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" The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roats over which it runs.."--John Beattie Crozier.
. A Great Ford Development.
Our associate journal, Tke Motor, in its issue for Tuesday last, gave the exclusive information that a new company was to be formed in this country under the title of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., with a capital of £7,000,000, to secure the whole of the assets comprised in the Ford companies organized in Great Britain, France, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Spain Ireland, Belgium, Den-. mar-k, Finland and Italy. The assets of these companies represent £4,000,000 in land, buildings, plant, stock, investments, etc. ; £600,000 in patents and
goodwill, and £2,400,000 in cash at bankers.
The net profits for the period for the past six years have -exceeded £1,000,000 per annum.
The purchase price for these assets is £7,000,000, payable as to 60 per cent. (£4,200,000) in shares in the new company and 40 per cent. (12,800,000). in cash. The latter sum will be obtained by selling 2,500,000 £1 shares at par to a banking house and by subscription at par for 300,000 shares by directors, Ford employees and others.
The five directors who have already undertaken to fill the office -are: Mr. Henry Ford,Mr. Edsel Ford, Mr. Charles E. Sorensen (Detroit), Sir S. T. Davies, K.C.B., and Sir Percival Perry, .K.B.U., the latter to act as chairman.
The company will build the works at Dagenham, which have been contemPlated for some time, on a site which was formerly a refuse dump, and it is understood that the refuse will, in future, be turned into power. The works will take three years to construct and will have a capacity of 200,000 vehicles per year. A site in Regent Street has been acquired for the showrooms and executive offices.
The present plant at Trafford Park, Manchester, will, when Dagenham is in full working order, be utilized as an assembling plant for the north. The Cork factory will, it is miderstood, be devoted exclusively to the production of the Forclson tractor, the whole of the Fordson plant at Detroit being brought over.
U.A.S. Purchases a Bus Company.
An important north-country bus amalgamation has just been completed
bypurchase of the prominent Nothumbrian company of Amos Proud and Co., Ltd., of Choppington, one of the pioneers of long-distance road services in the mirth; by the United Automobile Services, Ltd., at a price which is stated to be in the neighbourhood of £45,000.
The Northumberland undertaking, which owns a fleet of thirty-five machines, for the most part Leyland Lion and Lioness buses, specially equipped for limited-stop work, has operated local services in various parts of the Fast Northumbrian coalfield for the past eight years, and just over a year ego inaugurated the first through service between Newcastle and Edinburgh, via Berwick, a route over which the United Automobile Services started to run at a later date.
The United Automobile Services, Ltd., is to hold an extraordinary meeting in the near future to pass a resolutio_i increasing its capital to £750,000.
In a Line or Two.
The licensing authorities of Efessle, Sculcoates and Cottingham have formed a regional licensing authority.
Hall Corporation is to re-open negotiations with the railway company In regard to the proposal for securing the abolition of the level crossings in the city.
Chesterfield Watch Committee has granted licences to Underwood Express Services, Ltd., of Sheffield, in connection with services, via Chesterfield, from Sheffield to London and from Sheffield to Nottingham.
Ilkeston Corporation has appointed a committee to confer with the police regarding the regulation of bus traffic in the town.
Brighton Corporation is considering a proposal for the provision of garage accommodatiou for motor coaches at Whitehawk Road.
The recently taken census on Northamptonshire roads shows an increase in, traffic of 54 per cent. over that in 1925, and an increase of 142 per cent, over the traffic in 1922.
'We learn that Mr. W. E. Brown, late of Messrs. Strachan and Brown, whose title, as indicated in our issue for last week, has been altered to Messrs. Strachans, has joined the board of directors of Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd.
Magnificent Dennis Profit.
We are advised by the directors of Dennis Bros., Ltd., that the profits for the year ended September. 30th last are now known and that the meeting of the shareholders at which the report will be submitted will take place on Friday, November 30th.
The profits for the year amount to £360,839, which compares with £335,684 for the previous year and £293,070 for the year 1925-1926. The profits thus show an improvement in the year of £25,155. An interim dividend of 8d. per is. share has already been paid, and a final dividend of 2s. 6d. per share (less tax) is now recommended, making a total of 3s. 2d. for the year. It will be remembered that at the end of 1926 the directors repaid 10s. per share out of each £1 share of the capital, and, at the end of last year, they repaid another 7s., thus reducing, the share holding of each share to 3s. During this year these shares have been split up into single is. shares. The dividend this year is equivalent to 9s. 6d. per share on the original shares, as against 5s. per share last year. If we put this in tabular form we will, perhaps, make the matter clearer:— Value of Amount of Year Each Share. Dividend.
