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Camm maintenancl record lets it down

20th October 1988
Page 14
Page 14, 20th October 1988 — Camm maintenancl record lets it down
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A bus and coach operator' poor maintenance record told against it when it applied for ; licence to run 10 new vehicle: Nottingham-based A Camm wanted the licence for its sist company, Canuns of Nottingham.

Following a recent inspection, Eastern Traffic Corrunissioner Brigadier Compton Bo: told director Patrick Harvey Comm that the fimi could onl■ run four vehicles, with an add tonal four in six months' time all went smoothly.

Vehicle inspector Alan Burton adjudged company unfit tc cope with such a large additio: to its fleet on top of the current 26.

"I do not think things are going to change overnight wit] a new manager or a separate company," he said.

Summing up, Boyd said he was delighted with the progress the company was making but warned; "The proof of the pudding will be in the eating."