awe Hotel, Loch Awe, Argyllshire to carry on the business of hirers of motorcars and chars-.banes, manufacturers and builders of motors, etc. First directors : D. Fraser, J. Munro, J.P., A. McGregor, W. Blair and A. Blair. This syndicate was registered in Edinburgh.
Route for Chars-a-Banes.
A Blackpool correspondent advises us that, on the occasion of the opening of the new racecourse at South Shore, Blackpool, which, as a matter of fact, was the site of the aviation meetings, of 1009 and 1910, a large number of motor chars-abanes is expected to bring visitors. Our correspondent asks us to intimate that such machines, if coming in from the East, will do well, when passing through Lytham, to take the old. road, which will bring them to the side of the course.
Perth Gets Two Buses.
The Tramways Committee of the Perth Town Council has recently reported with regard to the estimated running costs of two motor chars-abanes which are to be acquired for the Tramway Department. We have already reported that a service has been maintained recently from Perth to Almondbank by means of a hired machine, and this route and another are in future to be served by the two motorbuses, which the Town Council is now to purchase for 21,400. The Tramways Committee has been paying at the rate of is. per car-mile for the hired machine, and it is reported to have been agreeably surprised by the amount of revenue which this vehicle has earned.
Smartening General Drivers. The process popularly known as
• ' furbishing up " is still proceeding in connection with the L.G.0.0. Last week the motorbus drivers, who, not to put too fine a point on it, have hitherto not been conspicuous for their smartness of attire, have been supplied with khaki double-breasted coats and with peak caps bearing in front the company's "trade mark" in brass.
Will the Carriages Burbt ?
The City and South London Railway Co. shows an increase in the number of passengers carried of over half a million, for the half-year ended the 30th of June last. Some of this is due to extra Coronation traffic, although more of it is probably due to the increased skill of the conductors in cramming 15 to 20 passengers into each carriage over and above the licensed seating capacity.
Edinburgh's Limit.
The Town Council of Edinburgh has before it a recommendation to apply for a 10-mile-an-hour limit for certain short distances in the vicinity of junctions of principal thoroughfares with side streets. The Scottish Automobile Club has been opposing the recommendation. One reason that is suggested for the necessity for these restrictions is the inconvenience that is alleged to be caused by the motorbuses in wet weather. The latter vehicles carry the mails, but, owing to the Town Council's arrangements with the tramway company, they are not allowed to cater for city traffic, but only to issue tickets for places outside.
Another Registration.
Talbot Garage, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, and with its office at New Street, Mersey Square, Stockport, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in automobiles, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, etc. First directors : J. Abram (permanent, subject to holding 3,000 shares) and R. B. Emerson.