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pRELIMINARY details of the new range of passenger vehicle chassis which is to be marketed during the forthcoming season "IT the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., were given in our issue if last week. As we stated, the range will lie known as the Mold l 26 series, and four types are being built, these being intended for carrying 14-seater, 18-seater, 24-26 seater and 30-seater bodies. The same type of engine is used in all models, the makers giving the h.p. rating at 30-60. All these models are designed to run on pneumatic tyres.
The low load-line bus chassis, which incorporates in its design the 30-60 h.p. engine, will undoubtedly command con
siderable attention at C.ympia. Another exhibit which will create much interest and which figures on the new manufacturing programme is the Viking 18-seater coach. This also incorporates the 30-60 h.p. engine and has been slightly modified in one or two resLeets. This was one of the first singlestep-type char-à-bancs to be put on the road, and it has been an outstanding success since its irception.
On the goods-carrying side the company will be represented at the Show by e 4-ton van, a smart box van on a standard 30-cwt. chassis, a 2-ton lorry for carrying petrol cans and a 30-cwt. subsidy chassis in which a 24 h.p. engine is employed. All these models are scheduled for the new season and a wide range of bodies for goods and passenger service, as well as appliances for municipal work, can be fitted to
meet specific dental-Os. .
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow.
VISITORS to the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition will be afforded an opportunity for examining all the various models of the Reo chassis marketed in this country by Harris and Hasell, Ltd. Some of these, of course, will be shown complete with bodies.
The: Reo-Pullnian is designed expressly forvassenger work. It has a six-cylinder engine of unusual design, in that the inlet valves-are overhead and the exhaust "Rivas at the side. The clutch is a multiple-disc typo and the 'evarbox•provides three speeds forward, the final drive being by spiral bevels. Six sets of brakes are provided for the four wheels and the compound rear springs are untierslung.
C42 The Roe-Sprinter is also designed mainly for passenger work. It has both brakes acting on the rear wheels only.
The Speed wagon is enulpped with a four-cylinder engine, the specification being_ otherwise as in the 'Sprinter model. So far as the Reo-Major is concerned we deal_ with this in detali elsewhere in the issue.
Barns and Flasell, Ltd., 24-32, St. George's 'goad, Bristol.
WE understand that the full range of 3-ton and 6-ton steam wagons the 10-ton steam tractor and the 341-ton electric wagon will be marketed again next year, the 6tanner having, it will be remembered, an undertype power unit.
Clayton Wagons, Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln.
TN OUR issue for last week we published full particulars of the intentions of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., for 1926. Therefore we will now merely epitomize these. Dealing first with the passenger vehicle mgdels, the smallest, designed for 20-seater buses or coaches, is the Talisman, with unit construction engine and gearbox and overhead worm drive. A. peculiarity is that the frame is strongly trussed by angle steel members. A new engine is incorporated, this having an unusual type of valve-operating gear, with the camshaft, tappets, etc., available for. inspection by removing one cover.
Next comes the Ivanhoe, suitable for 25-seater buses or 23-seater coaches. This has a P-type six-cylinder engine and a transmission brake coupled up with a pair of rear brake shoes, this also being adopted in the model previously described.
The Kenilworth has a P-type engine and is chiefly intended for buses carrying 32 passengers. Lastly, there is a standard P-type chassis with which our readers are familiar.
So far as the goods chassis aro concerned, there is a new 2-tonner known as the I type, with similar unit's to those employed on the Talisman, except that there is a large tubular propeller shaft with Spicer joints and the brakes operate on the rear-wheel drums only. There is also a 30-cwt. subsidy model designed ter the latest W.D. specification.
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glesgow. NEW AND IMPROVED A.E.C. MODELS. ,
AS MIGHT be expected, the major portion of the programme of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for next year is concerned with passenger models, although three standard chassis built for goods uses are listed. The manufacture of the company's old W.D.-type lorry has been abandoned, its place being taken by a new design of the 4-5-touner, the units of which are interchangeable with those in the provincial bus models. The lorry chassis are built to carry 2-ton, 4-5-ton and 6-ton .R.oads respectively, whilst the various passenger models and their respective carrying capacities are designated as follow :—Renown single-deck bus (30seater) ; Blenheim coach or bus (26-seater) ; Ramillies covered or open top-deck bus for provincial work (50-seater) ; Grenville single-deck bus or large coach (36-seater) ; N.S.
double-deck bus with single step entrance (50-seater). The large provincial bus chassis—the Ramillies—is an improved and simplified design of the company's 1925 model. The flitch frame of the latter has given way to one composed of . steel pressings. Other improvements include a new design of clutch and brake-operating gear, whilst the torque rod is dispensed svitb„ the rear sprin,gs now being bolted direct on the axle casing; the banjo forging is retained. The unladen weight of the 30-seater single-deck bus on the Renown model is 73 cwt., whilst that .of the 26-seater bus or coach on the Blenheim model is 1 cwt. less.
The new 6-ton lorry with forward driver's position is a. modification of the 45-ton model suitably strengthened. Worm drive is favoured for all A.E.C. chassis, in some cases the worm being disposed above the axle, and in others below it; the final-drive on the N.S. bus chassis is by internal gears in the rear wheels. On the Renown and Blenheim passenger models front-wheel brakes can be fitted as optional equipment. The power units on all the company's chassis have four cylinders, and, with the exception of the N.S. type, the clutches are of the inverted cone type, and the gearboxes give icor forward speeds. The N.S. chassis has a single. plate clutch and a three-speed chain gearbox.
The vehicles to be staged at Olympia include goods and passenger models of various types and capacities.
Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Walthamstoxv, London, E.17.
FOR many years W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd., have devoted their energies to the production of several types of steam wagon and tractor, but the output of the company's works in 1926 will also include the petrol chassis which was described at length in our issue dated September 15th. This new model is designed for carrying 80-35-cwt. loads or 16 passengers.
. In its make-up the company have taken the wise course of using components produced by specialists. The engine, for instance, is the well-known Dorman type 4MR, with a bore of 80 mm. and a stroke of 130 mm., which develops 20 h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m., the R.A.C. rating . being 15.9 h.p. The main features of this unit will be familiar to many of our readers, and it will be recalled that the cylinders are offset, thus reducing the side thrust onu.them . during the power stroke. The gearbox is a Dux, giving four forward speeds and a reverse, and it is built up as a unit with the Perodo-faced. cone clutch and engine. The propeller shaft is provided with Hardy flexible joints, and it carries the drive to an overhead worm-driven rear axle of Kirkstall manufacture ; the front axle–is also of this well-known make. Hand and foot brakes are both of the internal-expanding type and take effect on the rear wheels. The wheelbase of the chassis is 10 ft., its track being 4 ft. 8 ins.
We said at the outset that the chassis can be used for goods and passenger service, and, accordingly, it is available in two wheelbases, although that to be shown at Olympia will have a wheelbase of 10 ft. Pitted with solid tyres— singles at the front and twins at the rear—the new Tanker chassis sells at £395, and with N.A.P. tyres an extra 125 is added to the cost.
The Little Giant steam wagons will continue to figure on the makers' production schedule, and some idea of their construction can be ascertained from the 5-6-ton wagon to be shown at Olympia. This model has a loco.-type boiler, a compound engine, and is chain driven. The wagon has two speeds, and that to be exhibited will be fitted with a three-way hydraulic tipping body 12 ft. long. It sells at £845.
W. Tacker and Sous, Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works, Andover.
-10ASSENGER-CA1RYING vehicles are expected to mono
polize a large part of the output of the works of Karrier Motors, Ltd., during the next twelve months, and it is, therefore, chiefly on chassis intended for passenger transport that alterations and improvements are taking place. The most interesting vehicle to be exhibited at Olympia will be the six-cylinder six-wheeled bus chassis of the rigid class, which is designed for carrying 30-50 passengers, and is fully described in another part of this issue. A feature of this remarkable new model is the exceptionally low loading level, and the method of its attainment is referred to in detail in the article referred to.
Other buses in the Karrier range for 1926 include a new 30-40 h.p. low load-line chassis on pneumatic tyres, and fitted with front-wheel brakes. It is suitable for taking bodies accommodating from 20-29 passengers, and the weight of the complete bus is under 3 tons 15 cwt. The company are also introducing a new light high-speed chassis expressly intended to take 14 or 18-seater coach bodies.
On the goods-carrying side we find a new 2i-3-ton chassis, offered at a very attractive price, which has been produced specially for the overseas markets. It has a 30 h.p. engine, four-speed gearbox and worm-driven rear axle. A vehicle for use in countries where roads are poor or non-existent is another six-wheeler suitable for dealing with loads up to 3 tons.
The Karrier patent road-sweeper and collector which is largely used in municipal spheres will continue to hold an important position in the company's production programme, and it is noteworthy to record that the sales of the Smaller machine in particular are continually on the up-grade. All the standard types of Karrier chassis will continue in production, and the scope of the company's activities is enhanced by the manufacture of goods vehicles for dealing with loads from 25 cwt. to 12 tons, and by passenger vehicles of from 14 to 54 seating capacity. In all eight models will be displayed at Olympia, these being a bare chassis, two buses, two coaches (one a saloon model on the new six-wheeler passenger chassis) an end-tipping wagon, an oil tanker and a dual-purpose tank wagon.
Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, Huddersfield. DISTINCTIVE. LANCIA PASSENGER MODELS.
"DOR the 1926 season the popular Pentaiota model Lancia chassis is again available, slight modifications only having been deemed necessary. The record of these Italian vehicles is a highly satisfactory one, and the number which is to be seen in different parts of the British Isles running on regular service is a sure indication of the esteem in which they are held.
