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A Notable Display of Steam, Petrol, and Electric Vehicles Operating in the Nottingham District. Full List of Awards.
1 DEAL conditions favoured the second 1 annual commercial motor parade at Nottingham on June 10th, arranged in connection with the East Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association, and upon a wide stretch of the Victoria Einbankment.
In elaboration of the first year's programme, several new features were introduced this year. Typical of the increasing use of motor vehicles in most departments of public works, the enlarged measure of support forthcoming frum various branches of the municipal services was significant of the desire to afford practical sincouragement to drivers, whilst the co-operation upon this occasion of the Motor Haulage Section of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, by offering special prizes to members associated with that department of its manifold activities, was also especially valuable.
That this was a source of gratification to those who have 'striven hard to perfect the local arrangements (and nobody in this connection merits a larger measure of recognition than the divisional secretary, Mr_ J. H. Tr'ease, F.S.A.A., of Nottingham) was emphasized at the judges' luncheon, which was attended by the Mayor (Councillor F. Berryman) and others, Mr. F. G. Bristow making it clear that it was Nottingham's example, and not that of
London or Manchester, which was to be followed in the attempted. standardizing of such displays. The chairman, Mr. G. H. P. Dalgleish, had, in proposing the toast of The Mayor and Corporation," -acknowledged the great practical interest which those concerned in the administration of municipal affairs have taken in the parades, as being themselves among the largest users of -mechanically propelled vehicles in the city. From the police of Nottingham they had also, he acknowledged, received valuable assistance.
' In reply, the Mayor, who, at a later _ Period of the afternoon, distributed the prizes, alluded to the useful work which is being accomplished by the Association, and the benefit; to be derived.from getting driversto take an added interest in the vehicles which they control. In response to the toast of " The Commercial Motor Users Association," which the Mayor proposed, Mr. Bristow also dwelt upon the value of such parades throughout the country in influencing drivers to take interest in their wok, which must, in the long run, tend to the advantage of owners of vehicles, to whom at all points the Association afforded invaluable aid. He congratulated the Nottingham organization upon the marked success of its work.
There were in all 185 vehicles on parade, interest in the display, apart
from those entered for competition being enhanced by the opportunity afforded for the public inspection of the latest addition to the admirable equipment of the City Fire Brigade, as represented by a new Tilling-Stevenslad-, der, one of the largest of the kind in use in the country; a Dennis engine andfire-escape being also on view. Responsibility for the general arrangements in connection with the display devolved upon a committee, which, vith Mr. G. H. P. Dalgleish as chairman, cornprised also Messrs. W. H. Shaw (vicechairman), H A. Bennett (Bennetts, Ltd.), C. Davenport -(Boots' Pure Drug Co,), E. Chester, T. W. Martin, W. E. Sturgess, G. A. Ricking, A. H. Amor, J. Riley, U. Sturgess, and H. D. Wojan, with Mr. J. H. Trease as seer& tary. Mr. V. D. Thomas officiated as chief marshal, the judges being Messrs. E. P. Beavan (transport manager E. Nelson and Co., Ltd., London), F. G. Bristow, C.M.U.A., Major Vernon C. Brook, .A.M.I.E. E. , . I . A. E. , A. Whalesby Windsor,' M.B.E., A.M.T.M.E., M.I.A.E. (Leyland Motors, Ltd.), W. H. Fawke, Charles Carmichael (Derby), J. Southworth (Gas Lighting Improvement Co., Ltd., London)' Thos. Lawrenson (Liverpool), Alf. Goulding (Liverpool). The ,aolvards were as follow :— Champion team.-For the best team of threevehicles, of any type or age. Challenge trophy, to be. held for one year, presented by Boots' Pure Drug Co., won by Weldon and Wilkinson, Ltd., of Basford, Nottingham; £10 Was divided between the team drivers.
Best three vehicles in any one class, champion team excluded, teams being required to be composed of the same type-steamers, petrol, or electric vehicles :- Petrol.-First, John Player and Sons, Ltd., Lnperial Tobacco Works, Notting ham three Maudslay flats, with re corded mileagesrespectively of 73,000, 72500 and 35,800; second, Weldon and Wilkinson, Ltd., with a Vvrolseley plat form and two.Dennis platforms, mileage respectively of 37,274, 3,606 and 8,171; third, Wm. Allen and CO:, Ltd., with a Karrier W.D., mileage 17,964, a Vulcan box van, mileage 3,312, and a Daimler box van, -mileage 150,876.
Steam.-First, Jas. Shipstone and Son, Ltd., of the Star Brewery, Notting ham, with two Foden platforms and a Sentinel platform with mileages respectively of 16,466, 23,338 and 14,296; second, Jas Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., with Foden platform, mileage 74,618, a Sentinel platform, mileage 8,572, and a Foden platform, mileage 66,765; third, Beets' Pure Drug Co., Ltd., with a Foden open and two Garretts open, mileages respectively 78,710, 73,911 and 79,706.