1925-2G £1 5s.
1926-27 10s. 5s.
1927-28 38. 9s. Chl.
or 1s. 3s. 2d, The board is placing £100,000 to reserve, as against £175,000' in respect of the year 1926-27, and is carrying forward £98,000, as against the balance brought forward of £74,791, so that the carry-forward is increased by over £23,000.
This is a magnificent showing, and represents continued expansion of the business and we offer the directors our very sincere congratulations.
Accidents at Level Crossings.
It is officially stated that the number of accidents to persons using motor vehicles and to pedestrians at railway level crossings on public and private roads and footpaths (excluding goads and dock lines) for the 12 months ended September 30th, 1928, was as follows :—Persons using motor vehicles, 17 accidents, 9 killed ; pedestrians, 44 accidents, 38 killed. Three of the deaths of persons using motor vehicles occurred on public road crossings and six on private road crossings. In the case-of pedestrians, nine deaths were on public road crossings.
More Details of Lincoln's New Bus Garage.
In our issue for last week we were able to publish illustrations depicting the formal opening of the spacious new bus garage built for accommodating the Lincoln Corporation's buses, and fuller details of the structure and its equipment have now come into our hands.
The garage Is built to accommodate up to 50 buses, although for the moment the corporation is operating a fleet of
vehicles, and there is space in the workshoti for an additional 10 vehicles. At the present time the corporation's buses operate over nine different routes, although the tramwayson another route -will shortly be displaced by such vehicles.
The whole of the work in connection with the new garage his cost 121,857, the construction of the garage itself accounting for £13,987, the acquisition ot the land 4,000 and the offices £3,870. It is built in one span and has a -fetal length of 159 ft. and a width of 110 ft.
Adjoining the garage are several spacious workshops, including a paintshop and stores, bus bodybuilding and repair shop and engine repair shop. There are three inspection pits in the repair shop, which is fitted with an overhead runway. On each side of the garage there are 4,000-gallon petrol tanks, these being sunk in reinforcedConcrete pits underground. An indication of the up-to-date character of the equipment is afforded by the hydraulic washing machine which has been installed.
A Hackney-carriage Supervisor for York, York Watch Committee has considered the suggestion of Major-General Sir Llewelyn Atcherley that a special officer should be appointed to deal with hackney carriages, particularly motorbuses, and to concern himself with such matters as brakes, emergency doors, • overcrowding, etc. The committee decided to appoint an officer for this task.
Two-way Roads ill Middlesex.
In connection with the construction of the North Circular Road, the Middlesex County Council is considering the advisability of putting in hand the construction of the second carriageway. There are two sections to which, owing to traffic developments, consideration might be given concerning the construction of a widened carriageway, or the provision of a second carriageway--one between Edgware Road and Neasden and the other
• -between Green Lanes and Weir Hall. Onthis subject the county highways committee reports that, before embarking upon a two-way road, the Ministry of Transport would like to see how the portion on that principle which it is constructing in Essex, operates. The
coil* engineer of Middlesex, however, is of opinion that these particular sections -of the North Circular Road, which are not so subject to ebb-and-flow traffic as the direct arterial road to London, is suitable for develoPment as a two-way road. The highways corn; mittee accordingly recommends that the engineer should prepare plans for the provision of a second carriageway and asks the Ministry of Transport to reconsider the matter.
British Makers' Interests Abroad..
We learn that the export manager of a British maker of municipal vehicles and commercial-motor trailers intends to visit South Africa, Rhode sia and Portuguese Fait Africa: during the forthcoming whiter, and that he would be prepared to undertake commissions for other British manufacturers. Correspondence addressed to Mr. J. N. \\Telford, 45; Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, will receive attention.
Dyson Trailers in Demand.
During a recent week the output of the works of R. A. Dyson and Co,, Ltd., at Liverpool, consisted of 25 trailers, 23 of them being fitted with pneumatic tyres. There is little question that the concession by way of reduced taxation which is to be granted to users of vehicles equipped with pneumatic tyres, in preference to solids, and the increased speed permitted, are the causes of the increasing popularity of the pneumatic-typed trailer. A New German Track-laying Tractor.