Comfort for the passenger is one of the marked features of all the bodies which are available on the Pentaiota chassis, both coaches and buses. The standard chassis is tyred with 955 min. by 155 mm. covers mounted on detachable disc wheels. Including the recent heavy increases in tyre prices, it retails at £831 10s. This will be shown at Olympia. Pour other exhibits consist of a 23-25-seater Perfectiontype low-loading coach, an 18-19 standard all-weather coach, a 26-seater service bus and a 20-seater Windermere lowloading saloon, which complies with the regulations newly' proposed by the Ministry, of Transport.
Our readers will recollect that the• Lancis chassis is one of the pioneer coach vehicles to' have four-wheel braking as standard, U..'he front axle is amply webbed to withstand the braking stresses, and the build•of the chassis throughout is substantial. At normal speed the -engine develops 35 b.h.P., which; in conjunction with the four-speed gearbox, gives an ample reserve of power. The engine is of the side-valve type, the bore being 110 nim: ,and the =stroke 113 mm. Final drive is by bevel, and eight. steel. disc wheels are supplied with the chassis. The available 'body space is 15 ft. 9 ins., and the net chassis weight 1 ton 18 cwt. 2 qrs.
Curtis Automobile Co., Ltd., Curtis Building's, Abbey Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10.
J'I T HER TO the McCurd Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., have confined their activities to the production of a sturdy 4-ton chassis, which was first introduced ten years ago, but fresh ground is being broken by the introduction of an entirely new 2-ton model on pneumatic tyres. This will make its public debut at Olympia in company with an example of the bigger member of the McCurd chassis family.
The new model is modern in its conception, and evidence of the makers' desire to keep abreast of the times is to be found in the use of four-wheel brakes. In the design the feature of accessibility has been kept well to the fore, and indications of this fact are to be found in the engine layout. The fourcylinder power unit has a bore of 4 ins, and a stroke of Gins., the head of the cylinder block being detachable. Lubrication is on the forced-ieed system, the pump being located in the. lower half of the crankcase. The magneto and water pump are driven by a cross-shaft at the front of the engine and both are readily get-at-able for adjustment.
The elutela is of the external cone-type and conveys the drive through a three-point-suspended gearbox to the fullfloating worm-driven rear axle. Radius rods are employed to take torque and driving stresses. In addition to the brakes on all four wheels a transmission brake is also provided; this takes effect behind the gearbox. The new 2-ton chassis sells at £555.
The 4-ton model retains its outstanding features of merit, i.e., a four-cylinder engine (bore 114 mm., stroke 140 ram.) cone-type clutch, four-speed-and-reverse gearbox and wormdriven rear axle. It is marketed at 1777.
The McCurd Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hayes, Middlesex.
THE RANGE of Leyland goods chassis which has been subjected to very careful overhauling since the war, is not being altered for the coming year, and it will embrace the A.2 2-ton goods chassis; the A.3 tipper, also for 2-ton loads; the C. goods for 3-ton loads; the C.3 tipper of the same capacity ; the GB.2 goods for 4-ton loads, also put up as a tipping model ; the G.H.4 for 4-ton loads ou a longer wheelbase ; the G.H.6 extra long, also for 47ton loads on a still longer wheelbase; the R.A.F. reconditioned 4-tonner with a similar model for a tipping hody32 the P.14.2 -goods for 5-ton loads; the P.11.4 tipper for .5-ton loads ; the Q.T.-1.2 goods; the Q.11.6 •tipper, the S.Q.2 long goods, all of which are for .6-ton. loads,, and in addition. there are the G.H.T. and the P.ELT. chassis, both having a short wheelbase of 12 ft.
The range of passenger chassis has been completely overhauled. It consists of five entirely new models, the Leveret chassis which is designed to accommodate a 20-seater body, whilst the Lioness chassis is intendedfor a 26-seater body of the one-man operated, single-deck type. The engines employed have overhead valves and are four-cylinders, the bores being 31 ins. and-the stroke 5 ins., the R.A.C. rating being 22.5 h.p. The drive is taken through a single-plate, fabric and metal clutch, a gearbox with right-hand gate change giving four forward speeds, and an overhead worm-driven rear axle.
The Lioness is mounted on :10-in. by 6-in. straight-sided
pneumatic tyres, twins at the rear. The chassis price is £820; with a 26seater body and lighting set it is priced at ±1,320. Front-wheel brakes add another -145 to the cost. The Lion chassis is intended for 31-seater single-deck buses. Its engine is in. larger in the bore, and is rated at 29 h.p. The power is transmitted to the rear axle through a doublereduction gear, the first reduction being through spiral-bevel gears, and the second through substantial double helical gears. The price of this chassis is £870, whilst the body and lighting set adds f605 to the cost, front-wheel brakes again being ±45 extra.
The Leopard chassis, like the Lion, accommodates its driver beside the engine, and is intended for a 38-seater body. By an error the seating accommodation: of this body was given as 28 in a reference in odr issue of September 29th.
The Leviathan is intended for a .double-deck bus body to seat 52 passengers. This engine is rated at 40 h.p.. The price of this chassis is 11,000, whilst its body and a lighting set costs £995. Provision is not made for front-wheel brakes on this chassis, butthe braking power provided is ample for all circumstances.
To -complete the Leyland range one would have to mention fire-engines, fire escapes and all kinds of municipal appliances, whilst last, but not least, there is the 7-cwt. Trojan van, the cubic capacity of the body being approximately 60 cub. ft. The price of the Trojan van complete is £125.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, Lancs. CITROEN VEHICLES FOR MANY USES.
THEpopular 11.4 h.p. Citroen chassis forms the basis of several interesting vehicles designed for commercial service. Tlfe delivery van, perhaps, has the widest range of use, but the taxicab and farmer's wagon are staunch favourites with certain (lasses of ilser. ThMI there is the Citroen
Kegresse vehicle with platform body, to which can also be fitted an interesting form of mowing equipment. The standard chassis is used for the whole range of vehicles, this including in its composition a four-cylinder engine of tiS mm. bore and 100 mm. stroke, a three-speed-andreverse gearbox, in Which the changes .are effected by centrally Positioned lever, a single plate clutch, the final drive being by bevel. gearing.
The body used on the farmer's wagon is known as the Normandy type with to seats in front, the cushion and back of passengers' seat being so arranged that easy access can be obtained to the compartment at the rear.
The load capacity of the delivery van is 7 cwt., and the complete vehicle sells at 1195.
The taxicab model is largely used in the Metropolis and, naturally enough, conforms with the requirements of Scotland Yard. Several types of cab body can be fitted to this chassis, that which carries a single-landaulet body being marketed at 1495.
-The vehicles with the Kegresse-Hinstin endless band attachment are ideally suited fa operation iu rough country, particularly where the surface render a -adhesioa difficult to obtain with ordinary wheeled machines.
Citroen Cars, Ltd., Brook Green, London, W.
S0 satisfactory have the three Austin chassis—the Seven, the Twelve and the Twenty--.-proved' in actual service that no mechanical changes are being introduced by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., for the coming year. The Austin Twelve and Twenty chassis are almost identical, each having a fourcylinder monobloe engine with detachable head, the bore and stroke of that in the former being 2f1 ins. and 4 iris. respectively, and that in the latter n ins. and 5 ins. respectively. The clutch is of the single-plate type and forms a unit with the four-speed gearbox. Final transmission is by open propeller shaft through helical bevel gear mounted on roller bearings to the three-quarter floating rear axle. The foot brake operates expending shoes in
drums on all four wheels, and the centrally positioned hand brake applies contracting shoes to a drum behind the gearbox.
The Austin Seven chassis, with its miniature water-cooled power unit, is available for tradesmen's uses. This model makes a speedy little delivery unit and is capable of carrying a load of 21 cwt. It sells at 1170.
The actual models to be exhibited at Olympia comprise an Austin Twenty ambulance, which is built for two stretcher and four sitting cases, and is marketed at f760, the same chassis with a van bady, priced complete at 1495, the Austin Twelve as a delivery van and also a traveller's samples car, a light van body on the Seven chassis, and an example of the company's tractor for road haulage work, the disc wheels with which it is provided being fitted with rubber tyres.
The platform of the standard body on the Twenty chassis is 5 'ft. 7 ins, long and 3 ft. 8 ins, wide, whilst the samples car is a two-seater with a rear compartment having two doors and ample shelving.
Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longhridge Works, near Birmingham..
ELECTRIC vehicles and steam wagons of various types and sizes for goods transport as well as motor-propelled appliances for municipal work will serve to upholdin 1926 the,name which Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd„ have won
in road transport circles. Each type of vehicle is available in several load capacities, and will be represented at the forthcoming Show, where the company's new 0-type trolleybus is also certain to command much attention.
This bus chassis is built to take a 36-seater body, and has several noteworthy features. A single 50 h.p. Bull motor is used, and the transmission from motor to back axle is through 'a cardan shaft equipped with Hardy couplings, the drive to the axle being through overhead worm. The controller is foot-operated and gives 10 speeds, a special device being incorporated to enable it to return to the " off" position as soon as the pedal is released, thus serving as a safeguard in case of illness or accident to the driver.
The C-typeelectric is a 2-tonner, and will be shown in chassis -form at Olympia. It has a 9 h.p. Bull motor which is capable of withstanding a 300 per cent, overload without sparking. This model also has a worm-driven rear axle. It is fitted with the makers' patent auxiliary control gear, which enables the vehicle to be steered from the pavement—a useful factor in door-to-door work, and one that renders it absolutely unnecessary for the driver to return to his cab after effecting each delivery or completing work at a certain point.
The Garrett undertype steam wagon is a typically modern product and, in its latest _form, will be represented by an 8-toiiner at the Show. A further exhibit will comprise a turntable-type steel trailer with spring drawbar attachment and a capacious platform enclosed by 15-in, sides and tailboard.
Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston Works, Leiston. MANY MODELS OF THE BEAN.
REGULAR models of the Bean commercial vehicle to be marketed in the forthcoming season include, apart from the chassis selling at £265, a lorry at £298, a lorry with drop sides and tailboard at £307, a van at £325, another type of van at 12355, two types of ambulance, a 14-16-seater motor coach at £485, and a light omnibus at £500.
