Cleansing Officials "Talk Shop"
Page 49

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WITH a return of fine, sunny weather, last week's annual conference of the Institute of public Cleansing, at Blackpool, was conducted in circumstances both pleasant and conducive to a high degree of the co-operation and goodwill desired on such occasions, Summaries were given, in last week's issue of "The Commercial Motor," of the papers read by various authorities to the assembly of
• delegates., •
Some of the most interesting comments arose on the third day. Mr. A. Connor (examination board secretary, I.P.C.) referred to the subject of centralization as put forward by Mr. H. M. Ellis, M.B.E. (Bristol), and suggested that it was most essential,. even in a municipality much smaller than Bristol. The wisdom of his own committee (Derby) had been proved in this respect. The first move should be to centralize the engineering. shops, A free ambulance service should be provided, and What was better than centralization for that? The practice also offered better control during emergencies of weather. .
Support for Centralization
Councillor R. Roberts, J.P. (Oldham) also spoke in favour of centralizatiOn. Some municipalities had, in the recent cold spell, been hiring vehicles when their own were in the garage. He also supported the idea of standardizing vehicles as far as possible.
Speaking of Mr. Sumner's paper on workshop practice, Mr. Cyril' Fox (Sheffield) suggested various additions to the machine shop and advocated bench-testing of engines. Regarding the bending of alloy tubes, he favoured the use of fine sand as a filler, as fusible alloys and even lead were so expensive. Sand could be used again and was effective if packed tightly.
• Mr. J. M. Richies (Willesden) said he was looking at the matter primarily as an engineer. Too few municipalities had modern workshops. He agreed hat minor and major—or, rather, emergency-and routine—maintenance should be kept separate. Standardization was a good thing, because fitters .came to know the weaknesses of vehicles and could rectify them. Manufacturers could take fitters on short courses of maintenanco. He suggested that it might be a good plan to schedule overhauls not according to mileage but the number of hours run. Vehicles spent much time with engines idling. The introduction . of something similar to the Army task system might be valuable, he also thought.
Comment arose around the question "of whether municipalities should have their own testers for drivers. It was suggested that this was a matter for the police, perhaps.
With regard to apprenticeships, there was 'disapproval of too high an educational qualification. Regard should be had to welfare.
Vehicles Show their Mettle
Last Friday, the final day of the conference, was devoted to the inspection of vehicles in the morning and their demonstration after lunch. During the morning, delegates examined the vehicles at their leisure. and made contact with manufacturers' representatives.
At 2.15 p.m.. the demonstration began with a showing of the •vehicles of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Dagenham, Essex. These, as described in "The Commercial Motor" last week, were 7-cubic-yd. and 12-cubic-yd. refuse collectors and a 500-gallon gully and cesspool-emptier. They showed their paces in impeccable style, to the accompaniment of a commentary from a staff representative.
Next on the scene was one of the most interesting and
revolutionary machines this concours d'ele,gance of public cleansing vehicles. This was the allssilver-finished Transport chassisless 12-cubic-yd, vehicle. Outstanding features are the use of front-wheel drive, the mounting of the Meadows power unit and gearbox, transmission, etc., on a sub-frame, and the employment of the power-driven moving floor as a basis for the " body." Transmission assembly is by Universal Power Drives, Ltd., Aintree Road, Perivale, and Rzeppa constant-velocity joints are employed. There is independent springing. The marked utility of features such as a separate loaders' compartment, big lockers at the sides and an
unusually clean interior was noticeable. The manufacturer is Glover Webb and Liversidge, Ltd., 561, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1.
Two other Transports were shown, then Karrier Motors, Ltd.. Luton, entered the lists. The outstanding exhibit was the Karrier-Yorkshire 15-cubic-yd. mechanical loader, on the C.K.3 chassis. It was shown how almost any type or size of bin could be quickly attached to the mechanism and whisked aloft to tip its contents and return empty, all by mechanical means.
The Emphasis on Service
The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge Works, Birmingham, was anxious in take an active part in the municipal sphere, said this concern's commentator. He laid stress on the service aspect and the question of standardization, and said the company was co-operating closely with the Eagle and Lewin undertakings. Four vehicleS, were paraded.
Notable among the three vehicles brought on by the. Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Warwick, was a 7-cubic-yd. refuse collector with a Bedford chassis and destined fc.Abadan as part of a large export consignment.
Pioneer in oil-engined cleansing vehicles 15 years ago, it was claimed, was Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., Wigan. The company's latest Paragon which was shown, was also an oiler, with a stated fuel consumption, on door-to-door collection, at the rate of 13 m.p.g.
An impressive exhibition was put on by Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford, a concern well-experienced in the municipal field. As was mentioned in the course of the commentary, the various types of Dennis refuse collector and the gully emptier are all closely related, and lend themselves to a policy of standardization. Of great interest was the H.R.C. rear-loader, described on the next page.
Admiration was roused by the famous Lewin sprinklersweeper-collector, which neatly tidied up a section of the parade ground. The equally well-known impeller loaders gained much favourable comment. One, in cream and red, was destined for St. Marylebone Borough Council, and the other ..example was for Liverpool, as part of the fourth repeat order. "
Twisting and turning in incredibly small circles, a 6-cubicyd. Mechanical Horse by Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford, next appeared in the arena. Even more impressive was the Essloo self-loader, which, with a 15-ft. trailer, can turn in a 16-ft. roadway. Operation of the moving hoppers was demonstrated.
Two Ponies Please the Crowd • Great interest was shown in the two little Brush Pony cleansing vehicles entered by Treece (Birmingham), Ltd., 69-73, Richard Street, Birmingham. The demonstration was realistic, even to the dropping of a bin by an overenthusiastic operative, and it was realized that these were not toys. Tottenham is employing the kitchen-waste type.
For sheer audacity of presentation, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, stole the show. In demonstrating the 15-cubicyd. Eagle moving-floor Bedford refuse-collector, the vehicle was permitted to circle the car park with an empty6cab while its "driver and mate" confined their attention to the rear quarters. Before dismounting, they had lashed the steering wheel to the near-side door handle and both jumped out of the off-side door.
Among the most handsome a turnouts was that of Shelvoie and Drewry, Ltd., Letchworth. Not only were the velicIes beautifully enamelled and polished—even the brass fiaments on the gully-emptier—but the drivers were smartly uniformed in white coats bearing the blue initials "S. 8c. D." The new W-type wheel-steering chassis looks most attractive and businesslike. It has a low windscreen
base. Unusual ease of maintenance and accessibility is claimed for S.D. Freighters. A sky-blue and cream I1-cubicyd. Chelsea-type refuse collector demonstrated its great rnanceuvrability. Based on a Dennis Pax chassis, a Shefflex dustless refuse collector of 14-cubic-yd. capacity, completed the exhibits and caused much favourable comment.