A new type of track-laying tractor constructed by the Stock Motorpflug Gesellschaft, of Berlin, has lately been placed on the German market under the name of Raupenstock. The machine differs from the ordinary tractor in that the chain band passes over the front and rear wheel.; without any intermediate supporting rollers.
This method of construction is claimed to work out successfully in practice and to give greater tractive power on rough ground than the &int rigid type of creeper tractor. Special emphasis is laid on the method of coupling the chain links, which, it is claimed, reduces the wear on the coupling pine to a minimum. The wheels of the machine are of relatively large diameter and the engine power is transmitted directly to the front wheels instead of to the rear pair, as is usual. The engine is a two-cylindered four-stroke of 28 h.p,
Bristol to London BUN Fares Down.
Greyhound Motors,. Ltd., which can claim to have done much to pioneer long-distance services by 'road. motor, have just" announced substaiitialfare reductioneon their Bristol and 'London • daily service. The single fare in each direction has been reduced from 10s. 6d. to 8s., whilst the return fare is now 14s. (ki, instead of LI. It is as well to recall that this service was instituted so long ago as 1925, when we had the pleasure of participating in the initial run from Bristol to the Metropolis before the opening of the service Oil February 11th.
The Midland Motorways Scheme.
In reply to an inquiry on the subject of the Midland Motorways scheme, the secretary of the North Staffordshire Chamber of -Commerce has received an intimation from Colonel Forester-Addle that it is hoped to promote -a Bill in Parliament this session and that it will probably be necessary to approach the Pottery district for financial aid towards the promotion, but only in a minor degree as compared with the Birmingham district and Liverpool.
German Bus Maker's Profit.
The H. Bussing Automobiliverke Gesellschaft, of Brunswick, the makers of Bussing motor lorries and motorbuses, report a net profit of /38,348 for the past financial year, as compared with 114,130 in 1926-27.
Blackpool's Cleansing Statistics.
In Ilia annual report, Mr. H. Ardern, director of nubile cleansing in Blackpool, states that the mechanical sweeping Machines have been employed 1,123 boars more than the total for the previous year. A weekly costing system was inaugurated and put into operation on the first day of the year under review. This system proved highly satisfactory, and within a few hours after the completion of the week's work, the director was in possesSion of the unit costs, which enabled him to keep a firm control on the finances . of the department. •
During the year 1,323,900 gallons water were need for street washing and sprinkling; 647400 gallons of Water for sewer flushing, and 451,400 gallons for gully cleaning. The litter collected from the. streets during the year weighed 4,672 tons. There were :185 tons of blown sand Carted from thoroughfares; as well as 112 loads and 57 tons. of snow.
Lectures at the Berlin Show.
Under the auspices of the Germany Society of Motor Manufacturers a series of lectures was given at the German International Motor Show:recently held in Berlin. Among the lectures was one by Herr. Bahlmann, of theGerman Post Office., on "Motor Buses for Rapid Transport"; another by Herr ()Mug, of the Berlin General Motor -Bus Co., on "The Organization of Motorbus Services in Town and Country "; a third by Prof. Hollelack, of the Leipzig University, on "The Use of Tractors for Goods Transport and Farming Operations!'; and another by the same author on "Heavy Oil Engines for Commercial Motor Vehicles."
A Private Bus Company's Offer to Hull.
At a recent meeting of the tramways committee of the Hull Corporation a letter was dealt with from the East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., suggesting that the corporation might consider the question of entering into an agreement under which the company would undertake to operate all motorbus services in the city under the supervision of the corporation. It was stated that if the corporation wished to con% eider the matter in greater detail, the company would submit a detailed scheme which would guarantee a certain profit to the corporation and would in no way compete with the tramways.
It was proposed that the company should be invited to submit further details, but this was rejected, ELS was also a suggestion that the proposal be not entertained. The matter, therefore, remains unsettled.
A Report on the American Industry.
A report dealing with produetioa and other aspects of the more important units of the American motor-vehicle industry 'has been prepared by the Department of Overseas Trade, and United Kingdom concerns . desirous of receiving a copy of it should communicate with the Department at 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.IV.1, quoting Reference AX. 7079.