In every case the makers' 20-25-cwt. chassis forms the basis of these vehicles. It is a sturdy little job, well able to deal with loads within its rated catnitity. The engine is a four-cylinder unit, developing, a maximum power of 32 b.h.p. It has a detachable headpiece side valves, pump lubrication, and is notable for its strength and rigidity. The clutch and gearbox housing are bolted up to the back of
the engine. The gearbox gives four speeds, the gear changes being right-hand controlled. The bottom gear ratio is 23 to 1, and is purely for use in negotiating difficult hills with full load, whilst the bottom gear ratio of 6.14 to 1 enables a fine turn of speed to be obtained.
Now that it is becoming customary to equip many passenger-vehiele chassis with four-wheel brakes, it is interesting to note that front-wheel brakes can be incorporated in any Bean model as an extra. The standard brakes are of the internal-expanding pattern. The rear axle is of the semifloating spiral-bevel type and is of particularly strong construction. Straight-sided pneumatic tyres of 82 ins. by 4/ ins. dimensions are fitted as standard, but bigger section pneumatics or N.A.P. cushions can be supplied, the former at an extra charge of £10. The conrmany's goods and passenger models at the Show will be representative.
A. Harper, Sons and Bean, Ltd., Dudley, Wolverhampton.
THE only commercial chassis which is now standardised by Clement-Talbot, Ltd., is that which incorporates a 25-50 h.p. engine with a bore of 101.5 mm. and a stroke of 140 mm. in its design. It is built to take the Huddart type of ambulance body. This provides accommodation either for two stretcher cases, one stretcher case and four sitting patients, or eight sitting patients, the interior equipment being so arranged that the vehicle can be quickly made to meet the most necessitous conditions. Modern practice is in evidence in the design of the body, which is devoid of corners in which dust or dirt might lodge. The body is heated from the exhaust gases of the engine, a valve enabling the temperature to be regulated.
The chassis specification has as its salient characteristics the engine already mentioned, a Ferodo-faced cone-type clutch, a four-speed-and-reverse gearbox and a bevel-driven rear axle. The chassis price is £665, and, with a Huddarttype body, the complete ambulance is listed at £950.
Clement-Talbot, Ltd., Barlby Road, Ladbroke Grove, London, W.10.
W. AND G. DI.7 CROS, LTD., will cater during the forthcoming year for the user of vehicles of moderate load capacity, their three goods vehicles consisting of model Al for 30-cwt. loads, model A for 2-ton loads, and model B for 2i-ton loads, whilst on the passenger-vehicle side there is a chassis for a 20-30-seater bus and a recently introduced six-cylinder chassis to take a bus body to seat from 25 to 30 assengers.
With the exception of the last-named vehicle, all the models have four cylinder engines, each of 95 mm. bore, hut in the case of the 30-cwt. chassis the stroke of the engine is 130 ram. (the h.h.P. at normal speed being 22.5), whilst in the case
of the other vehicles the engines have a piston stroke of 140 mm., the b.h.p. in that case being 25.
The price of the 30-cwt. chassis is £435, of the 2-ton chassis £440, and of the 21-tori chassis £490, whilst the price of the chassis for the 20-30-seater bus is £535.
The new six-cylinder passenger bus has an engine of 95 mm. bore and 127 mm. stroke, the cylinders being east en bloc, and the Treasury rating being 33.5 h.p. This vehicle has a loading line when loaded of 1 ft. 10 ins. Its wheelbase is 15 ft. 8iins., and the track is 5 ft. 8 ins., the detachable steel wheels being equipped with 36-in. by 6-in, straightsided pneumatic tyres, twins at the rear. The braking system includes a set of brakes operating on the front wheels. The price of this chassis is £765, whilst complete with a 25seater, single-deck, saloon bus body, the price is £1,175. W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., 177, The Vale, Acton, London, W.
GARNER'S PRODUCE A NEW LOW-LI&E BUS. MHE outstanding vehicle in the various models compris ing the Garner range for Olympia and 1926 will undoubtedly be the new low-load line bus chassis which is designed to carry a 26-seater body. The specification of this,. Chassis is quite plain and straightforward, and devoid of faiwiful or freak ideas. The engine is the same as that used in all Garner models—a four-cylinder with a bore of 100 mm. and a stroke of 140 mm., which develops 50 h.p. at 1,800 r.p.m., and has an R.A.C. rating of 24.7. A patented form of three-point suspension is employed for the engine, the power from which is transmitted by way of a multiple disc clutch and a four-speed gearbox to an undertype worm-driven rear axle, the worm and wheel being of David Brown manufacture, and the axle casing a onepiece forging produced by Kirkstalls. A notable feature, and one that is securing conAiderable vogue on present-day passenger chassis, is the use of four-wheel brakes, the drums on the rear wheels being 18 ins, in diameter, and those on the front wheers 15 ins. across. The chassis is well sprung, and is designed to comply with the proposed regulations of the Ministry of Transport. The height of the frame from the ground when the body is loaded to capacity is 2 ft. 1 in.
The company's standard 2-21-ton chassis will still be available for various tasks, and it is worthy of note that the company have not found it necessary to make a single alteration to its specification since it was first introduced. The uses to which it can be put will be indicated at Olympia by a tipping lorry for refuse collection and by a general-purpose wagon. The latter is invaluable for municipal work in so far as the tipping body is built to accommodate a detachable 440-gallon tank, which delivers water to sprinklers disposed at the rear. In both these models the tipping gear is manually operated. It should be mentioned that both the tank and sprinklers can be removed with the utmost ease when it is desired to employ the vehicle as an ordinary goodscarrying machine.
A further model at Olympia will be a type A.E.O. chassi of the forward-dash type with a tilt van body. The specification is the same as that for the 2-21-tenner, but by placing the controls and driving position well forward, exceptiona: loading space is available, the space over the driver's cat even being used, and contributing to the total area of 58( cubic feet.
Henry Garner, Ltd., Moseley Motor Works, Birmingham APPLICATIONS OF THE 30-CWT. BEARDMORE CHASSIS.
Or the various Beardmore -commercial models the-30-cwt. chassis undoubtedly possesses • the greatest all-round ntility in so far as it is used as the foundation of several vehicles intended for goods and passenger transport. The chassis itself adheres, in the main, to the original specification, and many of its features are also to be found in the standard cab chassis and the 15-cwt. delivery van which are scheduled for 1926.
The four-cylinder power unit used in these models has a bore of 3* in. and a stroke' of ins., its Treasury rating being 15.6 h.p. The clutch is of the cone type, and in each model a four-spend gearbox is employed, the gear ratios being different, according to the service intended to be performed by each vehicle. In the standard cab chassis the final drive is by bevels, but in the 30-cwt, model a worm-driven rear axle is "used; the worm is disposed above the axle. The wheelbase of the cab is" 8 ft. 8 ins., that of the 30-cwt. chassis being 5 ins., and that of the light van 10 ft. 6 ins.
At the Show a bare 30-ewt. chassis will be on view, whilst other examples of the same model will be found in a box van, a 14-seater coach with all-weather .equipment, and two somewhat different designs of 16-seater buses arranged for one-man control. A standard Fifteen cab will also be shown, as well as an example of the 15-cwt. box van.
Beardmore Motors, Ltd., 112, Great Portland Street, London, Ny.1, FOUR BUSINESS MODELS OF THE JOWETT.
A MONGST the various models of light touring cars which .L-X,have been produced of late years to meet the increasing public demand for a vehicle which is cheap in first cost and economical to run and maintain, the Jowett has won a deservedly popular . reputation. Apart from the fact that the chassis of this name serves -as the basis of a useful range of pleasure cars, it is also utilized for the several commercial models produced by the makers.
Four business vehicles will figure in the 1926 manufacturing programme of Jowett Oars, Ltd., and an example of each model will be displayed at Olympia. The same chassis does duty for each vehicle, the only structural difference, apart from body type, being brought about by the lengthening of the wheelbase to permit a larger body to be accommodated. The
light van is thus available in two sizes. as also is the parcel car, which is suitable for travellers' uses, The body of the short-wheelbase traveller's car follows the lines of the ordinary two-seater, but the space normally occupied by the dickey seat is used to house samples, the area of this compartment being 17 cubic feet and its load capacity 2 cwt. By using the long-wheelbase chassis a much larger box can be used, the standard Size being 2 ft. 10 ins, high, 3 ft. 8 ins, long and 3 ft. 8 ins. wide.
The van models also only differ in point of body size, that on the short-wheelbase chassis being 4 ft. 2 ins, high, 3 ft. 9 ins. long and 3 ft. 6 ins, wide, whereas the larger body is of the same height and width, but 1 ft. P ins. Iouger. Moreover, the latter is built for 5-ewt. loads as against 4 cwt. for the former.
Mechanically the Jowett chassis Consists of a 7 h.p. horizontally opposed two-cylinder engine with a bore of 75.4 mm. and a stroke of 101.5 mm., its cubic capacity being 907,2. Ignition is by battfry and coil in conjunction with a Lucas dynamo, which also supplies current for lighting and starting. The drive is conveyed through a three-speed-and-reverse gearbox, the final drive being by spiral bevels.
Jowett Cars, Ltd., Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford. VULCAN'S INTRODUCE TWO NEW MODELS.
