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How to Get the Best out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble.
647.—Improving the Water Pump on the 15-ter Fiat.
Examination of the pump body on a certain 151er Fiat revealed excessive wear in the spindle bearings, and as these bearings are part of the body, renewal would have been a somewhat expensive item. The hole was, therefore, reamered out to suit two Ford stub-axle bushes, from which the shoulders were cut, the standard Ford reamer being passed through them, and the result was an excellent running fit for the pump spindle.
As the old gland was badly worn, owing to the side play of the spindle, a new one was fitted. Careful attention was required in the packing of the gland, and as an experiment four thin leather washers were cut and pressed into the gland, followed by three turns of greased string,. Upwards of 5,000 miles have been covered by this engine and the gland nut has not yet had to be retightened.
The excessive wear of the spring bearings was traced to a worn cross-shaft bush, which allowed the crossshaft to wobble at the pump-drive end.
648.—A Method of Repairing Fractures in the Tylor Crankcase.
When overhauling the Tylor engine it is sometimes found that the support for the centre bearing in the crankcase is cracked. This usually means that the case must be welded, sometimes causing delay.
If the job be urgent and expert welders are not handy, another method of repair is to make a pair of gunmetal castings and bolt these to the case after it has been pulled together by means of a clamp. This is claimed by those who have tried it to make a most efficient repair and one which will never break, whilst the cost of the castings works out at about £1 1s.
[Editorial Note.—We would point out that several firms who specialize in welding repairs now stiffen up the webs in such a manner as almost to prevent the possibility of breakage recurring.]
649.—Reducing Petrol Consumption on a Chevrolet.
A 1024 model Chevrolet van was found to be running only 18 miles per gallon of fuel, and this was considered unsatisfactory. After various unsuccessful attempts at economy, it was decided to shorten the inlet pine, which was done by cutting out about 4i ins, and brazing the pipe together again. The only alterations necessary to other parts were to reverse the air shutter and its control on the carburetter 058 choke attachment and fit a slightly longer control on the throttle, the whole job being completed in a little more than one hour.
The results obtained from this alteration were a
• mileage of 22i per gallon, easier starting and sweeter running. It is probable that the cause of the exces sire conSumption was condensation of petrol in the inlet pipe caused by the large area exposed to the air, the petrol collecting chiefly at low engine speed and being sucked up upon acceleration.
650.—An Alteration to. the Engine of the K4-type Karrier.
In certain K4-type engines slipping of the timing 2hain has occurred through stretching, which results *.n the chain mounting the wheels of the camshaft and zrankshaft. In one case this trouble has been entirely ovesrcome by fitting a self-adjusting roller into the case. It might be thought that the limited space would pre-; vent this, but, actually, it can be done, and in a very Wimple manner. It requires a little attention from time to time, but certainly makes a considerable improvement.
The arrangement can very easily be seen from our drawing, which also gives the chief dimensions; those not shown are the width of the spring socket, which is 14 ins., and its diameter, which is 1§ ins.
It is advisable either to key the barrels together or to fit a stout peg running in a slot so that sideways turning of the 'roller is prevented. The roller should be hardened, as also should be the pin on which it runs.
651.—A New Type of Cover for the Universal Joints of the 15-ter Fiat.
In a recent hint, we referred to a special type of
• universal joint cover for the 15-ter Fiat, this cover being made in halves so that it could not be detached for easy inspection of the joint. We have since been asked by several of our readers for the address of the makers of this cover. This is :—Messrs. Bearwood, Thornton Road, East Sheen, London, S.W.14.