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Bilkers bill

20th October 1978
Page 26
Page 26, 20th October 1978 — Bilkers bill
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

GREATER Manchester Transport is planning to put forward its own one-clause bill to Parliament to help it counteract fare evasion. The clause will be substantially the same as the recent excess fares clause dropped from the 1978 Transport Bill at the second report stage.

The GMT bill makes provision for bus crews to charge fare-dodgers a maximum fare of 50p or five times the fare evaded, whichever is greater.

To put the clause before Parliament will cost the PTE about £5,000 for the services of a Parliamentary Agent.

GMT is looking at the clause in detail with the Greater Manchester Police and the Trade Unions. The Police at present have some reservations about the scheme as they do not like the idea of bus crews being able to impose an on-the-spot fine.

Fare evasion at present costs Greater Manchester Transport about E2m per year. It also cost the PTE about E50 to prosecute any person caught dodging fares.