TWO new designs have been added to the Vulcan chassis range for the forthcoming year, one being a low-loading passenger model and the other a 20-25-cwt. chassia. Both these chassis were described in our last issue, and our present purpose can be served by recapitulating the outstanding features of each. The new passenger chassis is quite a departure for the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co„ Ltd., in so far as its power is provided by a six-cylinder engine and four-wheel brakes are fitted. The engine has a bore of 95 mm. and a stroke of 140 mm., and its RAG. rating is 33.5 h.p. The drive is taken through a multiple dry-plate clutch to a chaindriven fours-peed gearbox and thence to a double-reduction
rear axle. An example of this model will be shown at
Olympia, and we would particularly direct our readers' attention to the braking and suspension systems and to the steerlug gear, gear, which is the 11Iarles in its most up-to-date form. The other new Vulcan chassis is designed for van work and 20-25-cwt. loads. It has been built throughout to conform with the provisions of El e War Department's specification for a 15-cwt. vehicle. The engine 'unit develops 18 11.1r.p. at 1,000 r,p.m., and its power is conveyed to the rear wheels through a cone-type clutch, a four-speed gearbox and an over
head-worm-driven rear axle. The chassis to be exhibited will carry a van body 8 ft. 5 ins. long, 4ft. 8 ins, wide and 5" ft. high.
Other models which will occupy a prominent position on the production programme are a 30-cwt. specially equipped general-purpose lorry, with a body having detachable sides and tailboard, ,nd. a 2-tonna of the War Office subsidy pattern. The former •etuils at £525 complete and .possesses an all-round usefulness.
The various Vulcaa chassis are designed to meet a wide range of goals and passenger-service requirements and a comprehensive list of (afferent types of body is available to meet the needs of private trading companies and municipalities.
The Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., Crossens, Southport.
" A LL-ELECTRIC " will identify the stand of the General•11V.ehiele Co.,Ltd., at Olympia, for the company
will be showing no fewer than seven different models in which electric power is the means of preprdsion. The four OX. vehicles to be displayed are all standard products, the three geode models being built for 2-ton, 3j-ton and 5-ton loads respectively, whilst the 2-4-ton tractor is built for use in connection with a specially designed two-wheel trailer for the collection of trade4efuse bins. The body of the trailer is constructed on sanitary lines, being sheet-metal lined through. out, whilst its loading line is only slightly in excess of 2 ft. G.V. Philco batteries are used in each of the company's goods vehicles.
Various types of body can be fitted to the chassis', and representative examples will be staged at the Show., The 2-terrier will have a box-van body specially built for carriers, a feature being the easy means of access to the load from the driver's cab, the 3*-tonner a tipping body elevated by Edward's patent hydraulic gear, and the 5-Loaner a flat platform body of large dimensions, which has been specially constructed for transporting long ladders and similar loads as well as general merchandise.
The sales programme for the forthcoming year also includes a range of Baker industrial electric tractors. Each -of these handy little machines has two-wheel drive and four-wheel steering. The models to be exhibited comprise a 2-tonner, a 3-tonner and a 10-tonner, the first-named incorporating mechanism which enables the loading platform to be raised 6 ft., and the second having an auxiliary motor for raising the platform by 1 ft. 3i ins.
General Vehicle Co., Ltd., 43, Shoe Lane, London, E.C.4. 647 SLIGHT MODIFICATIONS TO THE S.D. FREIGHTER
TN 1926 Shelvolee and Drew. y, Ltd., Will concentrate solely _l_upen the construction of the 2-ton S.D. Freighter. The company's manufacturing facilities lave been increased in order to enable a large: output and thus permit the demand from local authorities and private users to be expeditiously met. So far ES the chaseir itself is concerned, the company are already placing the 1926 mold l on the road, and the latest deliveries embody the improvements that have been recently added.
The front axle has been redesigned, the front brakes now being of the expanding calliper type, enabling easier adjuetment than with those .btted on earlier models. The engine has only been altered a little, inasmuch as the compression is raised slightly, thus giving rather better power and a lewer petrol consumption. The oiling arrangements of the engine have been altered, the level now being given by means of the fillfr Mew in place of a float. In future the S.D. Freighter cbaesis will be eluipped with Enots greasegun system of lubrication to the spring pins and main steering pivot pin, but the oillees bush in semi-rotating bearings is still retained in the. steering.
The prices of the S.D. Freighter remain unaltered, the chassis being stillmarketed at £445 for the 6-ft. 43-in. and 8-ft. wheelbase models, and 1455 for those with wheelbases of 9 ft. 6 ins. and 11 ft. respectively. The company's hydraulic-type gear remains unchanged in design, but they have recently placed on the market a side-tipping chassis for special classes of work.
Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., Letchworth, Herts. MORRIS'S THREE COIVEVIE'RC1AL MOTOR MODELS.
TiElE Morris productierns which, in order to avoid misunderstanding, may advantageously be grouped together, are the 8-cwt. van made by Morris Motors, Ltd., at Cowley, Oxford, and the 12-cwt. van and 1-ton truck made by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Soho Works, Birmingham.
The 8-cwt. van has a four-eylindered engine, developing
• 22 b.h.p. at normal speed, its bore being 69.5 ram. and its stroke 102 mm. It drives through a three-speed gearbox to a bevel-driven bark axle. The wheelbase of this chassis is 8 ft. 6 ins., giving a body space of 4 ft. 8 ins., and the chassie only weighs slightly over 10 cwt.
The 12-cwt. Morris van has the same engine and gearbox described in connection with the 8-cwt. van, but it drives through an overhead worm gear to the back axle. The chassis is mounted on pressed steel wheels, shod with pneumatic tyres. The wheelbase of this vehicle is 9 ft. 6 ins., and it gives a body space of 6 ft. in length.
The 1-ton truck, which has jumped enormously into favour during the past year, has a four-cylindered engine of 75 ram. bore and 102 mm. stroke, developing 30 h.h.p. at normal engine speed.The power is transmitted through a threespeed gearbox to an overhead worm. On a wheelbase of 10 ft. 21 ins, a body space of 8 ft. in length is given.
The prices of Morris productions are : for the 8-cwt. chassis 1127 10.e., and for the complete van 1167 10s. The price of the 12-cwt. chassis is 1165, and with a standard boxvan body it sells at £215. The price of the Morris truck chassis is £185, and with a standard van body £225.
Morris Motors, Ltd:, Cowley, Oxon.
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Soho, Birmingham.
AS concessionnaires in this country for the Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., of Clintonville, Wisconsin, Messrs. C. H. and L. 0. Smith are handling the range of new 1925 and 1926 models, the chassis price of which is £950. The general details of construction of this popular vehicle, which, apart from ordinary Toad uses, is also invaluable for operating in difficult country, are too well known to need description here. In addition to these models the company are offering a number of ex-War Department machines of this make, which, they inform us have seen little or no use, but which have been dismantled and ineorporate a number of improvements. Messrs. Smith are effering a selection of body types for use on these chassis, these ineludiny, tipping bodies and tankers, whilst power-driven -winches can be furnished.
The company's exhibits at the forthcoming Show will include an example of the latest type F.W.D. chassis, as well as a standard F.W.D. vehicle equipped with a general utility tipping body.
C. H. and L. 0 Smith, Canal Street, Nottingham.
THE new 30-cwt. Dennis chassis, which was so fully described in last week's issue, is a notable addition to the range of goods carriers which now covers 30-cwt., 21-ton, 3e-ton, 4-tone 5-6-ton and 6-ton, whilst the company have also amplified the range of models. suitable for passenger carrying and, in addition, there is the 30-40 h.p. model, with three different lengths of wheelbase, suitable for either 20, 25 or 30-seater passenger vehicle. There is the 40-50 h.p. model, suitable for ,a. 36-seater single-deck bus or a 48-54-seater cloubleedeek hue, and, finally, there is thenew Dennis E-type model, with the driver situated beside the engine, and having a frame with a low level .s.o. as to reduce the height of the centre of grereity, the height of frame above the grounce being 24 ins. •
The new 30-cwt. worm-drive chassis is an entirely new production from first to last. Its engine develops 33 h.p. at 1,560 r.p.m.,. so that high efficiency has been attained, whilst one of its notable features is Its extreme silence in running. The clutch and gearbox form a unit with the engine, the whole being three-point suspended, the gearbox giving four forward speeds ; final drive is through overhead worm gear. The tyre equipment consists of straight-sided Dunlop tyree, 33-in. by 5-in, on the front wheels and 34-in. by 7-in, on the
rear wheels. With this equipment a spare detachable, disc wheel is fitted with a 34-in, cushion tyre, which will act as a spare for either front or rear, and which, whilst meaning a much smaller capital outlay for the purchaser, is eetirely suitable as an emergency wheel. The vehicle can be equipped with cushion tyres all round on cast-steel wheels at a•ehassis price of £350; with the pneumatie-tyre equipment the price is. 125 more.
The new low load-line chassis has an entirely new engine of 110 tam. bore and 150 mm. stroke; the engine is f ourcylindered, and cast en bloc with detachable heads, and develops up to 70 b.h.p. The power is transmitted through
Ferodo-lined clutch, of the external-cone type, to a fourspeed gearbox, haying right-hand control, and thence to a worm-geared back axle. Driven off the gearbox is a servo mechanism, which assists in the application of the brakes.
The wheels are equipped with 36-in. by 6-in, straight-sided pneumatic tyres, twins at the rear. The price of this chassis, with equipment Of tools and speedometer, is £885.
Dennis Bros., Ltd., Guildford.
rilelEVROLET chassis for 10-cwt. and 1-ton loads, as well ae several models of the G.M.C. chassis, will figure on the sales schedule of General Motors, Ltd., in the forthcoming year. The Chevrolet 1-tonner can be used as a lorry, box van, bus or coach, -whilst the smaller model is equally adaptable, and is also offered as a traveller's brougham. The stand Of the company at the Show will he occupied by a large number of models, complete vehicles in addition to chassis.
General Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, London, N.W.9. LIGHT CHASSIS FROM THE RHODE WORKS.
IN ADDITION to the new M. and D. 20-25-cwt. chassis which is being constructed by the Rhode Motor Co., Ltd., the 8-cwt. van chassis will also be marketed, as will the twoseater taxicab of which this chassis forms the basis. This
is in reality identical with the maker's touring car models which have achieved much success. The specification of this chassis includes a four-cylinder engine with a bore of 66 mm. and a stroke of 90 mm., and final drive by spiral bevel. The van chassis sells at £180.
