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New kinders on the block

20th November 1997
Page 25
Page 25, 20th November 1997 — New kinders on the block
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A h yes, the Hawk fondly remembers when he was a A h yes, the Hawk fondly remembers when he was a

fresh-faced lad. The young lads pictured here are the new intake of apprentices on the MAN Tech 2000 programme at MAN'S Swindon headquarters. The apprenticeship scheme is a three-year programme run in conjunction with the Soundwell College in Bristol. The tutoring and facilities are specially designed for heavy vehicle technology.

S&B training of Bristol is a non-profit-making organisation which manages the course for MAN Tech 2000. Working with local colleges they design courses for transport and distribution clients. The boys seen here are all in full-time employment with an MAN truck centre and receive an annual 14 weeks' tuition at Soundwell College. How things have changed. In the Hawk's day you learned your trade at the school of hard knocks, which of course might account for his bent nose and cauliflower ears.