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More b.h.p., more m.p.g.

20th October 1967
Page 82
Page 82, 20th October 1967 — More b.h.p., more m.p.g.
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I WOULD LIKE to draw your attention to the article on Dorman engines for trucks (CM, Sept. 29). It refers several times to the Ford 360 engine fitted to the D750 truck. In fact, the standard engine for the D750 is the 330 and not the 360, which is only fitted to the D800.

The figures quoted for maximum power and torque are correct for the 360 engine. However, the photograph of the D750 chassis shows the 330 engine (or possibly a 360 with a modified Minimec pump as the 360 engine is only fitted, as standard, with a DPA pump).

If the comparison test vehicle was, in fact, fitted with a 330 engine as 1 suspect, then it is interesting to note that the test results were obtained from the Ford-engined vehicle giving a maximum of 102.5 bhp net at 2,800 rpm, and 239 lb.ft. net torque at 1,600 rpm.

J. BROMSON, Canterbury, Kent.