Colchester and Loans for Buses.
The Ministry of Transport has informed the Colchester Corporation that it application for sanction to borrow 18,0O0 to meet estimated future expenditure on the purchase of buses could not he acceded to,but that the Minister would. be prepared to consider applications from time to time for the borrowing of further sums so as to meet the cost of additional buses as and when, they are required.
Automotive Spares Development.
Automotive Spares, Ltd., 164a, King's Road, Loudon, S.W.3, informs us that it has opened a sew worts and service depot at 50a, Overdale Road, Northfields, London, W.5. This depot is complete with modern equipment to enable overhauls and general repairs to be undertaken.
The Social Side in Rhondda.
The recreative mid welfare centre Which, as previously announced in The Commercial Motor, is being provided by the Rhondda Tramways Co., Ltd., for its bus and tram employees, who number 650, has now been completed. This social institute, adjoining tho company's main vehicle depot at Porth, will be formally opened at the end of the current month by Mr. W. C. Can-sic, managing director of the company.
L.N.E.R. Bus Developments,
The London and North-Eastern Railway Co., who for several years have operated a number of road services to various parts of North Durham front the Durham City main-line station, have just augmented their fleet by the purchase of twelve saloon buses, which are a vast improvement upon machiues formerly used on these services. The new vehicles are Thornyeroft 32-seaters on pneumatic tyres, and are equipped
with semi-bucket type seats. Since r putting the buses into use, the frequency of the services has been prac7 teal-1y doubled.
Another development is the pureintae by this railway company of the business of .Messrs. .Emmerson Bros., of Hexliam, an old-established bus firm who have been running a limited-stop service between Newcastle and Carlisle, via Ilexham. The fleet numbers fourteen vehicles. At one time the Newcastle Corporation made arrangements to, purchase this undertaking as a means for extending its municipal bus service to Hexham,but the project had to be abandoned is the result of a Ministry of Trausport finding.'
Traffic .Control by Mechanical Means..
Northampton Watch Committee recommends the installation of mechanical traffic signals at two points. The chief constable, -who says that these 'devices have been adopted with satisfactory results in a number of towns, is of opinion that such signals would save the employment of a number of constables an point duty and meet the need for traffic control at points where at present there is, an absence of control.
A Goodrich Scottish Depot.
The British Goodrich Rubber Co., Ltd., has opened a new branch and aer-, vice depot in Glasgot, the former being at 136, Renfield Street, mid the latter at 98, Thalia Street. Facilities for tyre fitting, testing mid repairing are available, and a large stock of tyres, pueu-matics and solids, as well its acceSsories, is being carried. The Ministry Reserves its Decision.
The Ministry of Transport's decision has been reserved in the case of the appeal of Mrs. Elizabeth Waters, bus proprietor, Ystradreynach, against the refusal of the Caerphilly Urban District Council to issue licences for a service between Bargoed (Rhymney Valley) and Caerphilly.
The council contended at the inquiry into the appeal that there was an adequate bus service on the CaerphillyBargoed route and that the council's refusal to grant licences was therefore justified.
For Mrs. 'Waters it was urged that, whatever might be said of interconnecting facilities between the towns, there was a great lack of through services, for which there was a great public demand.
The Financial Advantage of Pneumatics.
• The ambulance committee of the Metropolitan Asylums Board reports that it has two . comparatively new motor lorries which are shod with solid tyres, but which could be converted to take pneumatics at a total cost of f130 per vehicle. It points out that the advantage of the change would be .increased speed Of working, reduction in vibration; and an annual saving in the cost of licence 'duty of over '-£10 per vehicle. -The committee accordingly recommends that the conversion be
effected.' .• • A Chief Designer Wanted.
At the present dime there are only two concerns in Sweden engaged in the construction of . motorbus and lorry chassis. The number is, however, shortly to be increased, for one of the large engineering concerns of the countryhas decided to embark in the motorbus industry. The concern in question is open to negotiate with an English motor engineer to take over the technical management .of the new section, and, as was indicated in the advertisement columns of our issue dated November 6th, applications have to be made to "Sweden 1020," c.o. Aktiebolaget Svenska. Telegrambyrans, Annonsavdelning, Stockholm, Sweden.