The AI. and D. model was described at length in our last issue, and is equally suited for goods Or passenger service. The Il.A.C. rating of its four-cylindered engine is 15.9 h.p., and features of the unit are overhead valves and an overhead camshaft.
Rhode Motor Co., Blytheswood Road, Tyseley, Birmingham.
OLYMPIA will house five exhibits of the Burford range, one being a 20-seater bus, three 30-cwt, vehicles and one a 50-cwt. chassis. Durability and economical operation are two of the claims made for this make, and the number a repeat orders for Burford products supports the manufacturer' confidence in their maChines.
Dealing with the exhibits at the Show in the order mentioned above, there is the 20-stater saloon bus fitted with a 130 h.p. engine. One of the features of this vehicle is the four-wheel brakes. These are of the internal-expanding type operated by pedal and compensated. Final drive is by internal gearing, a principle long associated with the Burford. In 1921 a char-it-banes was shown on this makers' stand incorporating four-wheel brakes, so that this type of mechanism is no untried experiment on the 20-seater.
An express delivery van of the latest type, as specified by the Great Western Railway, will be mounted on the 30-cwt. N.C.-type chassis. For 1926 this chassis has been materially improved, pedal gear, brakes, fan and other parts having been slightly altered, thus increasing the attractiveness of this popular model. Also on the 30-cwt. chassis will be a lorry body to the order of Allen-Liversidge and Co., Ltd. A bare chassis will be on the stand, equipped with single pneumatic tyres, in which form the vehicle is well known as an 18-seater bus, particularly in Devonshire and South Wales.
The standard 50-cwt. B.-type chassis will also be on view. This forms the basis of the Burford-Kegresse machine of which the War Office has a number on order.
IL G. Burford and Co., Ltd., 24, Haymarket, London, S.W.1.
-wrrH the exception of a new 2-ton chassis the new season programme of the Star Engineering Co., Ltd., remains very much the same. Most of the generally accepted load capacities between I5-cwt. and 3-tons are met, and an example of each of the company's models which fall within these limits will be staged at Olympia. The smallest is a 35-cwt. van, the chassis of which has a four-cylinder engine with a bore of 90 mm. and a stroke of 120 mm., its Treasury rating being 20.1 h.p. The same type of power unit is also employed in the 25-cwt. model, which is largely used as the basis of several types of van and station bus.
The next model in point of capacity is the new 2-tanner. Here again the same size of engine is utilized, and the power from it is taken through a dry-plate clutch and a four-speed gearbox to an overhead worm-driven rear axle. The standard chassis has both foot and hand brakes acting on drums in the rear wheels, but front-wheel brakes can be provided at a slightly -increased cost, in which event a stronger front axle is employed. The new chassis has a wheelbase of 11. ft. and sells at £465 with pneumatic tyres and £425 with solid
tyres; embodying front-wheel brakes it costs 125 extra in each case. Further details of this model will be able to be ascertained from the bare chassis to be exhibited.
The heaviest Star model is built to take 50-60 cwt. loads and can accommodate a capacious van body. The main details of the chassis are a four-cylinder engine, a cone-type clutch, a four-speed-and-reverse gearbox and a worm-driven rear axle; torque and radius rods are provided. The chassis sells at £575.
The Star Engineering Co., Ltd., Frederick Street, Wolverhampton.
pOPULAR in the 'U.S.A., but a comparative newcomer to this country, is the Fageol coach. Largely on this account it will be reviewed by many of our readers with more than ordinary interest when it appears at Olympia.
A six-cylinder Hall-Scott engine, having an overhead camshaft driven through the 'medium of a silent chain and two spur gears, is employed. Positive fan drive is included, together with a slipping clutch in the chain housing, whilst the centrifugal governor is situated in the large camshaft gearwheel. The engine, together with the gearbox, is threepoint suspended in the frame on Thermoid buffers.
Novelty in radiator mounting is shown in that the builtup vertical-tube radiator is carried by the engine itself. The tout-speed gearbox is a Brown-Lipe, and the clutch is by the same maker. Final drive is by underhung worm, the springs also being located beneath the rear axle. The topgear ratio is 4 to 1, giving a high maximum speed, the engine developing 110 h.h.p. at the governed 1,850 r.p.m.
The wheelbase is 19 ft. 2 ins, and the body gives accommndation to 26 passengers. Delco lighting and starting are fitted, and the interior of the body is exhaust heated, the driver being able to regulate the temperature.
Warwick Wright, Ltd., 150, New Bond Street, Loudon, W.1. A NEW 15-CWT. VAN FROM I3ERLIET'S.
THERE is an extremely wide range of Berliet models from the 15-cwt. box van to the 10-tanner, and from the chassis capable of accommodating 14 passengers up to the one capable of seating 40.
Of special interest is the new 15-cwt. box van with a 35.9 h.p. engine, a four-speed gearbox and spiral bevel rear axle, the Michelin disc wheels being equipped with pneumatic tyres. The chassis is priced at £245, delivered in London, whilst the box van complete sells at £340. On the 30-cwt. low-loading chassis a 14-seater char-it-bancs body is mounted, the chassis being equippedwith lighting and starting set. Complete with body, hood, side curtains, etc., this vehicle is sold at £605.
A very interesting model, again, is the Local Government Board ambulance on a 20-cwt. chassis mounted on pneumatic tyres, the complete vehicle being sold for £525. The same type of chassis can be used for a 14-seater saloon bus with a coach-type-entrance door and an emergency door at the rear, three of the windows on each side being made to drop. The price of this vehicle complete is £495.
In the case of the 26-seater saloon bus, this is mounted on the 50-cwt. chassis, which has a 30 h.p. engine having overhead valves, these being operated by push-rods. A specimen of this chassis equipped with saloon bus will be shown at the forthcoming Exhibition.
Automobiles ltd. Berliet, Richmond Bridge Works, Twickenham, near London.
00:Edit' wagons of 4-ton and 6-ton capacity are to occupy
the chief attention of Atkinson Walker Wagons, Lt4., in the future, and each of these chassis can be fitted with a variety of bodies for different classes of municipal work. In the main the chassis specification of the Atkinson wagon remains as heretofore but, as mentioned in our last issue, several detail improvements have been effected, mainly with the object of enabling higher average speeds to be obtained, and, for this reason, the engine power has been appreciably increased, whilst the boiler capacity is much enlarged. In
each wagon the standard Uniflow engine is employed, and the final drive is by chain.
The company's latest products include a special type of road traetor and a heavy-duty trailer, brief details of which were given last week. In addition to the models mentioned road rollers, rail tractors, rail coaches and other types of trailer occupy a prominent position in the programme of manufacture. A 6-ton wagon with a covered body will grace the stand of the makers at Olympia.
Atkinson Walker Wagons, Ltd., Frenchwood Works, Preston.
AVERY large range of commercial motor vehicles is made by Messrs. Chenard and Walclter, of Gennevilliers, hut the ones which are being chiefly pushed in this country through thei. representatives, Messrs. .Archie Simons and Co., are the 10-ton tractor (type B 10) (having a fourcylindered engine of 80 mm. bore and 150 mm. stroke, driving through a four-speed gearbox, this being offered at 1375, a sum of £70 being charged additionally when a hoisting winch is supplied), And a trailer capable of handling 5-ton loads, the floor space measurement being 13 ft. 1i ins. by 6 ft. 7 ins.
C50 Equipped with steel artillery wheels and solid tyre a the price is £175, but with Michelin wheels and pneumatic tyres the price is £250. Further information concerning Chenard and Walcker productions will be available at the Commercial Motor Show.
Archie Simone and Co., 94, Great Portland Street, London, W.1.
NO CHANGE" is the announcement of the Daimler Co., Ltd., in connection with theircommercial models for next year. The existing chassis comprise types designated the C.J., C.K., and C.M. respectively, and two of them will represent the company at Olympia, one, the C.M., being shown with two types of 80-seater bus body, and the other, the CJ., with an open lorry-pattern body. In addition, an ambulance will be displayed in which the body is constructed by Pickford, Ltd., of Sheffield.
The C.J„ C.K., and C.L. chassis bear a strong resemblance to one another, the only difference being in wheelbase dimensions, thus enabling bigger loads to be carried. Each has a four-cylinder engine (bore 104.5 mm., stroke 140 mm.), a four-speed gearbox and overhead worm-driven rear axle. The power unit, as is, of course, well known, is of the sleevevalve pattern.
The C.M. chassis has proved distinctly successful on bus work in various parts of the country, and, by virtue of its ability when carrying a 30-seater body to conform with the proposed regulations of the Ministry of Transport, it should fully maintain its popularity.
The Daimler Co., Ltd., Daimler Works, Coventry.
CROSSLEY'S INTRODUCE A 15-20-CWT. VAN. ME(ERE is a new departure on the part of Crossley 1 Motors, Ltd., intended to meet the demand for a light, speedy van to carry between 15 cwt. and 20 cwt., capable of hard and long service with exceptional reliability. The engine is of 15.6 h.p. Treasury rating -with pump lubrication and thermo-siphonic water circulation. It has unit construction of engine, clutch and gearbox, the clutch being of the single-plate type and the gearbox giving four-forward speed and reverse with right-hand gate change; the final drive is through worm gear. The chassis is mounted on pneumatic tyres 32 ins. by 41 ins., its wheelbase being 10 ft. 5 ins., and its track 4 ft. S ins. It is equipped with electric lighting and starting units.
The :30-cwt. lorry has a four-eylindered engine rated at 25.6 h.p., and it drives through a cone cluteh to a four-speedand-reverse gearbox with right-hand gate change to a wormdriven rear axle. This chassis has been specially designed and constructed to have a high ratio of h.p. to weight and thus is able to maintain a high speed for long distances without undue strain or wear. It is specially suited for the fitting of bodies' for public-service buses, ambulances, fireengines, etc.
