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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage it. by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozisr.
Saturday's London Parade.
The number of entries for this year's C.M.U.A. London Parade, to be held on Saturday next, is somewhat smaller than in former years,many of the owners whose vehicles have taken part for many years past experiencing difficulty in making the necessary arrangements to release both drivers and vehicles for the half-day. Hence, whilst appreciating the opportunities afforded by. the event, they regret that it will be impossible for them to enter their vehicles on this occasio». One notable absentee this year will be the Westminster Borough Council, whose vehicles have always beast a feature of past parades. It is interesting, however, to note that amongst the list of entries this year are many large firms who are competing for the first time,
The_various entrants. with the number of vehicle s -to be on parade, are as follow :—Chivers and Sons, 3; J. Walker and Sons, Ltd., 9;3. Lenanton And Son, 6; AngloAnieriean Oil. Co., Ltd., 6; Beck and Pollitzer, 12; British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 18; T. Wethered and Sons, 6 ; South Metropolitan Gas Co., 6; Bryant and May, Ltd., 9; Havis, Ltd., 6; M. and W. Mack, 3;. John Knight, Ltd.,
; North Middlesex Gas Co., 3; Gas Light. and. Coke Co.,. 18; Carter Paterson and Co., Ltd., .3; Jas. Robertson and Co.., 3; Shell-Mex, 'Ltd., 12; Charrington, Gardner,. Lockett and Co., 3; Travers and Sons, 3; Brandon's Putney Brewery, 3; London Wholesale Dairies, Ltd., 3; Mark Mayhew, Ltd., 3.
The New Brighton By-pass.
An objection has been raised by the Hove Town Council to the new by-pass road leading from the London and Brighton main road at Patcham up to the Dyke Road and adjoining the Borough of Hove at the top of The Drive. One point in favour of the project was that it would open a new means of access direct from the main Brighton Road into Hove. and the country westward without the need for passing through Brighton. It was also stated that the load would relieve the eoogestion of motor traffic north of Brighton..
The Legal and Parliamentary Colnmittec of the Hove Town Council has raised certain objections to the plan.
It, points dot that the surface of The Drive is unsuitable for heavy traffic, and inother respects the use of a thoroughfare by motor traffic would depreciate the value of the property in a residential district. The -committee suggested an alternative scheme whereby the new road. should branch from the LondonBrighton road at Newtimber, pass through Poynings to the High Read and then 'proceed to Sac.kville Road, Hove.
If agreed to, the scheme is to be submitted to the Ministry of Transport.
Import Duty on Commercial Vehicles.
Sir Edward Manville, M.P., and Lt.Col. Nall, M.P., have recently been putting questions to the Chancellor of the Exchequer incident to the import duty
on commercial vehicles_ ' This action is all to the good, because it is absolutely vital that some modificotion should be made with regard Co this matter in the forthcoming Finance -Act.
Coaches at the National.
Messrs. Harding, of Wallasey and Birkenhead, expect. to utilize their whole coach fleet to cover the Grand National on Friday, March 23rd. The coaches will be driven into the carriage enclosure, where lunch and tea will he served. In the event of a wet day, the meals will be served tinder cover. The inclusive cost of the day at the races, including the journey, admission to the couose, meals, etc-, is 25s. 6d, The till authorities who allocate spaces for the coaches charge coach owners on the basis of 3s. per coach seat.
Of Interest to New Readers.
This issue being largely devoted to matters pertaining to passenger travel, we would inform new readers that the journal . deals consistently with all matters relating to the transport of pas. sengers-and goals on the road. One regular feature is entitled " Hints for Hauliers " ; it has been of material. benefit to hauliers in the conduct of theit business and in estimating costs, whils1 it hoe served as a. sound guide to them in the matter of reasonable prices that should be charged. Another feature-is entitled " Ford Van Pointers," and is particularly addressed to the user and driver of Ford vans and one-ton trucks.