"Costing has shown us that neither the horse nor the motor has a clear field for refuse collection in the borough," says Mr. J. A. Hindle, the chief sanitary inspector of Accrington, in his annual report, "but that both in their own particular sphere can be employed economically. Horses are hired from a separate department for the sum of £.1 a day, and are brought into use as occasion demands." The experience in Accrington is that refuse is increasing in bulk but declining in weight, this being attributable to the increased use of gas appliances and electricity.
Accrington's Bus Venture.
On Monday of last week the municipal bus services of the Accrington Corporation were inaugurated, but pending the completion of negotiations with certain authorities concerning the establishment of express services to raslingden, Rawtenstall and Blackburn, theservices will be confined to
the Ifuncoat and Higher AntIey routes. At the outset six vehicles are being used, four 32-seaters and two 20-seaters, but authority has been given to the tramways committee to purchase additional vehicles as and when required. The chassis of the vehicles have been supplied by Dennit Bros., Ltd., whilst the bodies are the work a the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. The 20-seateis are built for one-man control.
A Birthday Celebration.
On the occasion of the attainment of his 70th birthday, Mr. Rowland Siddalt, chairman 'and managing director of Siddall and Hilton, Ltd.. of Sowerby Bridge, which manufactures a range of
spring seats largely used in connection with bus and coach construction, was entertained to a complimentary dinner by his co-directors. About 100 guests ll'
were present. Mr. Sidda, in acknowledgment of gifts he received, traced the progress of the company and referred to the popularity of the types Of scat which it made.
A Bolton Passenger Transport Appointment.
Mr. Councillor Walter Bradley, A.M.I.A.E., F.I.M.T., the governing director of Walter Bradley (Engineers), Ltd., of 102 and 104. Deansgate, Bolton, has been appointed chairman of the Bolton Corporation Tramways and Omnibus Committee.,
A Progressive Passenger Transport Undertaking.
From statistics which have been Prepared by the transport committee of the Wolverhampton Corporation, it is shown that during the first six months of the present municipal year the total number of passengers -carried by the rimuicipal trolley-buses, motorbuses and trame.ars was 17;302,707, as compared with 15,382,745 in the same period of last year, whilst the receipts amounted to £141,005 as against 1123,062. The Wolverhampton Corporation runs 64 motorbuses, 40 trolley-buses and 18 tramcars, and the vehicles DOW cover 170 square miles of country and operate over 183 miles of route.
It is interesting to learn that ar. rangetnents have been made for the conversion of the remaining solid
tyrerl trolley-buses to run on pneumatics. It is said to be the committee's intention to replace obsolete types of single-decker with pneumatic-tyred, covered-top, double-deck vehicles, but it will not be possib's to adopt this scheme until arrangements have been made for giving a clear way to buses under the Cannock Road bridges.
Trolley-buses for Doncaster.
The Doncaster Town Council has recently confirmed a scheme for the Operation of trolley-buses over certain routes now served by tramcars. The council intends to apply for the necessary powers in order to effect the
change-over. all ' Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
DO-ORNEMOUTH Corporationhas decided to purchase a motor lorry for the parks department at a cost of about £800.
WeLwene Urban District Council is inviting tenders for a light motor fireengine and these have to he delivered to the clerk at the council offices, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, by November 30th.
The transport committee of the Casseettetsms Corporation has accepted the tender of British Insulated Cables, Ltd., at £5,042, for equipment in connection with the extension of the /sinless service to New Whittington. '
The tramways committee of the NORTHAMPTON Corporation recommends the abandonment of the tramways on the Wellingborough route and the 'replacement of them by motorbuses. It is suggested that tenders should be obtained for 10 buses at an estimated cost of £21,000.
The perks committee of the HULL Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. Mateer and Nelson for the supply of a Green 42-in motor mower at £303 and a 24-in, motor mower of the same make at £62, and the tender of Cove rdale and Dunn, Ltd., for a Green motor roller at £140.
POnTSMOLITH Corporation requires tenders for 12 32-seater single-deck buses and three runabout vehicles, which can be used along the sea front, complete or, alternatively, for chassis and bodies separately. The tramways manager and engineer at the Guildhall, Portsmouth, can. provide further information. Tenders have to be delivered by December 1st.