The third important item in the programme of Crossley Motors, Ltd., is the Crossley-Kegresse chassis capable of handling 30-cwt. loads. The company have been experimenting in this direction for a considerable time and fine performances have been put up by the departments connected with the services.
Its brief specification is identical with that given in connection with the 30-ewt. lorry, but. of courae, with the exception of the equipment of the rear drive. The Kegresse track has its own two-speed gearbox (with a lock for the differential) which 'wives eight forward speeds in all.
Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester. SCAMMELL TRACTOR-TRAMER IMPROVEMENTS.
IN ADDITION to the new and interesting Autovan which we describe elsewhere in this issue, Scammell Lorries, Ltd., will continue during 1926 to build their successful type of tractor-trailer. The motive unit in this has the Scammell double springing system, by which the weight of the carrier is taken on the driving axle through separate springs, the flexible springs supporting the motive unit working always under constant load and being unaffected by the weight of the trailer partion. Another Scammell feature is the onepiece pressed-steel turntable, which is certainly one of the finest pieces of hydraulic presswork to be seen on a commercial vehicle.
The engine Will remain unaltered in general design, although several detail improvements have been embodied. For instance, the compression has been raised somewhat and the sparking plugs are now fitted in the heads, giving central
point ignition for the mixture. Special steel is now used for the valves, the exhaust manifold is much larger and the discharge is at the front, instead of at the rear of the engine.
Among detail improvements in the chassis may be mentioned the increased use of stampings and forgings in place of steel castings. All brake drums are now steel pressings. The carrier frame is of 3 per cent, nickel steel, whilst the axles are of oil-toughened nickel stopl, of over 60 tons tensile strength. In addition the road springs have leaves of chromevanadium steel. Tecalemit 4-type lubricators are used throughout the chassis.
The tractor-trailer can be used for a large variety of purposes. It can carry 2,500 gallons of petrol in one load, whilst another vehicle which, incidentally, will be at Olympia, is the 3,800-gallon fuel-oil tank wagon. This machine is equipped with the &amine11 three-cylinder radial air compressor for discharging the load. The tank is of the frameless type.
Other vehicles include cable carriers' and brewers' lorries. Scammell Lorries, Ltd., 14-18, Holborn, E.C.1.
IT is the intend:in of the Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., to concentrate on four distinct chassis, each of 4-ton capacity, for the fortncoming season. These comprise a chassis with a .hurt wheelbase of 8 ft. 5 ins., mostly used in congested areas or as a part of a six-wheel unit ; a standard chassis with a wheelbase of 10 ft. 4 ins.; a long wheelbase chassis in which the distance 'between wheel centres is 13 it.; and a ftsrther chassis in which the frame is either straight throughout its length or dropped to give a particularly law load-line, in each case a body space of 20 ft. being available.
In the standard P.W.D. goods chassis, the driver is placed above the engine, but in the motor coach or bus chassis the driver has his place alOgside the engine, his seat being an the same level as those for the passengers.
In addition to these models there is a 5-6-tonner available in three lengths of. wheelbase. It is the company's intention to incorporate a fourth speed in the gearbox used on these chassis, thereby providing a wider range of speeds.
They have found a ready sale for F.W.D. vehibles both as light shunting locomotives and for passenger traffic on railways, and the eomnany propose to concentrate on three distinct models of this type, ona being a shunting locomotive with a capacity of '1.00 tons, another a light rail coach to seat 28 persons, and a bogie type for 62-seater rail coaches. The intermediary mode/ is normally fitted with a four-cylinder engine, but a vehicle in which a six-cylinder unit is used is also supplied when a trailer coach has to be hauled.
Four Wheel Drive LorrY Co., Ltd., 46, Charing Cross, London, S.W.1.
WITII but one or two exceptions the chassis to be marketed in 1926 by Messrs. Spa Motors conform to the same general specification as heretofore. In actual fact, the 30-cwt. (25 C/B type) and the 2-ton (25 C/A type/
remain unaltered, but the T type, which is built for 70-cwt. loads, now has a 15-ft. wheelbase and embodies several new cOnstructional features of importance. For example, the standard type of crosshead pin universal joint used on the lighter models gives way to Hardy flexible joints, whilst braking is effected on all four wheels by pedal through the medium of a servo motor ; the hand brake actuates shoes which hear on drums in the rear wheels only. A. four-cylinder engine with detachable head is employed in each chassis, its main features of design following orthodox practice. The drive is taken by a muitiple-disc dry-plate clutch to a four-speed gearbox, and thence to the patent S.P.A. rear axle by an enclosed propeller shaft, The final drive is by means of bevels and a double reduction gear. Tlae rear axle is of the full-floating type in which the entire weight is supported by the axle casing. In the 30-cwt. and 2-ton models the foot brakes actuate shoes lined with cast-iron which act on a large drum behind the gearbox, and the hand brake operates internal-expanding shoes bearing on drums in the rear wheels.
The various chassis are built for goods or passenger transport. The 30-cwt. model sells at £595, the 2-tonner at £695, and the 70-cwt. chassis at 1795.
Spa Motors, 244, Earl's Court Road, London, S.W.5.
FOUR types of Latil vehicle will be available for 1926, these comprising the 30-cwt. low-loading chassis, the 2-2i-ton machine, the 2-3-tonner and the four-wheel-drive tractor. Dealing first with the 30-cwt. chassis, this will be shown at Olympia complete with the standard body. The engine is a four-cylinder monobloc of 85 snm. bore and 130 mm. stroke, having side-by-side valves, a single-plate clutch and a four-speed gearbox. The foot brake operates on the propeller shaft and the hand brake on drums in the rear wheels. Complete with electric lighting and starting equipment, this chassis sells for 1450, or £525 with standard body.
In the same chassis will be exhibited a box van body selling at 1595. The char-fl-banes of the same type is priced at 450. Known as the B.2 type, the 2-21-ton model will be shown in chassis form, price £575. This also has a fourcylinder engine, and follows in general the outline of the smaller type, but the brake pedal applies shoes in the drums on the front wheels and on the propeller shaft, the lever operating the rear-wheel brakes.
Type V.L.3, the 2-8-tonner with front-wheel drive, will be at Olympia in the guise Of a horse-box, capable of carrying two horses and attendants. This vehicle costs £1,175, or £775 as a chassis. The four-wheel-drive tractor has a six-speed gearbox, and steers on all four Wheels; this retails at £795.
L. C. Rawlence and Co., Ltd., 39, Sackville Street, London, THREE NEWFIATS.
TNCLUDED amongst the Fiat models are two which have A. only recently made their first appearance in this country. These are the model 505F, which is a 25-cwt. having an engine of 75 mm, bore and 180 mm. stroke, formed as a four-Cylinder monobloe with detachable head. Forced lubrication is employed to all the bearings. The clutch and gearbox form a unit with the engine, the clutch being of the multiple steel-disc type, and the gearbox providing four forward speeds and having central control. Following usual Fiat practice, the roar axle is a T-shaped pressedsteel casing farming also the torque tube. Both brakes act on the rear wheels, the foot being internal-expanding and the hand external-contracting.
Model 603 is of particular interest, as it replaces the 15-ter 30-cwt. and is equipped with a new worm drive. It is built for 2-ton working loads, has a 75 ram. bore and 135 mm. stroke engine, unit construction of engine and gearbox and a cast-steel axle casing with overhead worm. It also embodies a new type of radiator somewhat resembling that used on certain of the private cars.
We understand that the third new model will be known as the 605, but full details are not yet available regarding it. The other chassis is the l5-cwt, model 502F, with an engine of 65 mm. bore and 110 ram. stroke, four ,forward speeds and a worm-driven rear axle.
Fiat (England), Ltd., 43-44, Albemarle Street, London, FRAME EXTENSION FOR BULKY LOADS.
THE Longframe suspension system has been designed for
the extension of .frame of practically all standard chassis, so that, provided the power is available, the resulting combination can deal with a greater load than the one for which the chassis was designed, and the system is claimed to be equally applicable to vehicles for a capacity
tons up to one of 15 tons. There are two types: In the one which is described as the standard type, the frame extension is bolted to the chassis frame, and is mounted upon its own pair of wheels, which are supported on, the end of levers pivoted on the frame and linked at their forward ends to the rear eyes of the road springs, thus creating a balance effect between the four rear wheels. The long type has a Ringer frame and loner connecting levers, and the rearmost pair of wheels may lie'. made to steer, being then coupled for that purPose to the steering gear. The driving and braking strains continue to be taken on the middle pair of wheels—the original rear wheels of the chassis —but if axle weights are limited and it is desired to load all wheels up to the permitted limits, the rearmost wheels may also be braked or front-wheel brakes may be applied. There is less tendency to skidding, however, if the rearmost wheels are always free to rotate and, thetefore, to retain their grip of the road.
The lung-frame type is already well known to the British market, but the standard type is new and will be seen in this country for the first time at the forthcoming Commercial Motor Show. It must, of course, be clear that the Longframe construction is not only a conversion unit, but it can be incorporated in a chassis when the latter is first built. The use of this system has considerably developed since the last Show in London.
The Longframe chassis on its six wheels offers advantages in the transport of bulky and heavy loads and the carrying of long loads without diminishing the ability of the vehicle to manmuvre easily.
Ie ,are passenger-carrying bodies can be accommodated On the chassis. It can be adapted to any make of vehicle, thus affording the manufacturer with a limited number of models c52
the ability td offer to his customers a greater range of load capacities. The beam system of suspension gives great flexibility to the frame in a longitudinal direction.
Longframe Six-wheeler Construction Co., 58, Bredgade, Copenhagen, Denmark.