Eleetric.First, Nottingham Corporation'llealthi Department with three • Edison wagons, mileages 21,227, 19,881 and 17;732; second, Nottingham Cor poration Health Department, with three other Edison wagons, with recorded mileages of 10,192, 6,944 and 6,944; third, Nottingham Corporation Health Department with Edison wagons. Best single' vehicle.-Under one ton lead capacity: First, Victoria Laundry, Argyll van, with mileage of 110,000; second, Messrs. Skinner and Rook, Nottingham, Albion van, with mileage of 146,287; third, Bulwell Finishing Co., Ltd., Humber van, mileage 84,000. Froni one ton and under two tons load capacity: First, Weldon and Wilkinson,
Ltd., Wolseley platform, mileage 57,274i second, Wm.. Allen and Co.,
Ltd., Vulcan box van, mileage 3,312; third, Messrs. Skinner and Rook, Albion lorty,mileage 17,685. From two tons and under three tons load capacity : First, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Albion platform, mileage 75,474; second; Jas. Shipstono and Sons, Ltd., Dennis Portland platform, mileage 26,339; third, Messrs. J.S. Derbyshire and Son, Thornycroft lorry, mileage 110,000. From three tons and under four tons load capacity; First, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., McCurd platform, mileage 39,473; second, Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd., Renault flat: third, H. Ashwell and Co., Ltd., Dennis van, mileage 100.000: From four tons and upwards load capacity; First, Messrs. J. S. Derbyshire and Son, Thornycroft lorry, mileage 30,000; second, J. Player nd Sons. Ltd., Ma-mislay flat, mileage 35,850; third, W. Allen and Co., Ltd., Karrier W.D., mileage 17,964.
Old vehicles. -For the best-turned-out vehicles 'built prior to 1915, petrol, steam or electric.-First Victoria Laundry, Argyll van mileage 110,000; second, Skinner and Ronk, Albion van, mileage 146,287.
Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, Motor Haulage Section. For the bestturned-out vehicle of any typebelonging 012 to a member of thi'm section.-First, Messrs. Dakin Bros., Leyland flat; second, Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd., Leyland van, mileage 37,715; third, Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd., Leyland van, Mileage 54,705; fourth, Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd. Leyland, mileage 37,595; fifth, Dalgfeish and Sons, Ltd,, Leyland, mileage 26,226; -sixth, Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd.,' Berna tip, mileage 122,660.
Makers' class. For best-turned-out vehicle manufactured by firms giving prizes : Albion.-First, Jas. Shipstone and Sens, Ltd., Albion platform, mileage 75,474; second, Messrs. Skinner and Rook, Albion van, . mileage 146,287; third, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Albion platform, mileage 34,700; fourth, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Albion rilatform, mileage 34,667; fifth, Messrs. Skinner and Rook, Albion lorry, mileage 17,685; sixth, Boots' Pure Drug Co., Ltd., Albion van, mileage 4,912.
Leyland.-First, Messrs. Dakin. Bros:, Leyland fiat; second, A. Richardson and Son, Ltd., Leyland rail body, mileage 60,000'; third, A. E. Hawley and Co., Ltd.. Leyland lorry, mileage 54,1300; fourth, Nottingham Corporation, Ley
land combination wagon and tank; fifth and sixth, Dalgleish and Sons, Ltd., with Leyland vans, with respective mileage records of 54,705 and 37,715.
Thornycroft-First: Messrs. J. S. Derbyshire and Son, Thornycroft lorry, mileage 30,000; second, Messrs. J. S. Derbyshire and Son, Thornycroft lorry, mileage 110,000; third, Boots' Pure Drug Co., Ltd., Thornycroft platform, mileage 21,875; fourth, Boots' -Pure Drug. Co., 'Ltd., Thornycroft tipping, mileage 2,685; fifth, Messrs. J. S. Derbyshire and Son, Thornycroft lorry, mileage 40,000; sixth, Boots' Pure Drug Co., Ltd., Thornycroft W.D.
Derinis.-First, Weldon and Wilkinson, Ltd., Dennis platform, mileage 91,000; second, -Dennis platform, mileage 85,249; third, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Dennis Portland platform, mileage 26,339; fourth, H. Ashy-ell and Co., Ltd., Dennis van, mileage 100.000; fifth, Jas. Shipstone 'and Sons, Ltd., Dennis platform, mileage 41,435; sixth, Weldon and Wilkinson, Ltd., Dennis platform, mileage 3,606.
Karrier.-First, Wm. Allen and Co., Ltd., Karrier W.D., mileage 17,964; second; Messrs. Edwin Chester and Sons, .Karrier van, mileage 20,000. Sentinel.-First, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Sentinel platform, mileage 14,296; second, J. Shipstone and Sorts, Sentinel platform, mileage 8,572; third, J. Player and S:ons, Ltd., Sentinel flat, mileage 68;500; fourth, Nottingham Co.-operative Society, Sentinel lorry. Garrett -First, Boo& Pure Drug Co., Ltd„ Garrett open, mileage 79,706.
Foden.-First, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Foden platform, mileage 66,765; second, Jan Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Foden platform, mileage 16,466; third, Jas: Shipstone andSons, Ltd., Foden platform, mileage 23,338; fourth, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Foden platform, mileage 25,213; fifth, Jas. Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., Foden platform, mileage 64,545. Edison,-First, second, third and fotrth prizes awarded to Nottingham Corporation Health Department, with Edison wagons, with respective mileages of 21,227, 10,912, 19,881 and 17,732.
MaucIsIay.-First, second, third and fourth prizes awarded to 3. Player and Sons. Ltd., for Mandalay flats, with respective mileage records of 73,000, 72,500, 35,850 and 38,800. Guy.-First, J. Shipstone and Sons, Guy platform, mileage 43,910; second, H. Ashwell and Co., Guy lorry, mileage 70,000.
For the driver who had driven a commercial vehicle of any type the longest time.-Prize and certificate, W. Dyke, of Jas: Shipstone and Sons, Ltd., driving 18 years.
For the driver who had been longest in the employ of one firm as a commercial motor vehicle driver.-W. Dyke, 71 years.
For the driver who had driven longest without accident, and had held his driving licence longest without endorsement. -Prize and certificate, J. 3. Clark, Bidwell Finishing Co., 17 years.
For the best-turned-out steam, petrol or electric vehicle entered by non-members of the C.M.U.A.-First, Shell Mex, Ltd., Albion combination; second, Messrs. A. Baker and Co., Belsize van; third, Sbell-Mex., Ltd., Leyland lorry.