The " Opinions" pages of The Cons. merciol Motor are always hill of interesting letters from 'readers upon matters of outstanding interest at, the moment.
These are many. other features in the journal, which have served to promote for it a large circulation amongst As body pi regular readers.
We propose in the next issue to deal with other aspects of the motor coaching question, which will include the relation of publicity to the organization and operation of motor coach services, 'whilst the plans a users will continue to be oe viewed throughout the season.
Seeking Powers for Trolley-buses.
As a Bill is necessary in order to empower the corporation toprovide and mu trackless trolley-buses in the borough over certain routes, the West Hartlepool Town Council has decided to promote the necessary measure in the present Parliamentary oession, in connection with the proposed substitution of existing train routes by the newer mode of passenger transport,
Bradford Rail-less Schemes.
In view of objections, the Bradford Corporation Tramway s Committee suggests the abandonment of the following proposed new rail-less routes :—Greengates to Yeadon, Oakenshaw to Clerkbeaten, Bailiff Bridge to Brighouse, and Lidget Green to Clayton.
Lt.-Col. Charles Jarrott, O.B.E., chair. man of the Automobile, Association, has been appointed by the Minister of Transport to be a member of the Roads Advisory Committee of the Ministry, as one of the five representatives on that committee of the users of horse ono mechanical road traffic. Main Roads in Monmouth.
Certain of the Monmouthshire main roads are . to be widened and recoilstracted. The Ministry of Transport, has approved of the suggested schemes, and will make a grant of 50 per cent. towards the cost. The widening of the main Newport-Chepstow Road will cost approximately .£13,500, the Bulwark Road, Chepstow, £3,200, and the widening of Pontypool-Blaenavon Road about £6,801
The Ahergavenny Town Council has also obtained sanction to an. expenditure of £8,750 on road improvements, with a .promise of a grant towards the cost.
Awards at the C.M.U.A. Parade.
In addition to the silver challenge cup presented in 1910 by the proprietors of The Commercial Motor, which will be awarded to the owner of the winning team at next Saturday's parade, the drivers of this team will be presented with the new Shrapnell-Smith Challenge Cup, as well as a cash award and a souvenir medaleach: The driver s• of the runners-up team will this year receive a souvenir medal in addition to the cash award. Cash awards will be given to the drivers of the next 13 teams, and " highly commended" certificates will be given to the drivees of teams placed from 16th to 30th. This is a substantial increase in the number of prizes, and we trust that owners who have not vet entered for the event will do their best to place one team on parade for tho advancement of the whole movement.
Extending Bus Services.
The Wallasey Tramways Committee is considering the suggestion to extend the inter-borough (Birkenhead and Wallasey) bus service to igew Brighton during the slimmer months to supplement the limited facilities at present provided by the railway. The monthly returns in connection with the municipal motorbus service show a substantial increase in .passengers, 86,000 in January as compared with 75,009 for the same month last year, while receipts are up by £1.40.
Oxford Bus Services.
The Oxford Watch Committee has had an intervieiv with Mr. W. B. Cownie and Mr. A. A. Tyler, the managing director and the general manager of the City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., on the question of the revision of the present motorbus stages soas to permit of ld. fares being charged. Mr. Cownie stated that the company would be prepared to estabtish at once a 1d. fare from the stations to Carfax for a period of six months as an experiment, and to report at the end of such period if i'similar action could be taken with regard to other stages in the city.
Pneumatic Tyre Inflation.