-nDERHAPS the most striking vehicle in the Bristol range 1: for 1926 is.the new low load-line chassis designed especially for double-deck buses and embodying forward drive and a new engine giving a high power output. It ia intended that the body on this chassis should seat up to 60 persons and, later on, another chassis will be develpped suitable for single-deck buses with •a seating capacity up to 32. The two will then be known as the heavy and light passenger chassis, for they have been designed purely from the passenger-service aspect.
Following the latest Bristol practice, provision is made on the new chassis for carrying the body on sound-deadening and shock-insulating rubber cushions. The frame -level is 2 ft. 1 in, so far as the arch, and 1 ft. P. ins, at the rear of this.
A feature of particular interest is that the special Bristol springs, which are self adjusting to load by reason of their cam-shaped brackets, are utilized at both ends of the chassis.
The company are also continuing the production of their 2-ton forward-drive chassis, which is intended either for goods or passenger work.
One of the exhibits at Olympia. will be a 2-tonner with forward drive carrying a 20-seater bus body. • The original 4-ton model will also continue to be manufactured, as this embodies many practicable and successful features in its design.
Bristol Tramways and Carriages Co., Ltd., TramwaYs Centre. Bristol.
FROM 5 cwt. to 10 tons is the range of loading capecities which is catered for by Renault, Ltd. The box van capable of dealing with 5-cwt. loads is supplied complete, the chassis not being obtainable separately, and at the price of £203 is considered fiaod value, for it has Michelin disc wheels with Comfort tyres, four-wheel brakes, electric lighting and starting, whilst the body has a canopy over the driving seat.
A 16h.p. engine is used for the 10-cwt. box-van chassis
and the 20 -cwt. cliassi,' a larger' .engine developing 25 b.h.p. . . . .
at normal engine speed is employed in the 30-cwt. chassis and the 2-ton chassis, whilst a 47 h.h.p, engine having a bore of 100 ram. and a stroke of 160 rem. is utilized for the 3itonner, which is obtainable in two lengths of wheelbase and also for the 5-ton chassis and for the 7-ton chassis, whilst for the 10-ton chassis an engine developing 72 b.h.p. and having a cylinder bore of 125 mm. and a piston stroke of of 160 ram. is employed.
In addition to chassis for goods and passenger carrying, Renault, Ltd., manufacture a fire-engine, the pump having a rated capacity of 200-250 gallons. The chassis is equipped with four-wheel brakes and the body has accommodation for six men, In addition a trailer pump with the same output is supplied, the price of this being 1325, whilst the price of the fire-engine is £750.
Renault, Ltd., Seagrave Works, West Brompton, London, S.W.6. INTERNATIONAL TRUCK CHASSIS IMPROVED.
WITH regard to the programme of the International Harvester Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., for the forthcoming year, it can be said that practically the whole line of International trucks has been altered. The new types have an improved engine of greater horse-power with removable cylinder sleeves, also a heavy-duty ball-bearing crankshaft. The trucks equipped with this engine are Models 33, 42 and 63. The first is the 30-cwt. with a 10-ft. 8-in, wheelbase and sells at £385, the second, a 40cwt. chassis with a wheelbase of 10 ft. 10 ins., selling at £450, and the third chassis is built to take 3-ton loads ; it has a wheelbase of 11 ft. 8 ins, and retails at £520.
They also have two new chassis of the Speed Truck class. One is of 20-25-cwt. capacity, and the other a low load-line, long wheelbase, underslung model of 30-cwt. capacity. The price of the former is £285, and of the latter £350, a feature of the heavier model being that the loading Platform is only 2 ft. from the ground.
The company will continue to market the McCormickDeering industrial tractor, which has achieved considerable success end is of particular value for hauling trailers with a load of 8-10 tons. The price of this tractor is £295.
The International Harvester Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., 80, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.
CONSISTIN of vehicles with capacities ranging from G 1O-cwt. to 5-ton capacity, the De Dion programme in cludes both passenger and goods vehicles. The smallest model is the I.S. 10-cwt. chassis, followed by the 1-tonner designated type MB. There are two 40-cwt. models, one with a side-by-side-valve engine ; the other is the J.E.2, having an overheadIvalve engine and four-wheel brakes and is specially intended for carrying 20-22-seater coach bodies.
Farther up di,scale are the 3-4-ton model J.T. and the 4-5-ton model J.V., both cf which are supplied with pneumatic or solid tyre equipment. In view of the marked interest in passenger-carrying chassis, the J.E.2 type will doubtless attract considerablc attention. Aluminium pistons, fourspeed gearbox, plate clutch and semi-elliptic springing are features of this chassis.
At Olympia four vehicles will be on the stand, two of which are of the J.E.2 type specially designed for passenger work. One will be a chassis equipped with seven Michelin steel-disc wheels and Dunlop cord pneumatic tyres ; the price of this, as it will be shown, is £615. The other will be a 22-seater Pullman saloon, having a side entrance aud an emergency door at the leer. The price of this handsome saloon is £1,150.
De Dion Bouton, Ltd., 10, Great Marlborough Street, London, W.1.
MHERE are material extensions in the range of Guy chassis giving a greater choice, in particular, to pur chasers of passenger-carrying vehicles. The 1-ton chassis has a four-cylindered engine rated at 18 h.p., its wheelbase being 10 ft. 5 ins, and its track 4 ft. 8 ins. It is equipped with pneumatic tyres, twins on the rear, all interchangeable, and an option is given of the fitting of front-wheel brakes.
The 30-cwt. chassis has a slightly larger engine, rated at 12 h.p. It has a wheelbase of 11 ft. 6 ins., and is mounted
on pneumatic tyres on the front wheels and solids on the rear wheels. The 20-seater one-man-operated bus has a 26 h.p. engine. Its wheelbase is 13 ft. 4-i ins., and it is equipped with pneumatic tyres on all wheels, the rear wheels being shod with twin tyres. The " Speed " model, which is intended for a 20-seater coach body, has a 30 h.p. engine, six-cylindered, the bore being 97 mm. and the stroke 130 mm. It has pneumatic tyres on all wheels, twins at the rear, and brakes on all four wheels in addition to a transmission brake.
The low-level chassis has it four-eylindered engine of 35-40 h.p. It has an ordinary load capacity of 3 tons on a chassis weight of 45 cwt. Its wheelbase is 15 ft. 3 ins. and track 5 ft. 3 ins. Four-wheel brakes are again employed on this chassis, the tyres being pneumatics on all wheels, with twins on the rear. For bus work this chassis is supplied with a wheelbase of 16 ft. 5 ins. It takes a 30-22-seater single-deck bus body, which can be entered over one step.
Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton.
THE outstanding feature of note in the programme of Commercial Cars, Ltd., for 1926 isthe introduction of two new passenger-carrying models, and two new chassis for goods transport. The smaller passenger model is constructed to carry 20-20-seater bodies in either motor-coach or singledeck bus form. The chassis will have an engine with a bore of 110 mm. and a stroke of 140 mm., and a worm-driven rear axle with alternative ratios of 5.75 and 625.
Early in 1026 it is anticipated that the company will have a long-wheelbase chassis suitable for 30-seater buses, on lines similar -to the above, taking its place in the programme of manufacture.
The. larger passenger chassis is designed for 30-36-seater. single-deck bus bodies, or for double-deckerS seating up to 54 people. The chassis is available with either a 15-ft. wheelbase or one 10 ins. longer. In this case, an engine with a bore of 120 mm. and stroke of140 ram. is used, and the drive is conveyed through a four-speed gearbox to a worm-driven rear axle.
The smaller of the new goods-carrying chassis will be constructed to carry a net load of about 60-70-cwt., and the model is available with wheelbases of 12 ft. 3 ins, and 13 ft. 3 ins. The larger of the goods models is designed for a net load of 80-90 cwt.; here, again, it is being marketed with alternative wheelbases of 13 ft. 3 ins. and 14 ft. 3 ins. In each of these goods models the final drive is by worm.
The company will continue to produce the standard 2 G. model, which is built for loads of 40-45 cwt. In general, the units of the Eve models which we have mentioned are constructed on similar lines.
The well-known and efficient chain-driven moders are retained in the company's manufacturing schedule. These are marketed in three types suitable for loads of 4, 5, and 6 tons respectively.
The body department of Commercial Cars, Ltd.. can offer a Wide range of both passenger and goods-carrying bodies, and a special feature is made of single-deck buses for seating from 20 to 20 passengers, these being either of the twoentrance type or of the class known as " pay-as-you-enter." Tipping bodies are also produced in sizes from 2-ton to 5-ton, for hand or mechanical operation and, in the case of the latter, tipping to the sides or the rear can be arranged without any difficulty.
Commercial Cars, Ltd., Luton. MANN OVERTYPE AND UN. T. DERTYPE WAGONS. TT is the intention of Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., to continue to market both their undertype and overtype steam wagons in the New Year. These models will be the company's main lines of output, but they also intend to produce combinations of the Express undertype wagon boiler and engine for tractors, portable engines, rail coaches, and also a light stationary power plant specially suitable for Colonial use. Products of the Mann works which remain on the standard output schedule are the shortwheelbase steam cart, the overtype agricultural tractor, the road tractor and the light patching roller.
The undertype or Expresswag,ons are the latest products of the company, and an exatnple with a fixed body will be shOwn at Olympia. The main features of the chassis comprise a vertical water-tube boiler, an engine with two H.P. cylinders, which is suspended under and across the frame, a two-speed gearbox forming a unit with the engine, and final drive by bevel-and-Spur double-reduction gearing. This wagon can handle 6-ton loads with perfect case, and undoubtedly represents modern practice in its most developed form.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., Pepper Road Works, Hun slot, Leeds.
