Fire-Brigade Matters.
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One of the Morris engines at Belfast did a record trip to a fire at Lisburrt on the loth inst.
The Barrow Town Council, at its meeting on the 7th inst., had before it the formal letter of sanction from the L.G.B. to the Council's £1,200 fire-engine loan.
see that a change of address is being made by More (England), Ltd. Fine premises have evidently been secured at 119, Long Acre, Wk., and alterations are rapidly going forward. This will be the future location for the Mors cabs and vans.
A notification is sent to me, which 1 record with pleasure, that the bodies for the Thames mail vans, the first of which are already in London service, as recorded in a recent issue of this journal, were built at Bristol by the Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works Co., Ltd.
An account reaches my ears of an interesting occurrence in the Courts during the last few days. I have inissed this myself in the newspapers, and this suggests a good reason why it should be repeated in these columns for the benefit of others in our industry who may also have overlooked it. Mr. W. P. Hartley, the famous manufacturer of preserves, was summoned at the instance of the S.P.C.A. for allowing the tails of the horses now in his business to be docked. He, of course, knew nothing of this docking : it is a nearly-universal custom, and the men, who take pride and pleasure in their horses, persist in the practice, especially those who are competing for the prizes offered at May Day and other such horse festivals. In spite of protest. Mr. lartley was heavily fined and this, although he has for many years been an ardent and active supporter of the S.P.C.A. and subscribes largely to its funds. Now conies the moral of the story. He has been a long time doubting the wisdom of using horses for business purposes, and this incident is the last straw. " Henceforth," he is reported to
Pressure is being brought to bear upon the Grimsby Fire Brigade Committee, with a view to the purchase of a motor ambulance.
Bradford City Council, on the 11th inst., gave its approval to the purchase of a second motor fireengine with a turbine pump. and
have declared, " I will go in for mechanical transport."
A ticket for the Rubber Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall awaited me on my return to town last week. Now, one of the illusions which remains with me is that one will see something fresh at an exhibition. Alas ! for the vanities
of human hopes ! Several solidtire firms were there, but evidently the S.M.M.T. had unexpectedly swooped down on this show, and bond-signers found themselves with great spaces on which they were not allowed to show a solid tire,' The Dunlop Rubber Co.'s space was palatial: the attendants were well groomed and as well-mannered as could be. wished, but, as far as I could see, there was nothing to sell.
fitted to carry an escape. Later on, the provision of further engines for the out-districts is to be considered.
The areas of Upper and Lower Renfrewshire, for fire-brigade purposes, have now been defined, thus moving the county scheme one more step forward.
'Tis true, the floor was covered with rubber mats, and on the top of these comfortable-looking armchairs were dotted about. I asked one of the Dunlop gentlemen if there was much business doing, and he said he had been asked several times the price of the chairs !
A conversation with Mr. John Muir last week revealed the fact thatthere is to be an exhibition of spring wheels during the next month at Milan, and there are to be competitions for spring wheels with leather tires to show their utility as against pneumatics. Naturally, therefore, Mr. Muir will be to the front with his " Shock Shifter " hub and pigskin tires. I understand that the last date for receiving entries is the 31st July.