The H.F. Rotofiator, which is sold by
Harvey Ffost and hd., 148-150, Great Portland Street, Co.,London, W.1, has been designed for overcoming the laborious effort which is required When pneumatic tyres are inflated in the
ordinary manner. • • The appliance consists of a four. cylinderrotary air compressor, which gives a uniform flow of pure air up to any required pressure. The body of the compressor is mounted on a central spindle, about, which it rotates. An
eccentric cam on this spindle transmits a reciprocating motion to the four cylinders, the pistons being relatively stationary. Air enters at one end of the cylinder and is delivered at the other end. Suction and delivery ports are contained within the cam. The Rotofiator is driven by an electric motor, and apart from the trolley equipment, which is suitable for garage use, we understand that the company are making a spesial type, which 18 intended for specific use in connection with the inflation of giant pneumatic tyres. The output of this appliance is exceptionally. high, being 11,000 cubic inches of air per minute.
A Successful Experiment,
The Ashton tramways department is highly satisfied with the first week's running of the Smallsha.w Chester Square motorbus. An average of over 900 passengers per day was carried dur
ing the first seven days, and, allowing for a. percentage of " joyriders " and fer the novelty of the service, it seems to indicate that the, service is filling a long-felt want. Requests have been made for certain alterations and improvements in the service, and one request, which will be in all probability granted, is. for the buses to run to meet the convenience
of men engaged at a local works. .
London Bus Accident Chart.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have, just issued a poster which shows in rather a novel Way the position which is occupied by each of theis garages so far as accidents in which vehicles housed at each tippet fare involved. The •itist is headed by. the Kingston, Hounslow, and Mortlake garages.
"Future Traffic Deroands------." _" The future of traffic demands that all roads must be roads with smooth surfaces. Your tramlines will disappear within the next 15 years as certain as anything," statdd Sir William 'Kay at the March meeting of the Manchester. City Council. COMMERCIAL MOTOR More Guy Repeats.
Guy Motors, Ltd., continue to receive many orders from users who are already possessors of one or more of their vehicles. During the past few days they have received an order from the Yorkshire Electric Power Co., of Bradford, for three 15-cwt. vehicles, and another from Messrs. J. B. Clarke and Sons, of Stoke-on-Trent, for a 2-ton vehicle, the latter company having had an experience extending over nine years with a. 30-cwt. vehicle of the company's manufacture.
It is not out of place to mention the fact that Guy Motors, Ltd., also received an order from the Bournemouth Corporation for the three passenger runabouts Which they propose to • operate on Undercliff Drive. These vehicles will have specially low platforms and only one step from the ground into the body. The bodywork is being carried out by Messrs. Steane, of Bournemouth.
The vehicles which are being supplied are unique in several ways, and we hope tol have an opportunity of describing them at a later date.
Chars-a-bancs for Aberdeen,
To enable the char7a-bancs tours to be extended, the Aberdeen Corporation Tramways Committee is purchasing four Thornyeroft chassis at £2,4be, Bodies will be fitted at a cost of £1,110. The committee has also 'purchased, for .£1,050, the motor coach which Messrs.: Thornycroft exhibited at the recent
Glasgow Show.
Production Engineers' Meeting.
A meeting of the Institution of Pro duction Engineers will be held at the Engineers' Club, Coventry Street., London, W. I, on Friday, March 23rd. On this occifsion Mr. Axel Wickman, of Alfred Herbert, Ltd., will deliver a paper 'dealing with " Modern Gauging Systems," which will be illustrated by lantern slides.
The Commer Car 3P type 30-seater chassis is £850 this season, being a reduction of £90 on last season's price.
Local Proceedings.
Barnsley Town Council proposes to purchase a motor ambulance at a cost of £850.
Enfield Urban District Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a-motor fire-engine.
Cambridge Town Council is still considering the. question of introducing mechanical traction.
Rotherham Corporation Markets Committee proposes to purchase a 25-cwt. Guy lorry at a cost of £380.
The Corporation of London proposes the purchase of a new mutor sweeping machine al a cost of £975.
Plymouth .Corporation has asked its roads committee to report on tho question of the purchase of motor vehicles.
Rotherham Corporation is considering the advisability of obtaining powers to run rail-less vehicles to Thureroft.
Deptford Borough Council Works Committee recommends the purchase of a Laffly motor sweeper at a cost of £855.