RAILLESS TROLLEY-BUSES OF TIIREE TYPES. -Ep) A1LLESS, LTD., the proprietors of which are Short IA/Bros. (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., are marketing three types of trolley-bus chassis, designed to enable them to fulfil the requirements of any tramway authority according to local needs and circumstances. There is a model for the accommodation of a single-deck bus seating 37 passengers, whilst for double-deck buses there is the 51-seater, and to these has been added the new 32-seater chassis, which was fully described in our last issue. The last-named vehicle accommodates 26 passengers in the upper and lower saloons. The last-named chassis is intended for a bus with a covered upper deck, and it has accordingly been designed with tt low centre of gravity. The total height from the road to the floor of the bus, involving one step between road and platform, and another between platform and bus floor, is 2 ft. 8-i• ins., the platform being 23 ins, from the ground. The height to the top of the roof is 14 ft. 6 ins. The diameter of the turning circle for a bus of this description is 51 ft.
The electrical equipment consists of two motors of 35 h.p. built by the English Electric Co., and arranged in tandem. They are mounted direct on the chassis frame, independent springing being found to be unnecessary because the chassis itself is well sprung. The drive is taken through a double. reduction gear consisting of worm gearing and a final reduction by internal gearing, the rings being bolted direct to the rear wheels.
The 51-seater double-deck bus chassis can be provided with either one or two motors, according to local requirements, as also can the 37-seater single-deck bus chassis, although smaller motors would be used in that case.
Railiess, Ltd., Whitehall House, 29-30, Charing Cross, London, S.W.1.
IN 1853 the Saurer works commenced operations, and their first internal-combustion engines were made in 1893. Since the latter date their products have achieved an enviable reputation, and keen interest can therefore be expected to be taken in their 1926 programme. Two types are available, broadly speaking, the 6-tonner and the new 2-ton chassis. A variation of the larger model is the low load-line bus. Dealing with the large vehicle first, this will be on the Show stand in polished chassis form, in addition to other exhibits of the same type. With pneumatic tyres this chassis weighs 3 tons 4 cwt. Special features are the Saurer patent engine brake, which converts the engine into an air corn-presser, a ball-bearing crankshaft, dished rear wheels and a patent engine lubrication system.
Another 6-tonner will be on view, equipped with solid
• tyres and complete with the Saurer patent trailer brake control gear and trailer book. In addition, it will have a front pushing, bar for shunting trailers. The vehicle can carry a 6-ton load and also haul a 5-ton trailer. A Saurer threeway tipping wagon will be mounted on a similar chassis at the Exhibition.
The low load-line omnibus, seating 26 passengers, will be shown, equipped with 34-in. by 7-in, pneumatics, the front tyres being singles and those at the rear twins. A safety filling device for the fuel tank is incorporated in the C54
design. A long-wheelbase 6-tonner with furniture removal body concludes the range of larger models to be shown.
The 21I.H. chassis—the new model—is intended for speedy delivery of 2-ton loads on pneumatic tyres only. The fourcylinder engine, 100 mm. bore, 150 mm. stroke, has overhead valves, and develops, it is claimed, 52 b.h.p. at 1,600 r.p.m. No fewer than four brakes are standard, these being the engine brake, front-wheel brakes and hand and foot-operated shoes in the rear-wheel drums. Four forward speeds are provided, the standard ratios being designed for a speed of 32 m.p.h, on top gear. Multiple-disc clutch and bevel final drive are features of the transmission layout. Pneumatic tyres only are supplied, and a tyre pump is embodied in the gearbox. The chassis alone weighs 1 ton 19 cwt., which gives a favourable power to weight ratio.
The Saurer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, Albany Street, London, N.Vv".1.
-NNADE in France, the Laffly range of municipal vehicles _LY..Land passenger or goods-carrying chassis are familiar to the majority of our readers. For the 1926 season an interesting new model is added, this being designed primarily for fast passenger purposes or quick delivery of goods. Dealing in the first place with the municipra sphere of the Laffly Co.'s activities, there will be six exhibits of this description, at the Show, these comprising •a road-sweeping machine, a combined watering, washing and sweeping machine, a gullyemptier, a road-roller, a portable fire-engine and a vacuum cleaner.
The sweeper is a four-wheeled vehicle with a broom at an angle of 30 degrees, driven by chain from the main gearbox. A .spraying tube is fitted along the whole length of the broom in front to lay the dust, and the broom pressure can be adjusted independently of the weight of the vehicle. The combined watering, washing and sweeping outfit has highpressure flushing jets, which are controllable; the spraying width is from 10 ft. to 60 ft.
On the gully emptier a two-cylinder air pump is connected to the tank, and it has a special valve allowing, for suction or pressure to be applied to either compartment, or for suction in one and pressure in the other. Scouring jets and water pipes are provided for loosening solids and sealing gullies.
The new model 2i-tonner will be one of the features on the Lailly stand, and sells, in chassis form complete with lighting and starter for i460. The engine is a four-cylinder of 90 mm. bore by 130 mm. stroke. -Power is transmitted by a disc clutch and four-speed gearbox to a spiral-bevel rear axle giving ratio of 6i to 1 on top gear ; a speed of 45 m.p.h. is claimed. Four-wheel brakes are' provided.
Laffly (England) Co., Ltd., 20-26, Lonsdale Road, London, N. W.U. THE TRAFFIC'S LOAD CAPACITY INCREASED.
NO'rABLE improvements are incorporated in the design of the new model 40-50-cwt. Traffic chassis which will constitute the backbone of the commercial programme of North-Western Motors, Ltd., in the forthcoming year. For example, the latest type of Continental Red Seal engine with a detachable head is relied upon for power, new features in its design including a Zenith carburetter and Bosch magneto. The Clark internal-gear back axle now employed is much heavier than that formerly used. It will be noted that the latest Traffic chassis is rated to deal with loads up to 50 cwt., i.e., 10 ewt. in excess of the carrying capacity of the chassis now superseded.
The general specification is not varied, as readers who may choose to examine the bare chassis to be displayed at (Olympia will note. A standard platform lorry will also comprise one of the exhibits of the company. The chassis price is 1325, that of the platform lorry being £375. The Traffic chassis is a typical American product in many ways and one of the best to be marketed in this country.
North-WkIstern Motors, Ltd., Norton Street, Liverpool.
CHASSIS for taxicab uses have always been well to the fore in the activities of iTnie Motors, Ltd., and it was so long ago as 1906 that the company's first cab model was introduced. The standard cab will still continue to be made and sold for /625, but a new model designed especially for private hire work in the provinces is to be added to the company's products. This will be rated as a 14-28 b.p.
chassis, the selling price of which will be 1425, complete with dynamo lighting set and self-starter. The standard taxicab built to comply with Scotland Yard regulations is rated at 12-16 h.p. The main constructional features of the chassis are a four-cylinder engine, a leather cone clutch, a fourspeed gearbox and a spiral-bevel rear axle.
Of commercial models pure and simple there are the "twiner, and that for 30-cwt.-loads, the latter also being used for certain types of passenger conveyance, a representative model being the 14-seater front-entrance bus, which ie marketed at 1670.
There is also a 14-seater coach on pneumatics which is built for speedy service, and sells at the same attractive figure.
Unie Motors, Ltd., 18, Brewer Street, Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W.1.
prinuE range of the Dodge Brothers commercial chassis has AL recently been increased by the marketing of an entirely new Graham Brothers model for 1-ton loads and by a further addition to the 30-cwt. series of the Graham Brothers chassis. The latter is new available in wheelbases of n ft. 8 ins. and .13 ft. 2 ins., the longer chassis in two models, one, the LB.M. being shod with 32-in. by 6-in, pneumatic tyres fore mid aft, and the other (the LB) with 30-in. by 5-in. pneu
matics. Visitors to Olympia will he afforded an excellent idea of the suitability of the company's models far various branches of goods and. passenger service. Apart from bare chassis, five completed vehicles will be on view and four of these will have new-type bodies, all of English manufacture..
In each of the five chassis (one Dodge Brothers and four Graham Brothers) which figure in the production schedule for 1026 the 17-24 Dodge Brothers engine is employed.
The cylinders, which are cast en bloc, are L-headed and have a bore of 3i ins, and a stroke of 4i ins. The clutch is of the dry-disc type and comprises seven plates.
At this point we can conveniently proceed to give brief details of the chassis construction of the new Graham Brothers 1-tanner. From the clutch the drive is taken to a
three-speed-and-reverse gearbox and then by a tubular propeller shaft to a spiral-bevel rear axle. A platform body with drop sides and an enclosed driver's cab is a standard production for this chassis.
The Dodge Brothers 15-cwt. model makes a handy little van or traveller's brougham. The body for the latter is panelled in Sundeala, and adequate precautions are taken against the possibility of theft. Standard models of the Graham Brothers 1i-twiner inelude a van and a 20-seater front-entrance-type saloon bus of the type shown in the accompanying illustration.
The price of the Dodge Brothers 15-cwt. chassis is £245, the Graham Brothers range selling at 1205 for the 1-tonner, and £380, £400 and 1130 for the li-tonner, according to. wheelbase and tyre equipment. The following prices are for complete vehicles conforming to standard :—Dodge Brothers 15-cwt. van, £285; Dodge Brothers traveller's saloon, £350; Graham Brothers 1-ton truck, £380; Graham Brothers 30cwt. van, 1465; Graham Brothers 20-seater saloon bus, 1740.
Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., Willesden Lane, Park Royal, London, N.W.10.
MIODENS, LTD., are not at present adding to their range of vehicles. They will be marketing during the forthcoming year : (1) The 5-ton overtype wagon with compound engine, the cylinder bores of which are lIP. 4/ ins., and L.P. 7 ins., the piston stroke being 7 ins.; (2) the 6-ton overtype wagon with identical engine ; (3) a 10-ton tractor also with similar engine ; and (4) a development of this, the 10-ton tractor-trailer.
So far, no information is vouchsafed with regard to the projected undertype steam wagon which has been on the road for some little time, but which, no doubt, in accordance with the careful policy of the directors, is being thorooghly tested before being largely marketed.
Fodens, Ltd., Elworth Works. S'andbach, Cheshire.