The tramways committee of the COLCHESI1R Corporation has now accepted the following tenders :—Dennis Bros., Ltd., chassis for a 48-seater double-deck open-top motorbus (£905), chassis for a 48-seater double-deck covered-top bus (1030), chassis for a 32-seater saloon-type bus (£823 10s-) ; and Messrs. Strachans for bodies at £465, £625 and 1430 respectively.
The tramways committee of the Hum, Corporation has accepted the fallowing tenders :—Guy Motors, Ltd. for the chassis for six six-wheeled 60: seater double-deck buses ; Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., for bodies for six buses at £725 each ; Guy Motors, Ltd., for three one-man-controlled 25-seater buses ; II. C. Motors, Ltd., for a Guy chassis for a 14-seater saloon bus for committee use.
Long-distance Services from Swansea.
Cook's Safety Coaches are to establish the first long-distance bus service from Swansea. One of the two daily services to Cardiff from London will be extended by the company to Swansea. The route will -be London, High
Wycombe, Oxford, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Chepstow, Cardiff, Swansea. The booking office and arrival and departure station at Swansea will be at the premises of Auto-Engineering and Car Co., Ltd., Fisher Street.
The alternative route to London from Cardiff by the firm's coaches is via Monmouth, Ross-on-Wye, Stroud, Cirencester, Reading and Slough.
Another relatively long-distance service will shortly be available from Pentardulais :.(Swansea Valley), via Llanelly, when Messrs. Lewis Bros., Pontardulais, run daily services to Llandllo.
Thornyeroft's Annual Meeting.
The 27th annual general meeting of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., was held on Wednesday of last week, Sir John E. Thornycroft, K.B.E., presiding. After the financial working of the company had been considered, the chairman drew attention to the fact that • motor-vehicle sales had again shown a satisfactory expansion during the past year. He referred to the fact that, while the company was continuing to give close attention to the goodscarrying vehicle, it was turning its efforts to a greater extent to the develop ment of the passenger-carrying vehicle, in connection with which the use of sixcylindered engines and six-wheeled chassis were mentioned.
A very considerable portion of the company's exports consists of sixwheelers, and the demand for this type from abroad is increasing. The chairman said that a large home market is also developing in connection with passenger-carrying vehicles.
It is interesting to learn that the company secures a very large share of the orders placed by the railway companies for motor vehicles.
Joint Bus Running by Municipalities.
The transport committee of the Walsall Corporation recommends an agreement with the Wolverhampton Corporation for the joint running by the corporations of Walsall and Wolverhampton, for an oxperhnontal period of 12 months, of a through service of motorbuses between the two towns and thereafter, subject to certain contingencies, of a trolley-bus service between these towns via Willenhall. It is further recommended that when the transfer to the corporation of the Willenhall tramways has been completed and arrangements have been made for the running of motorbuses over the route, the tramways be abandoned. The purchase price of the Willenhall tramways has been settled at £5,500.
Combined Air and Roadtransport Services..
The fact that Imperial Airways, Ltd., has been endeavouring for the pasteighteen months to interest the railways in a system of combined air and rail transport for goods, has met with so little success, and that the company is now negotiating with roadtransport firms, opens up :vistas of interesting developments.
Ili Sweden and Germany working arrangements are already in operation with the railway authorities, whereby goods can be despatched under a single consignment note, which ensures that the goods will be taken to the nearest aerodrome, and there passed over to the air-transport company as if the journey had been continuous by one form of transport. The arrangements are such that if air transport breaks
down or is suspended by adversd weather, the railway company takes over without question the carriage of the goods to the next point. A further important advantage of the combined system is that if a consignor wishes to send goods carriage forward, or for payment on delivery, the air company or the railway collects the charges.
Now that the whole of the South of England is covered• by a network of road services, consideration is being given to a scheme by which not only will goods be carried, but passengers landed through stress of weather at Lympne instead of at Croydon shall be conveyed direct from the aerodrome to London in motor coaches. Road-transport companies operating from London to the north are also seeking information on how they can co-operate with the air services from Croydon.
Already it is announced that the first of a new series of air and road links for passenger transport is shortly to be put into operation between Newcastle and the Continent. This facility will enable a business man to leave Newcastle at 10 p.m. in a road sleeper, roach London at 7 a.m, the following morning and be rushed out to Croydon, whence, at 8 a.m. aeroplanes leave for Paris and Amsterdam, arriving at 10.30 am. in both cases, and for Berlin, which is reached at 5 p.m.