Estimates prepared for the Cardiff Corporation indicate a profit of £3,760 on the municipal bus services for the next year.
Burnley Watch Committee has asked a sub-committee to consider the advisability of purchasing a .trailer Hatfield fire-pump.
Blackpool Watch Committee has authorized the purchase of a motorcar at £210 for the use of the police and fire brigade departments.
The L.C.C. Highways Committee recommends the purchase of seven chassis for ambulances from Clement Talbot, Ltd., at £520 each.
Wimbledon Corporation Works Coro• mittea recommends the purchase, from Messrs. Taylor and Co., New Malden, of a 2-ton Fiat lorry at a cost of £469.
Rotherham Corporation tramways manager has sauggested the desirability of rail-lees vehicles being substituted for petrol buses on the Clifton route, and the committee is considering the matter. Portsmouth Corporation is inviting tenders for the sutoply of four electricvehicles.
Burnley Corporation Fire Brigade Committee proposes to make provision in Cho year's estimates for the purchase of a first-aid motor engine.
Rotherham Corporation Transport Committee recommends the purchase of a 5-ton trailer from Carrosserie Latymer. • Ltd., at a cost of £180.
Leeds Corporation Tramways Committee has promised to improve the service to the Middleton housing estate so soon as additional motorbuses are available.
Bradfold Watch Committee has asked a sub-committee to arrange for the expert examination of motor _vehicles iii respect of which licences to ply for hire are sought.
East Westmorland Rural District Council has agreed to join the scheme of the Penrith Joint Fire Brigade Committee for the purchase of a Dennis trailer pump at a cost of £450.
Blackpool Watch Committee has refused to grant the Brook-house Motor Body Building and Engineering • Co., Preston, a licence for two motor chars-abanes, running between Preston and Blackpool, to ply for hire within the borough.
Buses for Lytham.
Lytham St. Anne's Town Council has asked the tramways manager to prepare a -report on the question of the introduction of motorbuses,
Ten Electrics for Sheffield.
Sheffield CorporationCleansing Committee recommends the purchase from R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of nine chaindriven 5-ton vehicles, at 2830 each, and a worm-driven 5-ton vehicle at £1,100.
A Motor Renewals Fund.
Deptford Borough Council proposes to establish a motor renewals fund. with an annual contribution of £109 per motor. The council now possesses 11. vehicles, representing an average capital outlay of about £700 or £800.
Concessionnaires Required.
We know of a well known American company who desire to get into teach with first-class firms who might be -interested in a sole agency proposition for the sale of their products in this country. The range of manufacture consists of lorries of from 30-cart. to 6-tons capacity. coach chassis specially designed for passenger work, with seven-speed compound transmission, and farm tractors. Those interested should communicate with Henry W. Peabody and Co. of London, 16, Eastcheap, Worthing to Adopt the Pagefield System.
Worthing Corporation proposes to adopt the fagefield system of house refuse collection by means of which small horsed vans collect the refuse, the veils being, when full, removed to tips or destructors on a special motor vehicle. This system is in use at Southport, and the borough engineer reports that the method will enable a saving of £363 a year to be effected.
A Welsh Parking Site.
The Ministry of Agriculture has notified the Portheawl Urban District Council that it is willing to assent to the council taking overthe management of Lock's Common conditional upon the council providing a park or garage 013 the site for chars-a-banes, buses, motorcars, and cycles, etc. Permission will be granted for, a charge of so much per
vehicle to be made. The council has. decided to take over control.
Morecambe MotorbusEnterprise.
Several owners have applied to the Morecambe Town Council for permission to run motorbus services in Morecambe, but consideration of the applications has been postponed pending a conference of representatives of the Lancaster Carom ration; Heysham Urban Council, tha police authorities, the Lancaster and District Trafoway Co., and the County Council, for the purpose of considering the effect upon stands, roads, traffic, etc.