Across-the-board changes in Taskers trailers
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By R. D. Cater
ONE of the trailer industry's best-kept secrets was let out of the bag at the Anna Valley works of Taskers of Andover (1932) Ltd. last week.
Introducing a new range of semitrailers, managing director Mr. L. A. C. Fuller revealed that when the Heritage models were introduced five years ago the process of rationalization of components and structures for the new range had already begun. The Heritage was, in fact, the guinea-pig for the Formula range which he was now introducing, he said.
The backbone of the new designs is a set of frame sections all embodying the same profiles. It does not matter whether the unit to be built is a straight-frame, a semi-drop frame, a deep-drop frame or a low-loader, the same side-members are used.
Many advantages are claimed for this system of semi-trailer building, which is thought to be the only known application over such a wide range of vehicles. Not least in importance from the user's point of view is that the supply of spare parts will be improved; most will be completely interchangeable between all models of similar tonnage. There will be differences only in the number of springs in singleand tandem-axle running gear as far as suspension goes, and in axles and hubs which change according to the gross weight of the unit.
All brake drums will be 15.5in. diameter on vehicles equipped with 20in. wheels. Brake sizes will differ only in the width of drums used and will vary from Sin, to 8in. in oneinch increments. Taskers have standardized on the Girling FC SS peg-cam type of brake gear, which, they claim, has proved to be the most serviceable.
An idea of the reduction in the number of different items held in stock can be gained from the fact that instead of holding some 55 types of axle the new system requires only 14.
Standard cross-members and crossbearers are used throughout the range. And so that the standard front end can be retained in the production of the Twinside oscillatingaxle model, the deck sections of the main frames are cranked outwards to obtain the necessary spring centres. Thus every component from behind the landing gear to the front end remains standard.
Every model is fitted with the same-design landing gear which has been chosen as being suitable for the heaviest models.
The Formula range consists of 10 different types of fifth-wheel semi-trailer, details being: Formula 1. Straight frames up to 27 tons gross trailer weight. 2. Step frames up to 27 tons gross trailer weight.
3. Deep-step frames up to 19.75 tons gross trailer weight.
4. Step-frame low-loaders from 8 to 25 tons gross trailer weight for distributed loads.
5. Same as Formula 4 but for concentrated loads.
6 and 7. Machinery carriers for 9.5 to 45 tons gross trailer weight for distributed and concentrated loads.
8. Extensible flat-platforms from 12.5 to 27 tons gross trailer weight.
9. Tippers from 16 to 27 tons gross trailer weight.
10. Running gears, dollies and bogies.
It is claimed that new production methods have resulted in a reduction in retail prices by some 5 to 10 per cent compared with previous models.
Complementary to savings made by rationalized stockholding are those made by computer-controlled machinery now being installed in the Andover works.
Standardization has enabled fewer but more expensive and efficient machines to be employed on long production runs. Improved delivery time will follow, settling at about four weeks.
The company will supply Dunlop Pneuride air suspension on all the new range but the Pedigree non-reactive suspension has been discontinued.
About 75 per cent of the company's capacity will be absorbed by the new range; the remainder will be devoted to the production of special types.